/// <summary>
        /// If we've got the texture, return it and true.  If not, then return false
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID">the Asset ID of the texture</param>
        /// <param name="tex">The texture</param>
        /// <returns>If we have the texture or not</returns>
        public bool tryGetTexture(UUID assetID, out TextureExtended tex)
            tex = null;
            lock (memoryTextures)
                if (memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    tex = memoryTextures[assetID];

            if (tex != null)
                return true;

            string texturefolderpath = imagefolder;
            bool alreadyRequesting = false;
            lock (outstandingRequests)
                if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    alreadyRequesting = true;
            // Check if we've got this texture on the file system.
            if (!alreadyRequesting && File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga")))
                Texture texTnorm = Reference.VideoDriver.GetTexture(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga"));
                tex = new TextureExtended(texTnorm.Raw, ".tga");
                if (tex != null)
                    lock (memoryTextures)
                        if (!memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            memoryTextures.Add(assetID, tex);
                    return true;


            return false;
        private bool IsAlphaImage(TextureExtended tex)
            bool alphaimage = false;
            // Check if we've already run this through our image alpha checker
            if (tex.Userdata == null)
                // Check if this image has an alpha channel in use
                // All textures are 32 Bit and alpha capable, so we have to scan it for an
                // alpha pixel
                Color[,] imgcolors;

                    imgcolors = tex.Retrieve();
                    for (int i = 0; i < imgcolors.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < imgcolors.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
                            if (imgcolors[i, j].A != 255)
                                alphaimage = true;
                        if (alphaimage)
                catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                    alphaimage = false;
                // Save result
                tex.Userdata = (object)alphaimage;
                // Use cached result
                alphaimage = (bool)tex.Userdata;
            return alphaimage;
        public override void Initialize()
            downloadTextureQueue = new BlockingQueue<TextureDownloadRequest>();
            timeout = Reference.Viewer.Config.Source.Configs["Startup"].GetInt("asset_timeout", 60000);
            textureFetchThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TextureFetchHandler));

            defaultTexture = new TextureExtended(Reference.VideoDriver.GetTexture(Util.ApplicationDataDirectory + @"/media/textures/dummy_white.tga").Raw, ".tga");
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests an image for an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="requestor"></param>
        public void RequestImage(UUID assetID, VObject requestor)
            TextureExtended tex = null;

            lock (memoryTextures)

                if (memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    tex = memoryTextures[assetID];

            if (tex != null)
                // We already have the texture, jump to applyTexture
                applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                lock (outstandingRequests)
                    if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                        m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                        foreach (VObject vObj in outstandingRequests[assetID])
                            applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);


            // Check to see if we've got the texture on disk

            string texturefolderpath = imagefolder;
            bool alreadyRequesting = false;
            lock (outstandingRequests)
                if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    alreadyRequesting = true;
            if (!alreadyRequesting && File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga")))
                Texture texTnorm = Reference.VideoDriver.GetTexture(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga"));
                if (texTnorm != null)
                    tex = new TextureExtended(texTnorm.Raw, ".tga");
                if (tex != null)
                    lock (memoryTextures)
                        if (!memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            // Add it to the texture cache.
                            memoryTextures.Add(assetID, tex);

                    // apply texture
                    applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                    // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                    lock (outstandingRequests)
                        if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                            foreach (VObject vObj in outstandingRequests[assetID])
                                applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);



            // Check if we've already got an outstanding request for this texture
            lock (outstandingRequests)
                if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    // Add it to the objects to be notified when this texture download is complete.
                    // Create a new outstanding request entry
                    List<VObject> requestors = new List<VObject>();


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reference.Viewer.ProtocolManager.AvatarConnection.m_user.Network.AssetServerUri))
                this.texDownloadStyle = TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV;

            TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
            req.uuid = assetID;
            downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization
            m_log.Info("[TEXTURE]: Added to DownloadTextureQueue current count " + downloadTextureQueue.Count);
            if (this.texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV)
                // Request texture from LibOMV
                // request texture directly from assetserver via our own background thread
                TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
                req.uuid = assetID;
                downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization
        // LibOMV callback for completed image texture.
        public void imageReceivedCallback(AssetTexture asset)
            if (asset == null)
                m_log.Debug("[TEXTURE]: GotLIBOMV callback but asset was null");
            m_log.Debug("[TEXTURE]: GotLIBOMV callback for asset" + asset.AssetID);
            lock (downloadQueue)
                if (downloadQueue.ContainsKey(asset.AssetID))
            bool result = false;
            bool bNonJp2000 = true;
            string extension = string.Empty;
                AssetType type = asset.AssetType;
                if (asset is OpenViewer.Primitives.ExtendedAssetTexture)
                    type = (AssetType)((OpenViewer.Primitives.ExtendedAssetTexture)asset).ExtAssetType;

                    //Paupaw:Get the AssetType
                    switch (type)
                        case AssetType.ImageJPEG:
                            result = true;
                            extension = ".jpg";
                        case AssetType.ImageTGA:
                            result = true;
                            extension = ".tga";
                        case AssetType.Texture: //JP2000
                            bNonJp2000 = false;
                            result = asset.Decode();
                            extension = ".tga";
                else if (asset is AssetTexture)
                    bNonJp2000 = false;
                    result = asset.Decode();
                    extension = ".tga";
                    result = true;
                    extension = ".jpg";

            catch (Exception e)
                //m_log.Debug("[TEXTURE]: Failed to decode asset " + asset.AssetID);
                if (!bNonJp2000)
                    bNonJp2000 = true;
                    result = true;
                    extension = ".jpg";
            if (result)
                byte[] imgdata = null;
                if (bNonJp2000)
                    imgdata = asset.AssetData;
                    imgdata = asset.Image.ExportTGA();

                string texturefolderpath = imagefolder;
                string texturepath = System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, asset.AssetID.ToString() + extension);
                FileStream fs = (File.Open(texturepath, FileMode.Create));
                BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);

                // Immediately load it to memory
                if (File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, asset.AssetID.ToString() + extension)))
                    Texture texTnorm = Reference.VideoDriver.GetTexture(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, asset.AssetID.ToString() + extension));
                    TextureExtended tex = new TextureExtended(texTnorm.Raw, extension);
                    if (tex != null)
                        lock (memoryTextures)
                            if (!memoryTextures.ContainsKey(asset.AssetID))
                                memoryTextures.Add(asset.AssetID, tex);

                // Update nodes that the texture is downloaded.
                List<VObject> nodesToUpdate = null;
                lock (outstandingRequests)
                    if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(asset.AssetID))
                        nodesToUpdate = outstandingRequests[asset.AssetID];

                if (nodesToUpdate == null)

                lock (nodesToUpdate)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nodesToUpdate.Count; i++)
                        VObject vObj = nodesToUpdate[i];

                        if (vObj == null || OnTextureLoaded == null)

                        OnTextureLoaded(asset.AssetID.ToString(), extension, vObj, asset.AssetID);
 public override void Cleanup()
     if (defaultTexture != null)
         defaultTexture = null;
     if (textureFetchThread != null)
         textureFetchThread = null;
     lock (memoryTextures)
     lock (outstandingRequests)
        /// <summary>
        /// Bread and butter of the texture system.
        /// This is the start point for the texture-> graphics pipeline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex"></param>
        /// <param name="vObj"></param>
        /// <param name="AssetID"></param>
        public void applyTexture(TextureExtended tex, VObject vObj, UUID AssetID)
                // works
                if (vObj.Mesh == null)

                // Check if we have a  sculptie and its sculpting texture
                // If yes, don't apply the texture
                if (vObj.Prim.Sculpt != null && vObj.Prim.Sculpt.SculptTexture == AssetID)
                    m_log.Debug("[TEXTURE]: Skipping applyTexture for sculpt " + AssetID);

                bool alphaimage = IsAlphaImage(tex);

