Beispiel #1
        void DrawText(Pen p, TickLoc loc, Graphics g)
            // The sizing operation is common to all options
            StringFormat format = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces);

            if (IsVertical)
                format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;

            SizeF size = g.MeasureString((loc.val).ToString(), this.Font, loc.spaceAvailable, format);

            Point drawingPoint;
            int   iX = 0;
            int   iY = 0;

            if (drawPannel.IsHandleCreated)
                if (!Invert)
                    iX = loc.pos + loc.spaceAvailable - (int)size.Width - 2;
                    iY = 2;
                    iX = loc.pos + loc.spaceAvailable - (int)size.Width - 2;
                    iY = drawPannel.Height - 2 - (int)size.Height;

                drawingPoint = new Point(iX, iY);
                if (!Invert)
                    iX = 2;
                    iY = loc.pos + loc.spaceAvailable - (int)size.Height - 2;
                    iX = Width - 2 - (int)size.Width;
                    iY = loc.pos + loc.spaceAvailable - (int)size.Height - 2;

                drawingPoint = new Point(iX, iY);

            // The drawstring function is common to all operations
            g.DrawString(loc.val.ToString(), this.Font, new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor), drawingPoint, format);
Beispiel #2
        void DrawLoc(Pen p, TickLoc loc, Graphics g)
            int length = Convert.ToInt32((IsVertical ? drawPannel.Width : drawPannel.Height) *
                                         (loc.isMajor ? MajorTickHeightPrecentage : MinorTickHeightPrecentage));

            int startAt = Invert ? 0 :
                          (IsVertical ? drawPannel.Width : drawPannel.Height);

            int endAt = Invert ? length :
                        (IsVertical ? drawPannel.Width - length : drawPannel.Height - length);

            Point start = IsVertical ?
                          new Point(startAt, loc.pos) : new Point(loc.pos, startAt);

            Point end = IsVertical ?
                        new Point(endAt, loc.pos) : new Point(loc.pos, endAt);

            g.DrawLine(p, start, end);