Beispiel #1
        protected void AddCorpStaff(CorpInfo info, string enterpriseId)
            string url = "" + enterpriseId + "&enterpriseBaseId=&data&filter_params_=rowNum,personId,personBaseId,name,isPause,isDel&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=&";

            string gridSearch       = "false";
            string nd               = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(DateTime.Now).ToString();
            string PAGESIZE         = "1000";
            string PAGE             = "1";
            string sortField        = "";
            string sortDirection    = "asc";
            NameValueCollection nvc = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                "gridSearch", "nd", "PAGESIZE", "PAGE", "sortField", "sortDirection"
            }, new string[] {
                gridSearch, nd, PAGESIZE, PAGE, sortField, sortDirection
            string strJson = string.Empty;

                strJson = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(url, nvc);
            catch { return; }

            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(strJson);

            object[] objList = smsTypeJson["data"] as object[];
            if (objList != null)
                foreach (object obj in objList)
                    string StaffName = string.Empty, IdCard = string.Empty, CertLevel = string.Empty, CertNo = string.Empty, stffType = string.Empty;

                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = obj as Dictionary <string, object>;
                    StaffName = Convert.ToString(dic["name"]);

                    string dtlUrl = "" + dic["personId"] + "&actionFlag=view&data&filter_params_=rowNum,personBaseId,personId,certificateId,certificateType,registerLevel,certificateCode,certificatePhotoetch,gardenMajor,issuer,major,pmTitle,issueDate,registerValidEnd&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=view&";//"" + enterpriseId + "&actionFlag=view&data&filter_params_=rowNum,personBaseId,personId,certificateId,certificateType,registerLevel,certificateCode,certificatePhotoetch,gardenMajor,issuer,major,pmTitle,issueDate,registerValidEnd&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=view&";

                    string dtlJson = string.Empty;
                        dtlJson = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(dtlUrl, nvc);
                    catch { continue; }
                    Dictionary <string, object> dtlDic = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(dtlJson);
                    object[] dtlObjList = dtlDic["data"] as object[];
                    if (dtlObjList != null && dtlObjList.Length > 0)
                        Dictionary <string, object> dicDtl = dtlObjList[0] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                        CertNo   = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["certificateCode"]);
                        stffType = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["major"]);
                    CorpTecStaff staff = ToolDb.GenCorpTecStaff(info.Id, StaffName, IdCard, CertLevel, CertNo, info.Url, stffType);
                    ToolDb.SaveEntity(staff, string.Empty);
Beispiel #2
        protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll)
            IList    list      = new List <NoticeInfo>();
            DateTime endDate   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(-60);
            long     startTime = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(startDate);
            long     endTime   = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(endDate);
            string   infoUrl   = this.SiteUrl + this.MaxCount + "&jbTimeMin=" + startTime + "&jbTimeMax=" + endTime;
            string   html      = string.Empty;

                html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(infoUrl, Encoding.UTF8);
            catch { return(null); }
            int startIndex = html.IndexOf("{");
            int endIndex   = html.LastIndexOf("}");

            html = html.Substring(startIndex, (endIndex + 1) - startIndex);
            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = null;

            smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(html);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> obj in smsTypeJson)
                if (obj.Key == "total")
                object[] array = (object[])obj.Value;
                foreach (object arrValue in array)
                    string InfoTitle = string.Empty, InfoType = string.Empty,
                                PublistTime = string.Empty, InfoCtx = string.Empty, InfoUrl = string.Empty,
                                prjCode = string.Empty, buildUnit = string.Empty, htmlTxt = string.Empty,
                                prjType = string.Empty;

                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = (Dictionary <string, object>)arrValue;

