// Token: 0x06000887 RID: 2183 RVA: 0x00037394 File Offset: 0x00035794 public Vector2 GetVecEx(TouchStick.StickPosMode vis) { float dirCodeAngle = this.angle; float num = this.tilt; switch (vis) { case TouchStick.StickPosMode.FULL_ANALOG: return(this.posRaw); case TouchStick.StickPosMode.ANALOG_8WAY: dirCodeAngle = TouchStick.GetDirCodeAngle(this.dir8way); num = ((this.dir8way == TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) ? 0f : num); break; case TouchStick.StickPosMode.ANALOG_4WAY: dirCodeAngle = TouchStick.GetDirCodeAngle(this.dir4way); num = ((this.dir4way == TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) ? 0f : num); break; case TouchStick.StickPosMode.DIGITAL_8WAY: dirCodeAngle = TouchStick.GetDirCodeAngle(this.dir8way); num = (float)((this.dir8way == TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) ? 0 : 1); break; case TouchStick.StickPosMode.DIGITAL_4WAY: dirCodeAngle = TouchStick.GetDirCodeAngle(this.dir4way); num = (float)((this.dir4way == TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) ? 0 : 1); break; } return(TouchStick.RotateVec2(new Vector2(0f, 1f), dirCodeAngle) * num); }
// Token: 0x06000888 RID: 2184 RVA: 0x0003748C File Offset: 0x0003588C public Vector3 GetVec3d(bool normalized, float orientByAngle) { Vector2 pos = (!normalized) ? this.posRaw : this.dirVec; if (orientByAngle != 0f) { pos = TouchStick.RotateVec2(pos, orientByAngle); } return(new Vector3(pos.x, 0f, pos.y)); }
// Token: 0x060008BB RID: 2235 RVA: 0x000381F8 File Offset: 0x000365F8 public static TouchStick.StickDir GetDirCodeFromAngle(float ang, bool as8way) { ang += ((!as8way) ? 45f : 22.5f); ang = TouchStick.NormalizeAnglePositive(ang); if (as8way) { if (ang < 45f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.U); } if (ang < 90f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.UR); } if (ang < 135f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.R); } if (ang < 180f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.DR); } if (ang < 225f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.D); } if (ang < 270f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.DL); } if (ang < 315f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.L); } return(TouchStick.StickDir.UL); } else { if (ang < 90f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.U); } if (ang < 180f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.R); } if (ang < 270f) { return(TouchStick.StickDir.D); } return(TouchStick.StickDir.L); } }
// EXECUTABLE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public override bool InstantExecute(GameObject target, IAction[] actions, int index) { { touchStick = TouchStickManager.Instance.GetComponentInChildren <TouchStick>(); if (touchStick != null) { touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.localScale += new Vector3(resizeamount.GetValue(target), resizeamount.GetValue(target), 0); m_RectTransform = touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform; touchStick.joystick.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector3.zero; } } return(true); }
// Token: 0x06000889 RID: 2185 RVA: 0x000374DC File Offset: 0x000358DC public Vector3 GetVec3d(TouchStick.Vec3DMode vecMode, bool normalized, float orientByAngle) { Vector2 pos = (!normalized) ? this.posRaw : this.dirVec; if (orientByAngle != 0f) { pos = TouchStick.RotateVec2(pos, orientByAngle); } if (vecMode == TouchStick.Vec3DMode.XY) { return(new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, 0f)); } if (vecMode != TouchStick.Vec3DMode.XZ) { return(Vector3.zero); } return(new Vector3(pos.x, 0f, pos.y)); }
//private int uiDisable; private void Start() { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(mushroomdirection, 0); // // get the transform of the main camera // if (Camera.main != null) // { // m_Cam = Camera.main.transform; // } // else // { // Debug.LogWarning( // "Warning: no main camera found. Third person character needs a Camera tagged \"MainCamera\", for camera-relative controls."); // // we use self-relative controls in this case, which probably isn't what the user wants, but hey, we warned them! // } // get the third person character ( this should never be null due to require component ) m_Character = GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter>(); walkStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_WALK); }
