private void PlayTimeline()
        if (timelineTicker.currentTime < timelineMaximumTimeDuration)

            if (timelineTicker.currentTime >= currentToTimeClamp * scrollBeginThreshold)
                Debug.Log("expand timeline");
                currentFromTimeClamp += Time.deltaTime;
                currentToTimeClamp   += Time.deltaTime;

            // Debug.Log("fromTimeClamp : " + currentFromTimeClamp + " / toTimeClamp : " + currentToTimeClamp);

            timelineTicker.currentTime += Time.deltaTime;

            float x = ConvertFromTimeToTimelineXPosition(timelineTicker.currentTime);

            timelineTicker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, timelineTicker.transform.localPosition.y, -0.50f);
            currentFromTimeClamp = 0f;
            currentToTimeClamp   = timelineMaximumTimeDuration / timelineScale;
            timelineState        = TimelineState.Stop;
            public TimelineState GetTimelineState(GameObject sourceObject = null)
                if (_timelineState == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_file._filePath))
                        if (_stateMachine != null)
                            foreach (TimelineState state in _stateMachine._states)
                                if (state._stateId == _stateId)
                                    _timelineState = state;
                            throw new Exception("TimelineStateRefProperty need to be fixed up by TimelineStateMachine");
                        TextAsset asset = _file.LoadAsset();
                        _stateMachine = TimelineStateMachine.FromTextAsset(asset, sourceObject);
                        _timelineState = _stateMachine.GetTimelineState(_stateId);

Beispiel #3
 private void HandleTimelineStateChanged(TimelineState state)
     if (state == TimelineState.Stopped)
            public static void OnTimelineStateStarted(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineState state, string fileName)
                TimelineStateMachine parentStateMachine = state._debugParentStateMachine;

                if (parentStateMachine != null)
                    if (parentStateMachine != null)
                        StateInfo stateInfo;

                        if (!_stateMachineMap.TryGetValue(stateMachine.gameObject, out stateInfo))
                            stateInfo = new StateInfo();
                            _stateMachineMap.Add(stateMachine.gameObject, stateInfo);

                        stateInfo._stateMachine = parentStateMachine;
                        stateInfo._state        = state;
                        stateInfo._time         = 0.0f;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                            stateInfo._fileName = fileName;
Beispiel #5
    void Update()
        switch (state)
        case (TimelineState.Playing):
            time += Time.deltaTime;
            if (time > curve.keys[curve.length - 1].time)
                time  = curve.keys[curve.length - 1].time;
                state = TimelineState.Paused;

        case (TimelineState.Reversing):
            time -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (time < 0)
                time  = 0.0f;
                state = TimelineState.Paused;

        parameter = curve.Evaluate(time);
        public TracingTimeline(GraphView graphView, GraphToolState windowGraphToolState)
            m_GraphView            = graphView;
            m_WindowGraphToolState = windowGraphToolState;
            m_TimeArea             = new TimeArea();
            m_Overlay = new AnimEditorOverlay()
                PlayHeadColor = new Color(0.2117647F, 0.6039216F, 0.8F)
            m_State         = new TimelineState(m_TimeArea);
            m_Overlay.state = m_State;

            var         debugger = ((Stencil)m_WindowGraphToolState?.WindowState.GraphModel?.Stencil)?.Debugger;
            IGraphTrace trace    = debugger?.GetGraphTrace(m_WindowGraphToolState?.WindowState.GraphModel,

            if (trace?.AllFrames != null && trace.AllFrames.Count > 0)
                int firstFrame = trace.AllFrames[0].Frame;
                int lastFrame  = trace.AllFrames[trace.AllFrames.Count - 1].Frame;
                    firstFrame - k_MinTimeVisibleOnTheRight,
                    lastFrame + k_MinTimeVisibleOnTheRight);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows all documents associated with a given build document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventLogId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Documents(int eventLogId)
            BuildEvent build = OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                               .Include(be => be.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                               .Include(be => be.EventLog)
                               .Where(be => be.EventLogId == eventLogId)

            //find NPSM state for this build
            TimelineState buildState = (from npsm in Db.TimelineStates
                                        where npsm.StartTime >= build.EventLog.DateReceived &&
                                        npsm.IsSocialEvent == false &&
                                        npsm.UserId == build.EventLog.SenderId &&
                                        npsm.State != "--"
                                        orderby npsm.Id ascending
                                        select npsm).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

            //find next "interested" build, defined as follows:
            //document contains +/- 10% more lines
            //new document added to build
            List <BuildEvent> futureBuilds = (from be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                                              join el in OsbideDb.EventLogs on be.EventLogId equals el.Id
                                              where el.Id > build.EventLogId &&
                                              el.EventTypeId == 2 && //2 = build event log type
                                              el.SenderId == build.EventLog.SenderId
                                              select be)
                                             .Include(be => be.EventLog)
                                             .Include(be => be.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
            BuildEvent futureInterstingBuild = FindInterestingBuild(build, futureBuilds);

            //do the same thing, finding the most recent previously interesting build
            List <BuildEvent> pastBuilds = (from be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                                            join el in OsbideDb.EventLogs on be.EventLogId equals el.Id
                                            where el.Id < build.EventLogId &&
                                            el.EventTypeId == 2 &&               //2 = build event log type
                                            el.SenderId == build.EventLog.SenderId
                                            orderby be.EventLogId descending
                                            select be
                                           .Include(be => be.EventLog)
                                           .Include(be => be.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
            BuildEvent pastInterestingBuild = FindInterestingBuild(build, pastBuilds);

