protected override void Awake()
        areaLockAnimator = null;

        /*halmeida - set the animator to null because the Awake of the base class will call Clear(), and
         * the redefinition of Clear() in this class asks if the animator is null.*/
        graph                 = null;
        cost                  = 0;
        paid                  = 0;
        payment               = 0;
        paymentInitialValue   = PAYMENT_INITIAL_VALUE;
        paymentChangeFactor   = PAYMENT_CHANGE_FACTOR_1;
        paymentsToChange      = PAYMENTS_TO_CHANGE;
        paymentsDone          = 0;
        paymentDuration       = PAYMENT_DURATION;
        paymentElapsed        = 0f;
        transactionBoxManager = TransactionBoxManager.Instance;
        transactionAgent      = null;
        transactionCreated    = false;
        runningMiddleWave     = false;

        continuousEffect = true;
Beispiel #2
 void Awake()
     cameraObject           = null;
     cameraComponent        = null;
     cameraController       = null;
     inputCollider          = gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     inputColliderOriWidth  = 0f;
     inputColliderOriHeight = 0f;
     inputColliderAltWidth  = 0f;
     inputColliderAltHeight = 0f;
     inputColliderAltered   = false;
     colliderValid          = false;
     gameController         = null;
     challengeEditor        = null;
     challengeCanvas        = null;
     challengeStage         = null;
     menu                  = null;
     textBoxUIManager      = null;
     textBoxManager        = null;
     transactionBoxManager = null;
     loadVirtualKeypad     = false;
             #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR
     loadVirtualKeypad = true;
     interfaceCanvasObject      = null;
     interfaceCanvas            = null;
     interfaceCanvasScreenRect  = new Rect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
     halfCanvasScreenWidth      = 0f;
     halfCanvasScreenHeight     = 0f;
     interfaceCanvasFactor      = 0f;
     stickLeftBackgroundObject  = null;
     stickLeftForegroundObject  = null;
     stickRightBackgroundObject = null;
     stickRightForegroundObject = null;
     stickLeftBackgroundTrans   = null;
     stickLeftForegroundTrans   = null;
     stickRightBackgroundTrans  = null;
     stickRightForegroundTrans  = null;
     stickLeftBackgroundImage   = null;
     stickLeftForegroundImage   = null;
     stickRightBackgroundImage  = null;
     stickRightForegroundImage  = null;
     buttonObjectPause          = null;
     buttonComponentPause       = null;
     buttonTriggerPause         = null;
     buttonImagePause           = null;
     actionPressPause           = null;
     visualBlockRequested       = false;
     functionalBlockRequested   = false;
     blockerEventIDs            = null;
     controlsEnabled            = false;
     virtualKeypadVisible       = false;
     cameraPixelWidth           = 0;
     cameraPixelHeight          = 0;
     draggingLeftStick          = false;
     draggingRightStick         = false;
     stickLeftNeutralPos        =;
     stickLeftTiltedPos         =;
     stickLeftDirection         =;
     stickRightNeutralPos       =;
     stickRightTiltedPos        =;
     stickRightDirection        =;
     stickActiveRadius          = STICK_ACTIVE_RADIUS;
     stickActiveRadiusSqr       = stickActiveRadius * stickActiveRadius;
     stickMaxRadius             = STICK_MAX_RADIUS;
     if (stickMaxRadius < stickActiveRadius)
         stickMaxRadius = stickActiveRadius;
     stickMaxRadiusSqr = stickMaxRadius * stickMaxRadius;
Beispiel #3
 public void SetBoxManagers(TextBoxUIManager newTextBoxUIManager, TextBoxManager newTextBoxManager, TransactionBoxManager newTransactionBoxManager)
     textBoxUIManager      = newTextBoxUIManager;
     textBoxManager        = newTextBoxManager;
     transactionBoxManager = newTransactionBoxManager;