public static void Improve(Permutation assignment, DoubleMatrix weights, DoubleMatrix distances, DoubleValue quality, IntValue localIterations, IntValue evaluatedSolutions, bool maximization, int maxIterations, CancellationToken cancellation)
     for (int i = localIterations.Value; i < maxIterations; i++)
         TranslocationMove bestMove    = null;
         double            bestQuality = 0; // we have to make an improvement, so 0 is the baseline
         double            evaluations = 0.0;
         foreach (var move in ExhaustiveInsertionMoveGenerator.Generate(assignment))
             double moveQuality = QAPTranslocationMoveEvaluator.Apply(assignment, move, weights, distances);
             int    min         = Math.Min(move.Index1, move.Index3);
             int    max         = Math.Max(move.Index2, move.Index3 + (move.Index2 - move.Index1));
             evaluations += 2.0 * (max - min + 1) / assignment.Length
                            + 4.0 * (assignment.Length - (max - min + 1)) / assignment.Length;
             if (maximization && moveQuality > bestQuality ||
                 !maximization && moveQuality < bestQuality)
                 bestQuality = moveQuality;
                 bestMove    = move;
         evaluatedSolutions.Value += (int)Math.Ceiling(evaluations);
         if (bestMove == null)
         TranslocationManipulator.Apply(assignment, bestMove.Index1, bestMove.Index2, bestMove.Index3);
         quality.Value += bestQuality;
Beispiel #2
        public override IOperation InstrumentedApply()
            IOperation next = base.InstrumentedApply();

            IVRPEncoding solution = VRPToursParameter.ActualValue;

            generator.PermutationParameter.ActualName = VRPToursParameter.ActualName;
            IAtomicOperation op = this.ExecutionContext.CreateChildOperation(generator);

            op.Operator.Execute((IExecutionContext)op, CancellationToken);

            foreach (IScope scope in this.ExecutionContext.Scope.SubScopes)
                IVariable moveVariable = scope.Variables[

                if (moveVariable.Value is TranslocationMove &&
                    !(moveVariable.Value is AlbaTranslocationMove))
                    TranslocationMove move = moveVariable.Value as TranslocationMove;
                    moveVariable.Value =
                        new AlbaTranslocationMove(
                            move.Index1, move.Index2, move.Index3, solution as AlbaEncoding);

        public static void Improve(Permutation assignment, DoubleMatrix distances, DoubleValue quality, IntValue localIterations, IntValue evaluatedSolutions, bool maximization, int maxIterations, DoubleArray probabilities, CancellationToken cancellation)
            var distanceM = (DistanceMatrix)distances;
            Func <int, int, double> distance = (a, b) => distanceM[a, b];

            for (var i = localIterations.Value; i < maxIterations; i++)
                TranslocationMove bestMove = null;
                var bestQuality            = quality.Value; // we have to make an improvement, so current quality is the baseline
                var evaluations            = 0.0;
                foreach (var move in ExhaustiveInsertionMoveGenerator.Generate(assignment))
                    var moveQuality = PTSPAnalyticalInsertionMoveEvaluator.EvaluateMove(assignment, move, distance, probabilities);
                    if (maximization && moveQuality > bestQuality ||
                        !maximization && moveQuality < bestQuality)
                        bestQuality = moveQuality;
                        bestMove    = move;
                evaluatedSolutions.Value += (int)Math.Ceiling(evaluations);
                if (bestMove == null)
                TranslocationManipulator.Apply(assignment, bestMove.Index1, bestMove.Index2, bestMove.Index3);
                quality.Value = bestQuality;
Beispiel #4
        public static double EvaluateMove(Permutation tour, TranslocationMove move, Func <int, int, double> distance, DoubleArray probabilities)
            var afterMove = (Permutation)tour.Clone();

            TranslocationManipulator.Apply(afterMove, move.Index1, move.Index1, move.Index3);
            return(AnalyticalProbabilisticTravelingSalesmanProblem.Evaluate(afterMove, distance, probabilities));
        protected override void EvaluateMove()
            TranslocationMove move = TranslocationMoveParameter.ActualValue;
            //perform move
            AlbaEncoding newSolution = move.Permutation.Clone() as AlbaEncoding;

            TranslocationManipulator.Apply(newSolution, move.Index1, move.Index2, move.Index3);

Beispiel #6
        protected override void PerformMove()
            IVariable moveVariable = this.ExecutionContext.Scope.Variables[
            TranslocationMove move = moveVariable.Value as TranslocationMove;

