Beispiel #1
    static void Main()
        // Create 6 ThreadedClass objects.
        ThreadedClass tc1 = new ThreadedClass("Thread1");
        ThreadedClass tc2 = new ThreadedClass("Thread2");
        ThreadedClass tc3 = new ThreadedClass("Thread3");
        ThreadedClass tc4 = new ThreadedClass("Thread4");
        ThreadedClass tc5 = new ThreadedClass("Thread5");
        ThreadedClass tc6 = new ThreadedClass("Thread6");

        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Creating worker threads.");

        // Create the 6 threads.
        Thread t1 = new Thread(tc1.ThreadMethod);
        Thread t2 = new Thread(tc2.ThreadMethod);
        Thread t3 = new Thread(tc3.ThreadMethod);
        Thread t4 = new Thread(tc4.ThreadMethod);
        Thread t5 = new Thread(tc5.ThreadMethod);
        Thread t6 = new Thread(tc6.ThreadMethod);

        // Set the priority of each thread.
        t1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
        t2.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;
        t3.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
        t4.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
        t5.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
        t6.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;

        Console.WriteLine ("Expect the threads to finish in the following order:");
        Console.WriteLine ("\tThread4");
        Console.WriteLine ("\tThread5");
        Console.WriteLine ("\tThread2");
        Console.WriteLine ("\tThread3");
        Console.WriteLine ("\tThread1 & Thread6 (order will vary)\n");

        // Start the threads in order. Note the order of how
        // the threads are started. Because of their priority
        // relative to each other, we can expect #4 to end
        // first, followed by #5, #2, #3, and #1/#6 since they
        // have the same priority.

        Console.WriteLine ("\nMain - Worker threads started.\n");

        // Join the last thread that was started. Give the program
        // two minutes to run before raising an error.
        if (!t6.Join(120000))
            Console.WriteLine ("\nMain - At least one thread is STILL running.");

        // Pause the program.
        Console.Write ("\nPress <ENTER> to end: ");
Beispiel #2
    static void Main()
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main Thread";

            // Create an instance of the ThreadedClass.
            ThreadedClass tc1 = new ThreadedClass("Thread1", threadCompleted, false);

            // Create the thread giving it the delegate with the
            // method that should be called when the thread starts.
            Console.WriteLine ("\nMain - Creating thread T1.");
            Thread t1 = new Thread(tc1.ThreadMethod);
            t1.Name = "Worker Thread";

            // Start the thread and then pause for a moment.
            Console.WriteLine("\nMain - T1 thread started.");

            // Now wait until the thread completes.
            Console.WriteLine("\nMain - Waiting for signal from T1.");
            if (TestClass.threadCompleted.WaitOne())
                Console.WriteLine("\nMain - Got signal from T1.");
                Console.WriteLine("\nMAIN - WaitOne() for T1 timed out!!!!");

            Console.Write("\nPress <ENTER> to continue: ");

            // Now, we'll test this again, but this time we'll avoid calling Set()
            // in the thread. See what happens to Main().

            tc1 = new ThreadedClass("Thread2", threadCompleted, true);

            // Create the thread giving it the delegate with the
            // method that should be called when the thread starts.
            Console.WriteLine("\nMain - Creating thread T2.");
            Thread t2 = new Thread(tc1.ThreadMethod);
            t2.Name = "Worker Thread";

            // Start the thread and then pause for a moment.
            Console.WriteLine("\nMain - T2 thread started.");

            // Now wait until the thread completes.
            Console.WriteLine("\nMain - Waiting for signal from T2.");
            if (TestClass.threadCompleted.WaitOne(15000, false))
                Console.WriteLine("\nMain - Got signal from T2.");
                Console.WriteLine("\nMAIN - WaitOne() for T2 timed out!!!!");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine ("\nMAIN - EXCEPTION: {0}", e.Message);
            // Pause the program. Usually, this message will appear
            // before the message from the threaded method appears.
            Console.Write ("\n *** Main - Press <ENTER> to end: ");
Beispiel #3
    static void Main()
        // Get the current thread and set its name.
        Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main Thread";

        // Create an instance of the ThreadedClass.
        ThreadedClass tc1 = new ThreadedClass("Thread1");

