Beispiel #1
        public override Dictionary <string, string> OutputResources(PSB psb, FreeMountContext context, string name, string dirPath,
                                                                    PsbExtractOption extractOption = PsbExtractOption.Original)
            //Extra Extract
            if (extractOption == PsbExtractOption.Extract)
                if (psb.Type == PsbType.Tachie)
                    var bitmaps = TextureCombiner.CombineTachie(psb);
                    foreach (var kv in bitmaps)
                        kv.Value.Save(Path.Combine(dirPath, $"{kv.Key}{context.ImageFormat.DefaultExtension()}"), context.ImageFormat.ToImageFormat());

            return(base.OutputResources(psb, context, name, dirPath, extractOption));
        public void CombineMaterial()
            for (var i = 0; i < cellItemGroups.Count; i++)
                var interalCombineSetting = cellItemGroups[i].groupCombineSetting;
                var combineSetting        = interalCombineSetting.maxAtlasWidth != 0 ? interalCombineSetting : this.combineSetting;

                var combineData = new TextureCombinePipelineData();
                combineData.CombinedMaterialInfoPath = combineAssetFolder + "/Cell" + CurrentCellID + "_Group" + i + ".asset";
                combineData.DoMultiMaterial          = combineSetting.DoMultiMaterial;

                TextureCombiner.CombineMaterial(cellItemGroups[i].groupGameObjects, combineSetting, combineData);

                //创建 TextureCombineResult
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Save (most user friendly) images
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputPath"></param>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        public static void ExtractImageFiles(string inputPath, PsbImageFormat format = PsbImageFormat.png)
            if (!File.Exists(inputPath))

            var name    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputPath);
            var dirPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(inputPath), name);

            if (File.Exists(dirPath))
                name    += "-resources";
                dirPath += "-resources";

            if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath)) //ensure there is no file with same name!

            var texExt    = format == PsbImageFormat.bmp ? ".bmp" : ".png";
            var texFormat = format.ToImageFormat();

            var psb = new PSB(inputPath);

            if (psb.Type == PsbType.Tachie)
                var bitmaps = TextureCombiner.CombineTachie(psb);
                foreach (var kv in bitmaps)
                    kv.Value.Save(Path.Combine(dirPath, $"{kv.Key}{texExt}"), texFormat);

            var texs = PsbResHelper.UnlinkImages(psb);

            foreach (var tex in texs)
                tex.Save(Path.Combine(dirPath, tex.Tag + texExt), texFormat);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the atlases.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// The atlases.
 /// </returns>
 public AtlasesAndRects[] CreateAtlases()
     AtlasesAndRects[] mAndAs = null;
         //mAndAs = _CreateAtlases(progressInfo, saveAtlasesAsAssets, editorMethods);
         CreateAtlasesCoroutineResult result = new CreateAtlasesCoroutineResult();
         TextureCombiner.RunCorutineWithoutPause(CreateAtlasesCoroutine(), 0);
         if (result.success && textureBakeResults != null)
             mAndAs = this.OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects;
     catch (Exception e)
Beispiel #5
 void Start()
     textureCombiner = new TextureCombiner();
        public override void Convert(Material srcMaterial, Material dstMaterial)
            dstMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset;

            base.Convert(srcMaterial, dstMaterial);

            // ---------- Mask Map ----------

            // Metallic
            bool    hasMetallic = false;
            Texture metallicMap = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(;

            if (( == Standard) || ( == Standard_Rough))
                hasMetallic = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null;
                if (hasMetallic)
                    metallicMap = TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_MetallicGlossMap", Color.white);
                    metallicMap = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(Color.white);

                // Convert _Metallic value from Gamma to Linear, or set to 1 if a map is used
                float metallicValue = Mathf.Pow(srcMaterial.GetFloat("_Metallic"), 2.2f);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_Metallic", hasMetallic? 1f : metallicValue);

            // Occlusion
            bool    hasOcclusion = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_OcclusionMap") != null;
            Texture occlusionMap = Texture2D.whiteTexture;

            if (hasOcclusion)
                occlusionMap = TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_OcclusionMap", Color.white);

            dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AORemapMin", 1f - srcMaterial.GetFloat("_OcclusionStrength"));

