Beispiel #1
    /* Given a list of thresholds, connect all the thresholds together in a graph.
     * Also assign thresholds to their respective zones
     * Input: threshold graph
    public void BuildThresholdGraph(List <Threshold> thresholdsList)
        //look at all the thresholds in the list.
        //If threshold A and B have zones in common, then connect them
        for (int i = 0; i < thresholdsList.Count; i++)
            Threshold            threshold         = thresholdsList[i];
            List <ThresholdEdge> possibleNeighbors = new List <ThresholdEdge>();

            for (int j = 0; j < thresholdsList.Count; j++)
                if (j == i) //cannot connect with one's self

                int thresholdAID1 = thresholdsList[i].tzoneID; //threshold A's IDs
                int thresholdAID2 = thresholdsList[i].zoneId;
                int thresholdBID1 = thresholdsList[j].tzoneID; //threshold B's IDS
                int thresholdBID2 = thresholdsList[j].zoneId;

                if (thresholdAID1 == -1 || thresholdAID2 == -1 || thresholdBID1 == -1 || thresholdBID2 == -1)
                    //some weird edge case. will have to investigate later

                //if they share any ids in common, then B becomes a neighbor of A (A->B)
                if (thresholdAID1 == thresholdBID1 || thresholdAID1 == thresholdBID2 || thresholdAID2 == thresholdBID1 || thresholdAID2 == thresholdBID2)
                    if (thresholdAID1 == thresholdBID1 && thresholdAID2 == thresholdBID2)
                        //however, we do not want to consider connecting thresholds that are in the same zones and connect the same zones

                    float         weight = Vector3.Distance(thresholdsList[i].worldPosition, thresholdsList[j].worldPosition);
                    ThresholdEdge e      = new ThresholdEdge(thresholdsList[i], thresholdsList[j], weight);
                    if (!possibleNeighbors.Contains(e))

            //done looking at this threshold. add all found neighbors to the threshold cell

        //finished. add to the global variable
        thresholdGraph = thresholdsList;
Beispiel #2
    /* Create a new threshold using the goal Cell that will be used to find a path on
     * the agentThreshold graph
     * Input: goal cell
     * Output: Threshold made from the goal cell. used for deletion when done
    private Threshold AddGoalThreshold(Cell goalCell)
        //convert the goal cell into a threshold.
        //only the neighbors, weights, and position are important. The rest is not
        //and will be given arbitrary values
        Threshold goalThreshold = new Threshold(-1, goalCell.zoneId, goalCell.iCost, goalCell.worldPosition, -1, -1, -1);

        goalThreshold.belongsTo =;

        //find the neighbors of this new threshold
        Zone goalZone = map.GetZone(goalCell.zoneId);

        //List<ThresholdEdge> possibleNeighbors = new List<ThresholdEdge>();

        //if (goalZone.thresholds == null)
        //    Debug.Log("this goal has no neighbors. this is:" + goalZone.zoneId);

        foreach (Threshold neighbor in goalZone.thresholds)
            //make edges that connect all of these threshold neighbors to the goalThreshold
            float         weight  = map.SearchForDistance(neighbor, goalThreshold);
            ThresholdEdge newEdge = new ThresholdEdge(neighbor, goalThreshold, weight);
            //add this edge to the agentThreshold

            //find the corresponding threshold in the agentThresholds
            //we can find this just by checking if they have the same coordinates
            //foreach (Threshold agentThreshold in agentThresholds)
            //    if (agentThreshold.worldPosition == neighbor.worldPosition)
            //    {

            //        //continue, since there will only be one corresponding threshold
            //        break;
            //    }

