Beispiel #1
        // Override the key press event from Xsharp.
        protected override bool OnKeyPress(KeyName key,
                                           ModifierMask modifiers, String str)
            bool processed = false;

            if (sink != null)
                // Emit the "KeyDown" event.
                ToolkitKeys keyData = MapKey(key, modifiers);
                if (sink.ToolkitKeyDown(keyData))
                    processed = true;

                // Emit the "KeyChar" event if necessary.
                if (str != null)
                    foreach (char ch in str)
                        // Clean old ASCII DEL (0x7F)
                        if (ch != (char)0x7F)
                            if (sink != null)                                         // window might be closed by sink.ToolkitKeyDown
                                if (sink.ToolkitKeyChar(ch))
                                    processed = true;
Beispiel #2
        // Override the key press event from Xsharp.
        protected override bool OnKeyPress(KeyName key,
                                           ModifierMask modifiers, String str)
            bool processed = false;

            if (sink != null)
                // Emit the "KeyDown" event.
                ToolkitKeys keyData = DrawingWindow.MapKey(key, modifiers);
                if (sink.ToolkitKeyDown(keyData))
                    processed = true;

                // Emit the "KeyChar" event if necessary.
                if (str != null)
                    foreach (char ch in str)
                        if (sink.ToolkitKeyChar(ch))
                            processed = true;
Beispiel #3
        public void ToolkitMouseWheel(ToolkitMouseButtons buttons, ToolkitKeys modifiers, int clicks, int x, int y, int delta)
            IToolkitEventSink co = this.mControlWeakRef.Target as IToolkitEventSink;

            if (null != co)
                co.ToolkitMouseWheel(buttons, modifiers, clicks, x, y, delta);
Beispiel #4
 // Override the key release event from Xsharp.
 protected override bool OnKeyRelease(KeyName key, ModifierMask modifiers)
     if (sink != null)
         // Emit the "KeyUp" event.
         ToolkitKeys keyData = DrawingWindow.MapKey(key, modifiers);
Beispiel #5
        public bool ToolkitKeyUp(ToolkitKeys key)
            IToolkitEventSink co = this.mControlWeakRef.Target as IToolkitEventSink;

            if (null != co)
Beispiel #6
        private ToolkitKeys MapKeyToToolkitKeys(int wParam)
            ToolkitKeys key = (ToolkitKeys)(wParam & 0xFFFF);

            if (Win32.Api.GetKeyState(Win32.Api.VirtualKeyType.VK_MENU) < 0)
                key |= ToolkitKeys.Alt;
            if (Win32.Api.GetKeyState(Win32.Api.VirtualKeyType.VK_CONTROL) < 0)
                key |= ToolkitKeys.Control;
            if (Win32.Api.GetKeyState(Win32.Api.VirtualKeyType.VK_SHIFT) < 0)
                key |= ToolkitKeys.Shift;
Beispiel #7
        // Map an Xsharp key description into a "ToolkitKeys" value.
        internal static ToolkitKeys MapKey(KeyName key, ModifierMask modifiers)
            ToolkitKeys toolkitKey = MapKey(key);

            if ((modifiers & ModifierMask.ControlMask) != 0)
                toolkitKey |= ToolkitKeys.Control;
            if ((modifiers & ModifierMask.ShiftMask) != 0)
                toolkitKey |= ToolkitKeys.Shift;
            if ((modifiers & ModifierMask.Mod1Mask) != 0)
                toolkitKey |= ToolkitKeys.Alt;
Beispiel #8
        //Map the win32 MouseKeyState to ToolkitKeys. Alt is handled differently
        private ToolkitKeys MapMouseToToolkitKeys(int wParam)
            ToolkitKeys keys = ToolkitKeys.None;

            Win32.Api.MouseKeyState fwKeys = (Win32.Api.MouseKeyState)(wParam & 0xFFFF);
            if ((fwKeys & Win32.Api.MouseKeyState.MK_CONTROL) > 0)
                keys |= ToolkitKeys.Control;

            if ((fwKeys & Win32.Api.MouseKeyState.MK_SHIFT) > 0)
                keys |= ToolkitKeys.Shift;

            if (Win32.Api.GetKeyState(Win32.Api.VirtualKeyType.VK_MENU) < 0)
                keys |= ToolkitKeys.Alt;

	public void ToolkitMouseWheel(ToolkitMouseButtons buttons, ToolkitKeys modifiers, int clicks, int x, int y, int delta) {
		IToolkitEventSink co = this.mControlWeakRef.Target as IToolkitEventSink;
		if( null != co ) {
			co.ToolkitMouseWheel(buttons, modifiers, clicks, x, y, delta);
	public bool ToolkitKeyUp(ToolkitKeys key) {
		IToolkitEventSink co = this.mControlWeakRef.Target as IToolkitEventSink;
		if( null != co ) {
			return co.ToolkitKeyUp(key);
		return false;
Beispiel #11
        // Post Mouse Move to the window that needs it. Handle Mouse Enter and Leave
        protected internal virtual void MouseMove(int msg, int wParam, int lParam)
            ToolkitMouseButtons buttons = MapToToolkitMouseButtons(wParam);
            ToolkitKeys         keys = MapMouseToToolkitKeys(wParam);
            int x, y;

            DrawingWindow actual;
            DrawingWindow found = FindDeepestChild(lParam, out x, out y, out actual);

            // Do Leave and Entered events.
            if (toolkit.enteredWindow != actual)
                if (toolkit.enteredWindow != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseLeave, " + toolkit.enteredWindow.sink);
                    toolkit.enteredWindow = null;
                if (actual != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseEnter, " + actual.sink);
                    toolkit.enteredWindow = actual;

            // If there are no child windows to receive the captured input then give it to the window doing the capturing
            if (toolkit.capturedWindow != null && found == null)
                found = toolkit.capturedWindow;

            // If this is the first time over a window, set the capture and try again
            if (toolkit.capturedTopWindow == null)
                if (toolkit.capturedWindow == null)
                    MouseMove(msg, wParam, lParam);

            Win32.Api.POINT mouse;
            mouse.x = MouseX(lParam) + DimensionsScreen.X;
            mouse.y = MouseY(lParam) + DimensionsScreen.Y;
            DrawingWindow actualWindow = toolkit.DrawingWindow(Win32.Api.WindowFromPoint(mouse));

            if (actualWindow != null && actualWindow.topOfhierarchy == toolkit.capturedTopWindow)
                // On the window decorations.
                if (found == null)
                    // Send the message to the client window
                    found.sink.ToolkitMouseMove(buttons, keys, 0, x, y, 0);
                //Console.WriteLine("DrawingWindow.MouseMove, " + (actual==null?"null":actual.sink.ToString()) +", (" + x +", " + y +"), " + buttons +"," + keys );
                if (toolkit.capturedWindow == null)
                    found.sink.ToolkitMouseMove(buttons, keys, 0, x, y, 0);
                // ?Send the last mouse move beyond the window (Win NT+ behaviour)
	// Toolkit event that is emitted for a mouse wheel event.
	void IToolkitEventSink.ToolkitMouseWheel
		(ToolkitMouseButtons buttons, ToolkitKeys modifiers,
		int clicks, int x, int y, int delta)
				if( !Enabled) { // Check Parent Enabled too, not just this Control.
					if (parent != null)
						((IToolkitEventSink)parent).ToolkitMouseWheel(buttons, modifiers, clicks, x + left, y + top, delta);
				// Convert to client coordinates
				x += ToolkitDrawOrigin.X - ClientOrigin.X;
				y += ToolkitDrawOrigin.Y - ClientOrigin.Y;
				currentModifiers = (Keys)modifiers;
				DoOnMouseWheel(new MouseEventArgs
					((MouseButtons)buttons, clicks, x, y, delta));
	// Toolkit event that is emitted for a mouse move event.
	void IToolkitEventSink.ToolkitMouseMove
		(ToolkitMouseButtons buttons, ToolkitKeys modifiers,
		int clicks, int x, int y, int delta)
				if(!Enabled) //Check Parent Enabled too, not just this Control. !GetControlFlag(ControlFlags.Enabled))
					if (parent != null)
						((IToolkitEventSink)parent).ToolkitMouseMove(buttons, modifiers, clicks, x + left, y + top, delta);
				// Convert to client coordinates
				x += ToolkitDrawOrigin.X - ClientOrigin.X;
				y += ToolkitDrawOrigin.Y - ClientOrigin.Y;
				mousePosition = PointToScreen(new Point(x, y));
				currentModifiers = (Keys)modifiers;
				OnMouseMove(new MouseEventArgs
					((MouseButtons)buttons, clicks, x, y, delta));
	// Toolkit event that is emitted for a mouse up event.
	void IToolkitEventSink.ToolkitMouseUp
		(ToolkitMouseButtons buttons, ToolkitKeys modifiers,
		int clicks, int x, int y, int delta)
				if(!Enabled) // Check Parent Enabled too, not just this Control. !GetControlFlag(ControlFlags.Enabled))
					if (parent != null)
						((IToolkitEventSink)parent).ToolkitMouseUp(buttons, modifiers, clicks, x + left, y + top, delta);
				// Convert to client coordinates
				x += ToolkitDrawOrigin.X - ClientOrigin.X;
				y += ToolkitDrawOrigin.Y - ClientOrigin.Y;
				mouseButtons = (MouseButtons)buttons;
				currentModifiers = (Keys)modifiers;
					SetControlFlag(ControlFlags.NotifyDoubleClick, false);
				else if(GetControlFlag(ControlFlags.NotifyClick))
					SetControlFlag(ControlFlags.NotifyClick, false);
				OnMouseUp(new MouseEventArgs
					((MouseButtons)buttons, clicks, x, y, delta));
				// See if we need to display the context menu.
				if(mouseButtons == MouseButtons.Right && contextMenu != null)
					contextMenu.Show(this, new Point(x, y));
	// Toolkit event that is emitted for a mouse down event.
	void IToolkitEventSink.ToolkitMouseDown
		(ToolkitMouseButtons buttons, ToolkitKeys modifiers,
		int clicks, int x, int y, int delta)
				if( !Enabled) //Check if this !Enabled OR Parent !Enabled, not just this control.  //if(!GetControlFlag(ControlFlags.Enabled))
					if (parent != null)
						((IToolkitEventSink)parent).ToolkitMouseDown(buttons, modifiers, clicks, x + left, y + top, delta);
				// Convert to client coordinates
				x += ToolkitDrawOrigin.X - ClientOrigin.X;
				y += ToolkitDrawOrigin.Y - ClientOrigin.Y;
				mouseButtons = (MouseButtons)buttons;
				currentModifiers = (Keys)modifiers;

				ToolkitMouseDown(mouseButtons, currentModifiers, clicks, x, y, delta);
	// Toolkit event that is emitted for a key up event.
	bool IToolkitEventSink.ToolkitKeyUp(ToolkitKeys key)
				// Create a fake key message and dispatch it.
				currentModifiers = (Keys)key;
				Message m = Message.CreateKeyMessage
					(Win32Constants.WM_KEYUP, (Keys)key);
				if(PreProcessMessage(ref m))
					// The key was dispatched as a dialog or command key.
					return true;
				return ProcessKeyMessage(ref m);