            BuildDocumentsViewModel viewModel = new BuildDocumentsViewModel()
                CurrentBuild             = build,
                NextInterestingBuild     = futureInterstingBuild,
                FutureBuilds             = futureBuilds,
                PreviousInterestingBuild = pastInterestingBuild,
                PastBuilds = pastBuilds,
                BuildState = buildState

 // Called when the owning graph starts playing
 public override void OnGraphStart(Playable playable)
     if (!EntityMgr.HasComponent <TimelineState>(Owner))
     lastState = EntityMgr.GetComponentData <TimelineState>(Owner);
            public void FixUpRef(TimelineStateMachine stateMachine)
                _stateMachine  = stateMachine;
                _timelineState = null;
                _editorStateName = null;
Beispiel #10
            public override bool IsConditionMet(StateMachineComponent stateMachine)
                ITimelineStateTimer timer = TimelineState.GetTimer(stateMachine.gameObject);

                _time -= timer.GetDeltaTime();

                return(_time <= 0.0f);
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds 50 build events centered around the supplied id parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventLogId">The id of the <see cref="EventLog"/> to use as an anchor</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Index(int eventLogId)
            CommentTimeline    timeline   = Db.CommentTimelines.Where(t => t.EventLogId == eventLogId).FirstOrDefault();
            EventLog           commentLog = OsbideDb.EventLogs.Include(u => u.Sender).Where(el => el.Id == timeline.EventLogId).FirstOrDefault();
            BuildDiffViewModel viewModel  = new BuildDiffViewModel();

            viewModel.User          = commentLog.Sender;
            viewModel.Comment       = timeline;
            viewModel.OriginalEvent = commentLog;

            //grab 10 prior builds
            viewModel.BuildsBefore = (
                from el in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                join be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                .Include(b => b.EventLog)
                on el.Id equals be.EventLogId
                where el.Id < commentLog.Id &&
                el.SenderId == commentLog.SenderId
                orderby el.Id descending
                select be).Take(25).ToList();

            //and 10 builds after
            viewModel.BuildsAfter = (
                from el in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                join be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                .Include(b => b.EventLog)
                on el.Id equals be.EventLogId
                where el.Id > commentLog.Id &&
                el.SenderId == commentLog.SenderId
                orderby el.Id ascending
                select be).Take(25).ToList();

            //for each build event, grab NPSM state
            foreach (BuildEvent build in viewModel.BuildsBefore.Union(viewModel.BuildsAfter))
                TimelineState priorBuildState = (from npsm in Db.TimelineStates
                                                 where npsm.StartTime >= build.EventLog.DateReceived &&
                                                 npsm.IsSocialEvent == false &&
                                                 npsm.UserId == commentLog.SenderId &&
                                                 npsm.State != "--"
                                                 orderby npsm.Id ascending
                                                 select npsm).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                if (priorBuildState == null)
                    priorBuildState = new TimelineState();
                viewModel.BuildStates.Add(build.Id, priorBuildState);

            private bool DrawStateNamePopUps()
                TimelineState[] states = null;

                switch (_editorLinkType)
                case eType.External:
                    TimelineStateMachine stateMachines = SerializeConverter.FromFile <TimelineStateMachine>(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_file._editorAsset));
                    states = stateMachines._states;

                case eType.Internal:
                    if (_stateMachine != null)
                        states = _stateMachine._states;

                if (states != null && states.Length > 0)
                    string[] stateNames = new string[states.Length + 1];
                    int      index      = 0;
                    stateNames[0] = "<none>";

                    for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++)
                        stateNames[i + 1] = "State" + states[i]._stateId + " (" + StringUtils.GetFirstLine(states[i].GetDescription()) + ")";

                        if (states[i]._stateId == _stateId)
                            index = i + 1;


                    index = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Timeline", index, stateNames);

                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                        _stateId         = index == 0 ? -1 : (int)states[index - 1]._stateId;
                        _timelineState   = null;
                        _editorStateName = null;

Beispiel #13
        public StudentCommentTimeline()
            CrowdCodings      = new PostCoding();
            CodeBeforeComment = new Dictionary <string, CodeDocument>();
            CodeAfterComment  = new Dictionary <string, CodeDocument>();

            ProgrammingState       = new TimelineState();
            ProgrammingState.State = "not available";

            ExpertCoding = new ContentCoding();
            Log          = new EventLog();
            Author       = new OsbideUser();
Beispiel #14
        private void HandleStepStateChanged(Step step, TimelineState state)
            // If playing, check if we're done.

            if (!RegisteredSteps.Any(s => s.IsBusy))
                State = TimelineState.Stopped;


                Camera.main.orthographic = false;

                if (HaxxisGlobalSettings.Instance.IsVgsJob == true)
                    if (TimelineViewBehaviour.Instance.NumRecordingsStartedThisPlayback == 0)
                        HaxxisGlobalSettings.Instance.ReportVgsError(6, "Choreography had no recording step");

                if (HaxxisGlobalSettings.Instance.IsVgsJob == true)

            // Check for seek arrival

            if (IsSeeking)
                if (step == SeekTarget)
                    // Hmm I thought something like this was going to be needed...?
                    //if ( state == TimelineState.Playing )

