Beispiel #1
        public Stream Complete(Stream sealedData, out TimemarkKey timemarkKey)
            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Completing the provided sealed message with revocation and time info according to the level {0}", this.level);
            logger.LogInformation("Completing the provided sealed message with revocation and time info according to the level {0}", this.level);

            ITempStreamFactory factory   = NewFactory(sealedData);
            Stream             completed = factory.CreateNew();
            Complete(this.level, completed, sealedData, null, null, out timemarkKey);
            completed.Position = 0;

Beispiel #2
        protected void Complete(Level?level, Stream embedded, Stream signed, Stream content, X509Certificate2 providedSigner, out TimemarkKey timemarkKey)
            trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Completing the message with of {0} bytes to level {1}", signed.Length, level);
            logger.LogInformation("Completing the message with of {0} bytes to level {1}", signed.Length, level);

            //Create the objects we need
            var gen    = new CmsSignedDataStreamGenerator();
            var parser = new CmsSignedDataParser(signed);
            timemarkKey = new TimemarkKey();

            //preset the digests so we can add the signers afterwards

            //Copy the content to the output
            Stream contentOut = gen.Open(embedded, parser.SignedContentType.Id, true);
            if (content != null)

            //Extract the various data from outer layer
            SignerInformation signerInfo    = ExtractSignerInfo(parser);
            IX509Store        embeddedCerts = parser.GetCertificates("Collection");

            //Extract the various data from signer info
            timemarkKey.SignatureValue = signerInfo.GetSignature();
            timemarkKey.SigningTime    = ExtractSigningTime(signerInfo);
            timemarkKey.Signer         = ExtractSignerCert(embeddedCerts, signerInfo, providedSigner);
            if (timemarkKey.Signer != null)
                timemarkKey.SignerId = DotNetUtilities.FromX509Certificate(timemarkKey.Signer).GetSubjectKeyIdentifier();
                timemarkKey.SignerId = signerInfo.SignerID.ExtractSignerId();

            //Extract the various data from unsiged attributes of signer info
            IDictionary unsignedAttributes = signerInfo.UnsignedAttributes != null?signerInfo.UnsignedAttributes.ToDictionary() : new Hashtable();

            TimeStampToken   tst            = ExtractTimestamp(unsignedAttributes);
            RevocationValues revocationInfo = ExtractRevocationInfo(unsignedAttributes);

            //quick check for an expected error and extrapolate some info
            if (timemarkKey.SignerId == null)
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "We could not find any signer information");
                logger.LogError("We could not find any signer information");
                throw new InvalidMessageException("The message does not contain any valid signer info");

            if (timemarkKey.SigningTime == default && tst != null)
                trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Implicit signing time is replaced with time-stamp time {1}", tst.TimeStampInfo.GenTime);
                logger.LogInformation("Implicit signing time is replaced with time-stamp time {1}", tst.TimeStampInfo.GenTime);
                timemarkKey.SigningTime = tst.TimeStampInfo.GenTime;

            //Are we missing embedded certs and should we add them?
            if ((embeddedCerts == null || embeddedCerts.GetMatches(null).Count <= 1) &&
                timemarkKey.Signer != null &&
                level != null)
                embeddedCerts = GetEmbeddedCerts(timemarkKey);
            if (embeddedCerts != null)
                gen.AddCertificates(embeddedCerts);                        //add the existing or new embedded certs to the output.
            //Are we missing timestamp and should we add them (not that time-mark authorities do not require a timestamp provider)
            if (tst == null &&
                (level & Level.T_Level) == Level.T_Level && timestampProvider != null)
                tst = GetTimestamp(timemarkKey);
                AddTimestamp(unsignedAttributes, tst);

            //should be make sure we have the proper revocation info (it is hard to tell if we have everything, just go for it)
            if ((level & Level.L_Level) == Level.L_Level)
                if (embeddedCerts != null && embeddedCerts.GetMatches(null).Count > 0)
                    //extend the revocation info with info about the embedded certs
                    revocationInfo = GetRevocationValues(timemarkKey, embeddedCerts, revocationInfo);
                if (tst != null)
                    //extend the revocation info with info about the TST
                    revocationInfo = GetRevocationValues(tst, revocationInfo);
                //update the unsigned attributes
                AddRevocationValues(unsignedAttributes, revocationInfo);

            //Update the unsigned attributes of the signer info
            signerInfo = SignerInformation.ReplaceUnsignedAttributes(signerInfo, new BC::Asn1.Cms.AttributeTable(unsignedAttributes));

            //Copy the signer
            gen.AddSigners(new SignerInformationStore(new SignerInformation[] { signerInfo }));
