Beispiel #1
 private void Timeout()
     if ((!_complete) && (null != _expectedCurrent))
         TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;
         if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
         catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
             // Tolerate the fact that the transaction has already been disposed.
             if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                 etwLog.ExceptionConsumed(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceBase, ex);
         catch (TransactionException txEx)
             // Tolerate transaction exceptions
             if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                 etwLog.ExceptionConsumed(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceBase, txEx);
Beispiel #2
 protected override void InternalPrepare()
     catch (TransactionAbortedException e)
         TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;
         if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
     catch (TransactionInDoubtException e)
         TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;
         if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
    internal bool CallProxyReenlistComplete()
        bool success = false;

        if (RecoveryCompleteCalledByApplication)
                localResourceManagerShim = ResourceManagerShim;
                if (localResourceManagerShim != null)
                    success = true;
                // If we don't have an iResourceManagerOletx, just tell the caller that
                // we weren't successful and it will schedule a retry.
            catch (COMException ex)
                // If we get a TMDown error, eat it and indicate that we were unsuccessful.
                if (ex.ErrorCode == OletxHelper.XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN ||
                    ex.ErrorCode == OletxHelper.XACT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE)
                    success = false;

                    TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;
                    if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                        etwLog.ExceptionConsumed(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, ex);

                // We might get an XACT_E_RECOVERYALREADYDONE if there are multiple OletxTransactionManager
                // objects for the same backend TM.  We can safely ignore this error.
                else if (ex.ErrorCode != OletxHelper.XACT_E_RECOVERYALREADYDONE)
                // Getting XACT_E_RECOVERYALREADYDONE is considered success.
                    success = true;
                localResourceManagerShim = null;
        else  // The application has not yet called RecoveryComplete, so lie just a little.
            success = true;

    internal static uint AdjustTimeout(TimeSpan timeout)
        uint returnTimeout = 0;

            returnTimeout = Convert.ToUInt32(timeout.TotalMilliseconds, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
        catch (OverflowException caughtEx)
            // timeout.TotalMilliseconds might be negative, so let's catch overflow exceptions, just in case.
            TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;
            if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                etwLog.ExceptionConsumed(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, caughtEx);

            returnTimeout = uint.MaxValue;
    internal void ReenlistThread(object?state)
        int                 localLoopCount;
        bool                done;
        OletxEnlistment?    localEnlistment;
        bool                success;
        Timer?              localTimer        = null;
        bool                disposeLocalTimer = false;

        OletxResourceManager resourceManager = (OletxResourceManager)state !;

            TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;
            if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                etwLog.MethodEnter(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, this, $"{nameof(OletxResourceManager)}.{nameof(ReenlistThread)}");

            lock (resourceManager)
                localResourceManagerShim = resourceManager.ResourceManagerShim;
                localTimer = resourceManager.ReenlistThreadTimer;
                resourceManager.ReenlistThreadTimer = null;
                resourceManager.reenlistThread      = Thread.CurrentThread;

            // We only want to do work if we have a resourceManagerShim.
            if (localResourceManagerShim != null)
                lock (resourceManager.ReenlistList)
                    // Get the current count on the list.
                    localLoopCount = resourceManager.ReenlistList.Count;

                done = false;
                while (!done && localLoopCount > 0 && localResourceManagerShim != null)
                    lock (resourceManager.ReenlistList)
                        localEnlistment = null;
                        if (resourceManager.ReenlistList.Count == 0)
                            done = true;
                            localEnlistment = resourceManager.ReenlistList[0] as OletxEnlistment;
                            if (localEnlistment == null)
                                if (etwLog.IsEnabled())

                                throw TransactionException.Create(SR.InternalError, null);

                            object syncRoot = localEnlistment;
                            lock (syncRoot)
                                if (OletxEnlistment.OletxEnlistmentState.Done == localEnlistment.State)
                                    // We may be racing with a RecoveryComplete here.  Just forget about this
                                    // enlistment.
                                    localEnlistment = null;

