public void ThrowArgumentNullExceptionIfSerializeTourStepsListParameterisNull()
            // Arrange
            TourStepsList tourStepsList = null;

            // Act and assert
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes an instance of a <see cref="TourStepsList"/> into JSON string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tourStepsList">The instance of <see cref="TourStepsList"/> to be deserialized.</param>
        /// <returns>The serialized JSON string from an instance of a <see cref="TourStepsList"/>.</returns>
        public static string SerializetourStepsList(TourStepsList tourStepsList)
            if (tourStepsList == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tourStepsList), "The list of tour steps cannot be null.");

            string tourStepsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tourStepsList, Formatting.Indented);

        public void SerializeTourStepsListIfTourStepsListParameterIsEmptyCollection()
            // Arrange
            var emptyTourStepsList = new TourStepsList();

            // Act
            var tourStepsJson = Services.TourStepsService.SerializetourStepsList(emptyTourStepsList);

            // Assert
        public void SerializeListOfTourStepsIntoJsonString()
            /* Arrange */

            // create list of two tour-steps
            var tourSteps = new List <TourStepsModel>()
                new TourStepsModel()
                    Target             = ".sign-in-section",
                    Content            = "When you're signed in, you can run all queries with all request options. We recommend that you sign in with a sample Azure AD account where you are the tenant admin.",
                    DirectionalHint    = 10,
                    SpotlightClicks    = true,
                    HideCloseButton    = true,
                    AutoNext           = false,
                    DisableBeacon      = true,
                    Advanced           = true,
                    Title              = "Sign in",
                    ExpectedActionType = "PROFILE_REQUEST_SUCCESS",
                    Query              =
                        SelectedVerb    = TourStepsModel.QueryObject.HttpMethods.GET,
                        SelectedVersion = "v1.0",
                        SampleUrl       = ""
                    DocsLink = "",
                    Active   = true
                new TourStepsModel()
                    Target             = ".query-box",
                    Content            = "You can type your Graph queries here. It has an autocomplete feature as well as links to the docs for some queries. Add a '/m' at the end then scroll and choose 'me' from the autocomplete suggestions. Click 'Run query' to run this query",
                    DirectionalHint    = 10,
                    SpotlightClicks    = true,
                    HideCloseButton    = true,
                    Title              = "Want to run a Graph API query?",
                    AutoNext           = false,
                    DisableBeacon      = true,
                    ExpectedActionType = "QUERY_GRAPH_SUCCESS",
                    Query              =
                        SelectedVerb    = TourStepsModel.QueryObject.HttpMethods.GET,
                        SelectedVersion = "v1.0",
                        SampleUrl       = ""
                    Advanced = true,
                    DocsLink = "",
                    Active   = true

            var tourStepsList = new TourStepsList()
                TourSteps = tourSteps

            // Act

            // Get serialized JSON string of the list of tour steps
            var newTourStepsJson = Services.TourStepsService.SerializetourStepsList(tourStepsList);

            // Assert