Beispiel #1
        public FrameTest1Page()
            FrameView = new VisualView()
                Size            = new Size(500, 100),
                BackgroundColor = Tizen.NUI.Color.White,
                BoxShadow       = new Shadow(10.0f, new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f), new Vector2(5, 5)),

            FrameText                     = new TextVisual();
            FrameText.Text                = "Frame With Shadow";
            FrameText.TextColor           = Tizen.NUI.Color.Black;
            FrameText.PointSize           = 10;
            FrameText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            BorderVisual borderVisual = new BorderVisual();

            borderVisual.BorderSize   = 2.0f;
            borderVisual.Color        = Tizen.NUI.Color.Blue;
            borderVisual.RelativeSize = new RelativeVector2(1.0f, 1.0f);

            FrameView.AddVisual("_borderVisual", borderVisual);
            FrameView.AddVisual("_textVisual", FrameText);


            ShadowOnBackground.Clicked  += OnShadowOnButtonClicked;
            ShadowOffBackground.Clicked += OnShadowOffButtonClicked;
Beispiel #2
        private void printGameAttributes()
            Container  barsContainer       = (Container)mainView.Visuals[1];
            Container  attributesContainer = (Container)mainView.Visuals[2];
            Bar        bar;
            TextVisual text;
            //Console.WriteLine("Game attributes:");
            long maximum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Game.PlayersCount * Player.AttributesCount; i++)
                if (gameAttributes[i] > maximum)
                    maximum = gameAttributes[i];
            for (int player = 0; player < Game.PlayersCount; player++)
                //Console.WriteLine("Player {0} attributes:", player);
                for (int attribute = 0; attribute < Player.AttributesCount; attribute++)
                    int index = player * Player.AttributesCount + attribute;
                    bar  = (Bar)barsContainer.Visuals[index];
                    text = (TextVisual)attributesContainer.Visuals[index];
                    //Console.WriteLine("attribute no.{0} = {1}", attribute, gameAttributes[index]);
                    text.Text = gameAttributes[index].ToString();
                    double value = gameAttributes[index];
                    value    /= maximum;
                    bar.Level = value;
Beispiel #3
        public void TextVisualUnderline()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualUnderline START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            PropertyMap underlineMapSet = new PropertyMap();

            underlineMapSet.Add("enable", new PropertyValue("true"));
            underlineMapSet.Add("color", new PropertyValue("green"));
            underlineMapSet.Add("height", new PropertyValue("1"));
            testingTarget.Underline = underlineMapSet;

            PropertyMap underlineMapGet = new PropertyMap();

            underlineMapGet = testingTarget.Underline;
            Assert.IsNotNull(underlineMapGet, "Should not be null");

            string str = "";

            underlineMapGet["enable"].Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("true", str, "Retrieved enable should equals to the set value");
            underlineMapGet["color"].Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("green", str, "Retrieved color should equals to the set value");
            underlineMapGet["height"].Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", str, "Retrieved height should equals to the set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualUnderline END (OK)");
Beispiel #4
        public void TextVisualConstructor()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualConstructor START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualConstructor END (OK)");
Beispiel #5
        public PTPMsgStrEditVM(MSGstr str, Tuple <ImageDrawing, ImageDrawing, ImageDrawing, RectangleGeometry> tuple, string oldEncoding, string newEncoding, int backgroundIndex)
            this.str = str;
            strEW    = new EventWrapper(str, this);

            OldEncoding = Static.EncodingManager.GetPersonaEncoding(oldEncoding);
            NewEncoding = Static.EncodingManager.GetPersonaEncoding(newEncoding);
            OldText     = new TextVisual(Static.FontManager.GetPersonaFont(oldEncoding))
                Tag = "Old"
            NewText = new TextVisual(Static.FontManager.GetPersonaFont(newEncoding))
                Tag = "New"
            OldText.IsEnable = Settings.AppSetting.Default.PTPImageView;
            NewText.IsEnable = Settings.AppSetting.Default.PTPImageView;



            DrawingGroup oldDrawingGroup = new DrawingGroup();

            if (tuple.Item1 != null)
            oldDrawingGroup.ClipGeometry = tuple.Item4;
            OldTextImage.Drawing         = oldDrawingGroup;

            DrawingGroup newDrawingGroup = new DrawingGroup();

            if (tuple.Item2 != null)
            newDrawingGroup.ClipGeometry = tuple.Item4;
            NewTextImage.Drawing         = newDrawingGroup;

            MovePrefixDown  = new RelayCommand(str.MovePrefixDown);
            MovePrefixUp    = new RelayCommand(str.MovePrefixUp);
            MovePostfixDown = new RelayCommand(str.MovePostfixDown);
            MovePostfixUp   = new RelayCommand(str.MovePostfixUp);
Beispiel #6
        public void TextVisualPointSize()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualPointSize START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            testingTarget.PointSize = 1.0f;
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, testingTarget.PointSize, "Retrieved PointSize should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualPointSize END (OK)");
Beispiel #7
        public void TextVisualEnableMarkup()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualEnableMarkup START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            testingTarget.EnableMarkup = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, testingTarget.EnableMarkup, "Retrieved EnableMarkup should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualEnableMarkup END (OK)");
Beispiel #8
        public void TextVisualFontFamily()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualFontFamily START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            testingTarget.FontFamily = "FontFamily";
            Assert.AreEqual("FontFamily", testingTarget.FontFamily, "Retrieved FontFamily should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualFontFamily END (OK)");
        public BrushBorderTestPage()

            ButtonSolid.Clicked          += OnClickedSolid;
            ButtonGradientLinear.Clicked += OnClickedLinear;
            ButtonGradientRadial.Clicked += OnClickedRadial;