                    InfoUrl     = "";
                    prjCode     = Convert.ToString(dic["bdBH"]);
                    InfoTitle   = Convert.ToString(dic["bdName"]);
                    InfoType    = "截标信息";
                    PublistTime = Convert.ToString(dic["jbTime2"]);
                    prjType     = Convert.ToString(dic["gcLeiXing2"]);
                    htmlTxt     = string.Format("标段编号:{0}</br>标段名称:{1}</br>工程类型:{2}</br>截标时间:{3}", prjCode, InfoTitle, prjType, PublistTime);
                    InfoCtx     = string.Format("标段编号:{0}\r\n标段名称:{1}\r\n工程类型:{2}\r\n截标时间:{3}", prjCode, InfoTitle, prjType, PublistTime);
                    NoticeInfo info = ToolDb.GenNoticeInfo("广东省", "深圳龙岗区工程", "龙岗区", string.Empty, InfoTitle, InfoType, InfoCtx, PublistTime, string.Empty, "深圳市建设工程交易中心龙岗分中心", InfoUrl, prjCode, buildUnit, string.Empty, string.Empty, prjType, string.Empty, htmlTxt);
                    if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount)
Beispiel #3
        protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll)
            IList    list      = new List <MeetInfo>();
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime endDate   = startDate.AddDays(30);
            long     startTime = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(startDate);
            long     endTime   = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(endDate);
            string   Url       = this.SiteUrl + this.MaxCount + "&startTime=" + startTime + "&endTime=" + endTime;
            string   infUrl    = "";
            string   html      = string.Empty;

                html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(Url);
            catch { return(null); }
            int startIndex = html.IndexOf("{");
            int endIndex   = html.LastIndexOf("}");

            html = html.Substring(startIndex, (endIndex + 1) - startIndex);
            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(html);

            object[] objvalues = smsTypeJson["rows"] as object[];
            foreach (object objValue in objvalues)
                Dictionary <string, object> dic = (Dictionary <string, object>)objValue;
                string meetTime = string.Empty, prjName = string.Empty, meetName = string.Empty, place = string.Empty, prjCode = string.Empty;

                prjCode  = Convert.ToString(dic["bdBH"]);
                meetTime = Convert.ToString(dic["huiYiStartTime2"]);
                prjName  = Convert.ToString(dic["bdName"]);
                place    = Convert.ToString(dic["huiYiDiDianName"]);
                meetName = Convert.ToString(dic["huiYiLeiXingName"]);
                MeetInfo info = ToolDb.GenMeetInfo("广东省", "深圳宝安区工程", string.Empty, string.Empty, prjName, place, meetName, meetTime, string.Empty, "深圳市建设工程交易中心宝安分中心", infUrl, prjCode, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty);
                if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount)
                    // 删除
                    string bDate = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), eDate = endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    string sqlwhere   = " where City='深圳宝安区工程' and InfoUrl='" + infUrl + "' and BeginDate>='" + bDate + "' and BeginDate<='" + eDate + "'";
                    string delMeetSql = "delete from MeetInfo " + sqlwhere;
                    int    countMeet  = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delMeetSql);
            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                // 删除
                string bDate = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), eDate = endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                string sqlwhere   = " where City='深圳宝安区工程' and InfoUrl='" + infUrl + "' and BeginDate>='" + bDate + "' and BeginDate<='" + eDate + "'";
                string delMeetSql = "delete from MeetInfo " + sqlwhere;
                int    countMeet  = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delMeetSql);
Beispiel #4
        protected void AddCorpLeader(CorpInfo info, string enterpriseId)
            string url = "" + enterpriseId + "&data&filter_params_=rowNum,leaderId,name,title,safetyLicenseCode,safetyLicenseIssuer,safetyLicenseValidEnd&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=&";

            string gridSearch       = "false";
            string nd               = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(DateTime.Now).ToString();
            string PAGESIZE         = "1000";
            string PAGE             = "1";
            string sortField        = "";
            string sortDirection    = "asc";
            NameValueCollection nvc = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                "gridSearch", "nd", "PAGESIZE", "PAGE", "sortField", "sortDirection"
            }, new string[] {
                gridSearch, nd, PAGESIZE, PAGE, sortField, sortDirection
            string strJson = string.Empty;

                strJson = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(url, nvc);
            catch { return; }

            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(strJson);

            object[] objList = smsTypeJson["data"] as object[];
            if (objList != null)
                foreach (object obj in objList)
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = obj as Dictionary <string, object>;
                    string LeaderName = string.Empty, LeaderDuty = string.Empty, LeaderType = string.Empty, htlCtx = string.Empty, phone = string.Empty;

                    LeaderName = Convert.ToString(dic["name"]);
                    LeaderType = Convert.ToString(dic["title"]);

