public override void boardSetup() {
		boardHolder = new GameObject ("Board").transform;
		// Generate a map from Cellular Automata.
		// CellularAutomata foo = new CellularAutomata(rows, columns);
		//PureRandom foo = new PureRandom(rows, columns);
		GameObject playerChar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
		selectedRule.initializeMap ();
		selectedRule.generateMap ();
		Tile[,] mapConvert =;

		MapValidationFunctions mvf = new MapValidationFunctions();

		Coord startPoint = new Coord(floodStartX,floodStartY); 
		Coord endPoint = new Coord(floodGoalX, floodGoalY);
		mvf.FloodFillCheck(, startPoint, endPoint);

		// This is the autotiler phase.
		// Let's try this method of instantiating the prefab of our choice...
		GameObject tileInstance = Instantiate(tilesetToUse, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
		selectedTileset = tileInstance.GetComponent<Tileset>();
		selectedTileset.autoTiler( mapConvert ); 

		if(MapValidationFunctions.clearable) Debug.Log ("The goal has been found!");
		else Debug.Log ("I can't find the goal.");
		//convertTiles( mapConvert );
	// Autotiler will be kind of built upon this.
	public void convertTiles( Tile[,] mapConvert ) {
		for(int x = 0; x < rows; x++) {
			for(int y = 0; y < columns; y++) {
				GameObject instantiateMe;

				// Todo: Change this into a general function that
				// takes in an enum and does a better job with tile conversion.
				if( mapConvert[x,y].property == TileType.OuterWall1 )
					instantiateMe = wallTile;
				else if ( mapConvert[x,y].property == TileType.Floor1 )
					instantiateMe = floorTile;
				else if ( mapConvert[x,y].property == TileType.Door1 )
					instantiateMe = doorTile;
					instantiateMe = pillarTile;
				GameObject instance = Instantiate(instantiateMe, new Vector3 (x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

	public void boardSetup() {

		boardHolder = new GameObject ("Board").transform;

		// Generate a map from Cellular Automata.
		// CellularAutomata foo = new CellularAutomata(rows, columns);
		//PureRandom foo = new PureRandom(rows, columns);
		GameObject playerChar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
		selectedRule.initializeMap ();
		selectedRule.generateMap ();
		Tile[,] mapConvert =;

		// This is the autotiler phase.
		// Let's try this method of instantiating the prefab of our choice...
		GameObject tileInstance = Instantiate(tilesetToUse, new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

		selectedTileset = tileInstance.GetComponent<Tileset>();
		selectedTileset.autoTiler( mapConvert ); 

		//convertTiles( mapConvert );
