Beispiel #1
        public static TileSet loadTileSet(RabbitPlatform game, string setFileName)
            TileSetInfo info;
            TileSet     ts;
            TileSetFile file = new TileSetFile(setFileName);

            TileMask[] masks;

            if (file.ReadMagic() != "TS")
                throw new FileLoadException("Wrong file format!", file.path);

            info  = new TileSetInfo(file.ReadUInt32(), file.ReadUInt32(), file.ReadByte());
            masks = new TileMask[info.Width * info.Height];
            Texture2D texture = TileGraphicsFilePart.fromStream(game, file.BaseStream);

            for (int y = 0; y < info.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < info.Width; x++)
                    masks[x + y * info.Width] = TileMaskFilePart.fromStream(file.BaseStream);

            ts = TileSet.loadFromTexture(texture, info, masks);
        public void MakeNew()
            IsLoaded = false;

            MyTileSetInfo = new TileSetInfo();

            CustomStartEnd = false;

            Pillars    = new BlockGroup();
            Platforms  = new BlockGroup();
            Ceilings   = new BlockGroup();
            StartBlock = new BlockGroup();
            EndBlock   = new BlockGroup();

            FixedWidths       = false;
            ProvidesTemplates = false;

            StandInType = TileSets.None;

            ObstacleUpgrades = new List <Upgrade>();

            FlexibleHeight = false;
            HasCeiling     = false;

            Name   = "";
            MyPath = "";
            Guid   = 0;

            Tint = new Vector4(1);

            ScreenshotString = "";

            MyBackgroundType = BackgroundType.Random;

            CoinScoreColor = new Color(220, 255, 255);
Beispiel #3
            public void UpdateQuad(int flattenedTileIndex, ref CCTileGidAndFlags tileGID, bool updateBuffer = false)
                int adjustedTileIndex        = flattenedTileIndex - TileStartIndex;
                int adjustedStartVertexIndex = adjustedTileIndex * NumOfCornersPerQuad;

                if (tileGID.Gid == 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumOfCornersPerQuad; i++)
                        QuadsVertexBuffer.Data[adjustedStartVertexIndex + i] = new CCV3F_C4B_T2F();

                    if (updateBuffer)
                        QuadsVertexBuffer.UpdateBuffer(adjustedStartVertexIndex, NumOfCornersPerQuad);

                else if (tileGID.Gid < TileSetInfo.FirstGid || tileGID.Gid > TileSetInfo.LastGid)

                float left, right, top, bottom, vertexZ;

                vertexZ = TileMapLayer.TileVertexZ(flattenedTileIndex);

                CCSize  tileSize = TileSetInfo.TileTexelSize * CCTileMapLayer.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios;
                CCSize  texSize  = TileSetInfo.TilesheetSize;
                CCPoint tilePos  = TileMapLayer.TilePosition(flattenedTileIndex);

                var quadVertexData = QuadsVertexBuffer.Data;
                var quad           = new CCV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad();

                // vertices
                if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.TileDiagonal) != 0)
                    left   = tilePos.X;
                    right  = tilePos.X + tileSize.Height;
                    bottom = tilePos.Y + tileSize.Width;
                    top    = tilePos.Y;
                    left   = tilePos.X;
                    right  = tilePos.X + tileSize.Width;
                    bottom = tilePos.Y + tileSize.Height;
                    top    = tilePos.Y;

                float temp;

                if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.Vertical) != 0)
                    temp   = top;
                    top    = bottom;
                    bottom = temp;

                if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.Horizontal) != 0)
                    temp  = left;
                    left  = right;
                    right = temp;

                if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.TileDiagonal) != 0)
                    // FIXME: not working correcly
                    quad.BottomLeft.Vertices  = new CCVertex3F(left, bottom, vertexZ);
                    quad.BottomRight.Vertices = new CCVertex3F(left, top, vertexZ);
                    quad.TopLeft.Vertices     = new CCVertex3F(right, bottom, vertexZ);
                    quad.TopRight.Vertices    = new CCVertex3F(right, top, vertexZ);
                    quad.BottomLeft.Vertices  = new CCVertex3F(left, bottom, vertexZ);
                    quad.BottomRight.Vertices = new CCVertex3F(right, bottom, vertexZ);
                    quad.TopLeft.Vertices     = new CCVertex3F(left, top, vertexZ);
                    quad.TopRight.Vertices    = new CCVertex3F(right, top, vertexZ);

