Beispiel #1
        void case_21()
#line 118 "Parser.jay"
            yyVal = TopLevelDecl.NewFunctionDecl(new FunctionDeclData(
                                                     (string)yyVals[-2 + yyTop], (FunctionSignature)yyVals[-1 + yyTop],
                                                     FSharpOption <BlockData> .Some((BlockData)yyVals[0 + yyTop])));
Beispiel #2
 private void Visit(TopLevelDecl d)
     if (d is LiteralModuleDecl moduleDecl)
     else if (d is ClassDecl classDecl)
        public virtual void Visit(TopLevelDecl topLevelDeclaration)
            switch (topLevelDeclaration)
            case ClassDecl classDeclaration:

            case ModuleDecl moduleDeclaration:
            case DatatypeDecl dataTypeDeclaration:
            case ValuetypeDecl valueTypeDeclaration:
            case OpaqueTypeDecl opaqueTypeDeclaration:
            case NewtypeDecl newTypeDeclaration:
            case TypeSynonymDecl typeSynonymDeclaration:
                VisitUnknown(topLevelDeclaration, topLevelDeclaration.tok);
Beispiel #4
            private Symbol?ProcessTopLevelDeclaration(ModuleSymbol moduleSymbol, TopLevelDecl topLevelDeclaration)
                switch (topLevelDeclaration)
                case ClassDecl classDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessClass(moduleSymbol, classDeclaration));

                case LiteralModuleDecl literalModuleDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessModule(moduleSymbol, literalModuleDeclaration.ModuleDef));

                case ValuetypeDecl valueTypeDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessValueType(moduleSymbol, valueTypeDeclaration));

                    _logger.LogWarning("encountered unknown top level declaration {} of type {}", topLevelDeclaration.Name, topLevelDeclaration.GetType());
Beispiel #5
            private Symbol?ProcessTopLevelDeclaration(ModuleSymbol moduleSymbol, TopLevelDecl topLevelDeclaration)
                switch (topLevelDeclaration)
                case ClassDecl classDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessClass(moduleSymbol, classDeclaration));

                case LiteralModuleDecl literalModuleDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessModule(moduleSymbol, literalModuleDeclaration.ModuleDef));

                case ValuetypeDecl valueTypeDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessValueType(moduleSymbol, valueTypeDeclaration));

                case DatatypeDecl dataTypeDeclaration:
                    return(ProcessDataType(moduleSymbol, dataTypeDeclaration));

                    logger.LogDebug("encountered unknown top level declaration {Name} of type {Type}", topLevelDeclaration.Name, topLevelDeclaration.GetType());
Beispiel #6
 public void AddTopLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl d)
Beispiel #7
        void CompileTypeLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl d, TextWriter wr)
            Contract.Requires(d != null);