            // Detail Mask
            bool    hasDetailMask = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailMask") != null;
            Texture detailMaskMap = Texture2D.whiteTexture;

            if (hasDetailMask)
                detailMaskMap = TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailMask", Color.white);

            // Smoothness
            bool      hasSmoothness = false;
            Texture2D smoothnessMap = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(Color.white);

            dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SmoothnessRemapMax", srcMaterial.GetFloat("_Glossiness"));

            if ( == Standard_Rough)
                hasSmoothness = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null;

                if (hasSmoothness)
                    smoothnessMap = (Texture2D)TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_SpecGlossMap", Color.grey);
                string smoothnessTextureChannel = "_MainTex";

                if (srcMaterial.GetFloat("_SmoothnessTextureChannel") == 0)
                    if ( == Standard)
                        smoothnessTextureChannel = "_MetallicGlossMap";
                    if ( == Standard_Spec)
                        smoothnessTextureChannel = "_SpecGlossMap";

                smoothnessMap = (Texture2D)srcMaterial.GetTexture(smoothnessTextureChannel);
                if (smoothnessMap != null)
                    hasSmoothness = true;

                    dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SmoothnessRemapMax", srcMaterial.GetFloat("_GlossMapScale"));

                    if (!TextureCombiner.TextureHasAlpha(smoothnessMap))
                        smoothnessMap = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(Color.white);
                    smoothnessMap = TextureCombiner.TextureFromColor(Color.white);

            // Build the mask map
            if (hasMetallic || hasOcclusion || hasDetailMask || hasSmoothness)
                Texture2D maskMap;

                TextureCombiner maskMapCombiner = new TextureCombiner(
                    metallicMap, 0,                                                         // R: Metallic from red
                    occlusionMap, 1,                                                        // G: Occlusion from green
                    detailMaskMap, 3,                                                       // B: Detail Mask from alpha
                    smoothnessMap, ( == Standard_Rough) ? -4 : 3     // A: Smoothness Texture from inverse greyscale for roughness setup, or alpha

                string maskMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(srcMaterial);
                maskMapPath = maskMapPath.Remove(maskMapPath.Length - 4) + "_MaskMap.png";
                maskMap     = maskMapCombiner.Combine(maskMapPath);
                dstMaterial.SetTexture("_MaskMap", maskMap);

            // Specular Setup Specific
            if ( == Standard_Spec)
                // if there is a specular map, change the specular color to white
                if (srcMaterial.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null)
                    dstMaterial.SetColor("_SpecularColor", Color.white);

            // ---------- Height Map ----------
            bool hasHeightMap = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_ParallaxMap") != null;

            if (hasHeightMap) // Enable Parallax Occlusion Mapping
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_DisplacementMode", 2);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_HeightPoMAmplitude", srcMaterial.GetFloat("_Parallax") * 2f);

            // ---------- Detail Map ----------
            bool hasDetailAlbedo = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap") != null;
            bool hasDetailNormal = srcMaterial.GetTexture("_DetailNormalMap") != null;

            if (hasDetailAlbedo || hasDetailNormal)
                Texture2D       detailMap;
                TextureCombiner detailCombiner = new TextureCombiner(
                    TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailAlbedoMap", Color.grey), 4,     // Albedo (overlay)
                    TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailNormalMap", Color.grey), 1,     // Normal Y
                    TextureCombiner.midGrey, 1,                                                         // Smoothness
                    TextureCombiner.GetTextureSafe(srcMaterial, "_DetailNormalMap", Color.grey), 0      // Normal X
                string detailMapPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(srcMaterial);
                detailMapPath = detailMapPath.Remove(detailMapPath.Length - 4) + "_DetailMap.png";
                detailMap     = detailCombiner.Combine(detailMapPath);
                dstMaterial.SetTexture("_DetailMap", detailMap);

            // Blend Mode
            int previousBlendMode = srcMaterial.GetInt("_Mode");

            switch (previousBlendMode)
            case 0:     // Opaque
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_EnableBlendModePreserveSpecularLighting", 1);

            case 1:     // Cutout
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_EnableBlendModePreserveSpecularLighting", 1);

            case 2:     // Fade -> Alpha + Disable preserve specular
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 1);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_EnableBlendModePreserveSpecularLighting", 0);

            case 3:     // Transparent -> Alpha
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_SurfaceType", 1);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_BlendMode", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 0);
                dstMaterial.SetFloat("_EnableBlendModePreserveSpecularLighting", 1);

