        /// <summary>   Event notification for Time & Sales update. </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">   Source of the event. </param>
        /// <param name="e">        Time & Sales event information. </param>
        void m_tsSubscription_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("\n================= {0}", m_ps_counter++);

            if (e.Error == null)
                // More than one LTP/LTQ may be received in a single event
                foreach (TimeAndSalesData ts in e.Data)
                    Price    ltp = ts.TradePrice;
                    Quantity ltq = ts.TradeQuantity;
                    Console.WriteLine("\n[{0}] {1} isOTC={2} isImplied={3} isLegTrade={4} {5} {6} @ {7}", ts.TimeStamp, ts.Instrument.Name, ts.IsOverTheCounter, ts.IsImplied, ts.IsLegTrade, ts.Direction, ts.TradePrice, ts.TradeQuantity);
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable Time and Sales subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
                    tt_net_sdk.TimeAndSalesSubscription ts = (tt_net_sdk.TimeAndSalesSubscription)sender;
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
        private void tsSub_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
            foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
                Price    ltp = tsData.TradePrice;
                Quantity ltq = tsData.TradeQuantity;

                if (CSOpen == 0)
                    CSOpen = ltp.ToTicks();

                if (ltp.ToTicks() > CSHigh)
                    CSHigh = ltp.ToTicks();
                else if (ltp.ToTicks() < CSLow || CSLow == 0)
                    CSLow = ltp.ToTicks();

                CSClose = ltp.ToTicks();
 /// <summary>
 /// Event notification for Time & Sales update
 /// </summary>
 void m_ts_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
     if (e.Error == null)
         // More than one LTP/LTQ may be received in a single event
         foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
             Price    ltp = tsData.TradePrice;
             Quantity ltq = tsData.TradeQuantity;
             Console.WriteLine("LTP = {0} : LTQ = {1}", ltp.ToString(), ltq.ToInt());
        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for trade updates
        /// </summary>
        public void tsSub_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
            // process the update
            if (e.Error == null)
                foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} --> LTP/LTQ : {2}/{3}",
                                      Thread.CurrentThread.Name, e.Instrument.Name, tsData.TradePrice, tsData.TradeQuantity);

                // Add strategy logic here
        // ****          TimeAndSalesSubscription_Updated()             ****
        /// <summary>
        /// Time and Sales data is uncoalesced trade data.  This allows us to a better job
        /// of diffrentiating sides volume traded on while recording data for analysis.
        /// This update Volume on all sides but last. The price subscription has a good last traded volume
        /// field, this is used only for more in depth analysis when needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="eventArgs"></param>
        private void TimeAndSalesSubscription_Updated(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs eventArgs)
            if (m_isDisposing)
            if (eventArgs.Error == null)
                UVProd.InstrumentName instrumentName;
                InstrumentKey         key = eventArgs.Instrument.Key;
                if (m_KeyToInstruments.TryGetValue(key, out instrumentName))
                    if (eventArgs.Data.Count != 0)
                    {                                                             // is any data packed with this event
                        MarketBase newEvent = m_Market.m_MarketBaseFactory.Get(); // Get an event arg.
                        newEvent.ClearVolume();                                   // make sure our event is clean.
                        newEvent.Name = instrumentName;
                        int[] instrumentVolumeArray = m_InstrKeyToVolume[key];

                        foreach (TimeAndSalesData timeAndSalesData in eventArgs.Data)
                        {                                                                                // for each trade
                            if (!timeAndSalesData.IsOverTheCounter)
                            {                                                                            // this trade was not OTC
                                int tradeSide = TTConvertNew.ToUVMarketSide(timeAndSalesData.Direction); //long, short or unknown
                                if (timeAndSalesData.TradeQuantity.IsValid)
                                {                                                                        // qty is valid so aggregate all qty's by the direction of the trade
                                    instrumentVolumeArray[tradeSide] += timeAndSalesData.TradeQuantity.ToInt();

                        for (int side = 0; side < newEvent.Volume.Length; side++)
                        { // update all sides
                            newEvent.Volume[side] = instrumentVolumeArray[side];

                        newEvent.IsIncludesTimeAndSales = true;
                        ProcessPriceChangeEvents(ref m_NewEvents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Event to notify the application there has been a change in the time and sales feed
        /// Here we pull the values and publish them to the GUI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void timeAndSalesSubscription_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error != null)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("TT API TimeAndSalesSubscription Error: {0}", e.Error.ToString()));


            // TAS data is delivered as a list.  Iterate through and publish to the DataGrid
            // The zero in the first parameter signifies we're inserting at the beginning of the list (new data always on top)
            foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
                m_TimeAndSalesList.Insert(0, tsData);

Beispiel #7
 void tsSub_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
     if (e.Error == null)
         TTInstrument   tti = _ttInstruments[e.Instrument.Key];
         Price          ltp;
         Quantity       ltq;
         DateTime       timestamp;
         TradeDirection direction;
         bool           isOTC;
         foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
             timestamp = tsData.TimeStamp;
             ltp       = tsData.TradePrice;
             ltq       = tsData.TradeQuantity;
             direction = tsData.Direction;
             isOTC     = tsData.IsOverTheCounter;
             if (OnTimeAndSales != null)
                 OnTimeAndSales(tti, timestamp, ltp, ltq, direction, isOTC);
        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for trade updates
        /// </summary>
        public void tsSub_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
            // process the update
            if (e.Error == null)
                foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1} --> LTP/LTQ : {2}/{3}",
                        Thread.CurrentThread.Name, e.Instrument.Name, tsData.TradePrice, tsData.TradeQuantity);

                // Add strategy logic here
 /// <summary>
 /// Event notification for Time & Sales update
 /// </summary>
 void m_ts_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
     if (e.Error == null)
         // More than one LTP/LTQ may be received in a single event
         foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
             Price ltp = tsData.TradePrice;
             Quantity ltq = tsData.TradeQuantity;
             Console.WriteLine("LTP = {0} : LTQ = {1}", ltp.ToString(), ltq.ToInt());
        /// <summary>
        /// Event to notify the application there has been a change in the time and sales feed
        /// Here we pull the values and publish them to the GUI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void timeAndSalesSubscription_Update(object sender, TimeAndSalesEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error != null)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("TT API TimeAndSalesSubscription Error: {0}", e.Error.ToString()));


            // TAS data is delivered as a list.  Iterate through and publish to the DataGrid
            // The zero in the first parameter signifies we're inserting at the beginning of the list (new data always on top)
            foreach (TimeAndSalesData tsData in e.Data)
                m_TimeAndSalesList.Insert(0, tsData);