                    IsSeeking = false;

                    if (SeekThrough)
 private void StopTimeline()
     Debug.Log("stop timeline");
     drumScorePoints    = 0;
     drumScoreMissed    = 0;
     DrumScoreHit.text  = "0";
     DrumScoreMiss.text = "0";
     timelineState = TimelineState.Pause;
     timelineTicker.currentTime = 0;
            public static IEnumerator Run(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineStateRef stateRef, GameObject sourceObject = null)
                TimelineState state = stateRef.GetTimelineState(sourceObject != null ? sourceObject : stateMachine.gameObject);

                if (state != null)
                    string debugFileName = stateRef._file._filePath;
                    TimelineStateMachineDebug.OnTimelineStateStarted(stateMachine, state, debugFileName);
                    return(PerformState(stateMachine, state, state._timeline));

            public static IEnumerator Run(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineStateRefProperty stateRef, GameObject sourceObject = null)
                TimelineState state = stateRef.LoadTimelineState(sourceObject != null ? sourceObject : stateMachine.gameObject);

                if (state != null)
                    string debugFileName = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(stateRef.GetFile());
                    TimelineStateMachineDebug.OnTimelineStateStarted(stateMachine, state, debugFileName);
                    return(PerformState(stateMachine, state, state._timeline));

Beispiel #18
        private void SetupStates()
            foreach (var item in this.levelPoints)

            resolution = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5).Ticks;
            states     = new TimelineState[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                states[i]            = new TimelineState(i);
                states[i].resolution = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500).Ticks;

            states[0].resolution = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).Ticks;
Beispiel #19
 public void CheckTimeSpeed(TimelineState state)
     if (state == TimelineState.STOP)
         timeSpeedImage.sprite = pauseSprite;
     else if (state == TimelineState.PLAY)
         timeSpeedImage.sprite = playSprite;
     else if (state == TimelineState.x2)
         timeSpeedImage.sprite = fastPlaySprite;
     else if (state == TimelineState.x4)
         timeSpeedImage.sprite = veryFastPlaySprite;
                private void SwitchViewsIfNeeded()
                    if (_requestSwitchViews)
                        if (_requestSwitchViewsStateId != -1)
                            StateEditorGUI state = GetStateGUI(_requestSwitchViewsStateId);

                            if (state != null)
                                if (state.GetEditableObject() is TimelineState)
                                    TimelineState timelineState = (TimelineState)state.GetEditableObject();

                                    _currentMode = eMode.ViewingTimelineState;
                                    _editedState = state;

                                    _editorPrefs._stateId = _requestSwitchViewsStateId;

                                    foreach (StateEditorGUI stateView in _selectedObjects)
                                    Selection.activeObject = state;

                        _requestSwitchViews = false;
Beispiel #21
        //adds normalized programming state metrics to each user
        public void NormalizeProgrammingStates()
            //Algorithm: sum states total time, normalize based on total time spent in each state
            foreach (StudentTimeline timeline in Timeline.Values)
                TimeSpan total_time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);

                //pass #1: find total time
                foreach (string state in _intersting_states)
                    TimelineState aggregate = timeline.GetAggregateState(state);
                    total_time += aggregate.TimeInState;

                //add total time to states
                timeline.GetAggregateState("normalized_total_time").StartTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                timeline.GetAggregateState("normalized_total_time").EndTime   = DateTime.MinValue + total_time;
                TimelineState totalState = new TimelineState()
                    State     = "normalized_total_time",
                    StartTime = DateTime.MinValue,
                    EndTime   = timeline.GetAggregateState("normalized_total_time").EndTime

                //pass #2: normalize
                foreach (string state in _intersting_states)
                    string        normilzedKey    = string.Format("normalized_{0}", state);
                    TimelineState aggregate       = timeline.GetAggregateState(state);
                    TimelineState normalizedState = new TimelineState()
                        State = normilzedKey,
                        NormalizedTimeInState = (aggregate.TimeInState.TotalSeconds / total_time.TotalSeconds) * 100,

                    //add back to student
                    timeline.GetAggregateState(normilzedKey).NormalizedTimeInState = normalizedState.NormalizedTimeInState;
Beispiel #22
        public static void GetTimelineTransform(TransformTimeline timeline, float position, DBTransform retult)
            List <Frame> frameList = timeline.FrameList;
            int          i         = frameList.Count;

            TransformFrame currentFrame;
            float          tweenEasing;
            float          progress;
            TransformFrame nextFrame;

            while (i-- > 0)
                currentFrame = frameList[i] as TransformFrame;
                if (currentFrame.Position <= position && currentFrame.Position + currentFrame.Duration > position)
                    tweenEasing = currentFrame.TweenEasing;
                    if (i == frameList.Count - 1 || float.IsNaN(tweenEasing) || position == currentFrame.Position)
                        progress = (position - currentFrame.Position) / currentFrame.Duration;
                        if (tweenEasing != 0 && !float.IsNaN(tweenEasing))
                            progress = TimelineState.GetEaseValue(progress, tweenEasing);

                        nextFrame = frameList[i + 1] as TransformFrame;

                        retult.X      = currentFrame.Global.X + (nextFrame.Global.X - currentFrame.Global.X) * progress;
                        retult.Y      = currentFrame.Global.Y + (nextFrame.Global.Y - currentFrame.Global.Y) * progress;
                        retult.SkewX  = TransformUtil.FormatRadian(currentFrame.Global.SkewX + (nextFrame.Global.SkewX - currentFrame.Global.SkewX) * progress);
                        retult.SkewY  = TransformUtil.FormatRadian(currentFrame.Global.SkewY + (nextFrame.Global.SkewY - currentFrame.Global.SkewY) * progress);
                        retult.ScaleX = currentFrame.Global.ScaleX + (nextFrame.Global.ScaleX - currentFrame.Global.ScaleX) * progress;
                        retult.ScaleY = currentFrame.Global.ScaleY + (nextFrame.Global.ScaleY - currentFrame.Global.ScaleY) * progress;
Beispiel #23
        private void TimelineUpdated(TimelineState status)
            if (!isInitialized)

            if (VideoPlayer && VideoPlayer.isPrepared)
                if (VideoPlayer.isPlaying == false && status.TimelineStatus == TimelineStatus.PLAYING)
                else if (VideoPlayer.isPlaying == true && status.TimelineStatus == TimelineStatus.PAUSED)