              bool compileIt = true;
              if (Attributes.ContainsBool(d.Attributes, "compile", ref compileIt) && !compileIt) {
              if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
            var at = (OpaqueTypeDecl)d;
            Error("Opaque type ('{0}') cannot be compiled", wr, at.FullName);
              else if (d is TypeSynonymDecl) {
            // do nothing, just bypass type synonyms in the compiler
              else if (d is NewtypeDecl) {
            var nt = (NewtypeDecl)d;
            if (nt.CompileName == "uint64" ||
            nt.CompileName == "uint32" ||
            nt.CompileName == "byte") {
              // Skip SHA256 types.s.dfy definitions of native types.  They are unused, but
              // are defined in terms of BigInteger, which Kremlin does not support.
              j.WriteComment("Allowing types.s.dfy definition of " + nt.CompileName);
            using (WriteArray()) {
              using (WriteArray()) { //  (lident * int * typ)
            j.WriteValue(0); // number of parameters (De Bruijn)
              else if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
            var dt = (DatatypeDecl)d;
            if (dt.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
              // system.tuple2<> in sha256 is an example, but unused.
              j.WriteComment("WARNING: DatatypeDecl of parameterized type not supported"); // bugbug: implement.
            else {
              // Define the type
              if (!CompileDatatypeStruct(dt)) {
            // Generate constructor functions for that type, if it is a struct rather than an enum
              else if (d is IteratorDecl) {
            var iter = (IteratorDecl)d;
            j.WriteComment("BUGBUG IteratorDecl ignored: " + iter.CompileName); // bugbug: implement
              else if (d is TraitDecl) {
            var trait = (TraitDecl)d;
            j.WriteComment("BUGBUG TraitDecl ignored: " + trait.CompileName); // bugbug: implement
              else if (d is ClassDecl) {
            var cl = (ClassDecl)d;
              else if (d is ModuleDecl) {
            // nop
              else { Contract.Assert(false); }
Beispiel #8
 void SortTopLevelDeclsWorker(TopLevelDecl tld, Declaration d, List<Type> referencedTypes, List<TopLevelDecl> topLevelTypes)
     if (d is NewtypeDecl) {
       var nt = (NewtypeDecl)d;
       if (tld != null) {
     } else if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
       var dt = (DatatypeDecl)d;
       foreach (var ctor in dt.Ctors) {
     foreach (Formal arg in ctor.Formals) {
       if (!arg.IsGhost) {
       if (tld != null) {
     else if (d is ClassDecl) {
       var c = (ClassDecl)d;
       foreach (var cd in c.InheritedMembers) {
     if (!cd.IsGhost) {
       SortTopLevelDeclsWorker(null, cd, referencedTypes, topLevelTypes);
       foreach (MemberDecl member in c.Members) {
     if (!member.IsGhost) {
       SortTopLevelDeclsWorker(null, member, referencedTypes, topLevelTypes);
       if (tld != null) {
     else if (d is MemberDecl) {
       var m = (MemberDecl)d;
       if (m is Field) {
     var f = (Field)m;
       else if (m is Function) {
     var f = (Function)m;
     foreach (Formal p in f.Formals) {
       else if (m is Method) {
     var meth = (Method)m;
     foreach (Formal p in meth.Ins) {
       if (!p.IsGhost) {
     foreach (Formal p in meth.Outs) {
       if (!p.IsGhost) {
Beispiel #9
        void OtherTypeDecl(ModuleDefinition module, out TopLevelDecl td)
            IToken id;
            Attributes attrs = null;
            var eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Unspecified;
            var typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter>();
            td = null;
            Type ty;

            while (la.kind == 46) {
            Attribute(ref attrs);
            NoUSIdent(out id);
            if (la.kind == 50) {
            eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required;
            if (la.kind == 52) {
            } else if (StartOf(4)) {
            if (la.kind == 52) {
            if (la.kind == 67) {
                Type(out ty);
                td = new TypeSynonymDecl(id, id.val, typeArgs, module, ty, attrs);
            } else SynErr(146);
            if (td == null) {
             td = new OpaqueTypeDecl(id, id.val, module, eqSupport, typeArgs, attrs);

            if (la.kind == 28) {
            while (!(la.kind == 0 || la.kind == 28)) {SynErr(147); Get();}
            errors.Warning(t, "the semi-colon that used to terminate an opaque-type declaration has been deprecated; in the new syntax, just leave off the semi-colon");
Beispiel #10
        void NewtypeDecl(ModuleDefinition module, out TopLevelDecl td)
            IToken id, bvId;
            Attributes attrs = null;
            td = null;
            Type baseType = null;
            Expression wh;

            while (la.kind == 46) {
            Attribute(ref attrs);
            NoUSIdent(out id);
            if (IsIdentColonOrBar()) {
            NoUSIdent(out bvId);
            if (la.kind == 21) {
                Type(out baseType);
            if (baseType == null) { baseType = new OperationTypeProxy(true, true, false, false, false, false); }
            Expression(out wh, false, true);
            td = new NewtypeDecl(theVerifyThisFile ? id : new IncludeToken(id), id.val, module, new BoundVar(bvId, bvId.val, baseType), wh, attrs);
            } else if (StartOf(3)) {
            Type(out baseType);
            td = new NewtypeDecl(theVerifyThisFile ? id : new IncludeToken(id), id.val, module, baseType, attrs);
            } else SynErr(145);
Beispiel #11
        void OtherTypeDecl(DeclModifierData dmod, ModuleDefinition module, out TopLevelDecl td)
            IToken id, bvId;
            Attributes attrs = null;
            var eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Unspecified;
            var typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter>();
            td = null;
            Type ty = null;
            Expression constraint;
            var kind = "Opaque type";