                // texcoords
                CCRect tileTexture = TileSetInfo.TextureRectForGID(tileGID.Gid);

                left   = ((tileTexture.Origin.X) / texSize.Width) + 0.5f / texSize.Width;
                right  = left + ((tileTexture.Size.Width) / texSize.Width) - 1.0f / texSize.Width;
                bottom = ((tileTexture.Origin.Y) / texSize.Height) + 0.5f / texSize.Height;
                top    = bottom + ((tileTexture.Size.Height) / texSize.Height) - 1.0f / texSize.Height;

                quad.BottomLeft.TexCoords  = new CCTex2F(left, bottom);
                quad.BottomRight.TexCoords = new CCTex2F(right, bottom);
                quad.TopLeft.TexCoords     = new CCTex2F(left, top);
                quad.TopRight.TexCoords    = new CCTex2F(right, top);

                quad.BottomLeft.Colors  = CCColor4B.White;
                quad.BottomRight.Colors = CCColor4B.White;
                quad.TopLeft.Colors     = CCColor4B.White;
                quad.TopRight.Colors    = CCColor4B.White;

                QuadsVertexBuffer.Data.Elements[adjustedStartVertexIndex]     = quad.TopLeft;
                QuadsVertexBuffer.Data.Elements[adjustedStartVertexIndex + 1] = quad.BottomLeft;
                QuadsVertexBuffer.Data.Elements[adjustedStartVertexIndex + 2] = quad.TopRight;
                QuadsVertexBuffer.Data.Elements[adjustedStartVertexIndex + 3] = quad.BottomRight;

                if (updateBuffer)
                    QuadsVertexBuffer.UpdateBuffer(adjustedStartVertexIndex, NumOfCornersPerQuad);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor that attempts to load all data during initialization.  This will discard any
        /// ppreviously loaded data and replace it with this new information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ContentMgr">The content manager to use when loading image data</param>
        /// <param name="XMLFile">The path to the XML file containing the tileset information</param>
        /// <param name="RootPath">The root path in the XML file to find the tile information tags</param>
        public void LoadTileSetXML(ContentManager ContentMgr, string XMLFile, string RootPath)
            XmlDocument TilesXML;
            XmlNodeList TilesList, NamedTilesList;
            TileSetInfo NewSet;
            string      Name;
            UInt32      MarchID;
            Point       Coords;


            try {
                TilesXML = new XmlDocument();
            } catch (Exception ExErr) {
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Exception {2}{0}Message {3}", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, ExErr.GetType().ToString(), ExErr.Message));

            TilesList = TilesXML.DocumentElement.SelectNodes(RootPath + "/tiles");
            foreach (XmlNode TileNode in TilesList)
                NewSet = new TileSetInfo();
                NewSet.MarchingSquaresList = new Dictionary <MarchingSquaresTiles, Point>();
                NewSet.NamedTileList       = new Dictionary <string, Point>();

                //Load all tile set details from the XML file
                if (TileNode.Attributes["name"] != null)
                    NewSet.Name = TileNode.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag with no name attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile));

                if (TileNode.Attributes["file"] != null)
                    NewSet.ImageFile = TileNode.Attributes["file"].InnerText;
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with no file attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));

                if (TileNode.Attributes["columns"] != null)
                    if (Int32.TryParse(TileNode.Attributes["columns"].InnerText, out NewSet.ColumnCnt) == false)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with an invalid columns attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with no columns attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));

                if (TileNode.Attributes["rows"] != null)
                    if (Int32.TryParse(TileNode.Attributes["columns"].InnerText, out NewSet.RowCnt) == false)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with an invalid rows attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with no rows attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));

                if (TileNode.Attributes["columnwidth"] != null)
                    if (Int32.TryParse(TileNode.Attributes["columnwidth"].InnerText, out NewSet.TileWidth) == false)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with an invalid columnwidth attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));
                    NewSet.TileWidth = -1;

                if (TileNode.Attributes["rowheight"] != null)
                    if (Int32.TryParse(TileNode.Attributes["rowheight"].InnerText, out NewSet.TileHeight) == false)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with an invalid rowheight attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));
                    NewSet.TileHeight = -1;

                NamedTilesList = TileNode.SelectNodes("namedtile");
                foreach (XmlNode NamedTileNode in NamedTilesList)
                    if (NamedTileNode.Attributes["column"] != null)
                        if (Int32.TryParse(NamedTileNode.Attributes["column"].InnerText, out Coords.X) == false)
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with a namedtile tag with an invalid column attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with a namedtile tag with an missing column attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));

                    if (NamedTileNode.Attributes["row"] != null)
                        if (Int32.TryParse(NamedTileNode.Attributes["row"].InnerText, out Coords.Y) == false)
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with a namedtile tag with an invalid row attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Failed to load XML File {1}{0}Encountered a tiles tag named {2} with a namedtile tag with an missing row attribute.", Environment.NewLine, XMLFile, NewSet.Name));

                    if (NamedTileNode.Attributes["name"] != null)
                        Name = NamedTileNode.Attributes["name"].InnerText;

                        NewSet.NamedTileList.Add(Name, Coords);

                    if (NamedTileNode.Attributes["marchid"] != null)
                        Name    = NamedTileNode.Attributes["marchid"].InnerText;
                        MarchID = MDLN.Tools.TypeTools.BinaryStringToUInt32(Name);

                        NewSet.MarchingSquaresList.Add((MarchingSquaresTiles)MarchID, Coords);

                //Load the image data for use
                NewSet.TileTexture = ContentMgr.Load <Texture2D>(NewSet.ImageFile);

                //Add this tile set to the list
                cTileSetList.Add(NewSet.Name, NewSet);
Beispiel #5
        void UpdateQuadAt(int tileCoordX, int tileCoordY, bool updateBuffer = true)
            int flattenedTileIndex    = FlattenedTileIndex(tileCoordX, tileCoordY);
            CCTileGidAndFlags tileGID = tileGIDAndFlagsArray[flattenedTileIndex];

            CCTileMapVertAndIndexBuffer drawBuffer = drawBufferManager.GetDrawBufferAtIndex(flattenedTileIndex);
            int adjustedTileIndex = flattenedTileIndex - drawBuffer.TileStartIndex;

            if (tileGID.Gid == 0)
                drawBuffer.QuadsVertexBuffer.Data[adjustedTileIndex] = new CCV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad();

                if (updateBuffer)
                    drawBuffer.QuadsVertexBuffer.UpdateBuffer(adjustedTileIndex, 1);

            float left, right, top, bottom, vertexZ;

            vertexZ = TileVertexZ(tileCoordX, tileCoordY);

            CCSize  tileSize = TileSetInfo.TileTexelSize * CCTileMapLayer.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios;
            CCSize  texSize  = TileSetInfo.TilesheetSize;
            CCPoint tilePos  = TilePosition(tileCoordX, tileCoordY);

            var quad = drawBuffer.QuadsVertexBuffer.Data[adjustedTileIndex];

            // vertices
            if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.TileDiagonal) != 0)
                left   = tilePos.X;
                right  = tilePos.X + tileSize.Height;
                bottom = tilePos.Y + tileSize.Width;
                top    = tilePos.Y;
                left   = tilePos.X;
                right  = tilePos.X + tileSize.Width;
                bottom = tilePos.Y + tileSize.Height;
                top    = tilePos.Y;

            float temp;

            if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.Vertical) != 0)
                temp   = top;
                top    = bottom;
                bottom = temp;

            if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.Horizontal) != 0)
                temp  = left;
                left  = right;
                right = temp;

            if ((tileGID.Flags & CCTileFlags.TileDiagonal) != 0)
                // FIXME: not working correcly
                quad.BottomLeft.Vertices  = new CCVertex3F(left, bottom, vertexZ);
                quad.BottomRight.Vertices = new CCVertex3F(left, top, vertexZ);
                quad.TopLeft.Vertices     = new CCVertex3F(right, bottom, vertexZ);
                quad.TopRight.Vertices    = new CCVertex3F(right, top, vertexZ);
                quad.BottomLeft.Vertices  = new CCVertex3F(left, bottom, vertexZ);
                quad.BottomRight.Vertices = new CCVertex3F(right, bottom, vertexZ);
                quad.TopLeft.Vertices     = new CCVertex3F(left, top, vertexZ);
                quad.TopRight.Vertices    = new CCVertex3F(right, top, vertexZ);