                    CorpLeader corpLeader = ToolDb.GenCorpLeader(info.Id, LeaderName, LeaderDuty, LeaderType, info.Url, phone);
                    ToolDb.SaveEntity(corpLeader, string.Empty);
Beispiel #5
        protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll)
            IList    list      = new List <MeetInfo>();
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime endDate   = startDate.AddDays(30);
            long     startTime = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(startDate);
            long     endTime   = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(endDate);
            string   infoUrl   = this.SiteUrl + this.MaxCount + "&startTime=" + startTime + "&endTime" + endTime;

            string html = string.Empty;

                html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(infoUrl, Encoding.UTF8);
            int startIndex = html.IndexOf("{");
            int endIndex   = html.LastIndexOf("}");

            html = html.Substring(startIndex, (endIndex + 1) - startIndex);
            int len = html.Length;
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = null;

            smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(html);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> obj in smsTypeJson)
                if (obj.Key == "total")
                object[] array = (object[])obj.Value;
                foreach (object arrValue in array)
                    string meetTime = string.Empty, prjName = string.Empty, meetName = string.Empty,
                                place = string.Empty, builUnit = string.Empty, prjCode = string.Empty;
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = (Dictionary <string, object>)arrValue;
                    prjName  = Convert.ToString(dic["bdName"]).GetReplace("<br/>");
                    meetTime = Convert.ToString(dic["huiYiStartTime2"]);
                    meetName = Convert.ToString(dic["huiYiLeiXingName"]);
                    place    = Convert.ToString(dic["huiYiDiDianName"]);
                    prjCode  = Convert.ToString(dic["bdBH"]);
                    MeetInfo info = ToolDb.GenMeetInfo("广东省", "深圳龙岗区工程", string.Empty, string.Empty, prjName, place, meetName, meetTime, string.Empty, "深圳市建设工程交易中心龙岗分中心", SiteUrl, prjCode, builUnit, string.Empty, string.Empty);
                    if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount)
                        // 删除
                        string bDate = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), eDate = endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        string sqlwhere   = " where City='深圳龙岗区工程' and InfoUrl='" + SiteUrl + "' and BeginDate>='" + bDate + "' and BeginDate<='" + eDate + "'";
                        string delMeetSql = "delete from MeetInfo " + sqlwhere;
                        int    countMeet  = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delMeetSql);
            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                // 删除
                string bDate = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), eDate = endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                string sqlwhere   = " where City='深圳龙岗区工程' and InfoUrl='" + SiteUrl + "' and BeginDate>='" + bDate + "' and BeginDate<='" + eDate + "'";
                string delMeetSql = "delete from MeetInfo " + sqlwhere;
                int    countMeet  = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delMeetSql);
Beispiel #6
        protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll)
            IList  list = new List <NoticeInfo>();
            string html = string.Empty;

            DateTime beginDate = DateTime.Today;

                html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(this.SiteUrl + (MaxCount + 20) + "&jbTimeMin=" + ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(beginDate) + "&jbTimeMax=" + ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(beginDate.AddDays(7).Date));
            catch { return(null); }
            int startIndex = html.IndexOf("{");
            int endIndex   = html.LastIndexOf("}");

            html = html.Substring(startIndex, (endIndex + 1) - startIndex);
            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(html);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> obj in smsTypeJson)
                if (obj.Key == "total")
                object[] array = (object[])obj.Value;
                foreach (object arrValue in array)
                    string InfoTitle = string.Empty, InfoType = string.Empty, PublistTime = string.Empty, InfoCtx = string.Empty, InfoUrl = string.Empty, prjCode = string.Empty, buildUnit = string.Empty, htmlTxt = string.Empty, prjType = string.Empty, bgType = string.Empty;
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = (Dictionary <string, object>)arrValue;
                    prjCode     = Convert.ToString(dic["bdBH"]);
                    InfoTitle   = Convert.ToString(dic["bdName"]);
                    prjType     = Convert.ToString(dic["gcLeiXing2"]);
                    PublistTime = Convert.ToString(dic["jbTime2"]);
                    InfoType    = "截标信息";
                    //InfoUrl = "" + Convert.ToString(dic["ggBDGuid"]);

                    htmlTxt = InfoCtx = "工程编号:" + prjCode + "\r\n工程名称:" + InfoTitle + "\r\n工程类型:" + prjType + "\r\n截标日期:" + PublistTime;
                    NoticeInfo info = ToolDb.GenNoticeInfo("广东省", "深圳市工程", string.Empty, string.Empty, InfoTitle, InfoType, InfoCtx, PublistTime, string.Empty, MsgTypeCosnt.ShenZhenMsgType, InfoUrl, prjCode, buildUnit, string.Empty, string.Empty, prjType, bgType, htmlTxt);
                    if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount)
                        string delSql = string.Format("delete from NoticeInfo where InfoType='{0}' and PublistTime>='{1}' and PublistTime<='{2}' and InfoSource='{3}'", info.InfoType, beginDate, beginDate.AddDays(7), info.InfoSource);
            if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                string delSql = string.Format("delete from NoticeInfo where InfoType='截标信息' and PublistTime>='{0}' and PublistTime<='{1}' and InfoSource='{2}'", beginDate, beginDate.AddDays(7), MsgTypeCosnt.ShenZhenMsgType);
Beispiel #7
        protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll)
            IList list = new ArrayList();

            string html = string.Empty;