                VideoPlayer.time          = GetVideoTimeForTimestamp(status.CurrentTimestamp);
                VideoPlayer.playbackSpeed = status.PlaybackSpeed;
        private void HandleTimelineStateChanged(TimelineState timelineState)
            if (State == LockedState)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Timeline changed state while View was locked.");

            if (timelineState == TimelineState.Playing)
                State = PlayingState;

                SeekEnabled = false;

            if (timelineState == TimelineState.Paused)
                State = PausedState;
            if (timelineState == TimelineState.Stopped)
                State = StoppedState;

                SeekEnabled = true;

                if (MinimizeOnPlay)

                if (HideChainViewOnPlay)
                    ChainView.Instance.Visible = WasChainViewOpen;

Beispiel #25
        private void TimelineUpdated(TimelineState timelineState)
            if (!isInitialized)

            if (PlayButton)
                var helper = PlayButton.GetComponent <ButtonConfigHelper>();
                if (helper)
                    if (TimelineStatus == TimelineStatus.PAUSED)
                        helper.MainLabelText = "Play";
                    else if (TimelineStatus == TimelineStatus.PLAYING)
                        helper.MainLabelText = "Pause";

            PlaybackSpeed = timelineState.PlaybackSpeed;
            foreach (VideoPlayer vp in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <VideoPlayer>())
                vp.playbackSpeed = PlaybackSpeed;

            if (PlaybackSpeedLabel)
                PlaybackSpeedLabel.text = "x" + PlaybackSpeed.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets comment details for a particular student
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Student(int id)
             * to fetch:
             * For each comment:
             *      Comment
             *      Option to view entire thread
             *      Chris, Adam, Carla content coding info
             *      Adam's student EC coding info
             *      size of previous / next save
             *      time of prevous /  last save
             *      NPSM state
             * */
            List<CommentTimelineViewModel> viewModel = new List<CommentTimelineViewModel>();

            //id is nice for MVC, but not very descriptive, switch to studentId in body.
            int studentId = id;
            int[] interestingEventIds =
                  1  //ask for help 
                , 2  //build event
                , 7  //feed post
                , 9  //log comment
                , 10 //save

            //only social events
            int[] socialEventIds = {1, 7, 9};

            //check to see if we have cached results in the DB
            var cachedResults = Db
                .Include(c => c.ProgrammingState)
                .Include(c => c.QuestionCodings.Select(q => q.QuestionCoding.Post))
                .Include(c => c.AnswerCodings.Select(q => q.AnswerCoding.Answer))
                .Include(c => c.ExpertCoding)
                .Include(c => c.TimelineCodeDocuments)
                .Where(c => c.AuthorId == studentId)
            if (cachedResults.Count() > 0)
                var authorQuery = from user in OsbideDb.Users
                                  where user.Id == studentId
                                  select user;
                OsbideUser student = authorQuery.FirstOrDefault();
                student = (student == null) ? new OsbideUser() : student;

                var eventLogQuery = from log in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                                    where log.SenderId == studentId
                                    && socialEventIds.Contains(log.EventTypeId)
                                    select log;
                Dictionary<int, EventLog> allEventLogs = new Dictionary<int, EventLog>();
                foreach(EventLog log in eventLogQuery)
                    allEventLogs.Add(log.Id, log);

                foreach(CommentTimeline timeline in cachedResults)
                    CommentTimelineViewModel nextViewModel = new CommentTimelineViewModel(timeline);
                    nextViewModel.Log = allEventLogs[timeline.EventLogId];
                    nextViewModel.Author = student;
                    List<TimelineCodeDocument> beforeDocuments = timeline.TimelineCodeDocuments.Where(t => t.isBeforeComment == true).ToList();
                    List<TimelineCodeDocument> afterDocuments = timeline.TimelineCodeDocuments.Where(t => t.isBeforeComment == false).ToList();
                    nextViewModel.CodeBeforeComment = new Dictionary<string, TimelineCodeDocument>();
                    nextViewModel.CodeAfterComment = new Dictionary<string, TimelineCodeDocument>();
                    foreach(TimelineCodeDocument tcd in beforeDocuments)
                        nextViewModel.CodeBeforeComment.Add(tcd.DocumentName, tcd);
                    foreach(TimelineCodeDocument tcd in afterDocuments)
                        nextViewModel.CodeAfterComment.Add(tcd.DocumentName, tcd);
                //no cached results, do it the long way...

                //this query pulls most questions (ask for help excluded?) from the analytics DB
                //and should be faster than loading all questions from the OSBIDE DB
                var commentQuery = from comment in Db.Posts
                                   where comment.AuthorId == studentId
                                   select comment;

                //convert into dictionary for lookup by logsQuery
                Dictionary<int, Post> posts = new Dictionary<int, Post>();
                foreach (Post post in commentQuery)
                    posts.Add(post.OsbideId, post);

                //This query will pull down all content coding questions, organized by Osbide user ID
                var contentCodingQuery = from code in Db.ContentCodings
                                         where code.AuthorId == studentId
                                         select code;
                SortedList<DateTime, ContentCoding> expertCodings = new SortedList<DateTime, ContentCoding>();
                foreach (ContentCoding coding in contentCodingQuery)
                    //I was getting key mismatch (probably difference in milliseconds).  My solution was to create
                    //a new date using only coarser measures
                    DateTime dateKey = new DateTime(coding.Date.Year, coding.Date.Month, coding.Date.Day, coding.Date.Hour, coding.Date.Minute, coding.Date.Second, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    expertCodings.Add(dateKey, coding);