            VRPToursParameter.ActualValue = move.Permutation as AlbaEncoding;

            moveMaker.PermutationParameter.ActualName = VRPToursParameter.ActualName;
            IAtomicOperation op = this.ExecutionContext.CreateChildOperation(moveMaker);

            op.Operator.Execute((IExecutionContext)op, CancellationToken);
        public static double Apply(Permutation assignment, TranslocationMove move, DoubleMatrix weights, DoubleMatrix distances)
            double moveQuality = 0;
            int    min = Math.Min(move.Index1, move.Index3);
            int    max = Math.Max(move.Index2, move.Index3 + (move.Index2 - move.Index1));
            int    iOffset, changeOffset;

            if (move.Index1 < move.Index3)
                iOffset      = move.Index2 - move.Index1 + 1;
                changeOffset = min + max - move.Index2;
                iOffset      = move.Index1 - move.Index3;
                changeOffset = min + move.Index2 - move.Index1 + 1;
            for (int i = min; i <= max; i++)
                if (i == changeOffset)
                    iOffset -= (max - min + 1);
                int jOffset = ((move.Index1 < move.Index3) ? (move.Index2 - move.Index1 + 1) : (move.Index1 - move.Index3));
                for (int j = 0; j < assignment.Length; j++)
                    moveQuality -= weights[i, j] * distances[assignment[i], assignment[j]];
                    if (j < min || j > max)
                        moveQuality -= weights[j, i] * distances[assignment[j], assignment[i]];
                        moveQuality += weights[i, j] * distances[assignment[i + iOffset], assignment[j]];
                        moveQuality += weights[j, i] * distances[assignment[j], assignment[i + iOffset]];
                        if (j == changeOffset)
                            jOffset -= (max - min + 1);
                        moveQuality += weights[i, j] * distances[assignment[i + iOffset], assignment[j + jOffset]];
        public override IOperation Apply()
            TranslocationMove move = TranslocationMoveParameter.ActualValue;

            if (move == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Translocation move is not found.");
            Permutation  assignment = PermutationParameter.ActualValue;
            DoubleMatrix distances  = DistancesParameter.ActualValue;
            DoubleMatrix weights    = WeightsParameter.ActualValue;

            double moveQuality = QualityParameter.ActualValue.Value;

            moveQuality += Apply(assignment, move, weights, distances);
            MoveQualityParameter.ActualValue = new DoubleValue(moveQuality);
Beispiel #9
        public static double EvaluateByCoordinates(Permutation permutation, TranslocationMove move, DoubleMatrix coordinates, TSPTranslocationMovePathEvaluator evaluator)
            if (move.Index1 == move.Index3 ||
                move.Index2 == permutation.Length - 1 && move.Index3 == 0 ||
                move.Index1 == 0 && move.Index3 == permutation.Length - 1 - move.Index2)

            int edge1source = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index1 - 1);
            int edge1target = permutation[move.Index1];
            int edge2source = permutation[move.Index2];
            int edge2target = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index2 + 1);
            int edge3source, edge3target;

            if (move.Index3 > move.Index1)
                edge3source = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index3 + move.Index2 - move.Index1);
                edge3target = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index3 + move.Index2 - move.Index1 + 1);
                edge3source = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index3 - 1);
                edge3target = permutation[move.Index3];
            double moveQuality = 0;

            // remove three edges
            moveQuality -= evaluator.CalculateDistance(coordinates[edge1source, 0], coordinates[edge1source, 1],
                                                       coordinates[edge1target, 0], coordinates[edge1target, 1]);
            moveQuality -= evaluator.CalculateDistance(coordinates[edge2source, 0], coordinates[edge2source, 1],
                                                       coordinates[edge2target, 0], coordinates[edge2target, 1]);
            moveQuality -= evaluator.CalculateDistance(coordinates[edge3source, 0], coordinates[edge3source, 1],
                                                       coordinates[edge3target, 0], coordinates[edge3target, 1]);
            // add three edges
            moveQuality += evaluator.CalculateDistance(coordinates[edge3source, 0], coordinates[edge3source, 1],
                                                       coordinates[edge1target, 0], coordinates[edge1target, 1]);
            moveQuality += evaluator.CalculateDistance(coordinates[edge2source, 0], coordinates[edge2source, 1],
                                                       coordinates[edge3target, 0], coordinates[edge3target, 1]);
            moveQuality += evaluator.CalculateDistance(coordinates[edge1source, 0], coordinates[edge1source, 1],
                                                       coordinates[edge2target, 0], coordinates[edge2target, 1]);
Beispiel #10
        public static double EvaluateByDistanceMatrix(Permutation permutation, TranslocationMove move, DistanceMatrix distanceMatrix)
            if (move.Index1 == move.Index3 ||
                move.Index2 == permutation.Length - 1 && move.Index3 == 0 ||
                move.Index1 == 0 && move.Index3 == permutation.Length - 1 - move.Index2)

            int edge1source = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index1 - 1);
            int edge1target = permutation[move.Index1];
            int edge2source = permutation[move.Index2];
            int edge2target = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index2 + 1);
            int edge3source, edge3target;

            if (move.Index3 > move.Index1)
                edge3source = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index3 + move.Index2 - move.Index1);
                edge3target = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index3 + move.Index2 - move.Index1 + 1);
                edge3source = permutation.GetCircular(move.Index3 - 1);
                edge3target = permutation[move.Index3];
            double moveQuality = 0;

