Beispiel #1
        private static async Task RunConsumer(ConnectionMultiplexer conn, string consumerName)
            var redisDb = conn.GetDatabase();

            while (true)
                var currentSeconds = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Seconds, 10);

                var sortedSetEntries = await redisDb.SortedSetRangeByScoreWithScoresAsync("recentlyset:" + consumerName, double.NegativeInfinity, currentSeconds, take : 1);

                if (sortedSetEntries.Length == 1)
                    var metricId  = sortedSetEntries[0].Element.ToString();
                    var metricKey = metricId.Split(':')[1];
                    var timestamp = long.Parse(metricId.Split(':')[2]);

                    // Aggreagate this metric
                    var metricValues = await redisDb.SortedSetRangeByRankWithScoresAsync(metricId, 0, -1);

                    var values = new List <long>();
                    foreach (var metricValue in metricValues)
                        var temp = metricValue.Element.ToString();

                    var aggregatedMetric = new AggregatedMetric()
                        Count     = values.Count,
                        Max       = values.Max(),
                        Min       = values.Min(),
                        Sum       = values.Sum(),
                        Timestamp = timestamp

                    var isInserted = await redisDb.SortedSetAddAsync(metricKey + ":values", aggregatedMetric.ToString(), timestamp);

                    // delete the recentry set metric
                    var deletedCount = await redisDb.SortedSetRemoveRangeByScoreAsync("recentlyset:" + consumerName, sortedSetEntries[0].Score, sortedSetEntries[0].Score);

                    // delete the metric's values in the specific time range
                    var metricValuesDeleted = await redisDb.KeyDeleteAsync(metricId);

                    // Remove the metric assigned to consumer key
                    var assignedKeyRemoved = await redisDb.KeyDeleteAsync("assigned.consumer:" + metricId);
                    await Task.Delay(100);
Beispiel #2
        public void ClearCache(string authenticationCookie)
            AuthHandler.Authorize(authenticationCookie, PermissionsTable.Instance.CanDeleteCache);

                if (null != _storage)
            catch { }
Beispiel #3
        private async Task HandleRequest(string metricName, long value)
            var redisDb = conn.GetDatabase(DBNbr);

            var currentTimeStampInMicroseconds = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Microseconds);

            // Decide in which consumer we should put this metric
            var metricConsumerName = await GetMetricConsumer(conn, metricName, currentTimeStampInMicroseconds);

            // Put the metric value into the consumer's stream
            var nameValueEntry = new NameValueEntry[] {
                new NameValueEntry("metricName", metricName),
                new NameValueEntry("value", value),
                new NameValueEntry("time", currentTimeStampInMicroseconds),
            await redisDb.StreamAddAsync("stream:" + metricConsumerName, nameValueEntry);
        public static IRuleBuilderOptions <T, long?> TimestampValidation <T>(this IRuleBuilder <T, long?> rule)
            bool BeWithinRange(long?timestamp)
                var currentTimestamp      = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Seconds);
                var allowedRangeInSeconds = TimeSpan.FromHours(6).TotalSeconds;

                if (timestamp <= currentTimestamp - allowedRangeInSeconds || timestamp >= currentTimestamp + allowedRangeInSeconds)

                   .When(x => x != null)
                   .WithMessage("Timestamp should be unix timestamp in seconds that falls between the last and next six hours."));
Beispiel #5
        private static async Task RedisRequestHandler(ConnectionMultiplexer conn, string metricName, long value)
            var redisDb = conn.GetDatabase();

            var currentTimeStampInMicroseconds = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Microseconds);
            var currentTimeStampInSeconds      = (long)(Math.Floor((currentTimeStampInMicroseconds / 1_000_000) / 10.0) * 10);

            var redisMetricKey = "m:" + metricName + ":" + currentTimeStampInSeconds;

            // Insert the value of this metric
            var added = await redisDb.SortedSetAddAsync(redisMetricKey, value, currentTimeStampInMicroseconds);

            // Check if the metric at this timestamp was already assigned into some consumer
            var consumer = await GetMetricConsumer(conn, redisMetricKey);