            // texcoords
            CCRect tileTexture = TileSetInfo.TextureRectForGID(tileGID.Gid);

            left   = ((tileTexture.Origin.X) / texSize.Width) + 0.5f / texSize.Width;
            right  = left + ((tileTexture.Size.Width) / texSize.Width) - 1.0f / texSize.Width;
            bottom = ((tileTexture.Origin.Y) / texSize.Height) + 0.5f / texSize.Height;
            top    = bottom + ((tileTexture.Size.Height) / texSize.Height) - 1.0f / texSize.Height;

            quad.BottomLeft.TexCoords  = new CCTex2F(left, bottom);
            quad.BottomRight.TexCoords = new CCTex2F(right, bottom);
            quad.TopLeft.TexCoords     = new CCTex2F(left, top);
            quad.TopRight.TexCoords    = new CCTex2F(right, top);

            quad.BottomLeft.Colors  = CCColor4B.White;
            quad.BottomRight.Colors = CCColor4B.White;
            quad.TopLeft.Colors     = CCColor4B.White;
            quad.TopRight.Colors    = CCColor4B.White;

            drawBuffer.QuadsVertexBuffer.Data[adjustedTileIndex] = quad;

            if (updateBuffer)
                drawBuffer.QuadsVertexBuffer.UpdateBuffer(adjustedTileIndex, 1);
Beispiel #6
        public CCSprite ExtractTile(int column, int row, bool addToTileMapLayer = true)
            if (!AreValidTileCoordinates(column, row))

            CCTileGidAndFlags gidAndFlags = TileGIDAndFlags(column, row);
            int flattendedIndex           = FlattenedTileIndex(column, row);

            CCRect   texRect    = TileSetInfo.TextureRectForGID(gidAndFlags.Gid);
            CCSprite tileSprite = new CCSprite(tileSetTexture, texRect);

            tileSprite.ContentSize = texRect.Size * CCTileMapLayer.DefaultTexelToContentSizeRatios;
            tileSprite.Position    = TilePosition(column, row);
            tileSprite.VertexZ     = TileVertexZ(column, row);
            tileSprite.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero;
            tileSprite.Opacity     = Opacity;
            tileSprite.FlipX       = false;
            tileSprite.FlipY       = false;
            tileSprite.Rotation    = 0.0f;

            if ((gidAndFlags.Flags & CCTileFlags.TileDiagonal) != 0)
                CCSize halfContentSize = tileSprite.ContentSize * 0.5f;

                tileSprite.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
                tileSprite.Position   += new CCPoint(halfContentSize.Width, halfContentSize.Height);

                CCTileFlags horAndVertFlag = gidAndFlags.Flags & (CCTileFlags.Horizontal | CCTileFlags.Vertical);

                // Handle the 4 diagonally flipped states.
                if (horAndVertFlag == CCTileFlags.Horizontal)
                    tileSprite.Rotation = 90.0f;
                else if (horAndVertFlag == CCTileFlags.Vertical)
                    tileSprite.Rotation = 270.0f;
                else if (horAndVertFlag == (CCTileFlags.Vertical | CCTileFlags.Horizontal))
                    tileSprite.Rotation = 90.0f;
                    tileSprite.FlipX    = true;
                    tileSprite.Rotation = 270.0f;
                    tileSprite.FlipX    = true;
                if ((gidAndFlags.Flags & CCTileFlags.Horizontal) != 0)
                    tileSprite.FlipX = true;

                if ((gidAndFlags.Flags & CCTileFlags.Vertical) != 0)
                    tileSprite.FlipY = true;

            if (addToTileMapLayer)
                AddChild(tileSprite, flattendedIndex, flattendedIndex);

            RemoveTile(column, row);

Beispiel #7
        private void Run(Utility utility, string[] args)
            // HACK: The engine code assumes that Game.modData is set.
            Game.ModData = modData = utility.ModData;

            var filename = args[1];

            if (!Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem.Exists(filename))
                throw new IOException($"Couldn't find map {filename} in maps.vol or filesystem.");

            using (var stream = Game.ModData.DefaultFileSystem.Open(filename))
                var tag         = stream.ReadUInt32();         // always 4113
                var unknown     = stream.ReadUInt32();         // always 0
                var lgTileWidth = stream.ReadInt32();
                var tileHeight  = stream.ReadInt32();          // always 64
                var numTileSets = stream.ReadInt32();          // always 512