                // MeshPrim
                if (vObj._3DiIrrfileUUID != UUID.Zero && vObj.IrrData != null)
                    for (int iTex = 0; iTex < vObj.IrrData.Materials.Count; iTex++)
                        if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vObj.IrrData.Materials[iTex].Texture1) == AssetID.ToString())
                            Texture loadedTex = Reference.VideoDriver.GetTexture(AssetID.ToString() + tex.extension);
                            if (vObj.Node.Children.Length > 0)
                                vObj.Node.Children[0].GetMaterial(iTex).Texture1 = loadedTex;

                    if (alphaimage)
                        Reference.SceneManager.RegisterNodeForRendering(vObj.Node.Children[0], SceneNodeRenderPass.Transparent);

                // Normal prim
                    // Apply the Texture based on the TextureEntry
                    if (vObj.Prim.Textures != null)

                        // TODO: Apply texture per face (including DefaultTexture if a FaceTexture was not specified)
                        for (int i = 0; i < vObj.Mesh.MeshBufferCount; i++)
                            float shinyval = 0;
                            // Check if there is a facetexture for this MB
                            Primitive.TextureEntryFace applyTexture = null;
                            if (i <  vObj.Prim.Textures.FaceTextures.Length && vObj.Prim.Textures.FaceTextures[i] != null)
                                // Apply FaceTexture
                                applyTexture = vObj.Prim.Textures.FaceTextures[i];
                            else if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture != null)
                                // Apply DefaultTexture
                                applyTexture = vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture;

                            if (applyTexture != null)
                                Color4 coldata = applyTexture.RGBA;
                                switch (applyTexture.Shiny)
                                    case Shininess.Low:
                                        shinyval = 0.8f;
                                        coldata.R *= 0.8f;
                                        coldata.B *= 0.8f;
                                        coldata.G *= 0.8f;
                                    case Shininess.Medium:
                                        shinyval = 0.7f;
                                        coldata.R *= 0.6f;
                                        coldata.B *= 0.6f;
                                        coldata.G *= 0.6f;
                                    case Shininess.High:
                                        shinyval = 0.6f;
                                        coldata.R *= 0.3f;
                                        coldata.B *= 0.3f;
                                        coldata.G *= 0.3f;

                                if (applyTexture.TextureID == AssetID)
                                    ApplyFaceSettings(vObj, alphaimage, applyTexture, tex, i, shinyval, coldata);
                                    // Apply color settings
                                    ApplyFaceSettings(vObj, alphaimage, applyTexture, null, i, shinyval, coldata);

                                vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(i).Material.NormalizeNormals = true;
                                vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(i).Material.GouraudShading = true;
                                vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(i).Material.BackfaceCulling = (texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_ASSETSERVER);

                        if (vObj.Node is MeshSceneNode)
                            MeshSceneNode msn = (MeshSceneNode) vObj.Node;

                            if (vObj.Prim.Textures != null)
                                // Check the default texture to ensure that it's not null (why would it be null?)
                                if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture != null)
                                    Color4 coldata = vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.RGBA;
                                    IrrlichtNETCP.Color objColor = new Color(
                                        Util.Clamp<int>((int) (coldata.A*255), 0, 255),
                                        Util.Clamp<int>((int) (coldata.R*255), 0, 255),
                                        Util.Clamp<int>((int) (coldata.G*255), 0, 255),
                                        Util.Clamp<int>((int) (coldata.B*255), 0, 255)

                                    // Set material color.
                                    for (int i = 0; i < msn.MaterialCount; i++)
                                        msn.GetMaterial(i).AmbientColor = objColor;
                                        msn.GetMaterial(i).DiffuseColor = objColor;
                                        msn.GetMaterial(i).SpecularColor = Color.Black;
                                        msn.GetMaterial(i).EmissiveColor = Color.Black;
                                        msn.GetMaterial(i).Shininess = 0;

                            Box3D box = new Box3D(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                            for (int i = 0; i < msn.GetMesh().MeshBufferCount; i++)
                            msn.GetMesh().BoundingBox = box;
                            // Swap out the visible untextured object with a textured one.
                            // SceneNode sn = device.SceneManager.AddMeshSceneNode(vObj.Mesh, ParentNode, -1);
                            // ZAKI: Change TextureManager Parent to actual parent node
                            SceneNode sn = Reference.SceneManager.AddMeshSceneNode(vObj.Mesh, vObj.Node.Parent, -1);
                            sn.Position = vObj.Node.Position;
                            sn.Rotation = vObj.Node.Rotation;
                            sn.Scale = vObj.Node.Scale;
                            sn.DebugDataVisible = DebugSceneType.Off;