private void TouchController() { if (this.ctrl) { TouchStick walkStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_WALK), rotateStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_ROTATE); if (IsClick()) { return; } if (walkStick.Pressed() && false == walkStick.disableGui) { var playerController = PlayerController.Instance; playerController.EnableMove(); Vector3 PremoveXZ = walkStick.GetVec3d(true, 0); playerController.TouchMove(PremoveXZ.x, PremoveXZ.z); } else if (rotateStick.Pressed() && false == rotateStick.disableGui) { if (null == CameraController.Instance.cameraController) { return; } Vector3 PreroateXZ = rotateStick.GetVec3d(true, 0); CameraController.Instance.cameraController.RotateCamera(PreroateXZ.x, PreroateXZ.z); } else { PlayerController.Instance.DisableMove(); } } }
// ---------------- public void ControlByTouch() { if (this.touchCtrl == null) { return; } // Get controls' references... TouchStick stickWalk = this.touchCtrl.GetStick(DemoFppGameCS.STICK_WALK); TouchZone zoneAim = this.touchCtrl.GetZone(DemoFppGameCS.ZONE_AIM); TouchZone zoneFire = this.touchCtrl.GetZone(DemoFppGameCS.ZONE_FIRE); TouchZone zoneZoom = this.touchCtrl.GetZone(DemoFppGameCS.ZONE_ZOOM); TouchZone zoneReload = this.touchCtrl.GetZone(DemoFppGameCS.ZONE_RELOAD); // If Walk stick is pressed... if (stickWalk.Pressed()) { // ... use it's unnormalized direction vector to control walking. Vector2 moveVec = stickWalk.GetVec(); this.SetWalkSpeed(moveVec.y, moveVec.x); } // Stop walking when stick is released... else { this.SetWalkSpeed(0, 0); } // Firing... // Set weapons trigger by getting the Fire zone pressed state // (include mid-frame press) this.SetTriggerState(zoneFire.UniPressed(true, false)); // Reload on Reload zone press (including mid-frame press and release situations). if (zoneReload.JustUniPressed(true, true)) { this.ReloadWeapon(); } // Toggle zoom mode, when tapped on zoom-zone... if (zoneZoom.JustTapped()) { this.zoomActive = !this.zoomActive; } // Zoom dragging... if (this.zoomActive && zoneZoom.UniPressed(false, false)) { // Store inital zoom factor... if (!this.isZoomDragging) { this.isZoomDragging = true; this.zoomFactorRaw = this.zoomFactor; } // Change zoom factor by RAW vertical unified-touch drag delta // queried in centimeters and scaled... this.zoomFactorRaw += (this.zoomFactorPerCm * zoneZoom.GetUniDragDelta(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_CM, true).y); this.zoomFactor = Mathf.Clamp(this.zoomFactorRaw, 0, 1); } else { this.isZoomDragging = false; } // Aim, when either aim or fire zone if pressed by at least one finger // (ignoring mid-frame presses and releases)... if (zoneAim.UniPressed(false, false) || zoneFire.UniPressed(false, false)) { // If just started aiming, store initial aim angles... if (!this.isAiming) { this.isAiming = true; this.aimVertRaw = this.aimVert; this.aimHorzRaw = this.aimHorz; } // Get aim delta adding aim-zone and fire-zone's // unified-touch RAW drag deltas in centimeters... Vector2 aimDelta = zoneAim.GetUniDragDelta(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_CM, true) + zoneFire.GetUniDragDelta(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_CM, true); // Apply aim-sensitivity and speed... aimDelta *= Mathf.Lerp(0.1f, 1.0f, this.aimSensitivity); aimDelta.x *= this.horzAimSpeed; aimDelta.y *= this.vertAimSpeed; // Add calculated delta to current our raw, non-clamped aim angles // and pass them to Aim() function. // By keeping separate, non-clamped angles we prevent that // uncomfortable effect when dragging past the limit and back again. this.aimHorzRaw += aimDelta.x; this.aimVertRaw += aimDelta.y; // this.Aim(this.aimHorzRaw, this.aimVertRaw); } else { this.isAiming = false; } // When double tapped the aim zone - level horizonal aim angle... if (zoneAim.JustDoubleTapped()) { this.Aim(this.aimHorz, 0); } }
