Beispiel #1
            internal override TimerThread.Timer CreateTimer(TimerThread.Callback callback, object context)
                TimerThread.TimerNode node = new TimerThread.TimerNode(callback, context, base.Duration, this.m_Timers);
                bool flag = false;

                lock (this.m_Timers)
                    if (this.m_Timers.Next == this.m_Timers)
                        if (this.m_ThisHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                            this.m_ThisHandle = (IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(this);
                        flag = true;
                    node.Next = this.m_Timers;
                    node.Prev = this.m_Timers.Prev;
                    this.m_Timers.Prev.Next = node;
                    this.m_Timers.Prev      = node;
                if (flag)
Beispiel #2
 internal TimerNode(TimerThread.Callback callback, object context, int durationMilliseconds, object queueLock) : base(durationMilliseconds)
     if (callback != null)
         this.m_Callback = callback;
         this.m_Context  = context;
     this.m_TimerState = TimerState.Ready;
     this.m_QueueLock  = queueLock;
Beispiel #3
 internal bool Fire()
     if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
         int tickCount = Environment.TickCount;
         if (TimerThread.IsTickBetween(base.StartTime, base.Expiration, tickCount))
         bool flag = false;
         lock (this.m_QueueLock)
             if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
                 this.m_TimerState = TimerState.Fired;
                 this.Next.Prev    = this.Prev;
                 this.Prev.Next    = this.Next;
                 this.Next         = null;
                 this.Prev         = null;
                 flag = this.m_Callback != null;
         if (flag)
                 TimerThread.Callback callback = this.m_Callback;
                 object context = this.m_Context;
                 this.m_Callback = null;
                 this.m_Context  = null;
                 callback(this, tickCount, context);
             catch (Exception exception)
                 if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception))
                 if (Logging.On)
                     Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, "TimerThreadTimer#" + base.StartTime.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "::Fire() - " + SR.GetString("net_log_exception_in_callback", new object[] { exception }));
Beispiel #4
 internal override bool Cancel()
     if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
         lock (this.m_QueueLock)
             if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
                 this.Next.Prev    = this.Prev;
                 this.Prev.Next    = this.Next;
                 this.Next         = null;
                 this.Prev         = null;
                 this.m_Callback   = null;
                 this.m_Context    = null;
                 this.m_TimerState = TimerState.Cancelled;
 internal FtpWebRequest(Uri uri)
     new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, uri).Demand();
     if (Logging.On)
         Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, this, ".ctor", uri.ToString());
     if (uri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uri");
     this.m_TimerCallback = new TimerThread.Callback(this.TimerCallback);
     this.m_SyncObject = new object();
     NetworkCredential defaultFtpNetworkCredential = null;
     this.m_Uri = uri;
     this.m_MethodInfo = FtpMethodInfo.GetMethodInfo("RETR");
     if ((this.m_Uri.UserInfo != null) && (this.m_Uri.UserInfo.Length != 0))
         string userInfo = this.m_Uri.UserInfo;
         string userName = userInfo;
         string password = "";
         int index = userInfo.IndexOf(':');
         if (index != -1)
             userName = Uri.UnescapeDataString(userInfo.Substring(0, index));
             password = Uri.UnescapeDataString(userInfo.Substring(index, userInfo.Length - index));
         defaultFtpNetworkCredential = new NetworkCredential(userName, password);
     if (defaultFtpNetworkCredential == null)
         defaultFtpNetworkCredential = DefaultFtpNetworkCredential;
     this.m_AuthInfo = defaultFtpNetworkCredential;
Beispiel #6
        internal FtpWebRequest(Uri uri)
            if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled) NetEventSource.Info(this, uri);

            if ((object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(uri));

            _timerCallback = new TimerThread.Callback(TimerCallback);
            _syncObject = new object();

            NetworkCredential networkCredential = null;
            _uri = uri;
            _methodInfo = FtpMethodInfo.GetMethodInfo(WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile);
            if (_uri.UserInfo != null && _uri.UserInfo.Length != 0)
                string userInfo = _uri.UserInfo;
                string username = userInfo;
                string password = "";
                int index = userInfo.IndexOf(':');
                if (index != -1)
                    username = Uri.UnescapeDataString(userInfo.Substring(0, index));
                    index++; // skip ':'
                    password = Uri.UnescapeDataString(userInfo.Substring(index, userInfo.Length - index));
                networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
            if (networkCredential == null)
                networkCredential = s_defaultFtpNetworkCredential;
            _authInfo = networkCredential;
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Net.FtpWebRequest'/>
        /// class.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        internal FtpWebRequest(Uri uri) {
           (new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, uri)).Demand();

           if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, this, ".ctor", uri.ToString());

           if ((object)uri.Scheme != (object)Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
               throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("uri");

            m_TimerCallback = new TimerThread.Callback(TimerCallback);
            m_SyncObject = new object();

