Beispiel #1
 public void incomingMessage()
     incoming.Play(); = false;
     tm        = pm.herReply;
     if (!tm.gameOver && !tm.youWin)
     if (tm.gameOver)
         countGameTime = false;
         timer.RunAfter(incomingGameOver, 2.0f);
         gameOverAlert.GetComponentInChildren <TextMesh> ().text = tm.gameOverMessage;
         for (int i = 0; i < replies.Length; i++)
             replies [i].SetActive(false);
             replies [i].GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = "";
     if (tm.youWin)
         countGameTime = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < replies.Length; i++)
             replies [i].SetActive(false);
             replies [i].GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = "";
         if (!tm.nsfw)
             timer.RunAfter(showYouWin, 2.0f);
             theirMessageUpper.GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = tm.message;
             timer.RunAfter(showYouWin, 2.0f);
 /// <summary>Helper: Serialize into a MemoryStream and return its byte array</summary>
 public static byte[] SerializeToBytes(TheirMessage instance)
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
         Serialize(ms, instance);
         return ms.ToArray();
 /// <summary>Helper: Serialize with a varint length prefix</summary>
 public static void SerializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream, TheirMessage instance)
     var data = SerializeToBytes(instance);
     global::SilentOrbit.ProtocolBuffers.ProtocolParser.WriteUInt32(stream, (uint)data.Length);
     stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
 /// <summary>Serialize the instance into the stream</summary>
 public static void Serialize(Stream stream, TheirMessage instance)
     // Key for field: 1, Varint
 /// <summary>Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static TheirMessage DeserializeLengthDelimited(Stream stream)
     TheirMessage instance = new TheirMessage();
     DeserializeLengthDelimited(stream, instance);
     return instance;
 /// <summary>Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static TheirMessage DeserializeLength(Stream stream, int length)
     TheirMessage instance = new TheirMessage();
     DeserializeLength(stream, length, instance);
     return instance;
 /// <summary>Helper: put the buffer into a MemoryStream and create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static TheirMessage Deserialize(byte[] buffer)
     TheirMessage instance = new TheirMessage();
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))
         Deserialize(ms, instance);
     return instance;
 /// <summary>Helper: create a new instance to deserializing into</summary>
 public static TheirMessage Deserialize(Stream stream)
     TheirMessage instance = new TheirMessage();
     Deserialize(stream, instance);
     return instance;
Beispiel #9
    public void initializeMessages()
        TheirMessage  first = new TheirMessage("Heyyy");
        PlayerMessage hey   = new PlayerMessage("Hey!");
        TheirMessage  wyd   = new TheirMessage("wyd?");

        hey.herReply = wyd;
        PlayerMessage creatingNudes = new PlayerMessage("Creating Nudes");

        creatingNudes.leftOnRead = true;
        creatingNudes.lorMessage = "That was a little weird, \ntry again";
        PlayerMessage jChilling = new PlayerMessage("j chillin");
        TheirMessage  cool      = new TheirMessage("Cool!");

        jChilling.herReply = cool;
        PlayerMessage yeah = new PlayerMessage("yeah");

        yeah.leftOnRead = true;
        yeah.lorMessage = "Too boring.";
        PlayerMessage yeah2 = new PlayerMessage("yeah");

        yeah2.leftOnRead = true;
        yeah2.lorMessage = "Too boring.";
        PlayerMessage yeah3 = new PlayerMessage("yeah");

        yeah3.leftOnRead = true;
        yeah3.lorMessage = "Too boring.";
        cool.setReplies(yeah, yeah2, yeah3);
        PlayerMessage hanging = new PlayerMessage("Hanging with my dog");
        TheirMessage  youHave = new TheirMessage("You have a dog?!?");

        hanging.herReply = youHave;
        PlayerMessage yeahHaha = new PlayerMessage("yeah, haha");

        yeahHaha.leftOnRead = true;
        yeahHaha.lorMessage = "Too boring.";
        PlayerMessage wannaSmash = new PlayerMessage("Wanna smash?");