                DateTime time = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeByLong(1509517250628);
                DateTime dt24 = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
                string   b    = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(dt24).ToString();
                html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(SiteUrl + b, Encoding.Default);
            catch (Exception ex)
            Parser parser  = new Parser(new Lexer(html));
            int    pageInt = 1;

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            object[] objs  = (object[])serializer.DeserializeObject(html);
            object[] items = objs[1] as object[];
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = items[0] as Dictionary <string, object>;
            string a    = Convert.ToString(smsTypeJson["page_all"]);
            int    page = int.Parse(a);

            pageInt = page / 18 + 1;
            for (int i = 1; i <= pageInt; i++)
                if (i > 1)
                        string lian = "" + i + "&fun=cggg&_=1509441711785";
                        html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(lian, Encoding.UTF8);
                    catch (Exception ex)

                parser = new Parser(new Lexer(html));
                JavaScriptSerializer        serializer1  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                object[]                    objd         = (object[])serializer.DeserializeObject(html);
                object[]                    items1       = objd[0] as object[];
                Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson1 = items1[0] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> obj in smsTypeJson)
                    object[] array = objd[0] as object[];
                    foreach (object arrValue in array)
                        string prjName = string.Empty, buildUnit = string.Empty, bidUnit = string.Empty, bidMoney = string.Empty,
                                    code = string.Empty, bidDate = string.Empty, beginDate = string.Empty, endDate = string.Empty,
                                    bidType = string.Empty, specType = string.Empty, InfoUrl = string.Empty, msgType = string.Empty,
                                    bidCtx = string.Empty, prjAddress = string.Empty, remark = string.Empty, prjMgr = string.Empty,
                                    otherType = string.Empty, HtmlTxt = string.Empty, strHtml = string.Empty;
                        Dictionary <string, object> dic = (Dictionary <string, object>)arrValue;
                        endDate = Convert.ToString(dic["ENDDATE"]).GetDateRegex("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        prjName = Convert.ToString(dic["TITLE"]);
                        string xu = Convert.ToString(dic["wp_mark_id"]);
                        InfoUrl = "" + xu;
                        string htmldtl = string.Empty;
                            htmldtl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(this.ToolWebSite.UrlEncode(InfoUrl), Encoding.UTF8).Replace("&nbsp;", "");
                        catch (Exception)
                        Regex regexHtml = new Regex(@"<script[^<]*</script>|<\?xml[^/]*/>");
                        htmldtl = regexHtml.Replace(htmldtl, "");
                        Parser   parserdtl     = new Parser(new Lexer(htmldtl));
                        Parser   dtlparserHTML = new Parser(new Lexer(htmldtl));
                        NodeList nodesDtl      = dtlparserHTML.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("div"), new HasAttributeFilter("id", "center")));
                        if (nodesDtl != null && nodesDtl.Count > 0)
                            Parser   begDate = new Parser(new Lexer(nodesDtl.ToHtml()));
                            NodeList begNode = begDate.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("div"), new HasAttributeFilter("id", "center")));
                            if (begNode != null && begNode.Count > 0)
                                beginDate = begNode.AsString().GetDateRegex("yyyy年MM月dd日");
                            NodeList dtlTable = begDate.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("table"), new HasAttributeFilter("border", "1")));
                            if (dtlTable != null && dtlTable.Count > 0)
                                TableTag tableDtl = dtlTable[0] as TableTag;
                                if (tableDtl.RowCount > 2)
                                    string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[2].ToPlainTextString();
                                    bidUnit  = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                                    bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                                if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 4)
                                    string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[4].ToPlainTextString();
                                    bidUnit  = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                                    bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                                if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 6)
                                    string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[6].ToPlainTextString();
                                    bidUnit  = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                                    bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                                if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 8)
                                    string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[8].ToPlainTextString();
                                    bidUnit  = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                                    bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                                if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 10)
                                    string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[10].ToPlainTextString();
                                    bidUnit  = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                                    bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                                if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 12)
                                    string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[12].ToPlainTextString();
                                    bidUnit  = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                                    bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                            HtmlTxt = nodesDtl.ToHtml();
                            bidCtx  = HtmlTxt.ToCtxString();