            while (la.kind == 50) {
            Attribute(ref attrs);
            NoUSIdent(out id);
            if (la.kind == 54) {
            eqSupport = TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required;
            if (la.kind == 56) {
            } else if (StartOf(7)) {
            if (la.kind == 56) {
            if (la.kind == 74) {
                if (IsIdentColonOrBar()) {
                    NoUSIdent(out bvId);
                    if (la.kind == 22) {
                        Type(out ty);
                    if (ty == null) { ty = new InferredTypeProxy(); }
                    Expression(out constraint, false, true);
                    td = new SubsetTypeDecl(id, id.val, typeArgs, module, new BoundVar(bvId, bvId.val, ty), constraint, attrs);
                    kind = "Subset type";

                } else if (StartOf(6)) {
                    Type(out ty);
                    td = new TypeSynonymDecl(id, id.val, typeArgs, module, ty, attrs);
                    kind = "Type synonym";

                } else SynErr(160);
            } else SynErr(161);
            if (td == null) {
             td = new OpaqueTypeDecl(id, id.val, module, eqSupport, typeArgs, attrs);

            CheckDeclModifiers(dmod, kind, AllowedDeclModifiers.None);
            if (la.kind == 30) {
            while (!(la.kind == 0 || la.kind == 30)) {SynErr(162); Get();}
            errors.Deprecated(t, "the semi-colon that used to terminate an opaque-type declaration has been deprecated; in the new syntax, just leave off the semi-colon");
 public void AddTopLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl d, string auxName = null)
     proofFiles.AddTopLevelDecl(d, auxName);
 public override TopLevelDecl CloneDeclaration(TopLevelDecl d, ModuleDefinition m)
     var dd = base.CloneDeclaration(d, m);
       if (dd is ModuleExportDecl) {
       } else if (d is ModuleDecl) {
     ((ModuleDecl)dd).Signature = ((ModuleDecl)d).Signature;
     if (d is ModuleFacadeDecl) {
       ((ModuleFacadeDecl)dd).OriginalSignature = ((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).OriginalSignature;
       return dd;
 private void MergeTopLevelDecls(ModuleDefinition m, TopLevelDecl nw, TopLevelDecl d, int index)
     if (d is ModuleDecl) {
     if (!(nw is ModuleDecl)) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
     } else if (d is ModuleExportDecl) {
       if (!(nw is ModuleExportDecl)) {
     reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module export ({0}) must refine another export", nw.Name);
       } else {
     } else if (!(d is ModuleFacadeDecl)) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) can only refine a module facade", nw.Name);
     } else {
       // check that the new module refines the previous declaration
       if (!CheckIsRefinement((ModuleDecl)nw, (ModuleFacadeDecl)d))
     reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw.tok, "a module ({0}) can only be replaced by a refinement of the original module", d.Name);
       } else if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
     if (nw is ModuleDecl) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a module ({0}) must refine another module", nw.Name);
     } else {
       bool dDemandsEqualitySupport = ((OpaqueTypeDecl)d).MustSupportEquality;
       if (nw is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
     if (dDemandsEqualitySupport != ((OpaqueTypeDecl)nw).MustSupportEquality) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "type declaration '{0}' is not allowed to change the requirement of supporting equality", nw.Name);