                            // If it's translucent, register it for the Transparent phase of rendering
                            if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture != null)
                                if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.RGBA.A != 1)
                                    Reference.SceneManager.RegisterNodeForRendering(sn, SceneNodeRenderPass.Transparent);
                            // Add the new triangle selector
                            sn.TriangleSelector = Reference.SceneManager.CreateTriangleSelector(vObj.Mesh, sn);
                            Reference.Viewer.EntityManager.AddTriangleSelector(sn.TriangleSelector, sn);

                            // Delete the old node.
                            SceneNode oldnode = vObj.Node;

                            // Assign new node
                            vObj.Node = sn;

                } // prim texture is not null

            catch (AccessViolationException)
                VUtil.LogConsole(this.ToString() + "[ACCESSVIOLATION]", " TextureManager::ApplyTexture");
                m_log.Error("[TEXTURE]: Failed to load texture.");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                m_log.Error("unable to update texture");
        /// <summary>
        /// Bread and butter of the texture system.
        /// This is the start point for the texture-> graphics pipeline
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex"></param>
        /// <param name="vObj"></param>
        /// <param name="AssetID"></param>
        public void applyTexture(TextureExtended tex, VObject vObj, UUID AssetID)
                // works
                if (vObj.Mesh == null)

                // Check if we have a  sculptie and its sculpting texture
                // If yes, don't apply the texture
                if (vObj.Prim.Sculpt != null && vObj.Prim.Sculpt.SculptTexture == AssetID)
                    m_log.Debug("[TEXTURE]: Skipping applyTexture for sculpt " + AssetID);

                bool alphaimage = false;

                if (tex == null)
                    tex = defaultTexture;
                // Check if we've already run this through our image alpha checker
                if (tex.Userdata == null)
                    // Check if this image has an alpha channel in use
                    // All textures are 32 Bit and alpha capable, so we have to scan it for an 
                    // alpha pixel
                    Color[,] imgcolors;

                        imgcolors = tex.Retrieve();
                        for (int i = 0; i < imgcolors.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < imgcolors.GetUpperBound(1); j++)
                                if (imgcolors[i, j].A != 255)
                                    alphaimage = true;
                            if (alphaimage)
                    catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                        alphaimage = false;
                    // Save result
                    tex.Userdata = (object)alphaimage;
                    // Use cached result
                    alphaimage = (bool)tex.Userdata;

//#if NOTYET
                if (vObj._3DiIrrfileUUID != UUID.Zero && vObj.IrrData != null)
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                    m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: 3Di mesh applyTexture for tex " + AssetID + " for irrfile " + vObj._3DiIrrfileUUID);
                    for (int iTex = 0; iTex < vObj.IrrData.Materials.Count; iTex++)
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                        m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: This mesh references a texture num " + iTex + ": " + vObj.IrrData.Materials[iTex].Texture1);
                        if (System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vObj.IrrData.Materials[iTex].Texture1) == AssetID.ToString())
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                            m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Found the texture reference inside the mesh; loading texture and re-assigning the reference.");
                            Texture loadedTex = device.VideoDriver.GetTexture(AssetID.ToString() + tex.extension);
                            if (vObj.Node.Children.Length > 0)
                                vObj.Node.Children[0].GetMaterial(iTex).Texture1 = loadedTex;
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                                m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Could not assign texture; mesh child not found");
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                    m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Finished all materials in this mesh.");
                    if (alphaimage)
                        device.SceneManager.RegisterNodeForRendering(vObj.Node.Children[0], SceneNodeRenderPass.Transparent);


                // Apply the Texture based on the TextureEntry
                if(vObj.Prim.Textures != null)
                    // Check the default texture to ensure that it's not null (why would it be null?)
                    if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture != null)
                        Color4 coldata = vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.RGBA;

