public ResultsPage(List <Event> fixedEvents, Tuple <List <TimeCalculate>, List <List <int> > > tuple, List <LessonWithMultipleTimes> optionalEvents)
            var times        = tuple.Item1;
            var combinations = tuple.Item2;

            TimeCalculate min               = times.OrderBy(x => x.Time).First();
            List <int>    idsToAdd          = combinations[min.MemoryId];
            List <Event>  toDisplay         = fixedEvents.ToList(); //arxika vale ola ta fixed events
            List <Event>  allOptionalEvents = new List <Event>();

            foreach (var lesson in optionalEvents)
            foreach (var id in idsToAdd)
                toDisplay.Add(allOptionalEvents.First(x => x.Id == id));

            toDisplay = toDisplay
                        .OrderBy(x => ((int)x.Day + 6) % 7)
                        .ThenBy(x => x.startTime)
            resultsToShowList.ItemsSource = toDisplay;
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int idCounter       = 0; //provides the id
            var mandatoryEvents = new List <Event>();
            var optionalEvents  = new List <LessonWithMultipleTimes>();
            //format: Mon 1000-1200
            double roundtriptime = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter how much time to go to the university and back (in minutes)");
            var ii = Console.ReadLine();

            while (!double.TryParse(ii, out roundtriptime))
                Console.WriteLine("Error, try again");
                ii = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the fixed lessons in the format: Name,Day 1000-1200,Day 1400-1600");
            Console.WriteLine("To go to the non fixed, type \"c\"");

            var input = Console.ReadLine();

            while (input != "exit" && input != "c")
                List <Event> evTemp = ConsoleHelpers.ParseData(input, true, ref idCounter);
                input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (input == "c")
                Console.WriteLine("Please type the non fixed in the same format. When done type \"done\" ");
                input = Console.ReadLine();
                while (input != "done")
                    List <Event>            evTemp = ConsoleHelpers.ParseData(input, false, ref idCounter);
                    LessonWithMultipleTimes lesson = new LessonWithMultipleTimes(evTemp, false);
                    input = Console.ReadLine();
            var           tuple             = new ApplicationLogic().Logic(mandatoryEvents, optionalEvents, roundtriptime);
            var           times             = tuple.Item1;
            var           combinations      = tuple.Item2;
            TimeCalculate min               = times.OrderBy(x => x.Time).First();
            List <int>    idsToAdd          = combinations[min.MemoryId];
            List <Event>  toDisplay         = mandatoryEvents.ToList(); //arxika vale ola ta fixed events
            List <Event>  allOptionalEvents = new List <Event>();

            foreach (var lesson in optionalEvents)
            foreach (var id in idsToAdd)
                toDisplay.Add(allOptionalEvents.First(x => x.Id == id));

            toDisplay = toDisplay
                        .OrderBy(x => ((int)x.Day + 6) % 7)
                        .ThenBy(x => x.startTime)

            Console.WriteLine("To teliko programma einai:");

            foreach (var ev in toDisplay)
                Console.WriteLine("Day " + ev.Day + " Mathima: " + ev.Name + " Start: " + ev.startTime.Hour + ":" + ev.startTime.Minute + " Finish: " + ev.finishTime.Hour + ":" + ev.finishTime.Minute);