     if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "type '{0}' is not allowed to change its number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
       } else if (dDemandsEqualitySupport) {
     if (nw is ClassDecl) {
       // fine, as long as "nw" takes the right number of type parameters
       if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
         reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a class that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
     } else if (nw is NewtypeDecl) {
       // fine, as long as "nw" does not take any type parameters
       if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
         reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}', which has {1} type argument{2}, is not allowed to be replaced by a newtype, which takes none", nw.Name, d.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count == 1 ? "" : "s");
     } else if (nw is CoDatatypeDecl) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a type declaration that requires equality support cannot be replaced by a codatatype");
     } else {
       Contract.Assert(nw is IndDatatypeDecl || nw is TypeSynonymDecl);
       if (nw.TypeArgs.Count != d.TypeArgs.Count) {
         reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a type that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
       } else {
         // Here, we need to figure out if the new type supports equality.  But we won't know about that until resolution has
         // taken place, so we defer it until the PostResolve phase.
         var udt = UserDefinedType.FromTopLevelDecl(nw.tok, nw);
         postTasks.Enqueue(() => {
           if (!udt.SupportsEquality) {
             reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, udt.tok, "type '{0}' is used to refine an opaque type with equality support, but '{0}' does not support equality", udt.Name);
       } else if (d.TypeArgs.Count != nw.TypeArgs.Count) {
     reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "opaque type '{0}' is not allowed to be replaced by a type that takes a different number of type parameters (got {1}, expected {2})", nw.Name, nw.TypeArgs.Count, d.TypeArgs.Count);
       } else if (nw is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
     reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "an opaque type declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a more specific type declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
       } else if (nw is DatatypeDecl) {
     reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a datatype declaration ({0}) in a refinement module can only replace an opaque type declaration", nw.Name);
       } else if (nw is IteratorDecl) {
     if (d is IteratorDecl) {
       m.TopLevelDecls[index] = MergeIterator((IteratorDecl)nw, (IteratorDecl)d);
     } else {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "an iterator declaration ({0}) is a refining module cannot replace a different kind of declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
       } else {
     Contract.Assert(nw is ClassDecl);
     if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
       reporter.Error(MessageSource.RefinementTransformer, nw, "a class declaration ({0}) in a refining module cannot replace a different kind of declaration in the refinement base", nw.Name);
     } else {
       m.TopLevelDecls[index] = MergeClass((ClassDecl)nw, (ClassDecl)d);
Beispiel #15
    public TopLevelDecl CloneDeclaration(TopLevelDecl d, ModuleDefinition m) {
      Contract.Requires(d != null);
      Contract.Requires(m != null);