        //add the threshold to the agentThreshold and we're done!
Beispiel #3
    /* Create a new threshold using the starting Cell that will be used to find a path
     * on the agentThreshold graph.
     * Input: Start cell
     * Output: Threshold made from start cell. used for deletion when done
    private Threshold AddStartThreshold(Cell startCell)
        //convert the startCell into a threshold
        //only the neighbors, weights, and position are important. The rest is not important
        //and will be given an arbitary value
        Threshold startThreshold = new Threshold(-1, -1, startCell.iCost, startCell.worldPosition, -1, -1, -1);

        startThreshold.belongsTo =;

        //find the neighbors of this new threshold
        Zone startZone = map.GetZone(startCell.zoneId);
        List <ThresholdEdge> possibleNeighbors = new List <ThresholdEdge>();

        foreach (Threshold neighbor in startZone.thresholds)
            //make edges that connect this neighbor and the startThreshold
            float         weight  = map.SearchForDistance(startThreshold, neighbor);
            ThresholdEdge newEdge = new ThresholdEdge(startThreshold, neighbor, weight);

            //add the new edge to the list of possibleNeighbors

            //Debug.Log("This zone from the MAIN THRESHOLD GRAPH has this many neighbors:" + startZone.thresholds.Count);

            //find the corresponding threshold in the agentThreshold list
            //we can find this just by checking if they have the same coordinates
            //foreach (Threshold agentThreshold in agentThresholds)
            //    if (agentThreshold.worldPosition == neighbor.worldPosition)
            //    {

            //    }

        //add the possible neighbors to the threshold and we're done!
    /* Given a list of thresholds, connect all the thresholds together in a graph.
     * Also assign thresholds to their respective zones
     * Input: threshold graph
    private void BuildThresholdGraph(List <Threshold> thresholdsList)
        //look at all the thresholds in the list.
        //If threshold A and B have zones in common, then connect them
        for (int i = 0; i < thresholdsList.Count; i++)
            Threshold            threshold         = thresholdsList[i];
            List <ThresholdEdge> possibleNeighbors = new List <ThresholdEdge>();

            for (int j = 0; j < thresholdsList.Count; j++)
                if (j == i) //cannot connect with one's self

                int thresholdAID1 = thresholdsList[i].tzoneID; //threshold A's IDs
                int thresholdAID2 = thresholdsList[i].zoneId;
                int thresholdBID1 = thresholdsList[j].tzoneID; //threshold B's IDS
                int thresholdBID2 = thresholdsList[j].zoneId;

                //if they share any ids in common, then B becomes a neighbor of A (A->B)
                if (thresholdAID1 == thresholdBID1 || thresholdAID1 == thresholdBID2 || thresholdAID2 == thresholdBID1 || thresholdAID2 == thresholdBID2)
                    if (thresholdAID1 == thresholdBID1 && thresholdAID2 == thresholdBID2)
                        //however, we do not want to consider connecting thresholds that are in the same zones and connect the same zones

                    //if (thresholdAID1 == 24 || thresholdAID2 == 24 || thresholdBID1 == 24 || thresholdBID2 == 24)

                    //    if (thresholdAID1 == 25 || thresholdAID2 == 25 || thresholdBID1 == 25 || thresholdBID2 == 25)
                    //    {
                    //        Debug.Log("looking at zone 25 and 26. ZoneIDs are: ");
                    //        Debug.Log(thresholdAID1);
                    //        Debug.Log(thresholdAID2);
                    //        Debug.Log(thresholdBID1);
                    //        Debug.Log(thresholdBID2);
                    //    }


                    //CHANGED!! REMEMBER TO CHANGE BACK
                    //float weight = Vector3.Distance(thresholdsList[i].worldPosition, thresholdsList[j].worldPosition);
                    float         weight = SearchForDistance(thresholdsList[i], thresholdsList[j]);
                    ThresholdEdge e      = new ThresholdEdge(thresholdsList[i], thresholdsList[j], weight);
                    if (!possibleNeighbors.Contains(e))

            //done looking at this threshold. add all found neighbors to the threshold cell

        //finished. add to the global variable
        thresholdGraph = thresholdsList;