Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish <see cref="IFrame"/> of time-aligned collection of <see cref="IMeasurement"/> values that arrived within the
        /// concentrator's defined <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"><see cref="IFrame"/> of measurements with the same timestamp that arrived within <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/> that are ready for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of <see cref="IFrame"/> within a second ranging from zero to <c><see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/> - 1</c>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If user implemented publication function consistently exceeds available publishing time (i.e., <c>1 / <see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/></c> seconds),
        /// concentration will fall behind. A small amount of this time is required by the <see cref="ConcentratorBase"/> for processing overhead, so actual total time
        /// available for user function process will always be slightly less than <c>1 / <see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/></c> seconds.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void PublishFrame(TimeSeriesFramework.IFrame frame, int index)
            IMeasurement measurement = null;

            foreach (MeasurementKey key in frame.Measurements.Keys)
                measurement = frame.Measurements[key];

                if (measurement.AdjustedValue < m_lowRange || measurement.AdjustedValue > m_highRange)
                    AddOutOfRangeMeasurement(key, measurement);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish <see cref="IFrame"/> of time-aligned collection of <see cref="IMeasurement"/> values that arrived within the
        /// concentrator's defined <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"><see cref="IFrame"/> of measurements with the same timestamp that arrived within <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/> that are ready for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of <see cref="IFrame"/> within a second ranging from zero to <c><see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/> - 1</c>.</param>
        protected override void PublishFrame(TimeSeriesFramework.IFrame frame, int index)
            ConcurrentDictionary<MeasurementKey, IMeasurement> measurements;
            IMeasurement measurement;
            string name;

            measurements = frame.Measurements;

            // Set the values of variables in the expression
            foreach (MeasurementKey key in m_keyMapping.Keys)
                name = m_keyMapping[key];

                if (measurements.TryGetValue(key, out measurement))
                    m_expressionContext.Variables[name] = measurement.AdjustedValue;
                    m_expressionContext.Variables[name] = double.NaN;

            // Compile the expression if it has not been compiled already
            if ((object)m_expression == null)
                m_expression = m_expressionContext.CompileDynamic(m_aliasedExpressionText);

            // Evaluate the expression and generate the measurement
            GenerateCalculatedMeasurement(m_expression.Evaluate() as IConvertible);