Beispiel #1
            string Host, NegotiateSettings NegotiateSettings,
            ConcurrentMessageQueue TelnetQueue, ToThread ToThread)
            var           sessionSettings = new SessionSettings();
            TelnetLogList logList         = null;
            bool          breakLoop       = false;

            // loop reading from NetworkStream and processing the telnet command.
            // loop until break flag is set.
            while (breakLoop == false)
                var item = TelnetQueue.WaitAndPeek();
                if ((item is TelnetCommand) == false)
                var telCmd = TelnetQueue.WaitAndDequeue() as TelnetCommand;

                byte[] responseBytes = null;
                    var rv = ProcessTelnetCommand(telCmd, NegotiateSettings);
                    var cx = rv.Item1;
                    responseBytes = rv.Item2;

                if ((responseBytes != null) && (responseBytes.Length > 0))
                    var dataMessage = new SendDataMessage(responseBytes);
            return(new Tuple <SessionSettings, TelnetLogList>(
                       sessionSettings, logList));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// apply the commands of the workstation command list to the screen content
        /// block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applyMaster"></param>
        /// <param name="CmdList"></param>
        /// <param name="ToThread"></param>
        /// <param name="LogList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Tuple <bool, ScreenContent> Apply(
            this ScreenContent InBaseMaster,
            WorkstationCommandList CmdList,
            ToThread ToThread, PaintThread PaintThread, TelnetLogList LogList)
            bool wtdApplied = false;
            var  baseMaster = InBaseMaster;
            var  master     = baseMaster.GetWorkingContentBlock();

            foreach (var cmdBase in CmdList)
                if (cmdBase is ClearUnitCommand)
                    var rv = ProcessClearUnit(baseMaster, baseMaster.ScreenDim, PaintThread);
                    baseMaster = rv.Item1;
                    master     = rv.Item2;

                // same as ClearUnit. Only signals that a wide screen to be used.
                else if (cmdBase is ClearUnitAlternateCommand)
                    var cua = cmdBase as ClearUnitAlternateCommand;

                    // screen size.
                    ScreenDim screenDim;
                    if (cua.RequestByte == 0x00)
                        screenDim = new ScreenDim(27, 132);
                        screenDim = new ScreenDim(24, 80);

                    var rv = ProcessClearUnit(baseMaster, screenDim, PaintThread);
                    baseMaster = rv.Item1;
                    master     = rv.Item2;

                // apply the orders of the WriteToDisplay command.
                else if (cmdBase is WriteToDisplayCommand)
                    var curMaster = master.Apply(cmdBase as WriteToDisplayCommand);
                    master     = curMaster;
                    wtdApplied = true;

                else if (cmdBase is ReadMdtFieldsCommand)
                    master.HowRead = HowReadScreen.ReadMdt;

                // save screen command. Build response, send back to server.
                else if (cmdBase is SaveScreenCommand)
                    var msg = new SaveScreenMessage(master.Copy());

                // read screen command. Build response, send back to server.
                else if (cmdBase is ReadScreenCommand)
                    var msg = new ReadScreenMessage(master.Copy());

                else if (cmdBase is WriteStructuredFieldCommand)
                    var wsfCmd = cmdBase as WriteStructuredFieldCommand;
                    if (wsfCmd.RequestCode == WSF_RequestCode.Query5250)
                        var msg = new Query5250ResponseMessage();
                else if (cmdBase is WriteSingleStructuredFieldCommand)
            return(new Tuple <bool, ScreenContent>(wtdApplied, baseMaster));
Beispiel #3
        public void EntryPoint()
            var master = BaseMaster_InitialSetup();

                // loop receiving from the server until:
                //   - the foreground thread wants to shutdown the connection. It has set
                //     the ShutdownFlag event.
                while ((ShutdownFlag.State == false) &&
                       (this.ConnectionFailedEvent.State == false))
                    var message = InputQueue.WaitAndDequeue(
                        this.ShutdownFlag.EventObject, this.ConnectionFailedEvent.EventObject);
                    if (message != null)
                        if (message is WorkstationCommandListMessage)
                            var cmdList = (message as WorkstationCommandListMessage).WorkstationCommandList;

                            var rv = this.BaseMaster.Apply(
                                cmdList, this.ToThread, this.PaintThread, this.LogList);
                            bool wtdApplied = rv.Item1;
                            this.BaseMaster = rv.Item2;

                            // signal the paint thread to paint the canvas with the screen
                            // content block.
                            if (wtdApplied == true)
                                this.BaseMaster.PostAidKey = this.PostAidKey;
                                this.PostAidKey            = null;
                                var masterCopy   = this.BaseMaster.Copy();
                                var content      = masterCopy.GetWorkingContentBlock();
                                var paintMessage = new PaintCanvasMessage(content);

                            // send another copy of the screenContent to the match thread.
                            // Match thread will match the screen to the screen definitions.
                            // Looking for screen id, hover code, help text, etc.
                            if (wtdApplied == true)
                                var masterCopy = this.BaseMaster.Copy();
                                var content    = masterCopy.GetWorkingContentBlock();
                                    ThreadMessageCode.MatchScreenContentToScreenDefn, content);

                        else if (message is KeyboardInputMessage)
                            var kbInput = message as KeyboardInputMessage;
                            if (kbInput.Text != null)
                                master = this.BaseMaster.GetWorkingContentBlock();

                        // message sent from UI thread when the caret is moved. See the
                        // ItemCanvas class.
                        else if (message is CaretMoveMessage)
                            var caretMove = message as CaretMoveMessage;
                            master = this.BaseMaster.GetWorkingContentBlock();

                        // enter key has been pressed. UI thread sent the message to this
                        // Master thread. Master thread relays the message to the
                        // ToThread along with a copy of the master ScreenContent. ToThread
                        // creates and sends the response data stream based on the master
                        // screen content.
                        else if (message is AidKeyResponseMessage)
                            var msg = message as AidKeyResponseMessage;
                            this.PostAidKey   = msg.AidKey;
                            msg.ScreenContent = this.BaseMaster.Copy();

                        else if (message is GeneralThreadMessage)
                            var generalMessage = message as GeneralThreadMessage;
                            switch (generalMessage.MessageCode)
                            case ThreadMessageCode.ClearLog:

                            // report visual items. Add screenContent to the message and
                            // send it to PaintThread.
                            case ThreadMessageCode.ReportVisualItems:
                                generalMessage.ScreenContent = this.BaseMaster.Copy();

                        else if (message is ExchangeMessage)
                            var exchangeMessage = message as ExchangeMessage;
                            if (exchangeMessage.MessageCode == ThreadMessageCode.GetScreenContent)
                                master = this.BaseMaster.GetWorkingContentBlock();
                                var masterCopy = master.Copy();
                // in case anyone waiting for this thread to end. Signal the ended event.