        // Set the ThreadedClass's boolean internal suspend call to true.
        tc1.InternalSuspendCall = true;

        // Create the thread giving it the delegate with the
        // method that should be called when the thread starts.
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Creating thread t1.");
        Thread t1 = new Thread(tc1.ThreadMethod);
        t1.Name = "T1 Worker Thread";

        // Start the thread
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - t1 thread started.");

        // Sleep for a few seconds.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Sleeping for 5 seconds.");
        Thread.Sleep (5000);

        // Start another thread
        ThreadedClass tc2 = new ThreadedClass("Thread2");
        tc2.InternalSuspendCall = false;
        Thread t2 = new Thread(tc2.ThreadMethod);
        t2.Name = "T2 Worker Thread";

        Console.WriteLine ("Main - t2 thread started.");

        // Resume the first thread.
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Resuming t1 from Suspend() call.");

        // Pause the second thread.
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Calling Suspend() on t2.");      // *** For some reason, I occasionally see this program hang here when not debugging.
        t2.Suspend();   // This may throw an exception if t2 is not running.
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Thread t2 is now suspended.");

        // Wait a moment.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Sleeping for 5 seconds.");

        // Resume the second thread.
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Resuming t2 from Suspend() call.");

        // Wait a moment.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Sleeping for 5 seconds.");

        // Pause the program. Usually, this message will appear
        // before the message from the threaded method appears.
        Console.Write ("Main - Press <ENTER> to end: ");
Beispiel #4
    static void Main()
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main Thread";

            // Create an instance of the ThreadedClass.
            ThreadedClass tc1 = new ThreadedClass("Thread1");

            // Set the ThreadedClass's boolean internal suspend call to true.
            tc1.InternalSuspendCall = true;

            // Create the thread giving it the delegate with the
            // method that should be called when the thread starts.
            Console.WriteLine ("Main - Creating thread t1.");
            Thread t1 = new Thread(tc1.ThreadMethod);
            t1.Name = "Worker Thread";

            // Start the thread
            Console.WriteLine ("Main - T1 thread started.");

            // Pause for a few moments.
            Console.WriteLine ("Main - Sleeping for 5 seconds.");

            // Abort the thread.
            //Console.WriteLine("Main - Calling abort on T1.");

            //// Join the thread.
            //Console.WriteLine("Main - Joining T1.");
            //if (!t1.Join(5000))
            //    Console.WriteLine("\nMain - ERROR: thread did not terminate within allotted time!\n");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine ("\nMAIN - EXCEPTION: {0}", e.Message);
            // Pause the program. Usually, this message will appear
            // before the message from the threaded method appears.
            Console.Write ("\n *** Main - Press <ENTER> to end: ");
Beispiel #5
    static void Main()
        // First, set the name of the current thread so that it's easier
        // to view in the debugger.
        Thread mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
        mainThread.Name = "Main Thread";

        // Create an instance of the ThreadedClass.
        ThreadedClass tc1 = new ThreadedClass("Thread1");

        // Set the ThreadedClass's boolean wait forever flag to false.
        tc1.WaitIndefinitely = false;

        // Create the thread giving it the delegate with the
        // method that should be called when the thread starts.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Creating first worker thread.");
        Thread t1 = new Thread(tc1.ThreadMethod);
        t1.Name = "First Worker Thread";

        // Start the thread
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - First worker thread started.");

        // Sleep for a few seconds.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Sleeping for 5 seconds.");
        Thread.Sleep (5000);

        // Start another thread
        ThreadedClass tc2 = new ThreadedClass("Thread2");
        tc2.WaitIndefinitely = true;
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Creating second worker thread.");
        Thread t2 = new Thread(tc2.ThreadMethod);
        t2.Name = "Second Worker Thread";
        Console.WriteLine ("Main - Second worker thread started.");

        // Sleep for a few seconds.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Sleeping for 5 seconds.");

        // Now wake the second worker thread.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Interrupting Thread2.");

        // Sleep for a few more seconds to give the thread time to finish up.
        Console.WriteLine("Main - Sleeping for 10 seconds.");

        Console.Write ("Main - Press <ENTER> to end: ");