public void wgs84_to_euref89_transformation_correct_for_Vandtaarnsvej()
            var coordinateTransformation = new TrLibCoordinateTransformation();

            var from = new Point()
                X      = 12.47756,
                Y      = 55.73517,
                EpsgId = 4326

            var to = coordinateTransformation.Transform(from, 25832);

            Assert.AreEqual(718319.537, Math.Truncate(1000 * to.X) / 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(6182083.673, Math.Truncate(1000 * to.Y) / 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(25832, to.EpsgId);
        public void s34s_to_euref89_transformation_correct_for_smallest_possible_values()
            var coordinateTransformation = new TrLibCoordinateTransformation();

            var from = new Point()
                X      = 31610,
                Y      = 78692,
                EpsgId = 34005

            var to = coordinateTransformation.Transform(from, 25832);

            Assert.AreEqual(766008.927, Math.Truncate(1000 * to.X) / 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(6114767.329, Math.Truncate(1000 * to.Y) / 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(25832, to.EpsgId);
        public void s34s_to_euref89_transformation_correct_for_Amalienborg()
            var coordinateTransformation = new TrLibCoordinateTransformation();

            var from = new Point()
                X      = 70522.9080,
                Y      = 141451.6275,
                EpsgId = 34005

            var to = coordinateTransformation.Transform(from, 25832);

            Assert.AreEqual(725859.521, Math.Truncate(1000 * to.X) / 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(6176769.440, Math.Truncate(1000 * to.Y) / 1000);
            Assert.AreEqual(25832, to.EpsgId);