        wannaSmash.leftOnRead = true;
        wannaSmash.lorMessage = "Too forward.";
        PlayerMessage hisName   = new PlayerMessage("His name is Wonton");
        TheirMessage  thatsSuch = new TheirMessage("That's such a cute name!");

        hisName.herReply = thatsSuch;
        PlayerMessage wannaMeet = new PlayerMessage("Wanna meet him?");
        TheirMessage  idLove    = new TheirMessage("I'd love too! When?");

        wannaMeet.herReply = idLove;
        PlayerMessage thisFri = new PlayerMessage("This Friday?");
        TheirMessage  date    = new TheirMessage("It's a date!");

        thisFri.herReply     = date;
        date.youWin          = true;
        date.gameOverMessage = "Game Win! \nBut could things have \ngone differently?";
        PlayerMessage whenYou = new PlayerMessage("When you give me \nthe SUCC");

        whenYou.leftOnRead = true;
        whenYou.lorMessage = "Too creepy.";
        PlayerMessage ohUh = new PlayerMessage("Oh...uh, IDK?");

        ohUh.leftOnRead = true;
        ohUh.lorMessage = "You gotta go for it man!";
        idLove.setReplies(thisFri, whenYou, ohUh);
        PlayerMessage notAsCute = new PlayerMessage("Not as cute as your \nsweet booty baby");

        notAsCute.leftOnRead = true;
        notAsCute.lorMessage = "Too forward.";
        PlayerMessage cuteLike = new PlayerMessage("Cute like his owner \n;)");
        TheirMessage  yourDad  = new TheirMessage("Your dad? hahaha");

        cuteLike.herReply = yourDad;
        PlayerMessage myDad  = new PlayerMessage("My dad is incredibly \nsexy");
        TheirMessage  ohCool = new TheirMessage("");

        myDad.herReply = ohCool;
        PlayerMessage mmm = new PlayerMessage("mmm yes daddy");

        mmm.leftOnRead = true;
        mmm.lorMessage = "Too creepy.";
        PlayerMessage mmm2 = new PlayerMessage("mmm yes daddy");

        mmm2.leftOnRead = true;
        mmm2.lorMessage = "Too creepy.";
        PlayerMessage mmm3 = new PlayerMessage("mmm yes daddy");

        mmm3.leftOnRead = true;
        mmm3.lorMessage = "Too creepy.";
        ohCool.setReplies(mmm, mmm2, mmm3);
        PlayerMessage noMe = new PlayerMessage("No, me you mouth \nbreather!");

        noMe.leftOnRead = true;
        noMe.lorMessage = "That was a little harsh.";
        PlayerMessage wellLike = new PlayerMessage("Well, like father \nlike son");
        TheirMessage  isSingle = new TheirMessage("Is your dad single? \nlol");

        wellLike.herReply = isSingle;
        PlayerMessage number = new PlayerMessage("Yeah, here's his number.");
        TheirMessage  thanks = new TheirMessage("Thanks!");

        number.herReply        = thanks;
        thanks.gameOver        = true;
        thanks.gameOverMessage = "She went on a date \nwith your dad instead.";
        PlayerMessage nahBut = new PlayerMessage("Nah, but I've got a \nnewer model in \nstock");
        TheirMessage  idLike = new TheirMessage("I'd like to order one \nplease :)");

        nahBut.herReply = idLike;
        PlayerMessage outOf = new PlayerMessage("Out of stock. Sorry");
        TheirMessage  oh    = new TheirMessage("Oh...");

        outOf.herReply     = oh;
        oh.gameOver        = true;
        oh.gameOverMessage = "You were doing well until \nyou made that dumb choice.";
        PlayerMessage iDunno = new PlayerMessage("I dunno... \nit's kinda pricey...");
        TheirMessage  whatDo = new TheirMessage("What do I have to pay?");

        iDunno.herReply = whatDo;
        PlayerMessage booby     = new PlayerMessage("Booby pics");
        TheirMessage  seriously = new TheirMessage("Seriously?");

