void Start()
        var context = this.DefaultInputContext();
        var ios     = TouchFeedback.Setup(context, draw, this);

        // Reset by finger release
        Observable.Merge(ios[0].OnEnd, ios[1].OnEnd).Subscribe(_ =>
            text.text  = "";
            text2.text = "";

        var ro = RectangleObservable.From(ios[0], ios[1]);

        // Rectangle
        ro.RepeatUntilDestroy(this).Subscribe(rect =>
            Debug.Log($"Rect: {rect}");
            text.text = rect.ToString();

        // Pinch In/Out Detection
        .Subscribe(diff =>
            Debug.Log($"Horizontal: {diff.x}, Vertical: {diff.y}");
            string th = "";
            string tv = "";

            if (diff.x < 0)
                th = $"<color=red>dX={diff.x}</color>";
            else if (diff.x > 0)
                th = $"<color=blue>dX={diff.x}</color>";
                th = $"{diff.x}";

            if (diff.y < 0)
                tv = $"<color=red>dY={diff.y}</color>";
            else if (diff.y > 0)
                tv = $"<color=blue>dY={diff.y}</color>";
                tv = $"{diff.x}";

            text2.text = $"{th}, {tv}";
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialisiert das Anzeigen von Berührungspunkten auf der
 /// Oberfläche
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tl"></param>
 private void InitializeTouchFeedback(TouchListener tl)
     _tfeedback = new TouchFeedback();
     tl.TouchMove += (s, e) =>
        public TouchInjectProviderHandler()
            TouchFeedback feedback = Settings.Default.pointer_customCursor ? TouchFeedback.NONE : TouchFeedback.INDIRECT;

            if (!TCD.System.TouchInjection.TouchInjector.InitializeTouchInjection((uint)maxTouchPoints, feedback))
                throw new Exception("Can not initialize touch injection");

            SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged;
        public TouchInjectProviderHandler()
            Version win8version = new Version(6, 2, 9200, 0);

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version >= win8version)
                TouchFeedback feedback = Settings.Default.pointer_customCursor ? TouchFeedback.NONE : TouchFeedback.INDIRECT;
                if (!TCD.System.TouchInjection.TouchInjector.InitializeTouchInjection((uint)maxTouchPoints, feedback))
                    throw new Exception("Can not initialize touch injection");

                SystemEvents.DisplaySettingsChanged += SystemEvents_DisplaySettingsChanged;

                contactQueue = new Queue <WiiContact>();
                enabled      = true;
                MainWindow.Current.ShowMessage("You will need to install Virtual input drivers to be able to use touch output on Windows 7", MainWindow.MessageType.Info);
Beispiel #5
 public static extern bool InitializeTouchInjection(uint maxCount = 256, TouchFeedback feedbackMode = TouchFeedback.DEFAULT);
Beispiel #6
 public static void Initialize(uint maxContacts, TouchFeedback touchFeedbackMode)
     NativeMethods.InitializeTouchInjection(maxContacts, touchFeedbackMode);
Beispiel #7
 public static extern bool InitializeTouchInjection(uint maxCount, TouchFeedback dwMode);
 public static extern bool InitializeTouchInjection(uint maxCount = 5, TouchFeedback feedbackMode = TouchFeedback.NONE);
Beispiel #9
    void Start()
        var context = this.DefaultInputContext();

        TouchFeedback.Setup(context, draw, this);
        var touch0 = context.GetObservable(0);
        var touch1 = context.GetObservable(1);

        touch0.Any().Where(e => e.type != InputEventType.Move).Subscribe(e => { Debug.Log(e); }).AddTo(this);
        touch1.Any().Where(e => e.type != InputEventType.Move).Subscribe(e => { Debug.Log(e); }).AddTo(this);

        // Stop Rotation by keep touch
        touch0.Keep(100, () => _rigidbody.angularVelocity.x > 0 || _rigidbody.angularVelocity.y > 0 || _rigidbody.angularVelocity.z > 0)
        .Subscribe(_ => {
            var m = _rigidbody.angularVelocity.magnitude;
            _rigidbody.angularVelocity = (m < 0.1f) ? Vector3.zero : _rigidbody.angularVelocity * 0.1f;

        // Rotate by Touch Operation
        var hratio = -180.0f / Screen.width;
        var vratio = -180.0f / Screen.height;

        .Where(_ => !touch1.IsBegin)
        .Subscribe(v2 =>
            var rot = v2.ToEulerAngle(hratio, vratio);
            _target.Rotate(rot, Space.World);

        // Rotate Animation by Swipe operation
        .Subscribe(vs =>
            var average = new Vector2
                x = vs.Average(vi => vi.vector.x),
                y = vs.Average(vi => vi.vector.y)
            Debug.Log($"vector = {average}");
            var mag = average.magnitude;
            if (mag > 0.1f)
                var torque = average.ToEulerAngle(hratio, vratio) * mag;
                _rigidbody.AddTorque(torque, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
                Debug.Log($"magnitude = {mag}, torque={torque}");

                if (draw != null)
                                                 vs.First()[email protected],
                                                 $"{average}, {mag}");

        // Reset
        var orig_rotate = _target.rotation;
        var orig_scale  = _target.localScale;

        touch0.DoubleSequence(200).Subscribe(_ =>
            _target.rotation   = orig_rotate;
            _target.localScale = orig_scale;

        // Scale Object by Mouse Wheel
        var camera = Camera.main;

        (context as IMouseWheelObservable)?.Wheel.Subscribe(v =>
            var scale = _target.localScale + Vector3.one * v.wheel;
            if (0.1 < scale.x && scale.x < 10)
                _target.localScale += Vector3.one * v.wheel;

        // Scale Object by Pinch Operation
        RectangleObservable.From(touch0, touch1)
        .Subscribe(diff =>
            if (diff.x > 0 && diff.y > 0)
                var v     = Mathf.Max(diff.x / Screen.width, diff.y / Screen.height);
                var scale = _target.localScale + Vector3.one * v * 10;
                if (scale.x < 10)
                    _target.localScale = scale;
                    Debug.Log($"pinch-out: diff={diff}, v={v}, localScale={_target.localScale}");
            else if (diff.x < 0 && diff.y < 0)
                var v     = Mathf.Min(diff.x / Screen.width, diff.y / Screen.height);
                var scale = _target.localScale + Vector3.one * v * 10;
                if (scale.x > 0.1)
                    _target.localScale = scale;
                    Debug.Log($"pinch-in: diff={diff}, v={v}, localScale={_target.localScale}");
 public static extern bool InitializeTouchInjection(uint maxCount = 256, TouchFeedback feedbackMode = TouchFeedback.DEFAULT);
Beispiel #11
 public static void Initialize(uint maxContacts, TouchFeedback touchFeedbackMode)
     NativeMethods.InitializeTouchInjection(maxContacts, touchFeedbackMode);