public void UpdateProjectileStats(int _towerPath, int _towerLevel)
     assignedStats = projectileStatsTracker.UpgradeProjectileStats(_towerPath, _towerLevel); //Gets the projectile stats from the projectile tracker
     assignedStats.ResetStats();                                                             //Makes sure the stats are kept to assigned values
     delayBetweenAttacks = assignedStats.DelayBetweenAttacks;
     Damage = assignedStats.ProjectileDamage;
 private void Awake()
     projectileStatsTracker = GetComponent <scrTowerProjectileStatsRecorder>();
     _pooler       = GetComponent <ObjectPooler>();             //Gets the specific instance of a pooler script attached to THIS GAMEOBJECT
     assignedStats = projectileStatsTracker.SetInitialStasts(); //Initializes the stats as that of the default verson