        booby.herReply = seriously;
        PlayerMessage nahJustKid = new PlayerMessage("Nah, just kidding");

        nahJustKid.leftOnRead = true;
        nahJustKid.lorMessage = "Smooth.";
        PlayerMessage iWanna = new PlayerMessage("I wanna see some \nboobs");

        iWanna.leftOnRead = true;
        iWanna.drakeJosh  = true;
        iWanna.altEnding  = true;
        iWanna.lorMessage = "I never thought that \nit'd be so simple.";
        //picture of drake and josh
        PlayerMessage ifYou     = new PlayerMessage("If you wanna");
        TheirMessage  iDontSend = new TheirMessage("I don't send nudes...");

        ifYou.herReply = iDontSend;
        PlayerMessage right = new PlayerMessage("Right, my bad");

        right.leftOnRead = true;
        right.lorMessage = "So close!";
        PlayerMessage right2 = new PlayerMessage("Right, my bad");

        right2.leftOnRead = true;
        right2.lorMessage = "So close!";
        PlayerMessage right3 = new PlayerMessage("Right, my bad");

        TheirMessage exception = new TheirMessage("...but I'll make an \nexception this time.");

        right3.herReply           = exception;
        exception.youWin          = true;
        exception.gameOverMessage = "Game Win! \nYou scored the NUD35";
        exception.nsfw            = true;

        iDontSend.setReplies(right, right2, right3);
        seriously.setReplies(nahJustKid, iWanna, ifYou);
        PlayerMessage dinner   = new PlayerMessage("Dinner with me?");
        TheirMessage  idLoveTo = new TheirMessage("I'd love to!");

        dinner.herReply          = idLoveTo;
        idLoveTo.youWin          = true;
        idLoveTo.gameOverMessage = "Game Win! \nBut could things have \ngone differently?";
        PlayerMessage howAbout = new PlayerMessage("How bout some fuk?");

        howAbout.leftOnRead = true;
        howAbout.lorMessage = "Just a bit too bold.";
        whatDo.setReplies(booby, dinner, howAbout);
        PlayerMessage oneLarge = new PlayerMessage("One large penis \ncoming right up!");

        oneLarge.leftOnRead = true;
        oneLarge.lorMessage = "Jumped to conclusions a little there.";
        idLike.setReplies(outOf, iDunno, oneLarge);
        PlayerMessage hb = new PlayerMessage("hb a 3 way?");

        hb.leftOnRead = true;
        hb.lorMessage = "Seriously dude? \nThree way with your dad?";
        isSingle.setReplies(number, nahBut, hb);
        yourDad.setReplies(myDad, noMe, wellLike);
        thatsSuch.setReplies(wannaMeet, notAsCute, cuteLike);
        youHave.setReplies(yeahHaha, wannaSmash, hisName);
        wyd.setReplies(creatingNudes, jChilling, hanging);

        PlayerMessage goodEvening = new PlayerMessage("Good Evening M'lady");
        TheirMessage  lolFormal   = new TheirMessage("lol, formal much?");

        goodEvening.herReply = lolFormal;
        PlayerMessage ofCourse = new PlayerMessage("Of course, that is my \nnature as a \ngentleman.");
        TheirMessage  youreA   = new TheirMessage("You're a gentleman, huh?");

        ofCourse.herReply = youreA;
        PlayerMessage tipsFedora = new PlayerMessage("*tips fedora*");

        tipsFedora.leftOnRead = true;
        tipsFedora.lorMessage = "Nice guys finish last.";
        PlayerMessage butOfCourse = new PlayerMessage("But of course madam. \nThere is no other way.");
        TheirMessage  ohMyGod     = new TheirMessage("Oh my god...");

        butOfCourse.herReply = ohMyGod;
        PlayerMessage pft = new PlayerMessage("Pft. God? I don't believe \nin silly fairy tales. I'm \nan enlightened Atheist");