                //This query will pull down information obtained from my crowd-sourced content coding.
                //AnswerCodings have FK reference to the original question as well as the answer.  If a Post
                //is in the AnswerCodings table, it must be an answer
                var answeredQuestionsQuery = from answer in Db.AnswerCodings
                                           .Include(c => c.Answer)
                                           .Include(c => c.Question)
                                             where answer.Answer.AuthorId == studentId || answer.Question.AuthorId == studentId
                                             select answer;

                var allPostsQuery = from question in Db.QuestionCodings
                                        .Include(c => c.Post)
                                    where question.Post.AuthorId == studentId
                                    select question;
                Dictionary<int, PostCoding> crowdCodings = new Dictionary<int, PostCoding>();
                foreach (QuestionCoding coding in allPostsQuery)
                    if (crowdCodings.ContainsKey(coding.Post.OsbideId) == false)
                        crowdCodings.Add(coding.Post.OsbideId, new PostCoding());
                        crowdCodings[coding.Post.OsbideId].OsbidePostId = coding.Post.OsbideId;
                foreach (AnswerCoding coding in answeredQuestionsQuery)
                    if (crowdCodings.ContainsKey(coding.Question.OsbideId) == false)
                        crowdCodings.Add(coding.Question.OsbideId, new PostCoding());
                        crowdCodings[coding.Question.OsbideId].OsbidePostId = coding.Question.OsbideId;

                //grab all save and build events for this user
                Dictionary<int, SaveEvent> allSaves = new Dictionary<int, SaveEvent>();
                Dictionary<int, BuildEvent> allBuilds = new Dictionary<int, BuildEvent>();
                var savesQuery = from save in OsbideDb.SaveEvents
                                 .Include(s => s.Document)
                                 join log in OsbideDb.EventLogs on save.EventLogId equals log.Id
                                 where log.SenderId == studentId
                                 select save;
                foreach (SaveEvent saveEvent in savesQuery)
                    allSaves[saveEvent.EventLogId] = saveEvent;
                var buildsQuery = from build in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                                 .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                                  join log in OsbideDb.EventLogs on build.EventLogId equals log.Id
                                  where log.SenderId == studentId
                                  select build;
                foreach (BuildEvent buildEvent in buildsQuery)
                    allBuilds[buildEvent.EventLogId] = buildEvent;

                //this query pulls data directly from event logs.
                var logsQuery = from log in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                                where log.SenderId == studentId && interestingEventIds.Contains(log.EventTypeId)
                                select log;
                List<EventLog> eventLogs = logsQuery.ToList();

                Stack<EventLog> saveEvents = new Stack<EventLog>();
                List<EventLog> socialEvents = new List<EventLog>();

                foreach (EventLog log in eventLogs)
                    //holds the next entry into the view model
                    CommentTimelineViewModel nextViewModel = new CommentTimelineViewModel();

                    //if we have a document save event, remember for later until we get a social event
                    if (log.LogType == SaveEvent.Name || log.LogType == BuildEvent.Name)
                        //social event detected

                        //1: grab previous edit information
                        string solutionName = "";
                        Dictionary<string, CodeDocument> previousDocuments = new Dictionary<string, CodeDocument>();

                        //Start with saves as they will contain more up-to-date information than last build
                        while (saveEvents.Count > 0 && saveEvents.Peek().LogType != BuildEvent.Name)
                            EventLog next = saveEvents.Pop();
                            if (allSaves.ContainsKey(next.Id))
                                SaveEvent save = allSaves[next.Id];
                                if (solutionName.Length == 0)
                                    solutionName = save.SolutionName;
                                if (save.SolutionName == solutionName)
                                    if (previousDocuments.ContainsKey(save.Document.FileName) == false)
                                        previousDocuments[save.Document.FileName] = save.Document;

                        //at this point, saveEvents should be empty or we should be at a build event.
                        //Finish off the snapshot with documents transferred with last build
                        if (saveEvents.Count > 0)
                            EventLog top = saveEvents.Pop();
                            if (allBuilds.ContainsKey(top.Id))
                                BuildEvent build = allBuilds[top.Id];

                                if (solutionName.Length == 0)
                                    solutionName = build.SolutionName;
                                if (build.SolutionName == solutionName)
                                    foreach (BuildDocument doc in build.Documents)
                                        if (previousDocuments.ContainsKey(doc.Document.FileName) == false)
                                            previousDocuments[doc.Document.FileName] = doc.Document;

                        //store final result in view model
                        foreach(CodeDocument document in previousDocuments.Values)
                            TimelineCodeDocument tcd = new TimelineCodeDocument()
                                CodeDocumentId = document.Id,
                                CommentTimeline = nextViewModel.Timeline,
                                DocumentContent = document.Content,
                                DocumentName = document.FileName,
                                isBeforeComment = true
                            if(nextViewModel.Timeline.TimelineCodeDocuments == null)
                                nextViewModel.Timeline.TimelineCodeDocuments = new List<TimelineCodeDocument>();

                        //2: grab next edit information (will have to be done on 2nd pass)

                        //grab expert content coding info
                        DateTime dateKey = new DateTime(log.DateReceived.Year,
                        //I was getting key mismatch (probably difference in milliseconds).  My solution was to create
                        //a new date using only coarser measures
                        if (expertCodings.ContainsKey(dateKey))
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.ExpertCoding = expertCodings[dateKey];
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.ExpertCodingId = expertCodings[dateKey].Id;