      if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
        var dd = (OpaqueTypeDecl)d;
        return new OpaqueTypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, dd.EqualitySupport, dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam), CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), d);
      } else if (d is TypeSynonymDecl) {
        var dd = (TypeSynonymDecl)d;
        var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
        return new TypeSynonymDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, tps, m, CloneType(dd.Rhs), CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd);
      } else if (d is NewtypeDecl) {
        var dd = (NewtypeDecl)d;
        if (dd.Var == null) {
          return new NewtypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, CloneType(dd.BaseType), CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd);
        } else {
          return new NewtypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, CloneBoundVar(dd.Var), CloneExpr(dd.Constraint), CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd);
      } else if (d is TupleTypeDecl) {
        var dd = (TupleTypeDecl)d;
        return new TupleTypeDecl(dd.Dims, dd.Module);
      } else if (d is IndDatatypeDecl) {
        var dd = (IndDatatypeDecl)d;
        var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
        var ctors = dd.Ctors.ConvertAll(CloneCtor);
        var dt = new IndDatatypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, ctors, CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd);
        return dt;
      } else if (d is CoDatatypeDecl) {
        var dd = (CoDatatypeDecl)d;
        var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
        var ctors = dd.Ctors.ConvertAll(CloneCtor);
        var dt = new CoDatatypeDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, ctors, CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd);
        return dt;
      } else if (d is IteratorDecl) {
        var dd = (IteratorDecl)d;
        var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
        var ins = dd.Ins.ConvertAll(CloneFormal);
        var outs = dd.Outs.ConvertAll(CloneFormal);
        var reads = CloneSpecFrameExpr(dd.Reads);
        var mod = CloneSpecFrameExpr(dd.Modifies);
        var decr = CloneSpecExpr(dd.Decreases);
        var req = dd.Requires.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr);
        var yreq = dd.YieldRequires.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr);
        var ens = dd.Ensures.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr);
        var yens = dd.YieldEnsures.ConvertAll(CloneMayBeFreeExpr);
        var body = CloneBlockStmt(dd.Body);
        var iter = new IteratorDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, dd.Module,
          tps, ins, outs, reads, mod, decr,
          req, ens, yreq, yens,
          body, CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd.SignatureEllipsis);
        return iter;
      } else if (d is TraitDecl) {
        if (d is DefaultClassDecl) {
          var dd = (TraitDecl)d;
          var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
          var mm = dd.Members.ConvertAll(CloneMember);
          var cl = new DefaultClassDecl(m, mm);
          return cl;
        } else {
          var dd = (TraitDecl)d;
          var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
          var mm = dd.Members.ConvertAll(CloneMember);
          var cl = new TraitDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, mm, CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd);
          return cl;
      } else if (d is ClassDecl) {
        var dd = (ClassDecl)d;
        var tps = dd.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(CloneTypeParam);
        var mm = dd.Members.ConvertAll(CloneMember);
        if (d is DefaultClassDecl) {
          return new DefaultClassDecl(m, mm, ((DefaultClassDecl)d));
        } else {
          return new ClassDecl(Tok(dd.tok), dd.Name, m, tps, mm, CloneAttributes(dd.Attributes), dd.TraitsTyp.ConvertAll(CloneType), dd);
      } else if (d is ModuleDecl) {
        if (d is LiteralModuleDecl) {
          var l = new LiteralModuleDecl(((LiteralModuleDecl)d).ModuleDef, m);
          l.Signature = ((ModuleDecl)d).Signature;
          return l;
        } else if (d is AliasModuleDecl) {
          var a = (AliasModuleDecl)d;
          var alias = new AliasModuleDecl(a.Path, a.tok, m, a.Opened);
          alias.Signature = a.Signature;
          return alias;
        } else if (d is ModuleFacadeDecl) {
          var a = (ModuleFacadeDecl)d;
          var abs = new ModuleFacadeDecl(a.Path, a.tok, m, a.CompilePath, a.Opened);
          abs.Signature = a.Signature;
          abs.OriginalSignature = a.OriginalSignature;
          return abs;
        } else if (d is ModuleExportDecl) {
          var a = (ModuleExportDecl)d;
          var export = new ModuleExportDecl(a.tok, m, a.IsDefault, a.Exports, a.Extends);
          export.Signature = a.Signature;
          return export;
        } else {
          Contract.Assert(false);  // unexpected declaration
          return null;  // to please compiler
      } else {
        Contract.Assert(false);  // unexpected declaration
        return null;  // to please compiler
Beispiel #16
 public void AddTopLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl d, string auxName = null)
Beispiel #17
 public void AddTopLevelDecl(TopLevelDecl d)
Beispiel #18
        void NewtypeDecl(DeclModifierData dmod, ModuleDefinition module, out TopLevelDecl td)
            IToken id, bvId;
            Attributes attrs = null;
            td = null;
            Type baseType = null;
            Expression wh;
            CheckDeclModifiers(dmod, "Newtypes", AllowedDeclModifiers.None);

            while (la.kind == 50) {
            Attribute(ref attrs);
            NoUSIdent(out id);
            if (IsIdentColonOrBar()) {
            NoUSIdent(out bvId);
            if (la.kind == 22) {
                Type(out baseType);
            if (baseType == null) { baseType = new InferredTypeProxy(); }
            Expression(out wh, false, true);
            td = new NewtypeDecl(theVerifyThisFile ? id : new IncludeToken(id), id.val, module, new BoundVar(bvId, bvId.val, baseType), wh, attrs);
            } else if (StartOf(6)) {
            Type(out baseType);
            td = new NewtypeDecl(theVerifyThisFile ? id : new IncludeToken(id), id.val, module, baseType, attrs);
            } else SynErr(159);