Beispiel #1
        public bool setOrbitMode(string orbitObject, TransformF orbitPoint, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float initDistance, bool ownClientObj = false, Point3F offset = null, bool lockedx = false)
            if (offset == null)
                offset = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setOrbitMode(_ID, orbitObject, orbitPoint.AsString(), minDistance, maxDistance, initDistance, ownClientObj, offset.AsString(), lockedx));
Beispiel #2
        public void setOrbitPoint(TransformF orbitPoint, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float initDistance, Point3F offset = null, bool lockedx = false)
            if (offset == null)
                offset = new Point3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            pInvokes.m_ts.fnCamera_setOrbitPoint(_ID, orbitPoint.AsString(), minDistance, maxDistance, initDistance, offset.AsString(), lockedx);
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the object's transform (orientation and position).
 ///    @param txfm object transform to set )
 /// </summary>
 public void setTransform(TransformF txfm)
     TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnSceneObject_setTransform(_mSimObjectId, txfm.AsString());
 /// <summary>
 /// @brief Mount objB to this object at the desired slot with optional transform.
 ///    @param objB  Object to mount onto us
 ///    @param slot  Mount slot ID
 ///    @param txfm (optional) mount offset transform
 ///    @return true if successful, false if failed (objB is not valid) )
 /// </summary>
 public bool mountObject(string objB, int slot, TransformF txfm)
     return(TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnSceneObject_mountObject(_mSimObjectId, objB, slot, txfm.AsString()));
 public void pushFront(TransformF transform, float speed = 1.0f, string type = "Normal", string path = "Linear")
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnTSPathShape_pushFront(_ID, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);
Beispiel #6
 public void pushBack(TransformF transform, float speed = 1.0f, string type = "Normal", string path = "Linear")
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnPathCamera_pushBack(_ID, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);
 public bool checkDeployPos(TransformF txfm)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_checkDeployPos(_ID, txfm.AsString()));
Beispiel #8
 public void TurretShapeDataDamage(coTurretShape thisobj, coShapeBase sourceObject, TransformF position, float damage, string damagetype)
     ((coTurretShapeData)(thisobj.getDataBlock())).call("damage", thisobj, position.AsString(), sourceObject, damage.AsString(), damagetype);
Beispiel #9
 public void setTransform(TransformF txfm)
     pInvokes.m_ts.fnSceneObject_setTransform(_ID, txfm.AsString());
Beispiel #10
 public bool play3D(string profile, TransformF location)
     return(pInvokes.m_ts.fnGameConnection_play3D(_ID, profile, location.AsString()));
 /// <summary>
 /// @brief Used on the server to play a 3D sound that is not attached to any object.
 ///    @param profile The SFXProfile that defines the sound to play.
 ///    @param location The position and orientation of the 3D sound given in the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\".
 ///    @tsexample
 ///    function ServerPlay3D(%profile,%transform)
 ///    {
 ///       // Play the given sound profile at the given position on every client
 ///       // The sound will be transmitted as an event, not attached to any object.
 ///       for(%idx = 0; %idx  ClientGroup.getCount(); %idx++)
 ///          ClientGroup.getObject(%idx).play3D(%profile,%transform);
 ///    }
 ///    @endtsexample)
 /// </summary>
 public bool play3D(string profile, TransformF location)
     return(TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnGameConnection_play3D(_mSimObjectId, profile, location.AsString()));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// @brief Check if there is the space at the given transform is free to spawn into.
 ///    The shape's bounding box volume is used to check for collisions at the given world
 ///    transform.  Only interior and static objects are checked for collision.
 ///    @param txfm Deploy transform to check
 ///    @return True if the space is free, false if there is already something in
 ///    the way.
 ///    @note This is a server side only check, and is not actually limited to spawning.)
 /// </summary>
 public bool checkDeployPos(TransformF txfm)
     return(TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnShapeBaseData_checkDeployPos(_mSimObjectId, txfm.AsString()));
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Normal, Linear),
 ///                                                   @brief Adds a new knot to the front of a path camera's path.
 ///                                                     @param transform Transform for the new knot. In the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform()
 ///                                                     @param speed Speed setting for this knot.
 ///                                                     @param type Knot type (Normal, Position Only, Kink).
 ///                                                     @param path %Path type (Linear, Spline).
 ///                                                     @tsexample
 ///                                                         // Transform vector for new knot. (Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z,Rot_X,Rot_Y,Rot_Z,Angle)
 ///                                                         %transform = \"15.0 5.0 5.0 1.4 1.0 0.2 1.0\"
 ///                                                         // Speed setting for knot.
 ///                                                         %speed = \"1.0\";
 ///                                                         // Knot type. (Normal, Position Only, Kink)
 ///                                                         %type = \"Normal\";
 ///                                                         // Path Type. (Linear, Spline)
 ///                                                         %path = \"Linear\";
 ///                                                         // Inform the path camera to add a new knot to the front of its path
 ///                                                         %pathCamera.pushFront(%transform, %speed, %type, %path);
 ///                                                     @endtsexample)
 /// </summary>
 public void pushFront(TransformF transform, float speed, string type, string path)
     TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnPathCamera_pushFront(_mSimObjectId, transform.AsString(), speed, type, path);
 public void addItemWithTransform(string data, TransformF trans, float scale)
     m_ts.fnForest_addItemWithTransform(_ID, data, trans.AsString(), scale);
Beispiel #15
/// <summary>
/// Set the camera to orbit around a given point.
///                     @param orbitPoint The point to orbit around.  In the form of \"x y z ax ay az aa\" such as returned by SceneObject::getTransform().
///                     @param minDistance The minimum distance allowed to the orbit object or point.
///                     @param maxDistance The maximum distance allowed from the orbit object or point.
///                     @param initDistance The initial distance from the orbit object or point.
///                     @param offset [optional] An offset added to the camera's position.  Default is no offset.
///                     @param locked [optional] Indicates the camera does not receive input from the player.  Default is false.
///                     @see Camera::setOrbitMode())
/// </summary>
        public void setOrbitPoint(TransformF orbitPoint, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float initDistance, Point3F offset, bool xlocked)
            TorqueScriptTemplate.m_ts.fnCamera_setOrbitPoint(_mSimObjectId, orbitPoint.AsString(), minDistance, maxDistance, initDistance, offset.AsString(), xlocked);