        pft.leftOnRead = true;
        pft.lorMessage = "Friend zoned again.";
        PlayerMessage iDidnt = new PlayerMessage("I didn't realize such \na beautiful maiden could \nbe of such simple mind");

        iDidnt.leftOnRead = true;
        iDidnt.lorMessage = "Nice guys finish last.";
        PlayerMessage iDont = new PlayerMessage("I don't believe in god. \nHe's not nearly as cool \nor as strong as Goku");
        TheirMessage  whoa  = new TheirMessage("Whoa. You like DBZ?");

        iDont.herReply = whoa;
        PlayerMessage over = new PlayerMessage("IT'S OVER 9000!!");

        over.leftOnRead = true;
        over.lorMessage = "Was that joke ever funny?";
        PlayerMessage collectible = new PlayerMessage("Of course, care to \nsee my collectible \nfigures?");
        TheirMessage  omgDate     = new TheirMessage("OMG just date me \nalready stud!");

        collectible.herReply    = omgDate;
        omgDate.youWin          = true;
        omgDate.gameOverMessage = "Game Win! \nBut could things have \ngone differently?";
        PlayerMessage kameha = new PlayerMessage("KAMEHAMEHA!");

        kameha.leftOnRead = true;
        kameha.lorMessage = "You killed her! Try not to show \nyour true power levels next time.";
        whoa.setReplies(over, collectible, kameha);
        ohMyGod.setReplies(pft, iDidnt, iDont);
        PlayerMessage exceptWhen = new PlayerMessage("Except when I fight with \nthe moves I learned from \nmy favorite animes");

        exceptWhen.leftOnRead = true;
        exceptWhen.lorMessage = "Friendzoned again.";
        youreA.setReplies(tipsFedora, butOfCourse, exceptWhen);
        PlayerMessage youEver  = new PlayerMessage("You ever seen that \nmeme?");
        TheirMessage  ummIDont = new TheirMessage("Um, I don't think so...");

        youEver.herReply = ummIDont;
        PlayerMessage thatsLame = new PlayerMessage("That's lame");

        thatsLame.leftOnRead = true;
        thatsLame.lorMessage = "Don't trust the Internet.\nMemes don't get the girl.";
        PlayerMessage iCanSend = new PlayerMessage("I can send you some \nmemes if you want");

        iCanSend.leftOnRead = true;
        iCanSend.lorMessage = "Don't trust the Internet.\nMemes don't get the girl.";
        PlayerMessage memesAreCool = new PlayerMessage("Memes are cool");

        memesAreCool.leftOnRead = true;
        memesAreCool.lorMessage = "Don't trust the Internet.\nMemes don't get the girl.";
        ummIDont.setReplies(thatsLame, iCanSend, memesAreCool);
        PlayerMessage yeahALittle = new PlayerMessage("Yeah, a little haha. I'm \npracticing for my \nShakespeare class.");
        TheirMessage  oooWhat     = new TheirMessage("Ooo! What play are you \ndoing!?");

        yeahALittle.herReply = oooWhat;
        PlayerMessage romeo  = new PlayerMessage("I'm playing Romeo in \nRomero and Juliet");
        TheirMessage  begone = new TheirMessage("Begone filthy Montague");

        romeo.herReply         = begone;
        begone.gameOver        = true;
        begone.gameOverMessage = "Shoot.\nYour crush is a Capulet.";
        PlayerMessage hamlet = new PlayerMessage("I'm playing Hamlet in \nHamlet");
        TheirMessage  hesThe = new TheirMessage("He's the character who's \nreally indecisive, right?");

        hamlet.herReply = hesThe;
        PlayerMessage idk = new PlayerMessage("idk");

        idk.leftOnRead = true;
        string idkLorm = "Gotta make a choice.\nWho knows, someone could die.";

        idk.lorMessage = idkLorm;
        PlayerMessage idk2 = new PlayerMessage("idk");

        idk2.leftOnRead = true;
        idk2.lorMessage = idkLorm;
        PlayerMessage idk3 = new PlayerMessage("idk");

