Beispiel #1
    public void OnClick_TimetableItemForModification(TimetableItemUIObject timetableUIObject)
        //get the timetable item [Model] for this particular timetable UI object and store in the activeTimetable ref. NOTE: this is required so that Confirm Modified Item can use this ref. later
        if (timetableUITracker.TryGetValueByFirst(timetableUIObject, out activeTimetableItem))
            activeTimetableItem.modificationFlag = true;
            timetableItemsParent.GetComponent <CanvasGroup> ().interactable = false;                    //set all timetable UI items so they cannot be modified
            //populate the 4 modification menu items with the values from this timetable item that is being modified
            modification_schedDepartureTimeText.text = ConvertGameTimeToHHMM(activeTimetableItem.scheduledDepartureTime);
            modification_DestinationText.text        =;

            int indexOfPreviouslySelected = -1;
            if (activeTimetableItem.train != null)                      //if the item selected for mods had a train already chosen previously then restore it to available options
                GameManager.instance.trainPool.RestoreItem(activeTimetableItem.train.trainSerialID, activeTimetableItem.train);
            List <Dropdown.OptionData> dropdownOptions = new List <Dropdown.OptionData> ();
            dropdownOptions.Add(emptyTrainOption);              //an empty option at start
            foreach (Train train in GameManager.instance.trainPool.AvailableOptions)
                dropdownOptions.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData(train.trainSerialID, trainUISprite));
                if (activeTimetableItem.train != null && activeTimetableItem.train.trainSerialID == train.trainSerialID)
                    indexOfPreviouslySelected = dropdownOptions.Count - 1;
            modification_trainDropdown.value = (activeTimetableItem.train == null)? 0 : indexOfPreviouslySelected;              //if the item selected for mods had a train already chosen previously then select it as the dropdown option, otherwise the empty option

            indexOfPreviouslySelected = -1;
            if (activeTimetableItem.platform != null)                   //if the item selected for mods had a platform already chosen previously then restore it to available options and select it in the dropdown
                GameManager.instance.platforms.RestoreItem(activeTimetableItem.platform.platformNumber.ToString(), activeTimetableItem.platform);
            dropdownOptions.Clear();                  //used for trains prior to this
            dropdownOptions.Add(emptyPlatformOption); //an empty option at start
            foreach (Platform platform in GameManager.instance.platforms.AvailableOptions)
                dropdownOptions.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData("Platform " + platform.platformNumber.ToString()));
                if (activeTimetableItem.platform != null && activeTimetableItem.platform.platformNumber == platform.platformNumber)
                    indexOfPreviouslySelected = dropdownOptions.Count - 1;
            modification_platformDropdown.value = (activeTimetableItem.platform == null)? 0 : indexOfPreviouslySelected;                //if the item selected for mods had a platform already chosen previously then select it in the dropdown, otherwise the empty option
            Debug.LogWarning("Player clicked a Timetable UI Item for modification but it was not found in the timetableUITracker dictionary of such items. Modification will not occur.");
Beispiel #2
    public void OnClick_ConfirmCreatedItem()
        GameManager.instance.ConfirmCreatedTimetableItem(creation_destinationDropdown.value, activeTimetableItem);
        //Generate a new UI object to display the timetable item's details to the player [View]
        GameObject            timetableItemGO       = Instantiate(timetableItemPrefab, timetableItemsParent.transform) as GameObject;
        TimetableItemUIObject timetableItemUIObject = timetableItemGO.GetComponent <TimetableItemUIObject>();

        //Get the reference to the text elements of the timetable item UI object and then update the time and destination (train/platform set later)
        timetableItemUIObject.timeText.text        = ConvertGameTimeToHHMM(activeTimetableItem.scheduledDepartureTime);
        timetableItemUIObject.destinationText.text =;
        //add the two newly generated objects to a tracking bi-lookup which allows quick lookups between View/Model later
        timetableUITracker.Add(timetableItemUIObject, activeTimetableItem);