                            code      = bidCtx.GetRegex("批准文件编号,工程编号,项目编号").Replace("无", "");
                            code      = bidCtx.GetRegexBegEnd("批准文件编号:", "二");
                            buildUnit = bidCtx.GetBuildRegex();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildUnit))
                                buildUnit = bidCtx.GetRegexBegEnd("代理机构名称:", "地址");
                            prjAddress = bidCtx.GetAddressRegex();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prjAddress))
                                prjAddress = bidCtx.GetRegexBegEnd("地址:", "邮政编码");

                            msgType  = "内蒙古自治区政府采购中心";
                            specType = "政府采购";
                            bidType  = ToolHtml.GetInviteTypes(prjName);
                            prjName  = ToolDb.GetPrjName(prjName);
                            BidInfo info = ToolDb.GenBidInfo("内蒙古自治区", "内蒙古自治区及盟市", "", string.Empty, code, prjName, buildUnit, beginDate, bidUnit, beginDate, endDate, bidCtx, string.Empty, msgType, bidType, specType, otherType, bidMoney, InfoUrl, prjMgr, HtmlTxt);
                            if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount)

                //for (int i = 1; i <= pageInt; i++)
                //    if (i > 1)
                //    {
                //        try
                //        {
                //            html = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(this.SiteUrl + "&pos=" + i.ToString(), Encoding.Default);
                //        }
                //        catch (Exception ex)
                //        {
                //            Logger.Error(ex.ToString());
                //        }
                //    }
                //    parser = new Parser(new Lexer(html));
                //    NodeList nodes = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("table"), new HasAttributeFilter("class", "recordlist")));
                //    if (nodes != null && nodes.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        TableTag table = nodes[0] as TableTag;
                //        for (int t = 0; t < table.RowCount; t++)
                //        {
                //            string prjName = string.Empty, buildUnit = string.Empty, bidUnit = string.Empty, bidMoney = string.Empty,
                //                code = string.Empty, bidDate = string.Empty, beginDate = string.Empty, endDate = string.Empty,
                //                bidType = string.Empty, specType = string.Empty, InfoUrl = string.Empty, msgType = string.Empty,
                //                bidCtx = string.Empty, prjAddress = string.Empty, remark = string.Empty, prjMgr = string.Empty,
                //                otherType = string.Empty, HtmlTxt = string.Empty,strHtml=string.Empty;
                //            TableRow tr = table.Rows[t];
                //            endDate = tr.Columns[1].ToPlainTextString().GetDateRegex();
                //            ATag alink = tr.Columns[0].GetATag();
                //            prjName = tr.Columns[0].GetATagValue("title");
                //            InfoUrl = "" + alink.Link;
                //            string htmldtl = string.Empty;
                //            try
                //            {
                //                htmldtl = this.ToolWebSite.GetHtmlByUrl(InfoUrl, Encoding.Default).Replace("&nbsp;", "").Trim();
                //            }
                //            catch (Exception ex)
                //            {
                //                continue;
                //            }

