Beispiel #1
        //cp unit is J/kg.k
        private static double CalculateCp(ArrayList materialComponents, double temperature, SubstanceState state)
            double heatCapacity = 0.0;
            double cp           = 0;
            double molarWeight;
            double massFrac;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance s = mc.Substance;
                molarWeight = s.MolarWeight;
                ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = s.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;
                massFrac = mc.GetMassFractionValue();
                if (state == SubstanceState.Gas)
                    cp = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateGasHeatCapacity1(temperature, tpc.GasCpCoeffs) / molarWeight;
                else if (state == SubstanceState.Liquid)
                    cp = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateLiquidHeatCapacity1(temperature, tpc.LiqCpCoeffs) / molarWeight;
                heatCapacity += cp * massFrac;

Beispiel #2
        private static double CalculateViscosity(ArrayList materialComponents, double temperature, SubstanceState state)
            double viscosity = 0.0;
            double visc;
            double molarWt;
            double moleFrac;
            double massFrac;
            double numerator   = 0.0;
            double denominator = 0.0;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance             s   = mc.Substance;
                ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = s.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;
                molarWt  = s.MolarWeight;
                moleFrac = mc.GetMoleFractionValue();
                massFrac = mc.GetMassFractionValue();
                if (moleFrac == Constants.NO_VALUE)
                    moleFrac = massFrac;
                if (state == SubstanceState.Gas)
                    if (s.Name == "Air")
                        visc = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateAirGasViscosity(temperature);
                        visc = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateGasViscosity(temperature, tpc.GasViscCoeffs);
                    numerator   += visc * moleFrac * Math.Sqrt(molarWt);
                    denominator += moleFrac * Math.Sqrt(molarWt);
                else if (state == SubstanceState.Liquid)
                    visc       = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateLiquidViscosity(temperature, tpc.LiqViscCoeffs);
                    numerator += moleFrac * Math.Log10(visc);

            if (state == SubstanceState.Gas)
                if (denominator > 1.0e-8)
                    viscosity = numerator / denominator;
            else if (state == SubstanceState.Liquid)
                viscosity = Math.Pow(10, numerator);

Beispiel #3
        //water properties-------------------

        public MoistureProperties(Substance moisture)
            this.moisture = moisture;
            ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = moisture.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;

            criticalTemperature = moisture.CriticalProperties.CriticalTemperature;
            liqCpCoeffs         = tpc.LiqCpCoeffs;
            gasCpCoeffs         = tpc.GasCpCoeffs;
            liqDensityCoeffs    = tpc.LiqDensityCoeffs;
            evapHeatCoeffs      = tpc.EvapHeatCoeffs;
            vapPressureCoeffs   = tpc.VapPressureCoeffs;
            molarWeight         = moisture.MolarWeight;
Beispiel #4
        public static double GetLiquidDensity(ArrayList materialComponents, double temperature)
            double density = 0.0;
            double den     = 0;
            double massFrac;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance             s   = mc.Substance;
                ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = s.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;
                massFrac = mc.GetMassFractionValue();
                den      = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateLiquidDensity(temperature, tpc.LiqDensityCoeffs);
                density += den * massFrac;

Beispiel #5
        public static double GetSpecificHeatRatio(ArrayList materialComponents, double temperature)
            double heatCapacity = 0.0;
            double cp           = 0;
            //double molarWeight = 0.0;
            double w;
            double molarFrac;
            double totalMole = 0.0;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance s = mc.Substance;
                if (s.Name == "Generic Dry Material" || s is CompositeSubstance)
                w          = s.MolarWeight;
                molarFrac  = mc.GetMassFractionValue() / w;
                totalMole += molarFrac;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance s = mc.Substance;
                if (s.Name == "Generic Dry Material" || s is CompositeSubstance)
                w = s.MolarWeight;
                ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = s.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;
                molarFrac = mc.GetMassFractionValue() / w / totalMole;
                //since heat capacity from ThermalPropCalculator is in J/kmol.K, it is necessary to
                //convert into kJ/kmol.K to be aligned with the unit of universal gas constant R
                heatCapacity = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateGasHeatCapacity1(temperature, tpc.GasCpCoeffs) / 1000;
                cp          += heatCapacity * molarFrac;

            return(cp / (cp - Constants.R));
Beispiel #6
        private static double CalculateThermalConductivity(ArrayList materialComponents, double temperature, SubstanceState state)
            double thermalCond = 0.0;
            double k           = 0;
            double massFrac;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance             s   = mc.Substance;
                ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = s.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;
                massFrac = mc.GetMassFractionValue();
                if (state == SubstanceState.Gas)
                    if (s.Name == "Air")
                        k = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateAirGasThermalConductivity(temperature);
                        k = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateGasThermalConductivity(temperature, tpc.GasKCoeffs);
                else if (state == SubstanceState.Liquid)
                    if (s.SubstanceType == SubstanceType.Inorganic)
                        k = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateLiquidInorganicThermalConductivity(temperature, tpc.LiqKCoeffs);
                    else if (s.SubstanceType == SubstanceType.Organic)
                        k = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateLiquidOrganicThermalConductivity(temperature, tpc.LiqKCoeffs);
                thermalCond += k * massFrac;

Beispiel #7
        public static double GetSpecificHeatRatio(ArrayList materialComponents, double temperature)
            double heatCapacity = 0.0;
            double cp           = 0;
            //double molarWeight = 0.0;
            double w;
            double molarFrac;
            double totalMole = 1.0;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance s = mc.Substance;
                if (s.Name == "Generic Dry Material" || s is CompositeSubstance)
                w          = s.MolarWeight;
                molarFrac  = mc.GetMassFractionValue() / w;
                totalMole += molarFrac;

            foreach (MaterialComponent mc in materialComponents)
                Substance s = mc.Substance;
                if (s.Name == "Generic Dry Material" || s is CompositeSubstance)
                w = s.MolarWeight;
                ThermalPropsAndCoeffs tpc = s.ThermalPropsAndCoeffs;
                molarFrac    = mc.GetMassFractionValue() / w / totalMole;
                heatCapacity = ThermalPropCalculator.CalculateGasHeatCapacity1(temperature, tpc.GasCpCoeffs);
                cp          += heatCapacity * molarFrac;

            return(cp / (cp - Constants.R));