                        float shinyval = 0;
                        switch (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.Shiny)
                            case Shininess.Low:
                                shinyval = 0.8f;
                                coldata.R *= 0.8f;
                                coldata.B *= 0.8f;
                                coldata.G *= 0.8f;
                            case Shininess.Medium:
                                shinyval = 0.7f;
                                coldata.R *= 0.6f;
                                coldata.B *= 0.6f;
                                coldata.G *= 0.6f;
                            case Shininess.High:
                                shinyval = 0.6f;
                                coldata.R *= 0.3f;
                                coldata.B *= 0.3f;
                                coldata.G *= 0.3f;
                        // The mesh buffers correspond to the faces defined in the textureentry

                        int mbcount = vObj.Mesh.MeshBufferCount;
                        for (int j = 0; j < mbcount; j++)
                            // Only apply default texture if there isn't one already!
                            // we don't want to overwrite a face specific texture with the default
                            if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.TextureID == AssetID)
                                ApplyFaceSettings(vObj, alphaimage, vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture, tex, j, shinyval, coldata);

                                // Apply color settings
                                ApplyFaceSettings(vObj, alphaimage, vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture, null, j, shinyval, coldata);

                            vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(j).Material.NormalizeNormals = true;
                            vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(j).Material.GouraudShading = true;
                            vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(j).Material.BackfaceCulling = (this.texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_ASSETSERVER);


                    // default taken care of..   now on to the individual face settings.
                    for (int i = 0; i < vObj.Prim.Textures.FaceTextures.Length; i++)
                        if (vObj.Prim.Textures.FaceTextures[i] != null)
                            Primitive.TextureEntryFace teface = vObj.Prim.Textures.FaceTextures[i];

                            if (vObj.Mesh.MeshBufferCount > i)
                                //if (tex.
                                Color4 coldata = teface.RGBA;
                                float shinyval = 0;
                                switch (teface.Shiny)
                                    case Shininess.Low:
                                        shinyval = 0.8f;
                                        coldata.R *= 0.8f;
                                        coldata.B *= 0.8f;
                                        coldata.G *= 0.8f;
                                    case Shininess.Medium:
                                        shinyval = 0.7f;
                                        coldata.R *= 0.6f;
                                        coldata.B *= 0.6f;
                                        coldata.G *= 0.6f;
                                    case Shininess.High:
                                        shinyval = 0.6f;
                                        coldata.R *= 0.3f;
                                        coldata.B *= 0.3f;
                                        coldata.G *= 0.3f;

                                // Apply texture only if this face has it linked
                                if (teface.TextureID == AssetID)
                                    ApplyFaceSettings(vObj, alphaimage, teface, tex, i, shinyval, coldata);
                                    // Only apply the color settings..
                                    ApplyFaceSettings(vObj, alphaimage, teface, null, i, shinyval, coldata);
                                vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(i).Material.NormalizeNormals = true;
                                vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(i).Material.GouraudShading = true;
                                vObj.Mesh.GetMeshBuffer(i).Material.BackfaceCulling = (this.texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_ASSETSERVER);
                                m_log.Warn("[TEXTUREDEF]: Unable to apply Texture to face because mesh buffer doesn't have definition for face");

                        }// end check if textureentry face is null
                    } // end loop over textureentry faces array

                    if (vObj.Node is MeshSceneNode)
                        MeshSceneNode msn = (MeshSceneNode)vObj.Node;
                        if (vObj.Prim.Textures != null)
                            // Check the default texture to ensure that it's not null (why would it be null?)
                            if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture != null)
                                Color4 coldata = vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.RGBA;
                                IrrlichtNETCP.Color objColor = new Color(
                                    Util.Clamp<int>((int)(coldata.A * 255), 0, 255),
                                    Util.Clamp<int>((int)(coldata.R * 255), 0, 255),
                                    Util.Clamp<int>((int)(coldata.G * 255), 0, 255),
                                    Util.Clamp<int>((int)(coldata.B * 255), 0, 255)

                                // Set material color.
                                for (int i = 0; i < msn.MaterialCount; i++)
                                    lock(NativeElement.Elements) {System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Element count before get:" + NativeElement.Elements.Count);}
                                    msn.GetMaterial(i).AmbientColor = objColor;
                                    lock (NativeElement.Elements) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Element count after get:" + NativeElement.Elements.Count); }
                                    msn.GetMaterial(i).DiffuseColor = objColor;
                                    msn.GetMaterial(i).SpecularColor = Color.Black;
                                    msn.GetMaterial(i).EmissiveColor = Color.Black;
                                    msn.GetMaterial(i).Shininess = 0;