                //            Regex regexHtml = new Regex(@"<script[^<]*</script>|<\?xml[^/]*/>");
                //            htmldtl = regexHtml.Replace(htmldtl, "");
                //            Parser parserdtl = new Parser(new Lexer(htmldtl));
                //            Parser dtlparserHTML = new Parser(new Lexer(htmldtl));
                //            NodeList nodesDtl = dtlparserHTML.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("div"), new HasAttributeFilter("id", "hlcms_9")));
                //            if (nodesDtl != null && nodesDtl.Count > 0)
                //            {
                //                Parser begDate = new Parser(new Lexer(nodesDtl.ToHtml()));
                //                NodeList begNode = begDate.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("div"), new HasAttributeFilter("class", "yzhang")));
                //                if (begNode != null && begNode.Count > 0)
                //                {
                //                    beginDate = begNode.AsString().GetDateRegex("yyyy年MM月dd日");
                //                }
                //                begDate.Reset();
                //                NodeList dtlTable = begDate.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("table"), new HasAttributeFilter("cellpadding", "5")));
                //                if (dtlTable != null && dtlTable.Count > 0)
                //                {
                //                    TableTag tableDtl = dtlTable[0] as TableTag;
                //                    if (tableDtl.RowCount > 2)
                //                    {
                //                        string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[2].ToPlainTextString();
                //                        bidUnit = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:",";");
                //                        bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:","。").GetMoney();
                //                    }
                //                    if (bidMoney == "0"&& tableDtl.RowCount >4)
                //                    {
                //                        string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[4].ToPlainTextString();
                //                        bidUnit = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                //                        bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                //                    }
                //                    if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 6)
                //                    {
                //                        string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[6].ToPlainTextString();
                //                        bidUnit = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                //                        bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                //                    }
                //                    if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 8)
                //                    {
                //                        string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[8].ToPlainTextString();
                //                        bidUnit = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                //                        bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                //                    }
                //                    if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 10)
                //                    {
                //                        string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[10].ToPlainTextString();
                //                        bidUnit = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                //                        bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                //                    }
                //                    if (bidMoney == "0" && tableDtl.RowCount > 12)
                //                    {
                //                        string ctx = tableDtl.Rows[12].ToPlainTextString();
                //                        bidUnit = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("供应商:", ";");
                //                        bidMoney = ctx.GetRegexBegEnd("中标金额:", "。").GetMoney();
                //                    }
                //                }
                //                HtmlTxt = nodesDtl.ToHtml();
                //                bidCtx = HtmlTxt.ToCtxString();

                //                code = bidCtx.GetRegex("批准文件编号,工程编号,项目编号",true,50).Replace("无", "");
                //                buildUnit = bidCtx.GetBuildRegex();
                //                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildUnit))
                //                    buildUnit = bidCtx.GetRegex("采购代理机构名称,采购单位名称");
                //                prjAddress = bidCtx.GetAddressRegex();
                //                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prjAddress))
                //                    prjAddress = bidCtx.GetRegex("投标地点,开标地点,地址");

                //                msgType = "内蒙古自治区政府采购中心";
                //                specType = "政府采购";
                //                bidType = ToolHtml.GetInviteTypes(prjName);
                //                prjName = ToolDb.GetPrjName(prjName);
                //                BidInfo info = ToolDb.GenBidInfo("内蒙古自治区", "内蒙古自治区及盟市", "", string.Empty, code, prjName, buildUnit, beginDate, bidUnit, beginDate, endDate, bidCtx, string.Empty, msgType, bidType, specType, otherType, bidMoney, InfoUrl, prjMgr, HtmlTxt);
                //                list.Add(info);
                //                if (!crawlAll && list.Count >= this.MaxCount)
                //                    return list;
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
Beispiel #8
        protected override IList ExecuteCrawl(bool crawlAll)
            string newUrl = "!,rowNum,enterpriseBaseId,enterpriseName,organizationCode&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=&";

            string gridSearch           = "true";
            string nd                   = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(DateTime.Now).ToString();
            string PAGESIZE             = "100";
            string PAGE                 = "1";
            string sortField            = "";
            string sortDirection        = "asc";
            string searchVal            = "1";
            string _enterpriseName_like = "公司";
            string entTypeCodes         = "";

            NameValueCollection nvc = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                "gridSearch", "nd", "PAGESIZE", "PAGE", "sortField", "sortDirection", "searchVal", "_enterpriseName_like", "entTypeCodes"
            }, new string[] {
                gridSearch, nd, PAGESIZE, PAGE, sortField, sortDirection, searchVal, _enterpriseName_like, entTypeCodes

            string html    = string.Empty;
            int    pageInt = 1;

                html = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(newUrl, nvc, Encoding.UTF8);
            catch { return(null); }

            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(html);

            string page = smsTypeJson["total"].ToString();

            pageInt = int.Parse(page);

            for (int i = 1; i <= pageInt; i++)
                if (i > 1)
                    PAGE = i.ToString();
                    nvc  = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                        "gridSearch", "nd", "PAGESIZE", "PAGE", "sortField", "sortDirection", "searchVal", "_enterpriseName_like", "entTypeCodes"
                    }, new string[] {
                        gridSearch, nd, PAGESIZE, PAGE, sortField, sortDirection, searchVal, _enterpriseName_like, entTypeCodes
                        html        = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(newUrl, nvc, Encoding.UTF8);
                        smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(html);
                    catch { continue; }

                object[] objList = (object[])smsTypeJson["data"];

                foreach (object obj in objList)
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = obj as Dictionary <string, object>;

                    string CorpName = string.Empty, CorpCode = string.Empty, CorpAddress = string.Empty,
                           RegDate = string.Empty, RegFund = string.Empty, BusinessCode = string.Empty,
                           BusinessType = string.Empty, LinkMan = string.Empty, LinkPhone = string.Empty,
                           Fax = string.Empty, Email = string.Empty, CorpSite = string.Empty, cUrl = string.Empty, ISOQualNum = string.Empty, ISOEnvironNum = string.Empty, corpType = string.Empty,
                           qualCode = string.Empty, corpMgr = string.Empty, businessMgr = string.Empty, tecMgr = string.Empty;

                    CorpName = Convert.ToString(dic["enterpriseName"]);

                    CorpCode = Convert.ToString(dic["organizationCode"]);
                    string idCode       = Convert.ToString(dic["enterpriseBaseId"]);
                    string enterpriseId = Convert.ToString(dic["enterpriseId"]);
                    cUrl = "!" + enterpriseId;

                    //string infoUrl = "!";
                    //string infoUrl2 = "!";
                    //Dictionary<string, object> dtlInfo = null, dtlInfo2 = null;
                    //string infoJson = string.Empty, infoJson2 = string.Empty;
                    string htmldtl = string.Empty;
                        htmldtl = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(cUrl).GetJsString();
                        //NameValueCollection dtlNvc = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                        //}, new string[] { enterpriseId, "" });

                        //infoJson = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(infoUrl, dtlNvc, Encoding.UTF8);
                        //dtlInfo = (Dictionary<string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(infoJson);

                        //dtlNvc = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                        //}, new string[] {

                        //infoJson2 = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(infoUrl2, dtlNvc, Encoding.UTF8);
                        //dtlInfo2 = (Dictionary<string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(infoJson2);
                    catch { continue; }

                    CorpAddress = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.registerAddress");
                    RegDate     = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.registerTime");
                    RegFund     = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.licenseCapital");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RegFund))
                        RegFund += "万元";
                    BusinessCode = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.licenseRegistrationCode");
                    CorpSite     = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.firmWebsite");

                    LinkMan   = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "");
                    Email     = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "");
                    LinkPhone = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "");
                    Fax       = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.fax");
                    corpMgr   = ToolHtml.GetHtmlInputValue(htmldtl, "_M.legalPersonName");

                    Parser   parser   = new Parser(new Lexer(htmldtl));
                    NodeList typeNode = parser.ExtractAllNodesThatMatch(new AndFilter(new TagNameFilter("div"), new HasAttributeFilter("class", "g2-cell col-sm-6")));
                    if (typeNode != null && typeNode.Count > 0)
                        string str = string.Empty;
                        for (int j = 2; j < typeNode.Count; j++)
                            string semp = typeNode[j].ToNodePlainString();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(semp))
                                    DateTime time = DateTime.Parse(semp);
                                catch { }
                                str += semp + ",";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                            corpType = str.Remove(str.Length - 1);

                    CorpInfo info = ToolDb.GenCorpInfo(CorpName, CorpCode, CorpAddress, RegDate, RegFund, BusinessCode, BusinessType, LinkMan, LinkPhone, Fax, Email, CorpSite, corpType, "广东省", "广东地区", "广东省住房和城乡建设厅", cUrl, ISOQualNum, ISOEnvironNum, string.Empty);

                    string exisSql = string.Format("select Id from CorpInfo where CorpName='{0}' and CorpType='{1}' and InfoSource='{2}'", info.CorpName, info.CorpType, info.InfoSource);

                    string corpId = Convert.ToString(ToolDb.ExecuteScalar(exisSql));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(corpId))
                        string delCorpQual = string.Format("delete from CorpQual where CorpId='{0}'", corpId);
                        string delCorpLeader = string.Format("delete from CorpLeader where CorpId='{0}'", corpId);
                        string delCorpSecLicStaff = string.Format("delete from CorpSecLicStaff where CorpId='{0}'", corpId);
                        int    qualCount = 0, leaderCount = 0, tecstaffCount = 0, infoCount = 0;
                        string corpSql = string.Format("delete from CorpInfo where Id='{0}'", corpId);
                        infoCount     = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(corpSql);
                        qualCount     = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delCorpQual);
                        leaderCount   = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delCorpLeader);
                        tecstaffCount = ToolDb.ExecuteSql(delCorpSecLicStaff);