// ---------------- private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) { DemoSwipeMenuCS.LoadMenuScene(); return; } // Manually poll and update the controller... this.ctrl.PollController(); this.ctrl.UpdateController(); // Control and update the player controller... if (this.player != null) { this.player.ControlByTouch(this.ctrl, this); this.player.UpdateChara(); } // Popup box update... if (this.popupBox != null) { if (!this.popupBox.IsVisible()) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { this.popupBox.Show(INSTRUCTIONS_TITLE, INSTRUCTIONS_TEXT, INSTRUCTIONS_BUTTON_TEXT); } } else { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { this.popupBox.Hide(); } } } // Control camera... TouchZone zoneScreen = this.ctrl.GetZone(ZONE_SCREEN); TouchStick stickWalk = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_WALK); // If screen is pressed by two fingers (excluding mid-frame press and release). if (zoneScreen.MultiPressed(false, true)) { if (!this.isMultiTouching) { // If we just started multi-touch, store initial zoom factor. this.pinchStartZoom = this.camZoom; this.isMultiTouching = true; // Cancel stick's touch if it's shared with our catch-all zone... zoneScreen.TakeoverTouches(stickWalk); } // If pinching is active... if (zoneScreen.Pinched()) { // Get pinch distance delta in centimeters (screen-size independence!), // then add it to our non-clamped state variable... this.pinchStartZoom += this.zoomFactorPerCm * zoneScreen.GetPinchDistDelta(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_CM); // ... and pass it to proper function when zoom factor will be clamped. this.SetZoom(this.pinchStartZoom); } } // If less than two fingers are touching the zone... else { this.isMultiTouching = false; } // Update camera... this.camZoom = Mathf.Clamp01(this.camZoom); this.camZoomForDisplay = Mathf.SmoothDamp(this.camZoomForDisplay, this.camZoom, ref this.camZoomVel, this.camSmoothingTime); // Place camera... this.PlaceCamera(); }
// Token: 0x060008C1 RID: 2241 RVA: 0x00038580 File Offset: 0x00036980 private void SetInternalPos(Vector2 pos) { this.pollPos = pos; if (this.disableX) { pos.x = 0f; } if (this.disableY) { pos.y = 0f; } float num = Mathf.Clamp01(pos.magnitude); Vector2 normalized = this.dirVec; float num2 = this.safeAngle; if (num > 0.01f) { normalized = pos.normalized; num2 = Mathf.Atan2(normalized.x, normalized.y) * 57.29578f; } if (num > ((this.dir8way != TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) ? this.joy.stickDigitalLeaveThresh : this.joy.stickDigitalEnterThresh)) { if (this.dir8wayLastNonNeutral == TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) { this.dir4way = TouchStick.GetDirCodeFromAngle(num2, false); this.dir8way = TouchStick.GetDirCodeFromAngle(num2, true); } else if (num > this.joy.stickDigitalEnterThresh) { float dirCodeAngle = TouchStick.GetDirCodeAngle(this.dir8wayLastNonNeutral); if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(dirCodeAngle, num2)) > 22.5f + this.joy.stickMagnetAngleMargin) { this.dir8way = TouchStick.GetDirCodeFromAngle(num2, true); } else { this.dir8way = this.dir8wayLastNonNeutral; } float dirCodeAngle2 = TouchStick.GetDirCodeAngle(this.dir4wayLastNonNeutral); if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(dirCodeAngle2, num2)) > 45f + this.joy.stickMagnetAngleMargin) { this.dir4way = TouchStick.GetDirCodeFromAngle(num2, false); } else { this.dir4way = this.dir4wayLastNonNeutral; } } } else { this.dir4way = TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL; this.dir8way = TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL; } if (this.dir4way != TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) { this.dir4wayLastNonNeutral = this.dir4way; } if (this.dir8way != TouchStick.StickDir.NEUTRAL) { this.dir8wayLastNonNeutral = this.dir8way; } this.tilt = num; this.angle = num2; this.safeAngle = num2; this.posRaw = normalized * num; this.dirVec = normalized; }
// --------------- void Update() { // If the game is paused... if ((this.popupBox != null) && this.popupBox.IsVisible()) { if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) { this.popupBox.End(); } // Unpause... if (this.popupBox.IsComplete()) { this.popupBox.Hide(); // Enable controller... this.ctrl.EnableController(); // Unpause the player... this.player.OnUnpause(); } } // When not paused... else { // Return to Main menu... if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Escape)) { DemoSwipeMenuCS.LoadMenuScene(); return; } // Handle input... if (this.ctrl) { // Get stick and zone references by IDs... TouchStick walkStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_WALK), fireStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_FIRE); TouchZone //screenZone = this.ctrl.GetZone(ZONE_SCREEN), pauseZone = this.ctrl.GetZone(ZONE_PAUSE); // If the PAUSE zone (or SPACEBAR) is released, show info box... if (pauseZone.JustUniReleased() || Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { // Show popup box... this.popupBox.Show(INFO_TITLE, INFO_BODY, INFO_BUTTON_TEXT); // Disable controller to stop it from reacting to touch input... this.ctrl.DisableController(); // Pause the game... this.player.OnPause(); } else { // Walk when left stick is pressed... if (walkStick.Pressed()) { // Use stick's normalized XZ vector and tilt to move... this.player.Move(walkStick.GetVec3d(true, 0), walkStick.GetTilt()); } // Stop when stick is released... else { this.player.Move(Vector3.zero, 0); } // Shoot when right stick is pressed... if (fireStick.Pressed()) { this.player.SetTriggerState(true); // Get target angle and stick's tilt to determinate turning speed. this.player.Aim(fireStick.GetAngle(), fireStick.GetTilt()); } // ...or stop shooting and aiming when right stick is released. else { this.player.SetTriggerState(false); this.player.Aim(0, 0); } } } } // Update character... this.player.UpdateChara(); // Update camera... if (this.cam != null) { Transform camTf = this.cam.transform; camTf.position = this.player.transform.position + this.camOfs; } }
// ---------------------- // Update() // ---------------------- void Update() { if (this.ctrl != null) { // ---------------------- // Stick and Zone Variables // ---------------------- TouchStick walkStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_WALK); TouchZone actionZone = this.ctrl.GetZone(ZONE_ACTION); TouchZone screenZone = this.ctrl.GetZone(ZONE_SCREEN); // ---------------------- // Input Handling Code // ---------------------- // ---------------- // Stick 'Walk'... // ---------------- if (walkStick.Pressed()) { Vector2 walkVec = walkStick.GetVec(); float walkTilt = walkStick.GetTilt(); float walkAngle = walkStick.GetAngle(); TouchStick.StickDir walkDir = walkStick.GetDigitalDir(true); Vector3 walkWorldVec = walkStick.GetVec3d(false, 0); // Your code here. } // ---------------- // Zone 'Action'... // ---------------- if (actionZone.JustUniPressed()) { Vector2 actionPressStartPos = actionZone.GetUniStartPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_PX); } // Uni-touch pressed... if (actionZone.UniPressed()) { float actionUniDur = actionZone.GetMultiTouchDuration(); Vector2 actionUniPos = actionZone.GetMultiPos(); Vector2 actionUniDragDelta = actionZone.GetMultiDragDelta(); Vector2 actionUniRawDrawDelta = actionZone.GetMultiDragDelta(true); } // Uni-Touch Just Released if (actionZone.JustUniReleased()) { Vector2 actionUniRelStartPos = actionZone.GetReleasedUniStartPos(); Vector2 actionUniRelEndPos = actionZone.GetReleasedUniEndPos(); int actionUniRelStartBox = TouchZone.GetBoxPortion(2, 2, actionZone.GetReleasedUniStartPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_NORMALIZED)); int actionUniRelEndBox = TouchZone.GetBoxPortion(2, 2, actionZone.GetReleasedUniEndPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_NORMALIZED)); Vector2 actionUniRelDragVel = actionZone.GetReleasedUniDragVel(); Vector2 actionUniRelDragVec = actionZone.GetReleasedUniDragVec(); } // ---------------- // Zone 'SCREEN'... // ---------------- if (screenZone.JustMultiPressed()) { Vector2 screenMultiPressStartPos = screenZone.GetMultiStartPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_PX); } if (screenZone.JustUniPressed()) { Vector2 screenPressStartPos = screenZone.GetUniStartPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_PX); } // Multi-Pressed... if (screenZone.MultiPressed()) { float screenMultiDur = screenZone.GetMultiTouchDuration(); Vector2 screenMultiPos = screenZone.GetMultiPos(); Vector2 screenMultiDragDelta = screenZone.GetMultiDragDelta(); Vector2 screenMultiRawDrawDelta = screenZone.GetMultiDragDelta(true); // Multi-touch drag... if (screenZone.JustMultiDragged()) { } if (screenZone.MultiDragged()) { } // Just Twisted... if (screenZone.JustTwisted()) { } // Twisted... if (screenZone.Twisted()) { float screenTwistDelta = screenZone.GetTwistDelta(); float screenTwistTotal = screenZone.GetTotalTwist(); } // Just Pinched... if (screenZone.JustPinched()) { } // Pinched... if (screenZone.Pinched()) { float screenPinchRelScale = screenZone.GetPinchRelativeScale(); float screenPinchAbsScale = screenZone.GetPinchScale(); float screenFingerDist = screenZone.GetPinchDist(); } } // Uni-touch pressed... if (screenZone.UniPressed()) { float screenUniDur = screenZone.GetMultiTouchDuration(); Vector2 screenUniPos = screenZone.GetMultiPos(); Vector2 screenUniDragDelta = screenZone.GetMultiDragDelta(); Vector2 screenUniRawDrawDelta = screenZone.GetMultiDragDelta(true); // Just Uni-touch dragged... if (screenZone.JustUniDragged()) { } // Uni-Touch drag... if (screenZone.UniDragged()) { } } // Multi-Touch Just Released if (screenZone.JustMultiReleased()) { Vector2 screenMultiRelStartPos = screenZone.GetReleasedMultiStartPos(); Vector2 screenMultiRelEndPos = screenZone.GetReleasedMultiEndPos(); int screenMultiRelStartBox = TouchZone.GetBoxPortion(2, 2, screenZone.GetReleasedMultiStartPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_NORMALIZED)); int screenMultiRelEndBox = TouchZone.GetBoxPortion(2, 2, screenZone.GetReleasedMultiEndPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_NORMALIZED)); Vector2 screenMultiRelDragVel = screenZone.GetReleasedMultiDragVel(); Vector2 screenMultiRelDragVec = screenZone.GetReleasedMultiDragVec(); // Released multi-touch was dragged... if (screenZone.ReleasedMultiDragged()) { } // Released multi-touch was twisted... if (screenZone.ReleasedTwisted()) { float screenRelTwistAngle = screenZone.GetReleasedTwistAngle(); float screenRelTwistVel = screenZone.GetReleasedTwistVel(); } // Released multi-touch was pinched... if (screenZone.ReleasedPinched()) { float screenRelPinchStartDist = screenZone.GetReleasedPinchStartDist(); float screenRelPinchEndDist = screenZone.GetReleasedPinchEndDist(); float screenRelPinchScale = screenZone.GetReleasedPinchScale(); } } // Uni-Touch Just Released if (screenZone.JustUniReleased()) { Vector2 screenUniRelStartPos = screenZone.GetReleasedUniStartPos(); Vector2 screenUniRelEndPos = screenZone.GetReleasedUniEndPos(); int screenUniRelStartBox = TouchZone.GetBoxPortion(2, 2, screenZone.GetReleasedUniStartPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_NORMALIZED)); int screenUniRelEndBox = TouchZone.GetBoxPortion(2, 2, screenZone.GetReleasedUniEndPos(TouchCoordSys.SCREEN_NORMALIZED)); Vector2 screenUniRelDragVel = screenZone.GetReleasedUniDragVel(); Vector2 screenUniRelDragVec = screenZone.GetReleasedUniDragVec(); // Released uni-touch was dragged... if (screenZone.ReleasedUniDragged()) { } } // Double multi-finger tap... if (screenZone.JustMultiDoubleTapped()) { Vector2 screenMultiDblTapPos = screenZone.GetMultiTapPos(); } else // Simple multi-finger tap... if (screenZone.JustMultiTapped()) { Vector2 screenMultiTapPos = screenZone.GetMultiTapPos(); } else // Double one-finger tap... if (screenZone.JustDoubleTapped()) { Vector2 screenDblTapPos = screenZone.GetTapPos(); } else // Simple one-finger tap... if (screenZone.JustTapped()) { Vector2 screenTapPos = screenZone.GetTapPos(); } } }
public void EnableroatateStick() { TouchStick rotateStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_ROTATE); rotateStick.disableGui = false; }
public void EnablewalkStick() { TouchStick walkStick = this.ctrl.GetStick(STICK_WALK); walkStick.disableGui = false; }
// ---------------- public ControlParams(TouchControllerCodeTemplateGenerator cfg, TouchZone zone, int id) { this.cfg = cfg; this.zone = zone; this.stick = null; this.constVal = id; this.srcName = zone.name; this.varName = ""; this.constName = ""; this.prefix = ""; this.GenNames(); }
// EXECUTABLE: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public override bool InstantExecute(GameObject target, IAction[] actions, int index) { { touchStick = TouchStickManager.Instance.GetComponentInChildren <TouchStick>(); if (touchStick != null) { m_RectTransform = touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform; } if (resized == true) { if (touchStick != null) { touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.localScale += new Vector3(resizeamount.GetValue(target), resizeamount.GetValue(target), 0); tswidth = (m_RectTransform.rect.width * (resizeamount.GetValue(target) + 1)); } } else { if (touchStick != null) { touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.localScale += new Vector3(0, 0, 0); tswidth = (m_RectTransform.rect.width * (0 + 1)); } } if (touchStick != null) { switch (this.stickPostion) { case STICKPOSITION.BottomLeft: touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, 0); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeAdventure.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeFirstPerson.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); break; case STICKPOSITION.TopLeft: touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0, Screen.height - (tswidth)); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeAdventure.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeFirstPerson.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); break; case STICKPOSITION.TopRight: touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width - (+tswidth), Screen.height - (tswidth)); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeAdventure.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeFirstPerson.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); break; case STICKPOSITION.BottomRight: touchStick.jsContainer.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(Screen.width - (tswidth), 0); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeAdventure.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); GameCreator.Camera.CameraMotorTypeFirstPerson.MOBILE_RECT = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); break; } touchStick.joystick.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector3.zero; } } return(true); }
// Token: 0x060008B0 RID: 2224 RVA: 0x00038084 File Offset: 0x00036484 public Rect GetHatDisplayRect(bool applyScale) { return(TouchController.GetCenRect(this.posPx + TouchStick.InternalToScreenPos(this.displayPos) * this.radPx * this.hatMoveScale, 2f * this.radPx * ((!applyScale) ? 1f : this.animHatScale.cur))); }
// -------------------- public void ControlByTouch(TouchController ctrl, DemoRpgGameCS game) { TouchStick stickWalk = ctrl.GetStick(DemoRpgGameCS.STICK_WALK); TouchZone zoneScreen = ctrl.GetZone(DemoRpgGameCS.ZONE_SCREEN), zoneAction = ctrl.GetZone(DemoRpgGameCS.ZONE_ACTION), zoneFire = ctrl.GetZone(DemoRpgGameCS.ZONE_FIRE); // Get stick's normalized direction in world space relative to camera's angle... Vector3 moveWorldDir = stickWalk.GetVec3d(TouchStick.Vec3DMode.XZ, true, game.camOrbitalAngle); // Get stick's angle in world space by adding it to camera's angle.. float stickWorldAngle = stickWalk.GetAngle() + game.camOrbitalAngle; // Get walking speed from stick's current tilt... float speed = stickWalk.GetTilt(); // Get gun's trigger state by checking Fire zone's state (including mid-frame press) bool gunTriggerState = zoneFire.UniPressed(true, false); // Check if Action should be performed - either by pressing the Action button or // by tapping on the right side of the screen... bool performAction = zoneAction.JustUniPressed(true, true) || zoneScreen.JustTapped(); if ((this.charaState == CharaState.IDLE) || (this.charaState == CharaState.WALK) || (this.charaState == CharaState.RUN)) { if (speed > this.walkStickThreshold) { float moveSpeed = 0; // Walk... if (speed < this.runStickThreshold) { moveSpeed = this.walkSpeed; if (this.charaState != CharaState.WALK) { this.StartWalking(); } // Set animation speed... this.charaAnim[this.ANIM_WALK_F].speed = this.walkAnimSpeed; } // Run! else { moveSpeed = this.runSpeed; if (this.charaState != CharaState.RUN) { this.StartRunning(); } // Set animation speed... this.charaAnim[this.ANIM_RUN_F].speed = this.runAnimSpeed; } // Update player's angle... this.angle = DampAngle(this.angle, stickWorldAngle, this.angleSmoothingTime, this.turnMaxSpeed, Time.deltaTime); // Move player's collider... this.charaCtrl.Move(moveWorldDir * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } else if ((this.charaState == CharaState.WALK) || (this.charaState == CharaState.RUN)) { // Stop... this.StartIdle(); } // Perform Action... if (performAction) { this.PerformUseAction(); } } // Every other state than USE... if (this.charaState != CharaState.USE) { if (this.gun != null) { this.gun.SetTriggerState(gunTriggerState); } if (performAction) { this.PerformUseAction(); } } // USE state updates... else { if (this.gun != null) { this.gun.SetTriggerState(false); } this.useElapsed += Time.deltaTime; if (this.useElapsed > this.useAnimDuration) { this.StartIdle(); } } }