                                else if (OletxEnlistment.OletxEnlistmentState.Prepared != localEnlistment.State)
                                    // The app hasn't yet responded to Prepare, so we don't know
                                    // if it is indoubt or not yet.  So just re-add it to the end
                                    // of the list.
                                    localEnlistment = null;

                    if (localEnlistment != null)
                        OletxTransactionOutcome localOutcome = OletxTransactionOutcome.NotKnownYet;
                            Debug.Assert(localResourceManagerShim != null, "ReenlistThread - localResourceManagerShim is null");

                            // Make sure we have a prepare info.
                            if (localEnlistment.ProxyPrepareInfoByteArray == null)
                                Debug.Assert(false, string.Format(null, "this.prepareInfoByteArray == null in RecoveryInformation()"));
                                if (etwLog.IsEnabled())

                                throw TransactionException.Create(SR.InternalError, null);

                            localResourceManagerShim.Reenlist(localEnlistment.ProxyPrepareInfoByteArray, out localOutcome);

                            if (localOutcome == OletxTransactionOutcome.NotKnownYet)
                                object syncRoot = localEnlistment;
                                lock (syncRoot)
                                    if (OletxEnlistment.OletxEnlistmentState.Done == localEnlistment.State)
                                        // We may be racing with a RecoveryComplete here.  Just forget about this
                                        // enlistment.
                                        localEnlistment = null;
                                        // Put the enlistment back on the end of the list for retry later.
                                        lock (resourceManager.ReenlistList)
                                            localEnlistment = null;
                        catch (COMException ex) when(ex.ErrorCode == OletxHelper.XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN)
                            if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                                etwLog.ExceptionConsumed(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, ex);

                            // Release the resource manager so we can create a new one.
                            resourceManager.ResourceManagerShim = null;

                            // Now create a new resource manager with the proxy.
                            localResourceManagerShim = resourceManager.ResourceManagerShim;

                        // If we get here and we still have localEnlistment, then we got the outcome.
                        if (localEnlistment != null)
                            object syncRoot = localEnlistment;
                            lock (syncRoot)
                                if (OletxEnlistment.OletxEnlistmentState.Done == localEnlistment.State)
                                    // We may be racing with a RecoveryComplete here.  Just forget about this
                                    // enlistment.
                                    localEnlistment = null;
                                    // We are going to send the notification to the RM.  We need to put the
                                    // enlistment on the reenlistPendingList.  We lock the reenlistList because
                                    // we have decided that is the lock that protects both lists.  The entry will
                                    // be taken off the reenlistPendingList when the enlistment has
                                    // EnlistmentDone called on it.  The enlistment will call
                                    // RemoveFromReenlistPending.
                                    lock (resourceManager.ReenlistList)

                                    if (localOutcome == OletxTransactionOutcome.Committed)
                                        localEnlistment.State = OletxEnlistment.OletxEnlistmentState.Committing;

                                        if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                                            etwLog.EnlistmentStatus(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, localEnlistment.EnlistmentTraceId, NotificationCall.Commit);

                                        localEnlistment.EnlistmentNotification !.Commit(localEnlistment);
                                    else if (localOutcome == OletxTransactionOutcome.Aborted)
                                        localEnlistment.State = OletxEnlistment.OletxEnlistmentState.Aborting;

                                        if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                                            etwLog.EnlistmentStatus(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, localEnlistment.EnlistmentTraceId, NotificationCall.Rollback);

                                        localEnlistment.EnlistmentNotification !.Rollback(localEnlistment);
                                        if (etwLog.IsEnabled())

                                        throw TransactionException.Create(SR.InternalError, null);
                        } // end of if null != localEnlistment
                    }     // end of if null != localEnlistment

            localResourceManagerShim = null;

