public AddAddressViewModel(WalletService ws, PoolingService ps)
            _poolingService = ps;
            _walletService  = ws;

            Task.Run(() => _walletService.GetAvailabeTickers().ContinueWith((result) =>
                if (result.Exception == null)
                    var tickerSelected = new TickerDTO()
                        CoinSymbol = "Auto Detect",
                        Degraded   = false
                    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        foreach (var ticker in result.Result.OrderBy(o => o.CoinSymbol).ToList())
                        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => TickerList);
                        SelectedTicker = tickerSelected;
Beispiel #2
        // Load stocks the loooong way...
        // Method has several reasons to change:
        // 1. What if the service model class (Stock) changes?
        // 2. What if the service method changes?
        // 3. What if the logic for adding to the ticker list changes?
        // 4. What if the logic for adding the My Watch List changes?
        public async Task LoadStocksEnumerable()
            this.IsLoading = true;
            var stocks = await _Service.GetAllStocks();

            foreach (var stock in stocks)
                StockViewModel svm = new StockViewModel(stock);
                if (MyWatchListSymbols.Contains(svm.Symbol))

            this.IsLoading = false;