public void Initialize()
     this.context        = MockDbContext.GetContext();
     this.scoreService   = new Mock <IScoreService>().Object;
     this.historyService = new Mock <IHistoryService>().Object;
     this.userService    = new UserService(context, scoreService, historyService);
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            NLog.Logger logger = NLogBuilder.ConfigureNLog("nlog.config").GetCurrentClassLogger();
                logger.Debug("init main");
                IHost host = CreateHostBuilder(args).Build();
                using (IServiceScope scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
                    TicTacToeDbContext context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <TicTacToeDbContext>();

                await host.RunAsync();
            catch (Exception exception)
                // NLog: catch setup errors
                logger.Error(exception, "Stopped program because of exception");
                // Ensure to flush and stop internal timers/threads before application-exit (Avoid segmentation fault on Linux)
Beispiel #3
 public GameManager(
     TicTacToeDbContext dbContext,
     IOptions <TicTacToeSettings> options,
     ILogger <GameManager> logger)
     _dbContext         = dbContext;
     _ticTacToeSettings = options.Value;
     _logger            = logger;
Beispiel #4
        public static TicTacToeDbContext Create()
            DbContextOptions <TicTacToeDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <TicTacToeDbContext>()
            var context = new TicTacToeDbContext(options);

Beispiel #5
 public UserManager(
     TicTacToeDbContext dbContext,
     UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager,
     SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager,
     IJwtGenerator jwtGenerator,
     ILogger <UserManager> logger)
     _dbContext     = dbContext;
     _userManager   = userManager;
     _signInManager = signInManager;
     _jwtGenerator  = jwtGenerator;
     _logger        = logger;
        public void Initialize()
            this.context = MockDbContext.GetContext();
            var guidId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            this.user = new User()
                Id = guidId, FirstName = "test", LastName = "test", Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******"
            var guidId2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            this.user2 = new User()
                Id = guidId2, FirstName = "test2", LastName = "test2", Email = "*****@*****.**", UserName = "******"
Beispiel #7
 public UserService(TicTacToeDbContext context, IScoreService scoreService, IHistoryService historyService)
     this.context        = context;
     this.scoreService   = scoreService;
     this.historyService = historyService;
        public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Identity()
            var userId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var db = new TicTacToeDbContext();

            var user = await db.Users.Where(u => u.Id == userId)
                .Select(g => new

            if (user == null)
                return InternalServerError();

            return this.Json(user);
 public AccountController()
 { =new TicTacToeDbContext();
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Seed sample data for tests. In real world app it would be better to use sepate data per each tests class.
        /// This approach was selected in the scope of this project due to the time concerns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public static void SeedSampleData(TicTacToeDbContext context)
                new Game {
                Id = 1, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 4), CrossPlayerId = "player1", NoughtPlayerId = "player2", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Active, TurnNumber = 0
                new Game {
                Id = 2, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 14), CrossPlayerId = "player2", NoughtPlayerId = "player1", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Draw, TurnNumber = 0
                new Game {
                Id = 3, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 19), CrossPlayerId = "player1", NoughtPlayerId = "player2", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Win, TurnNumber = 0
                new Game {
                Id = 4, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 20), CrossPlayerId = "player2", NoughtPlayerId = "player1", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Loss, TurnNumber = 0
                new Game {
                Id = 5, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 12), CrossPlayerId = "player1", NoughtPlayerId = "player3", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Win, TurnNumber = 3
                new Game {
                Id = 6, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 6), CrossPlayerId = "player2", NoughtPlayerId = "player3", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Active, TurnNumber = 0
                new Game {
                Id = 7, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 5), CrossPlayerId = "currentUserId", NoughtPlayerId = "player1", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Active, TurnNumber = 5
                new Game {
                Id = 8, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 1), CrossPlayerId = "player3", NoughtPlayerId = "player2", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Active, TurnNumber = 6
                new Game {
                Id = 9, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 3), CrossPlayerId = "player3", NoughtPlayerId = "player4", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Active, TurnNumber = 4
                new Game {
                Id = 10, StartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 3), CrossPlayerId = "player3", NoughtPlayerId = "player4", Result = Domain.Enums.GameResult.Active, TurnNumber = 7

                new Tile {
                Id = 10, X = 3, Y = 3

                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 1, TileId = 10
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 2, TileId = 10
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 1, TileId = 10
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 3, TileId = 10
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 9, TileId = 1
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 9, TileId = 2
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 9, TileId = 3
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 2
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 6
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 4
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 7
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 3
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 5
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 9
                new CrossPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 4

                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 1, TileId = 10
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 2, TileId = 10
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 3, TileId = 10
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 4, TileId = 10
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 9, TileId = 5
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 9, TileId = 8
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 1
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 5
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 8, TileId = 9
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 8
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 7
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 6
                new NoughtPlayerGameTile {
                GameId = 10, TileId = 1

Beispiel #11
 public static void Destroy(TicTacToeDbContext context)
 public ScoreService(TicTacToeDbContext context)
     this.context = context;
Beispiel #13
 public GameService(TicTacToeDbContext context, IGameResultValidator gameValidator)
     this.context         = context;
     this.gameValidator   = gameValidator;
     this.randomGenerator = new Random();
 public AccountController()
 { = new TicTacToeDbContext();
Beispiel #15
 public AdminService(TicTacToeDbContext context, UserManager <User> userManager)
     this.context     = context;
     this.userManager = userManager;
 public HistoryService(TicTacToeDbContext context)
     this.context = context;