            // Add this metric to the consumer's
            var added2 = await redisDb.SortedSetAddAsync("recentlyset:" + consumer, redisMetricKey, currentTimeStampInSeconds + 10);
        public async Task CollectAggregatedMetricAsync(Guid applicationId, string metricName, string metricNamespace, MetricValue metricValue)
            if (metricValue.TimeStamp <= 0)
                metricValue.TimeStamp = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Seconds);

            var redisDb   = connectionMultiplexer.GetDatabase();
            var metricKey = GetMetricKey(applicationId, metricName, metricNamespace);

            await loadedLuaScript.EvaluateAsync(redisDb, new
                metricKey = (RedisKey)metricKey,
                timestamp = metricValue.TimeStamp,
                count     = metricValue.Count,
                min       = metricValue.Min,
                max       = metricValue.Max,
                sum       = metricValue.Sum,
        public async Task CollectSingleMetricAsync(Guid applicationId, string metricName, string metricNamespace, double value, long?timestamp)
            if (timestamp == null || timestamp <= 0)
                timestamp = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Seconds);

            var redisDb   = connectionMultiplexer.GetDatabase();
            var metricKey = GetMetricKey(applicationId, metricName, metricNamespace);

            await loadedLuaScript.EvaluateAsync(redisDb, new
                metricKey = (RedisKey)metricKey,
                count = 1,
                min   = value,
                max   = value,
                sum   = value,
Beispiel #8
 public void ShouldReturnTimestampInMinutesPrecision()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Minutes));
Beispiel #9
        public void ShouldReturnTimestampWithSecondsGranularity(double granularity)
            var timestamp = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Seconds, granularity);

            (timestamp / granularity).Should().Equals(0);
Beispiel #10
        protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
            var         redisDb = connectionMultiplexer.GetDatabase();
            ISubscriber sub     = connectionMultiplexer.GetSubscriber();

                redisDb.StreamCreateConsumerGroup("metrics_stream", "metrics_consumer_group", "$");
            catch (Exception)
            { }

            while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                Stopwatch stopwatchRead         = null;
                Stopwatch stopwatchStreamAdding = null;
                Stopwatch stopwatchPublish      = null;
                Stopwatch stopwatchRemove       = null;

                int takeCount = 100;
                int count     = -1;
                    var currentSeconds = TimeStampProvider.GetCurrentTimeStamp(TimePrecisionUnit.Seconds, 10);
                    stopwatchRead = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    var sortedSetEntries = await redisDb.SortedSetRangeByScoreWithScoresAsync("recentlyset", double.NegativeInfinity, currentSeconds, take : takeCount);


                    var itemsToAdd = sortedSetEntries.Select(x => x.Element).ToArray();
                    count = itemsToAdd.Length;

                    if (itemsToAdd.Length > 0)
                        stopwatchStreamAdding = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        foreach (var item in itemsToAdd)
                            await redisDb.StreamAddAsync("metrics_stream", "key", item);

                        //stopwatchPublish = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        //foreach (var item in itemsToAdd)
                        //    await sub.PublishAsync("metrics", item);

                        stopwatchRemove = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        await redisDb.SortedSetRemoveRangeByRankAsync("recentlyset", 0, itemsToAdd.Length - 1);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.LogError(ex, "Exception in QueueBackgroundService");

                if (count != 0)
                    logger.LogInformation("Adding to Queue took:" + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms with " + count
                                          + $" items | Read: {stopwatchRead?.ElapsedMilliseconds}, Stream: {stopwatchStreamAdding?.ElapsedMilliseconds}, "
                                          + $" Publish: {stopwatchPublish?.ElapsedMilliseconds}, Remove: {stopwatchRemove?.ElapsedMilliseconds}.");

                int waitTime = 100;
                if (count >= takeCount)
                    waitTime = 0;
                else if (count == 0)
                    waitTime = 200;

                if (waitTime > 0)
                    await Task.Delay(waitTime, stoppingToken);