public Rezervasyon() { InitializeComponent(); var skinManager = MaterialSkinManager.Instance; skinManager.AddFormToManage(this); skinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.LIGHT; skinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(Primary.Green900, Primary.Green300, Primary.BlueGrey500, Accent.Yellow400, TextShade.BLACK); RCBLL = new RezervasyonCesidiBLL(); RC = new RezervasyonCesidi(); OBLL = new OdaCesidiBLL(); OVCBLL = new OdaVeOdaCesidiBLL(); _musteriRezervasyonBLL = new MusteriRezervasyonBLL(); _totalBLL = new TotalBLL(); _rezervasyonBLL = new RezervasyonBLL(); }
public bool Insert(TotalBLL total) { bool isSuccess = false; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(UserDAL.myconnstrng); try { string sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_Total (score1, score2, score3) VALUES(@score1, @score2, @score1)"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@score1", total.Score1); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@score2", total.Score2); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@score3", total.Score3); conn.Open(); int rows = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // If the query is executed successfully then the value to rows will be greaten than 0 else it will be less than 0 if (rows > 0) { // Query successful isSuccess = true; } else { // Query failed isSuccess = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { // Throw message if any error occurs MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Insert data in Database Information!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } finally { conn.Close(); } return(isSuccess); }
// // GET: /Base/ protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { UserBLL ubll = new UserBLL(); WorkUnitBLL wbll = new WorkUnitBLL(); UserManageBLL umbll = new UserManageBLL(); ShareBLL sbll = new ShareBLL(); BuildTimeBLL bbll = new BuildTimeBLL(); TotalBLL tbll = new TotalBLL(); DT_UserLoginRecord u = filterContext.HttpContext.Session["user"] as DT_UserLoginRecord; //没有登录则不能访问 if (u == null) { filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/Home/Login"); } else { ViewBag.username = u.Telphone; // //是否科级干部 ViewBag.iscadre = ubll.IsCadre(u.Id); //登录id = u.Id; //用户角色 ViewBag.role = Session["roleid"]; //用户是否有共享 ViewBag.sharestatus = Session["sharestatus"]; //全部单位 List <DT_WorkUnit> allunits = wbll.SelUnitByParent(); ViewBag.allunits = allunits; //全部科室 List <DT_WorkUnit> alldepts = wbll.SelDeptByParent(); ViewBag.alldepts = alldepts; //照片 string img = ubll.GetImg(Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"])); ViewBag.img = img; //全部内部用户 List <DT_UserLoginRecord> allusers = umbll.SelectUsers(); ViewBag.allusers = allusers; //根据本人登录id查询其单位id ViewBag.SelUnitidByUid = ubll.SelUnitidByUid(Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"])); //单位id ViewBag.unitid = Session["unitid"]; //年份 List <DT_Total> years = sbll.Total().GroupBy(a => a.YearTable).Select(b => new DT_Total { YearTable = b.Key }).ToList(); ViewBag.years = years; //根据添加时间获取最新的建档时间 ViewBag.buildtime = bbll.GetLastTime(); //查询全部基本信息表 List <DT_UserInfo> userinfolist1 = ubll.SelectUserInfo(); ViewBag.userinfolist1 = userinfolist1; //根据登录id和年份查询出年份 ViewBag.yeartable = tbll.SelectYear(Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"])); //根据登录id查询总表status的状态 这里主要是根据status为“被退回”来判断 //修改二次修改,点击“保存”时,同时修改status为“未提交”,可再次提交 (注意年份) ViewBag.status = ubll.SelStatus(Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"])); } }