            // Check to see if there is more work to do.
            lock (resourceManager.ReenlistList)
                lock (resourceManager)
                    // Get the current count on the list.
                    localLoopCount = resourceManager.ReenlistList.Count;
                    if (localLoopCount <= 0 && resourceManager.ReenlistPendingList.Count <= 0)
                        // No more entries on the list.  Try calling ReenlistComplete on the proxy, if
                        // appropriate.
                        // If the application has called RecoveryComplete,
                        // we are responsible for calling ReenlistComplete on the
                        // proxy.
                        success = resourceManager.CallProxyReenlistComplete();
                        if (success)
                            // Okay, the reenlist thread is done and we don't need to schedule another one.
                            disposeLocalTimer = true;
                            // We couldn't talk to the proxy to do ReenlistComplete, so schedule
                            // the thread again for 10 seconds from now.
                            resourceManager.ReenlistThreadTimer = localTimer;
                            if (!localTimer !.Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite))
                                throw TransactionException.CreateInvalidOperationException(
                        // There are still entries on the list, so they must not be
                        // resovled, yet.  Schedule the thread again in 10 seconds.
                        resourceManager.ReenlistThreadTimer = localTimer;
                        if (!localTimer !.Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite))
                            throw TransactionException.CreateInvalidOperationException(

                    resourceManager.reenlistThread = null;

                if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                    etwLog.MethodExit(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, this, $"{nameof(OletxResourceManager)}.{nameof(ReenlistThread)}");
        }  // end of outer-most try
            localResourceManagerShim = null;
            if (disposeLocalTimer && localTimer != null)
    }  // end of ReenlistThread method;
    internal OletxEnlistment Reenlist(byte[] prepareInfo, IEnlistmentNotificationInternal enlistmentNotification)
        OletxTransactionOutcome outcome    = OletxTransactionOutcome.NotKnownYet;
        OletxTransactionStatus  xactStatus = OletxTransactionStatus.OLETX_TRANSACTION_STATUS_NONE;

        if (prepareInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(prepareInfo));

        // Verify that the resource manager guid in the recovery info matches that of the calling resource manager.
        byte[] rmGuidArray = new byte[16];
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            rmGuidArray[i] = prepareInfo[i + 16];
        Guid rmGuid = new(rmGuidArray);

        if (rmGuid != ResourceManagerIdentifier)
            throw TransactionException.Create(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, SR.ResourceManagerIdDoesNotMatchRecoveryInformation, null);

        // Ask the proxy resource manager to reenlist.
        ResourceManagerShim?localResourceManagerShim = null;

            localResourceManagerShim = ResourceManagerShim;
            if (localResourceManagerShim == null)
                // The TM must be down.  Throw the exception that will get caught below and will cause
                // the enlistment to start the ReenlistThread.  The TMDown thread will be trying to reestablish
                // connection with the TM and will start the reenlist thread when it does.
                throw new COMException(SR.DtcTransactionManagerUnavailable, OletxHelper.XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN);

            // Only wait for 5 milliseconds.  If the TM doesn't have the outcome now, we will
            // put the enlistment on the reenlistList for later processing.
            localResourceManagerShim.Reenlist(prepareInfo, out outcome);

            if (OletxTransactionOutcome.Committed == outcome)
                xactStatus = OletxTransactionStatus.OLETX_TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMMITTED;
            else if (OletxTransactionOutcome.Aborted == outcome)
                xactStatus = OletxTransactionStatus.OLETX_TRANSACTION_STATUS_ABORTED;
            else  // we must not know the outcome yet.
                xactStatus = OletxTransactionStatus.OLETX_TRANSACTION_STATUS_PREPARED;
        catch (COMException ex) when(ex.ErrorCode == OletxHelper.XACT_E_CONNECTION_DOWN)
            xactStatus          = OletxTransactionStatus.OLETX_TRANSACTION_STATUS_PREPARED;
            ResourceManagerShim = null;

            TransactionsEtwProvider etwLog = TransactionsEtwProvider.Log;

            if (etwLog.IsEnabled())
                etwLog.ExceptionConsumed(TraceSourceType.TraceSourceOleTx, ex);
            localResourceManagerShim = null;

        // Now create our enlistment to tell the client the outcome.
        return(new OletxEnlistment(enlistmentNotification, xactStatus, prepareInfo, this));