                        //grab crowd coding info
                        var crowd = crowdCodings.Where(cc => cc.Key == log.Id).Select(k => k.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (crowd != null)
                            foreach (var question in crowd.Codings)
                                TimelineQuestionCoding questionCode = new TimelineQuestionCoding()
                                    CommentTimeline = nextViewModel.Timeline,
                                    QuestionCoding = question,
                                    QuestionCodingId = question.Id
                            foreach (var answer in crowd.Responses)
                                TimelineAnswerCoding responseCoding = new TimelineAnswerCoding()
                                    CommentTimeline = nextViewModel.Timeline,
                                    AnswerCoding = answer,
                                    AnswerCodingId = answer.Id

                        //grab NPSM state info
                        //we want the most recent NPSM state that occurred before the comment was made
                        var npsmQuery = from npsm in Db.TimelineStates
                                        where npsm.StartTime <= log.DateReceived && npsm.IsSocialEvent == false
                                        && npsm.UserId == log.SenderId
                                        && npsm.State != "--"
                                        orderby npsm.Id ascending
                                        select npsm;
                        TimelineState state = npsmQuery.Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (state != null)
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.ProgrammingState = state;
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.ProgrammingStateId = state.Id;

                        //add in comment information
                        if (posts.ContainsKey(log.Id) == true)
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.Comment = posts[log.Id].Content;
                            //not found in pre-query.  Pull manually
                            if (log.LogType == FeedPostEvent.Name)
                                FeedPostEvent feedPost = OsbideDb.FeedPostEvents.Where(fpe => fpe.EventLogId == log.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (feedPost != null)
                                    nextViewModel.Timeline.Comment = feedPost.Comment;
                            else if (log.LogType == LogCommentEvent.Name)
                                LogCommentEvent logComment = OsbideDb.LogCommentEvents.Where(fpe => fpe.EventLogId == log.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (logComment != null)
                                    nextViewModel.Timeline.Comment = logComment.Content;
                            else if (log.LogType == AskForHelpEvent.Name)
                                AskForHelpEvent ask = OsbideDb.AskForHelpEvents.Where(fpe => fpe.EventLogId == log.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (ask != null)
                                    nextViewModel.Timeline.Comment = ask.UserComment + "\n" + ask.Code;
                        nextViewModel.Log = log;
                        nextViewModel.Timeline.EventLogId = log.Id;
                        nextViewModel.Timeline.AuthorId = log.SenderId;
                        nextViewModel.Author = log.Sender;
                        if(nextViewModel.Timeline.ExpertCoding == null)
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.ExpertCoding = new ContentCoding();
                        if(nextViewModel.Timeline.ProgrammingState == null)
                            nextViewModel.Timeline.ProgrammingState = new TimelineState()
                                EndTime = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01),
                                StartTime = new DateTime(2016, 01, 01),
                                State = "not available"

                //2nd pass: find code modifications made after comment.  
                for (int i = 0; i < viewModel.Count; i++)
                    CommentTimelineViewModel current = viewModel[i] as CommentTimelineViewModel;
                    CommentTimelineViewModel next = new CommentTimelineViewModel();
                    if (i + 1 < viewModel.Count)
                        next = viewModel[i + 1] as CommentTimelineViewModel;
                        next.Log = eventLogs.Last();

                    List<EventLog> logsBetween = eventLogs
                        .Where(l => l.DateReceived >= current.Log.DateReceived)
                        .Where(l => l.DateReceived <= next.Log.DateReceived)

                    Dictionary<string, CodeDocument> nextDocuments = new Dictionary<string, CodeDocument>();
                    string solutionName = "";
                    foreach (EventLog log in logsBetween)
                        if (log.LogType == SaveEvent.Name)
                            if (allSaves.ContainsKey(log.Id))
                                SaveEvent save = allSaves[log.Id];
                                if (solutionName.Length == 0)
                                    solutionName = save.SolutionName;
                                if (save.SolutionName == solutionName)
                                    if (nextDocuments.ContainsKey(save.Document.FileName) == false)
                                        nextDocuments[save.Document.FileName] = save.Document;
                        else if (log.LogType == BuildEvent.Name)
                            if (allBuilds.ContainsKey(log.Id))
                                BuildEvent build = allBuilds[log.Id];
                                if (solutionName.Length == 0)
                                    solutionName = build.SolutionName;
                                if (build.SolutionName == solutionName)
                                    foreach (BuildDocument doc in build.Documents)
                                        if (nextDocuments.ContainsKey(doc.Document.FileName) == false)
                                            nextDocuments[doc.Document.FileName] = doc.Document;

                    //store after documents
                    foreach (CodeDocument document in nextDocuments.Values)
                        TimelineCodeDocument tcd = new TimelineCodeDocument()
                            CodeDocumentId = document.Id,
                            CommentTimeline = current.Timeline,
                            DocumentContent = document.Content,
                            DocumentName = document.FileName,
                            isBeforeComment = false
                        if(current.Timeline.TimelineCodeDocuments == null)
                            current.Timeline.TimelineCodeDocuments = new List<TimelineCodeDocument>();

                //try jamming all this crap into DB
                Db.CommentTimelines.AddRange(viewModel.Select(m => m.Timeline).ToList());

            return View(viewModel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a list of document saves centered around a particular point of interest
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The id of the <see cref="CommentTimeline"/> to use as an anchor</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult DocumentSaveTimeline(int id)
            CommentTimeline timeline = Db.CommentTimelines.Where(t => t.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
            EventLog commentLog = OsbideDb.EventLogs.Include(u => u.Sender).Where(el => el.Id == timeline.EventLogId).FirstOrDefault();

