public static void ShowWindow()
        //get one if it already exists
        instance = GetWindow <ThumbnailEditorWindow>();
        //delegate to the scenview render method, so we can draw gizmos in the scene using Editor GUI Handles
        SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= instance.OnSceneGui; //yuck...why unity whyyyy!?!
        SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += instance.OnSceneGui;
        //callback so that we can draw a preview of the active mesh in the sceneview camera
        Camera.onPreCull     -= instance.DrawActiveObjectScenePreview;
        Camera.onPreCull     += instance.DrawActiveObjectScenePreview;
        instance.activeObject = null;

        //load setting data, it's stashed as a really long string encodeded using json
        //easier than making individual prefs for each settings property. much easier to save also.
        if (EditorPrefs.HasKey("ThumbData"))
            instance.settings = JsonUtility.FromJson <ThumbnailEditorSettings>(EditorPrefs.GetString("ThumbData"));
    private void OnDestroy()
        SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= OnSceneGui;
        Camera.onPreCull             -= instance.DrawActiveObjectScenePreview;

        activeObject = null;

        if (!instance)
            instance = GetWindow <ThumbnailEditorWindow>();

        EditorPrefs.SetString("ThumbData", JsonUtility.ToJson(instance.settings, true));
        instance = null;

        if (renderCamera != null)