                        if (infoCount > 0)
                            ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, "");
                        if (qualCount >= 0)
                                AddCorpQual(info, enterpriseId);
                            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); }
                        if (leaderCount >= 0)
                                AddCorpLeader(info, enterpriseId);
                            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); }
                        if (tecstaffCount >= 0)
                                AddCorpStaff(info, enterpriseId);
                            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); }
                        if (ToolDb.SaveEntity(info, ""))
                                AddCorpLeader(info, enterpriseId);
                            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); }
                                AddCorpQual(info, enterpriseId);
                            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); }
                                AddCorpStaff(info, enterpriseId);
                            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex); }

Beispiel #9
        protected void AddCorpQual(CorpInfo info, string enterpriseId)
            string gridSearch    = "false";
            string nd            = ToolHtml.GetDateTimeLong(DateTime.Now).ToString();
            string PAGESIZE      = "100";
            string PAGE          = "1";
            string sortField     = "";
            string sortDirection = "asc";
            string url           = "" + enterpriseId + "&data&filter_params_=rowNum,qualificationId,enterpriseBaseId,enterpriseId,qualificationBeforeId,qualificationCode,validEnd&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=&";

            NameValueCollection nvc = ToolWeb.GetNameValueCollection(new string[] {
                "gridSearch", "nd", "PAGESIZE", "PAGE", "sortField", "sortDirection"
            }, new string[] {
                gridSearch, nd, PAGESIZE, PAGE, sortField, sortDirection
            string strJson = string.Empty;

                strJson = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(url, nvc);
            catch { return; }

            JavaScriptSerializer        serializer  = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            Dictionary <string, object> smsTypeJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(strJson);

            object[] objList = smsTypeJson["data"] as object[];
            if (objList != null)
                foreach (object obj in objList)
                    Dictionary <string, object> dic = obj as Dictionary <string, object>;
                    string enterpriseBaseId         = Convert.ToString(dic["enterpriseBaseId"]);
                    string validEnd              = Convert.ToString(dic["validEnd"]);
                    string qualificationCode     = Convert.ToString(dic["qualificationCode"]);
                    string enterpriseIds         = Convert.ToString(dic["enterpriseId"]);
                    string qualificationBeforeId = Convert.ToString(dic["qualificationBeforeId"]);
                    string qualificationId       = Convert.ToString(dic["qualificationId"]);

                    string dtlUrl = "" + qualificationId + "&actionFlag=&data&filter_params_=rowNum,qualificationItemId,qualificationId,contentCodeValue,qualificationCode,contentCodeName,qualificationLevelName,mainItem,certificateIssuer,certificateDate,validDate&defined_operations_=&nocheck_operations_=&";

                    string dtlJson = string.Empty;
                        dtlJson = ToolWeb.GetHtmlByUrl(dtlUrl, nvc);
                    catch { continue; }

                    Dictionary <string, object> dtlDicJson = (Dictionary <string, object>)serializer.DeserializeObject(dtlJson);

                    object[] objDtlList = dtlDicJson["data"] as object[];
                    if (objDtlList != null)
                        foreach (object objDtl in objDtlList)
                            Dictionary <string, object> dicDtl = objDtl as Dictionary <string, object>;
                            string CorpId = string.Empty, QualName = string.Empty, QualCode = string.Empty, QualSeq = string.Empty, qualNum = string.Empty, QualType = string.Empty, QualLevel = string.Empty, ValidDate = string.Empty, LicDate = string.Empty, LicUnit = string.Empty;

                            CorpId    = info.Id;
                            QualCode  = qualificationCode;
                            QualName  = QualType = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["contentCodeName"]);
                            QualLevel = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["qualificationLevelName"]);
                            LicUnit   = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["certificateIssuer"]);
                            LicDate   = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["certificateDate"]);
                            ValidDate = Convert.ToString(dicDtl["validDate"]);
                            qualNum   = QualLevel.GetLevel();
                            Dictionary <string, object> mainItem = dicDtl["mainItem"] as Dictionary <string, object>;
                            if (mainItem != null)
                                QualSeq = Convert.ToString(mainItem["desc"]);

                            CorpQual qual = ToolDb.GenCorpQual(CorpId, QualName, QualCode, QualSeq, QualType, QualLevel, ValidDate, LicDate, LicUnit, info.Url, qualNum, "广东省", "广东地区");
                            ToolDb.SaveEntity(qual, string.Empty);