            //get all posts in the conversation
            Post userPost = Db.Posts.Where(p => p.OsbideId == commentLog.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            List<Post> entireDiscussion = new List<Post>(); 
            if(userPost.ParentId > 0)
                entireDiscussion = (from post in Db.Posts
                                    where (post.ParentId == userPost.ParentId || post.Id == userPost.ParentId)
                                    orderby post.OsbideId
                                    select post).ToList();
                entireDiscussion = (from post in Db.Posts
                                    where (post.ParentId == userPost.Id || post.Id == userPost.Id)
                                    orderby post.OsbideId
                                    select post).ToList();

            //for each post in the discussion, grab a snapshot of the user's code
            Dictionary<int, BuildEvent> beforeBuildEvents = new Dictionary<int, BuildEvent>();
            Dictionary<int, BuildEvent> afterBuildEvents = new Dictionary<int, BuildEvent>();
            Dictionary<int, TimelineState> statesBefore = new Dictionary<int, TimelineState>();
            Dictionary<int, TimelineState> statesAfter = new Dictionary<int, TimelineState>();
            foreach(Post post in entireDiscussion)
                //get prior build event
                BuildEvent priorBuildEvent = (from el in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                                              join be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents 
                                              .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                                              .Include(b => b.EventLog)
                                              on el.Id equals be.EventLogId
                                              where el.Id < post.OsbideId
                                              && el.SenderId == commentLog.SenderId
                                              orderby el.Id descending
                                              select be).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                //grab next build event
                BuildEvent nextBuildEvent = (from el in OsbideDb.EventLogs
                                             join be in OsbideDb.BuildEvents
                                             .Include(b => b.Documents.Select(d => d.Document))
                                             .Include(b => b.EventLog)
                                             on el.Id equals be.EventLogId
                                             where el.Id > post.OsbideId
                                             && el.SenderId == commentLog.SenderId
                                             orderby el.Id ascending
                                             select be).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();

                if (priorBuildEvent != null)
                    //we want the NPSM state that resulted from this build
                    TimelineState priorBuildState = (from npsm in Db.TimelineStates
                                                     where npsm.StartTime >= priorBuildEvent.EventLog.DateReceived
                                                     && npsm.IsSocialEvent == false
                                                     && npsm.UserId == commentLog.SenderId
                                                     && npsm.State != "--"
                                                     orderby npsm.Id ascending
                                                     select npsm).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                    statesBefore.Add(post.Id, priorBuildState);
                    beforeBuildEvents.Add(post.Id, priorBuildEvent);
                if(nextBuildEvent != null)
                    //we want the NPSM state that resulted from this build
                    TimelineState afterBuildState = (from npsm in Db.TimelineStates
                                                     where npsm.StartTime >= nextBuildEvent.EventLog.DateReceived
                                                     && npsm.IsSocialEvent == false
                                                     && npsm.UserId == commentLog.SenderId
                                                     && npsm.State != "--"
                                                     orderby npsm.Id ascending
                                                     select npsm).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                    statesAfter.Add(post.Id, afterBuildState);
                    afterBuildEvents.Add(post.Id, nextBuildEvent);

            //construct final VM
            DocumentSaveTimelineViewModel viewModel = new DocumentSaveTimelineViewModel()
                BuildsAfter = afterBuildEvents,
                BuildsBefore = beforeBuildEvents,
                Discussion = entireDiscussion,
                StatesAfter = statesAfter,
                StatesBefore = statesBefore,
                Timeline = timeline,
                TimelineLog = commentLog,
                User = commentLog.Sender
            return View(viewModel);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Stops the timeline.
        /// </summary>
        public void Stop()
            //Stop the timeline.
            _State = TimelineState.Concluded;

            //If someone has hooked up a delegate to the event, fire it.
            if (OnConcluded != null) { OnConcluded(); }
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the timeline.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="move">The battle move to execute.</param>
 private void Initialize(BattleMove move)
     //Initialize the fields.
     _Move = move;
     _ElapsedTime = 0;
     _Events = new List<TimelineEvent>();
     _State = TimelineState.Idle;
Beispiel #30
    void Update()
        switch (state) {
            case (TimelineState.Playing):
                time += Time.deltaTime;
                if (time > curve.keys[curve.length-1].time) {
                    time = curve.keys[curve.length-1].time;
                    state = TimelineState.Paused;

            case (TimelineState.Reversing):
                time -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (time < 0) {
                    time = 0.0f;
                    state = TimelineState.Paused;

        parameter = curve.Evaluate(time);
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform this event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gametime">The elapsed game time.</param>
        /// <param name="elapsedTime">The elapsed time since the beginning of this event.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the event was performed this cycle or not.</returns>
        protected virtual bool PerformEvent(GameTime gametime, float elapsedTime)
            //If the elapsed time is less than 0, quit.
            if (_State == TimelineState.Concluded || elapsedTime < 0) { return false; }

            //Activate the event.
            _State = TimelineState.Active;

            //The event was performed.
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the timeline event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeline">The timeline this event is part of.</param>
        /// <param name="start">The start of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="dependentOn">An optional event to be dependent upon, ie. wait for.</param>
        protected virtual void Initialize(Timeline timeline, float start, TimelineEvent dependentOn)
            //Initialize the variables.
            _Timeline = timeline;
            _StartTime = start;
            _EndTime = start;
            _DependentOn = dependentOn;
            _Outcome = EventOutcome.None;
            _State = TimelineState.Idle;

