void FixedUpdate()
     //if a speed isnt already stored, the change is great enough, the new value isnt faster than max speed, and reinstating speed would actually give you speed back
     if (!isTimerOn && rb.velocity.magnitude < ignoreReinstateIfFaster && rb.velocity.magnitude < savedVelocity.magnitude && Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.magnitude - savedVelocity.magnitude) > magnitudeChangeThreshold)
         if (savedVelocity.magnitude > maxReinstateMagnitude)
             savedVelocity = savedVelocity.normalized * maxReinstateMagnitude;
         reinstateVelocity = savedVelocity;
         timer             = Instantiate(TimerPrefab).GetComponent <TimerAnimationController>();
         ParticleSystem             particles = timer.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
         ParticleSystem.ShapeModule s         = particles.shape;
         Vector3 velo = reinstateVelocity.Value;
         var     main = particles.main;
         main.startSpeed = new ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve(reinstateVelocity.Value.magnitude / 5);
         float angleToUse = Mathf.Atan2(velo.y, velo.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
         angleToUse        = (angleToUse - 90 < 0) ? angleToUse - 90 + 360 : angleToUse - 90;//unity plz
         s.rotation        = new Vector3(0, 0, angleToUse);
         timer.ClipLength  = timerLength;
         timer.ToFollow    = transform;
         timer.OnTimerEnd += () =>
             //rb.velocity = reinstateVelocity.Value;
             reinstateVelocity = null;
             isTimerOn         = false;
         timer.color = timerColor;
         isTimerOn   = true;
     savedVelocity = rb.velocity;