            NetworkCredential networkCredential = null;
            m_Uri = uri;
            m_MethodInfo = FtpMethodInfo.GetMethodInfo(WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile);
            if (m_Uri.UserInfo != null && m_Uri.UserInfo.Length != 0) {
                string userInfo = m_Uri.UserInfo;
                string username = userInfo;
                string password = "";
                int index = userInfo.IndexOf(':');
                if (index != -1) {
                    username = Uri.UnescapeDataString(userInfo.Substring(0, index));
                    index++; // skip ':'
                    password = Uri.UnescapeDataString(userInfo.Substring(index, userInfo.Length - index));
                networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
            if (networkCredential == null) {
                networkCredential = DefaultFtpNetworkCredential;
            m_AuthInfo = networkCredential;
        internal ServicePoint(string host, int port, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint) {
            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + lookupString+")");
            if (Logging.On) Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "ServicePoint", host + ":" + port);
            m_ProxyServicePoint     = proxyServicePoint;
            m_ConnectionName        = "ByHost:"+host+":"+port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            m_IdlingQueue           = defaultIdlingQueue;
            m_ConnectionLimit       = defaultConnectionLimit;
            m_HostLoopbackGuess     = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_LookupString          = lookupString;
            m_UserChangedLimit      = userChangedLimit;
            m_ConnectionGroupList   = new Hashtable(10);
            m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
            m_ReceiveBufferSize     = -1;
            m_Host = host;
            m_Port = port;
            m_HostMode = true;

            // upon creation, the service point should be idle, by default
            m_IdleSince             = DateTime.Now;
            m_ExpiringTimer         = m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
            m_IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutCallback);
        // constructors
        internal ServicePoint(Uri address, TimerThread.Queue defaultIdlingQueue, int defaultConnectionLimit, string lookupString, bool userChangedLimit, bool proxyServicePoint) {
            GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(" + lookupString+")");
            if (Logging.On) Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "ServicePoint", address.DnsSafeHost + ":" + address.Port);

            m_ProxyServicePoint     = proxyServicePoint;
            m_Address               = address;
            m_ConnectionName        = address.Scheme;
            m_Host                  = address.DnsSafeHost;
            m_Port                  = address.Port;
            m_IdlingQueue           = defaultIdlingQueue;
            m_ConnectionLimit       = defaultConnectionLimit;
            m_HostLoopbackGuess     = TriState.Unspecified;
            m_LookupString          = lookupString;
            m_UserChangedLimit      = userChangedLimit;
            m_UseNagleAlgorithm     = ServicePointManager.UseNagleAlgorithm;
            m_Expect100Continue     = ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue;
            m_ConnectionGroupList   = new Hashtable(10);
            m_ConnectionLeaseTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
            m_ReceiveBufferSize     = -1;
            m_UseTcpKeepAlive       = ServicePointManager.s_UseTcpKeepAlive;
            m_TcpKeepAliveTime      = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveTime;
            m_TcpKeepAliveInterval  = ServicePointManager.s_TcpKeepAliveInterval;

            // it would be safer to make sure the server is 1.1
            // but assume it is at the beginning, and update it later
            m_Understands100Continue = true;
            m_HttpBehaviour         = HttpBehaviour.Unknown;

            // upon creation, the service point should be idle, by default
            m_IdleSince             = DateTime.Now;
            m_ExpiringTimer         = m_IdlingQueue.CreateTimer(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate, this);
            m_IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(IdleConnectionGroupTimeoutCallback);
 internal bool Fire()
     if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
         int tickCount = Environment.TickCount;
         if (TimerThread.IsTickBetween(base.StartTime, base.Expiration, tickCount))
             return false;
         bool flag = false;
         lock (this.m_QueueLock)
             if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
                 this.m_TimerState = TimerState.Fired;
                 this.Next.Prev = this.Prev;
                 this.Prev.Next = this.Next;
                 this.Next = null;
                 this.Prev = null;
                 flag = this.m_Callback != null;
         if (flag)
                 TimerThread.Callback callback = this.m_Callback;
                 object context = this.m_Context;
                 this.m_Callback = null;
                 this.m_Context = null;
                 callback(this, tickCount, context);
             catch (Exception exception)
                 if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception))
                 if (Logging.On)
                     Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, string.Concat(new object[] { "TimerThreadTimer#", base.StartTime.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), "::Fire() - ", exception }));
     return true;
 internal override bool Cancel()
     if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
         lock (this.m_QueueLock)
             if (this.m_TimerState == TimerState.Ready)
                 this.Next.Prev = this.Prev;
                 this.Prev.Next = this.Next;
                 this.Next = null;
                 this.Prev = null;
                 this.m_Callback = null;
                 this.m_Context = null;
                 this.m_TimerState = TimerState.Cancelled;
                 return true;
     return false;
 internal TimerNode(TimerThread.Callback callback, object context, int durationMilliseconds, object queueLock)
     : base(durationMilliseconds)
     if (callback != null)
         this.m_Callback = callback;
         this.m_Context = context;
     this.m_TimerState = TimerState.Ready;
     this.m_QueueLock = queueLock;
Beispiel #13
 internal abstract TimerThread.Timer CreateTimer(TimerThread.Callback callback, object context);
Beispiel #14
 internal override TimerThread.Timer CreateTimer(TimerThread.Callback callback, object context)
     return(new TimerThread.InfiniteTimer());