            //If this event is dependent upon someone else, subscribe to it.
            if (_DependentOn != null) { _DependentOn.OnConcluded += OnDependentEnded; }
Beispiel #33
 public void Play()
     state = TimelineState.Playing;
Beispiel #34
 public void PlayFromStart()
     state = TimelineState.Playing; time = 0;
Beispiel #35
 public void Reverse()
     state = TimelineState.Reversing;
            private static IEnumerator PerformState(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineState state, Timeline timeline)
                if (timeline != null && timeline._events.Length > 0)
                    ITimelineStateMachineTimer timer = TimelineStateMachine.GetTimer(stateMachine.gameObject);

                    float        currentTime      = 0.0f;
                    List <Event> nonInstantEvents = new List <Event>();

                    int   eventIndex   = 0;
                    Event currentEvent = timeline._events[eventIndex];

                    while (currentEvent != null || nonInstantEvents.Count > 0)
                        IStateMachineEvent currentStateMachineEvent = currentEvent as IStateMachineEvent;

                        if (currentStateMachineEvent == null && currentEvent != null)
                            throw new System.Exception("Event doesn't implement IStateMachineEvent");

                        float nextEventTime = currentEvent != null ? timeline._events[eventIndex].GetTime() : 0.0f;

                        //Wait until event time
                        while (currentTime < nextEventTime || (currentEvent == null && nonInstantEvents.Count > 0))
                            currentTime += timer.GetDeltaTime();
                            TimelineStateMachineDebug.OnTimelineStateTimeProgress(stateMachine, state, currentTime);

                            //Updated non instant events, if any now wants to exit the state then break out of coroutine
                            if (UpdateNonInstantEvents(stateMachine, ref nonInstantEvents, currentTime))
                                EndNonInstantEvents(stateMachine, ref nonInstantEvents);
                                yield break;

                            yield return(null);

                        if (currentEvent == null)

                        //Trigger event
                        eEventTriggerReturn status = currentStateMachineEvent.Trigger(stateMachine);

                        switch (status)
                        case eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinished:
                            //Do nothing, just move on to next event

                        case eEventTriggerReturn.EventFinishedExitState:
                            //Exit state so break out of coroutine
                            EndNonInstantEvents(stateMachine, ref nonInstantEvents);
                            yield break;

                        case eEventTriggerReturn.EventOngoing:
                            //Track timed event, move on to next event

                        //Get next
                        currentEvent = ++eventIndex < timeline._events.Length ? timeline._events[eventIndex] : null;


                yield break;
Beispiel #37
 public void ReverseFromEnd()
     state = TimelineState.Reversing; time = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// This timeline event has now ended.
        /// </summary>
        protected void EventConcludedInvoke()
            //The event has now occurred.
            _State = TimelineState.Concluded;

            //If someone has hooked up a delegate to the event, fire it.
            if (OnConcluded != null) { OnConcluded(this); }
Beispiel #39
 public void Pause()
     state = TimelineState.Paused;
 /// <summary>
 /// Activate this event if the one we have been dependent upon has ended.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventRule">The event that has ended.</param>
 protected virtual void OnDependentEnded(TimelineEvent eventRule)
     //Set the state to active.
     _State = TimelineState.Active;
            public static void OnTimelineStateTimeProgress(StateMachine stateMachine, TimelineState intialState, float time)
                StateInfo stateInfo;

                if (_stateMachineMap.TryGetValue(stateMachine.gameObject, out stateInfo))
                    _stateMachineMap[stateMachine.gameObject]._time = time;
Beispiel #42
        public MainPage()
            this.navigationHelper = new NavigationHelper(this);
            this.navigationHelper.LoadState += navigationHelper_LoadState;
            this.navigationHelper.SaveState += navigationHelper_SaveState;

            this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Enabled;

            timelineState = TimelineState.MultiTimeline;
            Application.Current.Suspending += async(s, e) =>
                var deferral = e.SuspendingOperation.GetDeferral();
                //TODO: アプリケーションの状態を保存してバックグラウンドの動作があれば停止します
                 await viewModel.SaveTwitterDataAsync();
            Application.Current.Resuming += (s,e) =>
            textKeyManager = new TweetKeyManager(textPost,KeyBindings.PostTextKeyBinder);

            textBottomKeyManager = new TweetKeyManager(textPostBottom, KeyBindings.PostTextKeyBinder);
            textBottomKeyManager.CommandList.Add("PostTweet", (bind) =>

            pageKeyManager=new KeyManager(this,KeyBindings.PageTextKeyBinder);
            pageKeyManager.CommandList.Add("UpTab", (bind) =>
                ChangeTimelineSize(new Size(Window.Current.Bounds.Width,Window.Current.Bounds.Height));
            pageKeyManager.CommandList.Add("DownTab", (bind) =>
                ChangeTimelineSize(new Size(Window.Current.Bounds.Width, Window.Current.Bounds.Height));

            mediaElementNotification = new MediaElement();
            mediaElementNotification.AutoPlay = false;
            var uri = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Sound/notification.wav");
            var file = Windows.Storage.StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(uri).AsTask<StorageFile>().Result;
            var stream = file.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read).AsTask<IRandomAccessStream>().Result;
Beispiel #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Starts the timeline.
 /// </summary>
 public void Start()
     _State = TimelineState.Active;
Beispiel #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MessageUpdateTimeline"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="status">The new <see cref="TimelineState"/>.</param>
 public MessageUpdateTimeline(TimelineState status)
     TimelineState = status;
Beispiel #45
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the timeline.
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
     //Stops the timeline, resets the elapsed time and all events.
     _ElapsedTime = 0;
     _Events.ForEach(item => item.State = TimelineState.Idle);
     _State = TimelineState.Idle;