Beispiel #1
        private void DrawGroupsAndTracks(TimelinePath path, ITimeline timeline, bool expandedTimeline,
            ISelectionContext selection, Context c, TimelineLayout layout, RectangleF clipBounds)
            RectangleF canvasBounds = clipBounds; //clipBounds minus the left-side header
            canvasBounds.X = HeaderWidth;
            canvasBounds.Width -= HeaderWidth;

            RectangleF bounds;
            foreach (IGroup group in timeline.Groups)
                TimelinePath groupPath = path + group;
                if (!layout.TryGetBounds(groupPath, out bounds))
                if (bounds.IntersectsWith(clipBounds))
                    DrawMode drawMode = DrawMode.Normal;
                    if (selection.SelectionContains(groupPath))
                        drawMode |= DrawMode.Selected;
                    if (expandedTimeline)
                        Draw(group, bounds, drawMode, c);

                    IList<ITrack> tracks = group.Tracks;
                    bool collapsed = !expandedTimeline || (!group.Expanded && tracks.Count > 1);
                    foreach (ITrack track in tracks)
                        TimelinePath trackPath = path + track;
                        bounds = layout.GetBounds(trackPath);
                        if (bounds.IntersectsWith(clipBounds))
                            drawMode = DrawMode.Normal;
                            if (selection.SelectionContains(trackPath))
                                drawMode |= DrawMode.Selected;
                            if (collapsed)
                                drawMode = DrawMode.Collapsed;
                            Draw(track, bounds, drawMode, c);

                            foreach (IInterval interval in track.Intervals)
                                TimelinePath intervalPath = path + interval;
                                bounds = layout.GetBounds(intervalPath);
                                if (bounds.IntersectsWith(canvasBounds))
                                    drawMode = DrawMode.Normal;
                                    if (selection.SelectionContains(intervalPath))
                                        drawMode |= DrawMode.Selected;
                                    if (collapsed)
                                        drawMode = DrawMode.Collapsed;
                                    Draw(interval, bounds, drawMode, c);

                            foreach (IKey key in track.Keys)
                                TimelinePath keyPath = path + key;
                                bounds = layout.GetBounds(keyPath);
                                if (bounds.IntersectsWith(canvasBounds))
                                    drawMode = DrawMode.Normal;
                                    if (selection.SelectionContains(keyPath))
                                        drawMode |= DrawMode.Selected;
                                    if (collapsed)
                                        drawMode = DrawMode.Collapsed;
                                    Draw(key, bounds, drawMode, c);
Beispiel #2
        private void DrawSubTimeline(
            TimelinePath path,
            ISelectionContext selection,
            TimelinePath activeGroup,
            TimelinePath activeTrack,
            TimelineLayout layout,
            Context c)
            // Include the reference's offset into the Transform and InverseTransform properties.
            Matrix localToWorld = D2dTimelineControl.CalculateLocalToWorld(path);
            c.PushTransform(localToWorld, MatrixOrder.Prepend);

            // draw the row that has this timeline reference's name
            ITimelineReference reference = (ITimelineReference)path.Last;
            RectangleF clipBounds = m_graphics.ClipBounds;
            RectangleF bounds = layout.GetBounds(path);
            IHierarchicalTimeline timeline = reference.Target;
            if (bounds.IntersectsWith(clipBounds))
                DrawMode drawMode = DrawMode.Normal;
                if (selection.SelectionContains(path))
                    drawMode |= DrawMode.Selected;
                DrawTimelineReference(reference, bounds, drawMode, c);

            // draw the timeline document as if it were the main document
            if (timeline != null)
                DrawSubTimeline(path, timeline, true, reference.Options.Expanded, selection, activeGroup, activeTrack, layout, c);

Beispiel #3
        private void DrawSubTimeline(
            TimelinePath path,
            ITimeline timeline,
            bool subTimeline,
            bool expandedTimeline,
            ISelectionContext selection,
            TimelinePath activeGroup,
            TimelinePath activeTrack,
            TimelineLayout layout,
            Context c)
            //if (c.TestRecursion(timeline))
            //    return;

            if (!subTimeline)
                m_offsetX = c.Transform.OffsetX;