            // remove three edges
            moveQuality -= distanceMatrix[edge1source, edge1target];
            moveQuality -= distanceMatrix[edge2source, edge2target];
            moveQuality -= distanceMatrix[edge3source, edge3target];
            // add three edges
            moveQuality += distanceMatrix[edge3source, edge1target];
            moveQuality += distanceMatrix[edge2source, edge3target];
            moveQuality += distanceMatrix[edge1source, edge2target];
        public static double EvaluateMove(Permutation tour, TranslocationMove move, Func <int, int, double> distance, ItemList <BoolArray> realizations)
            var afterMove = (Permutation)tour.Clone();

            TranslocationManipulator.Apply(afterMove, move.Index1, move.Index1, move.Index3);
            double moveQuality = 0;
            var    edges       = new int[12];
            var    indices     = new int[12];

            edges[0]   = tour.GetCircular(move.Index1 - 1);
            indices[0] = DecreaseCircularIndex(tour.Length, move.Index1);
            edges[1]   = tour[move.Index1];
            indices[1] = move.Index1;
            edges[2]   = tour[move.Index1];
            indices[2] = move.Index1;
            edges[3]   = tour.GetCircular(move.Index1 + 1);
            indices[3] = IncreaseCircularIndex(tour.Length, move.Index1);

            edges[6]   = afterMove.GetCircular(move.Index3 - 1);
            indices[6] = DecreaseCircularIndex(afterMove.Length, move.Index3);
            edges[7]   = afterMove[move.Index3];
            indices[7] = move.Index3;
            edges[8]   = afterMove[move.Index3];
            indices[8] = move.Index3;
            edges[9]   = afterMove.GetCircular(move.Index3 + 1);
            indices[9] = IncreaseCircularIndex(afterMove.Length, move.Index3);

            if (move.Index3 > move.Index1)
                edges[4]    = tour[move.Index3];
                indices[4]  = move.Index3;
                edges[5]    = tour.GetCircular(move.Index3 + 1);
                indices[5]  = indices[9];
                edges[10]   = afterMove.GetCircular(move.Index1 - 1);
                indices[10] = indices[0];
                edges[11]   = afterMove[move.Index1];
                indices[11] = move.Index1;
                edges[4]    = tour.GetCircular(move.Index3 - 1);
                indices[4]  = indices[6];
                edges[5]    = tour[move.Index3];
                indices[5]  = move.Index3;
                edges[10]   = afterMove[move.Index1];
                indices[10] = move.Index1;
                edges[11]   = afterMove.GetCircular(move.Index1 + 1);
                indices[11] = indices[3];
            int[] aPosteriori = new int[12];
            foreach (var realization in realizations)
                for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
                    Permutation tempPermutation;
                    if (i < 6)
                        tempPermutation = tour;
                        tempPermutation = afterMove;
                    if (realization[edges[i]])
                        aPosteriori[i] = edges[i];
                        int j = 1;
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            // find nearest predecessor in realization if source edge
                            while (!realization[tempPermutation.GetCircular(indices[i] - j)])
                            aPosteriori[i] = tempPermutation.GetCircular(indices[i] - j);
                            // find nearest successor in realization if target edge
                            while (!realization[tempPermutation.GetCircular(indices[i] + j)])
                            aPosteriori[i] = tempPermutation.GetCircular(indices[i] + j);
                if (!(aPosteriori[0] == aPosteriori[2] && aPosteriori[1] == aPosteriori[3]) &&
                    !(aPosteriori[0] == aPosteriori[4] && aPosteriori[1] == aPosteriori[5]) &&
                    !(aPosteriori[2] == aPosteriori[4] && aPosteriori[3] == aPosteriori[5]))
                    // compute cost difference between the two a posteriori solutions
                    moveQuality = moveQuality + distance(aPosteriori[6], aPosteriori[7]) + distance(aPosteriori[8], aPosteriori[9]) + distance(aPosteriori[10], aPosteriori[11]);
                    moveQuality = moveQuality - distance(aPosteriori[0], aPosteriori[1]) - distance(aPosteriori[2], aPosteriori[3]) - distance(aPosteriori[4], aPosteriori[5]);
                Array.Clear(aPosteriori, 0, aPosteriori.Length);
            // return average of cost differences
            return(moveQuality / realizations.Count);