                        Box3D box = new Box3D(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                        for (int i = 0; i < msn.GetMesh().MeshBufferCount; i++)
                        msn.GetMesh().BoundingBox = box;
                        // Swap out the visible untextured object with a textured one.
                        // SceneNode sn = device.SceneManager.AddMeshSceneNode(vObj.Mesh, ParentNode, -1);
                        // ZAKI: Change TextureManager Parent to actual parent node
                        SceneNode sn = device.SceneManager.AddMeshSceneNode(vObj.Mesh, vObj.Node.Parent, -1);
                        sn.Position = vObj.Node.Position;
                        sn.Rotation = vObj.Node.Rotation;
                        sn.Scale = vObj.Node.Scale;
                        sn.DebugDataVisible = DebugSceneType.Off;

                        // If it's translucent, register it for the Transparent phase of rendering
                        if (vObj.Prim.Textures.DefaultTexture.RGBA.A != 1)
                            device.SceneManager.RegisterNodeForRendering(sn, SceneNodeRenderPass.Transparent);
                        // Add the new triangle selector
                        sn.TriangleSelector = device.SceneManager.CreateTriangleSelector(vObj.Mesh, sn);
                        Reference.Viewer.EntityManager.AddTriangleSelector(sn.TriangleSelector, sn); 

                        // Delete the old node. 
                        SceneNode oldnode = vObj.Node;

                        // Assign new node
                        vObj.Node = sn;

                } // prim texture is not null

            catch (AccessViolationException)
                VUtil.LogConsole(this.ToString() + "[ACCESSVIOLATION]", " TextureManager::ApplyTexture");
                m_log.Error("[TEXTURE]: Failed to load texture.");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                m_log.Error("unable to update texture");
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests an image for an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="requestor"></param>
        public void RequestImage(UUID assetID, VObject requestor)
            TextureExtended tex = null;

            lock (memoryTextures)
                if (memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    tex = memoryTextures[assetID];

            if (tex != null)
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Already have texture in memory: " + assetID);
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                m_log.Debug("RequestImage 1 calling applyTexture");
                // We already have the texture, jump to applyTexture
                applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                lock (ouststandingRequests)
                    if (ouststandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                        m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                        foreach (VObject vObj in ouststandingRequests[assetID])
                            applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);


            // Check to see if we've got the texture on disk

            string texturefolderpath = imagefolder;
            if (File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga")))
                Texture texTnorm = driver.GetTexture(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga"));
                if (texTnorm != null)
                    tex = new TextureExtended(texTnorm.Raw, ".tga");
                if (tex != null)
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                    m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Already have texture locally on disk: " + assetID);
                    lock (memoryTextures)
                        if (!memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            // Add it to the texture cache.
                            memoryTextures.Add(assetID, tex);

#if DebugTexturePipeline
                    m_log.Debug("RequestImage 2 calling applyTexture");
                    // apply texture
                    applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                    // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                    lock (ouststandingRequests)
                        if (ouststandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                            foreach (VObject vObj in ouststandingRequests[assetID])
                                applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);



            // Check if we've already got an outstanding request for this texture
            lock (ouststandingRequests)
                if (ouststandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    // Add it to the objects to be notified when this texture download is complete.
                    applyTexture(null, requestor, assetID);

                    // Create a new outstanding request entry
                    List<VObject> requestors = new List<VObject>();

#if DebugTexturePipeline
            m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Requesting from libomv the following texture: " + assetID);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_user.m_user.Network.AssetServerUri))
                this.texDownloadStyle = TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV;

            TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
            req.uuid = assetID;
            downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization
            m_log.Info("[TEXTURE]: Added to DownloadTextureQueue current count " + downloadTextureQueue.Count);
            if (this.texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV)
                // Request texture from LibOMV
                // request texture directly from assetserver via our own background thread
                TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
                req.uuid = assetID;
                downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization