Beispiel #1
 void Start()
     theHourglass      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("OfficialHourGlass");
     hourglassControls = theHourglass.GetComponent <TheHourglass>();
     perfectWindow     = false;
     buttonMash        = 0;
     spellName         = "";
     showHelpText      = true;
     hitSounds         = GetComponents <AudioSource>();
     swing1            = hitSounds[0];
     swing2            = hitSounds[1];
     swing3            = hitSounds[2];
     cam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
     listenForComboInput = false;
     discreteInputWindow = false;    //Used to prevent multiple presses within a short timeframe
     pauseHourglass      = true;
     anim              = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>();
     attackController  = this.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerAttackController>();
     step1Damage       = 1;
     step1Damage       = 2;
     step1Damage       = 3;
     spellDamageToDeal = 3;
     castFirstFail     = true; //if first button missed, need a way to not auto cast lvl1 spell
     rangedAbilityFlag = false;
Beispiel #2
 public void Start()
     theHourglass      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("OfficialHourGlass");
     hourglassControls = theHourglass.GetComponent <TheHourglass>();
     lootSpawnLoc      = new Vector2(0, 0);
     combatIsEnded     = false;
     theMaestro        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Maestro");
     cam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
Beispiel #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        theHourglass            = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("OfficialHourGlass");
        hourglassControls       = theHourglass.GetComponent <TheHourglass>();
        comboController         = this.gameObject.GetComponent <ComboController>();
        comboController.enabled = false;
        Invoke("initializeController", 1f); //allows player time to teleport to start

        cam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
        attackController = this.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerAttackController>();
        //UI 3 buttons, 4th button is switch panel
        abilitiesUI    = new GameObject[3];
        abilitiesUI[0] = abil1UI;
        abilitiesUI[1] = abil2UI;
        abilitiesUI[2] = abil3UI;
        exploreMode    = false;