} // Run()

        // Call back method to capture results
        private void ResultsReturned(IAsyncResult iar)
            DelegateThatReturnsInt ThisDelegate;
            int result;

            // Cast the state object back to the delegate type
            ThisDelegate = ( DelegateThatReturnsInt )iar.AsyncState;

            // Call EndInvoke on the delegate to get the results
            result = ThisDelegate.EndInvoke(iar);

            // Display the results
            Console.WriteLine("Delegate returned result: {0}", result);
        } // ResultsReturned()
 public void Run()
     for ( ; ;)
         // Sleep for a half second
         if (theDelegate != null)
             // Explicitly invoke each delegated method
             foreach (DelegateThatReturnsInt ThisDelegate in theDelegate.GetInvocationList())
                 // Invoke asynchronously
                 // Pass the delegate in as a state object
                 ThisDelegate.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(ResultsReturned), ThisDelegate);
 } // Run()