            Color hdrEmission = srcMaterial.GetColor("_EmissionColor");

            // Get the _EMISSION keyword of the Standard shader
            if (!srcMaterial.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
                hdrEmission =;

            // Emission toggle of Particle Standard Surface
            if (srcMaterial.HasProperty("_EmissionEnabled"))
                if (srcMaterial.GetFloat("_EmissionEnabled") == 0)
                    hdrEmission =;

            dstMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", hdrEmission);

Beispiel #7
    private static void CreateWizard()
        TextureCombiner window = (TextureCombiner)GetWindow(typeof(TextureCombiner));

Beispiel #8
        public IEnumerator CreateAtlasesCoroutine()
            this.OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects = null;
            MBValidationLevel vl = MBValidationLevel.quick;

            if (!DoCombinedValidate(this, MB_ObjsToCombineTypes.dontCare, vl))
                yield break;
            if (_doMultiMaterial && !_ValidateResultMaterials())
                yield break;
            else if (!_doMultiMaterial)
                if (_resultMaterial == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Combined Material is null please create and assign a result material.");
                    yield break;
                Shader targShader = _resultMaterial.shader;
                for (int i = 0; i < objsToMesh.Count; i++)
                    Material[] ms = MeshBakerUtility.GetGOMaterials(objsToMesh[i]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < ms.Length; j++)
                        Material m = ms[j];
                        if (m != null && m.shader != targShader)
                            Debug.LogWarning("Game object " + objsToMesh[i] + " does not use shader " + targShader + " it may not have the required textures. If not small solid color textures will be generated.");

            for (int i = 0; i < objsToMesh.Count; i++)
                Material[] ms = MeshBakerUtility.GetGOMaterials(objsToMesh[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < ms.Length; j++)
                    Material m = ms[j];
                    if (m == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Game object " + objsToMesh[i] + " has a null material. Can't build atlases");
                        yield break;

            TextureCombiner combiner = new TextureCombiner();

            combiner.LOG_LEVEL             = LOG_LEVEL;
            combiner.atlasPadding          = _atlasPadding;
            combiner.maxAtlasSize          = _maxAtlasSize;
            combiner.customShaderPropNames = _customShaderProperties;
            combiner.fixOutOfBoundsUVs     = _fixOutOfBoundsUVs;
            combiner.maxTilingBakeSize     = _maxTilingBakeSize;

            //initialize structure to store results
            int numResults = 1;

            if (_doMultiMaterial)
                numResults = resultMaterials.Length;
            OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects = new AtlasesAndRects[numResults];
            for (int i = 0; i < OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects.Length; i++)
                OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects[i] = new AtlasesAndRects();

            //Do the material combining.
            for (int i = 0; i < OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects.Length; i++)
                Material        resMatToPass = null;
                List <Material> sourceMats   = null;
                if (_doMultiMaterial)
                    sourceMats   = resultMaterials[i].sourceMaterials;
                    resMatToPass = resultMaterials[i].combinedMaterial;
                    resMatToPass = _resultMaterial;
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Creating atlases for result material {0} using shader {1}", resMatToPass, resMatToPass.shader));
                TextureCombiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesResult result2 = new TextureCombiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesResult();
                yield return(combiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(OnCombinedTexturesCoroutineAtlasesAndRects[i],
                                                                 resMatToPass, objsToMesh, sourceMats, result2));

                if (!result2.success)
                    yield break;

            //Save the results
            textureBakeResults.doMultiMaterial   = _doMultiMaterial;
            textureBakeResults.resultMaterial    = _resultMaterial;
            textureBakeResults.resultMaterials   = resultMaterials;
            textureBakeResults.fixOutOfBoundsUVs = combiner.fixOutOfBoundsUVs;

            //set the texture bake resultAtlasesAndRects on the Mesh Baker component if it exists
            MeshBakerCommon[] mb = bakerCommons.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < mb.Length; i++)
                mb[i].textureBakeResults = textureBakeResults;
                mb[i].TexBaker           = this;

            if (LOG_LEVEL >=
                Debug.Log("Created Atlases");

            if (onBuiltAtlasesSuccess != null)