            RectangleF clipBounds = m_graphics.ClipBounds;

            DrawGroupsAndTracks(path, timeline, expandedTimeline, selection, c, layout, clipBounds);

            // draw markers over keys, intervals, tracks, and group
            if (subTimeline)
                // Give the Markers in the main timeline precedence; draw on top of everything.
                clipBounds.X = HeaderWidth;
                clipBounds.Width -= HeaderWidth;
                DrawMarkers(path, timeline, selection, c, layout, clipBounds);

            // Draw the group and track handles only if the owning timeline is expanded.
            if (expandedTimeline)
                if (m_printing)
                    c.Graphics.TranslateTransform(m_marginBounds.Left, 0);
                RectangleF bounds;
                foreach (IGroup group in timeline.Groups)
                    IList<ITrack> tracks = group.Tracks;
                    TimelinePath groupPath = path + group;
                    bounds = layout.GetBounds(groupPath);
                    bounds = GetGroupHandleRect(bounds, !group.Expanded);
                    RectangleF groupLabelBounds = new RectangleF(bounds.X, bounds.Y, HeaderWidth, bounds.Height);

                    // Draw group's move handle.
                    DrawMoveHandle(bounds, selection.SelectionContains(groupPath), groupPath == activeGroup);

                    // Draw expander?
                    if (tracks.Count > 1)
                        RectangleF expanderRect = GetExpanderRect(bounds);

                        groupLabelBounds.X += TrackIndent;
                        groupLabelBounds.Width -= TrackIndent;

                    // Draw tracks' move handles?
                    if (group.Expanded || tracks.Count == 1)
                        foreach (ITrack track in tracks)
                            TimelinePath trackPath = path + track;
                            bounds = layout.GetBounds(trackPath);
                            bounds = GetTrackHandleRect(bounds);
                            DrawMoveHandle(bounds, selection.SelectionContains(trackPath), trackPath == activeTrack);
                            if (bounds.Width > 0f)
                                m_graphics.DrawText(track.Name, m_trackTextFormat, bounds, m_nameBrush);

                    // Draw group name.
                    if (groupLabelBounds.Width > 0)
                        m_graphics.DrawText(group.Name, c.TextFormat, groupLabelBounds, m_nameBrush);
                if (m_printing)
                    c.Graphics.TranslateTransform(-m_marginBounds.Left, 0);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Prioritizes the hits, using layout and picking rectangle information. This is called after
        /// PrioritizeHits().</summary>
        /// <param name="hits">The timeline objects to sort, that intersect the given rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="layout">The layout</param>
        /// <param name="pickRect">The picking rectangle</param>
        protected virtual void PrioritizeHits(List<HitRecord> hits, TimelineLayout layout, RectangleF pickRect)
            if (hits.Count <= 1)

            float pickCenterX = pickRect.X + pickRect.Width*0.5f;
            float pickCenterY = pickRect.Y + pickRect.Height*0.5f;

            hits.Sort((a, b) =>
                if (a.Type < b.Type)
                    return -1;
                if (a.Type > b.Type)
                    return 1;
                // The HeaderResize type doesn't have a HitPath.
                if (a.HitPath == null || b.HitPath == null)
                    return 0;
                // They're the same type, so now sort by distance from center of picking rectangle.
                RectangleF aRect = layout.GetBounds(a.HitPath);
                RectangleF bRect = layout.GetBounds(b.HitPath);
                float aDist = Math.Min(
                    Math.Abs(aRect.X + aRect.Width*0.5f - pickCenterX),
                    Math.Abs(aRect.Y + aRect.Height*0.5f - pickCenterY));
                float bDist = Math.Min(
                    Math.Abs(bRect.X + bRect.Width * 0.5f - pickCenterX),
                    Math.Abs(bRect.Y + bRect.Height * 0.5f - pickCenterY));
                if (aDist < bDist)
                    return -1;
                if (aDist > bDist)
                    return 1;
                return 0;