public ThreadDO ViewThreadByID(int id) { SqlConnection connectionToSql = null; SqlCommand storedProcedure = null; SqlDataReader reader = null; ThreadDO threadDO = new ThreadDO(); try { connectionToSql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); storedProcedure = new SqlCommand("THREAD_VIEW_BY_THREAD_ID", connectionToSql); storedProcedure.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; storedProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ThreadID", id); connectionToSql.Open(); reader = storedProcedure.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { threadDO.ThreadId = (int)reader["ThreadID"]; threadDO.Title = reader["Title"] as string; threadDO.Information = reader["Information"] as string; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } return(threadDO); }
public ActionResult AddThread(ThreadPO form) { ActionResult response = null; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { //maps and adds the user inputted thread information to the database ThreadDO dataObject = ThreadMapper.ThreadPOToDO(form); _threadDataAccess.AddThread(dataObject); //sends user back to the list of threads page response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Thread"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } else { response = View(form); } return(response); }
public void AddThread(ThreadDO form) { SqlConnection connectionToSql = null; SqlCommand storedProcedure = null; try { connectionToSql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); storedProcedure = new SqlCommand("THREAD_ADD", connectionToSql); storedProcedure.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; storedProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", form.Title); storedProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Information", form.Information); connectionToSql.Open(); storedProcedure.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } finally { if (connectionToSql != null) { connectionToSql.Close(); connectionToSql.Dispose(); } } }
public static ThreadDO ThreadPOToDO(ThreadPO from) { ThreadDO to = new ThreadDO(); to.ThreadId = from.ThreadId; to.Title = from.Title; to.Information = from.Information; return(to); }
public ActionResult UpdateThread(int threadId) { ActionResult response = null; try { //shows the update form for the thread that was clicked ThreadDO dataObject = _threadDataAccess.ViewThreadByID(threadId); ThreadPO displayObject = ThreadMapper.ThreadDOToPO(dataObject); response = View(displayObject); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } return(response); }
public List <ThreadDO> ViewAllThreads() { SqlConnection connectionToSql = null; SqlCommand storedProcedure = null; SqlDataReader reader = null; List <ThreadDO> threadList = new List <ThreadDO>(); try { connectionToSql = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); storedProcedure = new SqlCommand("THREAD_VIEW_ALL", connectionToSql); storedProcedure.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; connectionToSql.Open(); reader = storedProcedure.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ThreadDO threadDO = new ThreadDO(); threadDO.ThreadId = (int)reader["ThreadID"]; threadDO.Title = reader["Title"] as string; threadDO.Information = reader["Information"] as string; threadList.Add(threadDO); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); throw ex; } finally { if (connectionToSql != null) { connectionToSql.Close(); connectionToSql.Dispose(); } } return(threadList); }
public ActionResult UpdateThread(ThreadPO form) { ActionResult response = null; if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { //updates the thread with user inputted information ThreadDO dataObject = ThreadMapper.ThreadPOToDO(form); _threadDataAccess.UpdateThread(dataObject); response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Thread"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } else { response = View(form); } return(response); }