                // Update map header fields
                // Round height up to nearest power of 2
                var newHeight = tileHeight;
                newHeight -= 1;
                newHeight |= (newHeight >> 1);
                newHeight |= (newHeight >> 2);
                newHeight |= (newHeight >> 4);
                newHeight |= (newHeight >> 8);
                newHeight |= (newHeight >> 16);
                var width  = 1 << lgTileWidth;                // Calculate map width
                var height = newHeight;

                map = new Map(modData, modData.DefaultTileSets["default"], width + 2, (int)height + 2)
                    Title       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename),
                    Author      = "OpenOP2",
                    RequiresMod = modData.Manifest.Id,

                var tiles = new List <int>();
                for (var i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                    var tile = stream.ReadInt32();

                var clipRect = new ClipRect()
                    X1 = stream.ReadInt32(),
                    Y1 = stream.ReadInt32(),
                    X2 = stream.ReadInt32(),
                    Y2 = stream.ReadInt32(),

                SetBounds(map, width, height);

                // map.SetBounds(new PPos(clipRect.X1, clipRect.Y1), new PPos(width - clipRect.X2, (int)height - clipRect.Y2));
                // map.SetBounds(new PPos(clipRect.X1, clipRect.Y1), new PPos(clipRect.X1 + clipRect.X2, clipRect.Y1 - clipRect.Y2));
                // Read in tileset mappings
                var tileIds             = new List <TileSetInfo>();
                var tilesetStartIndices = new List <uint>();
                var tilesetTileIndex    = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < numTileSets; i++)
                    var stringLength = stream.ReadInt32();
                    if (stringLength <= 0)

                    var tilesetMapping = new TileSetInfo()
                        TileSetName = stream.ReadASCII(stringLength),
                        NumTiles    = stream.ReadInt32(),

                    tilesetTileIndex += tilesetMapping.NumTiles;


                var testString = stream.ReadASCII(10);
                if (!testString.StartsWith("TILE SET"))
                    throw new IOException("Couldn't find TILE SET tag.");

                var numMappings = stream.ReadInt32();
                var mappings    = new TileSetMapping[numMappings];
                for (var i = 0; i < numMappings; i++)
                    mappings[i] = new TileSetMapping
                        TileSetIndex        = stream.ReadInt16(),
                        TileIndex           = stream.ReadInt16(),
                        NumTileReplacements = stream.ReadInt16(),
                        CycleDelay          = stream.ReadInt16(),

                var numTerrainTypes = stream.ReadInt32();
                var terrains        = new TerrainType[numTerrainTypes];

                stream.Seek(numTerrainTypes * 264, SeekOrigin.Current);

                var checkTag = stream.ReadUInt32();
                if (checkTag != tag)
                    throw new IOException("Format error: Tag did not match header tag.");

                var checkTag2 = stream.ReadInt32();                 // the same all the time?
                var numActors = stream.ReadInt32();                 // I think?

                // TODO: The rest of the tiles
                // Actually place the tiles
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        var tileXUpper = x >> 5;
                        var tileXLower = x & 0x1F;
                        var tileOffset = (((tileXUpper * height) + y) << 5) + tileXLower;
                        var tile       = tiles[tileOffset];

                        var tile2XUpper = tile >> 5;
                        var tile2XLower = tile & 0x1F;

                        // Get the tile mapping index
                        var cellType          = (tile & 0x1F);
                        var tileMappingIndex  = (tile & 0xFFE0) >> 5;
                        var actorMappingIndex = (tile & 0x7FF0000) >> 11;
                        var lava           = (tile & 0x00000001) >> 27;
                        var lavaPossible   = (tile & 0x00000001) >> 28;
                        var expand         = (tile & 0x00000001) >> 29;
                        var microbe        = (tile & 0x00000001) >> 30;
                        var wallOrBuilding = (tile & 0x00000001) >> 31;
                        if (actorMappingIndex != 0 || lavaPossible != 0 || wallOrBuilding != 0)
                            throw new Exception("Actor mapping was " + actorMappingIndex);

                        var thisMapping = mappings[tileMappingIndex];
                        var startIndex  = tilesetStartIndices[thisMapping.TileSetIndex];

                        map.Tiles[new CPos(x + 1, y + 1)] = new TerrainTile((ushort)(startIndex + thisMapping.TileIndex), 0);

            mapPlayers            = new MapPlayers(map.Rules, 0);
            map.PlayerDefinitions = mapPlayers.ToMiniYaml();

            var dest         = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[1]) + ".oramap";
            var mapLocations = Game.ModData.Manifest.MapFolders;
            var userMapPath  = mapLocations.First(mapLocation => mapLocation.Value == "User");
            var targetPath   = Path.Combine(Platform.ResolvePath(userMapPath.Key.Substring(1)), dest);


            Console.WriteLine(targetPath + " saved.");