        idk3.leftOnRead = true;
        idk3.lorMessage = idkLorm;
        hesThe.setReplies(idk, idk2, idk3);
        PlayerMessage king     = new PlayerMessage("I'm playing King Richard \nIII in King Richard III");
        TheirMessage  conspire = new TheirMessage("Conspiring against the \nking in order to usurp the \nthrone really turns me on. \nCan I help?");

        king.herReply            = conspire;
        conspire.youWin          = true;
        conspire.gameOverMessage = "Game Win! \nBut could things have \ngone differently?";
        oooWhat.setReplies(romeo, hamlet, king);

        lolFormal.setReplies(ofCourse, youEver, yeahALittle);

        PlayerMessage sendNudes = new PlayerMessage("Send Nudes");
        TheirMessage  umNo      = new TheirMessage(" creep");

        sendNudes.herReply = umNo;
        PlayerMessage whateverPrude = new PlayerMessage("Whatever, prude");

        whateverPrude.leftOnRead = true;
        whateverPrude.lorMessage = "Try not being a dick next time.";
        PlayerMessage kiddingSorry = new PlayerMessage("Kidding! Sorry! \nBad Humor");
        TheirMessage  howIsThat    = new TheirMessage("How is that supposed to \nbe funny?");

        kiddingSorry.herReply = howIsThat;
        PlayerMessage because = new PlayerMessage("Because boobies make \nme giggle");

        because.leftOnRead = true;
        because.lorMessage = "Darn! She definitely seemed like \nshe was gonna send those nudes!";
        PlayerMessage becauseYour = new PlayerMessage("Because your nudes \nwould be a good \nlaugh");

        becauseYour.leftOnRead   = true;
        becauseYour.middleFinger = true;
        becauseYour.altEnding    = true;
        //picture of a middle finger
        becauseYour.lorMessage = "Smooth.";
        PlayerMessage iJust   = new PlayerMessage("I just say stupid stuff \naround pretty people");
        TheirMessage  whatNow = new TheirMessage("What? Now you're tring \nto say I'm pretty?");

        iJust.herReply = whatNow;
        PlayerMessage whyElse = new PlayerMessage("Why else would I make \nthat dumb joke?");
        TheirMessage  greasy  = new TheirMessage("Because you're a greasy \nperv?");

        whyElse.herReply = greasy;
        PlayerMessage lol = new PlayerMessage("lol, tru");

        lol.leftOnRead = true;
        string lolLorm = "She caught on to you.";

        lol.lorMessage = lolLorm;
        PlayerMessage lol2 = new PlayerMessage("lol, tru");

        lol2.leftOnRead = true;
        lol2.lorMessage = lolLorm;
        PlayerMessage lol3 = new PlayerMessage("lol, tru");

        lol3.leftOnRead = true;
        lol3.lorMessage = lolLorm;
        greasy.setReplies(lol, lol2, lol3);
        PlayerMessage prettyFugly = new PlayerMessage("Pretty fugly");

        prettyFugly.leftOnRead   = true;
        prettyFugly.lorMessage   = "Smooth.";
        prettyFugly.altEnding    = true;
        prettyFugly.middleFinger = true;
        //picture of a middle finger
        PlayerMessage iThink = new PlayerMessage("I think you've got \nnice melons");

        iThink.leftOnRead = true;
        iThink.lorMessage = "Try subtlety next time.";
        whatNow.setReplies(whyElse, prettyFugly, iThink);
        howIsThat.setReplies(because, becauseYour, iJust);
        PlayerMessage prettyPlease = new PlayerMessage("Pretty please with \nnipples on top?");

        prettyPlease.leftOnRead = true;
        prettyPlease.lorMessage = "You sound like Buffalo Bill, \ncreepass.";
        umNo.setReplies(whateverPrude, kiddingSorry, prettyPlease);

        first.setReplies(hey, goodEvening, sendNudes);
        tm = first;