            FrameView = new VisualView()
                Size            = new Size(500, 100),
                BackgroundColor = Tizen.NUI.Color.White,
                BoxShadow       = new Shadow(10.0f, new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f), new Vector2(5, 5))

            FrameText                     = new TextVisual();
            FrameText.Text                = "Frame With Shadow";
            FrameText.TextColor           = Tizen.NUI.Color.Black;
            FrameText.PointSize           = 10;
            FrameText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            PropertyArray stopColor = new PropertyArray();

            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(0.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f) / 255.0f));

            LinearGradient               = new GradientVisual();
            LinearGradient.StopColor     = stopColor;
            LinearGradient.StartPosition = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
            LinearGradient.EndPosition   = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);
            LinearGradient.Origin        = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;

            RadialGradient           = new GradientVisual();
            RadialGradient.Center    = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
            RadialGradient.Radius    = 0.5f;
            RadialGradient.StopColor = stopColor;
            RadialGradient.Origin    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;

            FrameBorder              = new BorderVisual();
            FrameBorder.BorderSize   = 2.0f;
            FrameBorder.Color        = Tizen.NUI.Color.Blue;
            FrameBorder.RelativeSize = new RelativeVector2(1.0f, 1.0f);

            FrameView.AddVisual(BorderId, FrameBorder);
            FrameView.AddVisual(TextId, FrameText);

Beispiel #10
        public void VisualMapVisualFittingModeWithNullMode()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"VisualMapVisualFittingModeWithNullMode START");

            TextVisual tVisual = new TextVisual();

            Assert.AreEqual(VisualFittingModeType.FitKeepAspectRatio, tVisual.VisualFittingMode, "should be equal!");

            BorderVisual bvisual = new BorderVisual();

            Assert.AreEqual(VisualFittingModeType.Fill, bvisual.VisualFittingMode, "should be equal!");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"VisualMapVisualFittingModeWithNullMode END (OK)");
Beispiel #11
        public void TextVisualShadow()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualShadow START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            PropertyMap shadowMapSet = new PropertyMap();

            shadowMapSet.Add("color", new PropertyValue(new Color(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f)));
            shadowMapSet.Add("offset", new PropertyValue(new Vector2(2.0f, 1.0f)));
            shadowMapSet.Add("blurRadius", new PropertyValue(3.0f));
            testingTarget.Shadow = shadowMapSet;

            PropertyMap shadowMapGet = new PropertyMap();

            shadowMapGet = testingTarget.Shadow;
            Assert.IsNotNull(shadowMapGet, "Should not be null");

            using (Color color = new Color())
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, color.R, "Retrieved color.R should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.1f, color.G, "Retrieved color.G should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.3f, color.B, "Retrieved color.B should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, color.A, "Retrieved color.A should be equal to set value");

            using (Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2())
                Assert.AreEqual(2.0f, vector2.X, "Retrieved vector2.X should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, vector2.Y, "Retrieved vector2.Y should be equal to set value");

            float blurRadius;

            shadowMapGet["blurRadius"].Get(out blurRadius);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.0f, blurRadius, "Retrieved blurRadius should equals to the set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualShadow END (OK)");
Beispiel #12
        public VisualClient()
            application        = new Application();
            window             = new Window("learn", 1280, 720, Orientation.Vertical);
            themeA             = new Theme(new Color(255 / 8, 255 / 8, 255 / 8), new Color(255, 255, 255), Window.Theme.Font);
            application.Window = window;
            text        = new TextVisual("Waiting...");
            input       = new TextInput("Server");
            input.Input = "";
            Button button = new Button("Connect");

            button.Theme      = themeA;
            button.OnPressed += OnConnectClicked;
        public VisualizerVM()
            Text = new TextVisual(PersonaFont)
                Tag = "Text"
            Name = new TextVisual(PersonaFont)
                Tag = "Name"
            Text.VisualChanged += Text_VisualChanged;
            Name.VisualChanged += Name_VisualChanged;

            FontSelect       = 0;
            BackgroundSelect = 0;

Beispiel #14
        public void TextVisualTextColor()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualTextColor START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            using (Color color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
                testingTarget.TextColor = color;
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, testingTarget.TextColor.R, "Retrieved TextColor.R should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, testingTarget.TextColor.G, "Retrieved TextColor.G should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, testingTarget.TextColor.B, "Retrieved TextColor.B should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, testingTarget.TextColor.A, "Retrieved TextColor.A should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualTextColor END (OK)");
        /// <summary>
        /// The method to create the TextVisual
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label"> The label of the Visual centered horizontally and
        /// vertically aligned to the top within the Visual's area </param>
        /// <param name="size"> The label's font size in points </param>
        /// <param name="relativePosition"> The relative position of the Visual
        /// determined as the shift of the anchor point (the visual's top center)
        /// from the origin (the parent's top begin) </param>
        /// <returns> TextVisual with given properties </returns>
        private TextVisual CreateTextVisual(string label, float size, RelativeVector2 relativePosition)
            TextVisual LabelText = new TextVisual();

            LabelText.Text                = label;
            LabelText.RelativePosition    = relativePosition;
            LabelText.PointSize           = size;
            LabelText.MultiLine           = true;
            LabelText.FontFamily          = "Arial";
            LabelText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            LabelText.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            LabelText.Origin              = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            LabelText.AnchorPoint         = Visual.AlignType.TopCenter;

            PropertyMap TextFontStyle = new PropertyMap();

            TextFontStyle.Add("weight", new PropertyValue("bold"));
            TextFontStyle.Add("slant", new PropertyValue("italic"));
            LabelText.FontStyle = TextFontStyle;

        private void Render(bool bitmapDirty)
            if (bitmapDirty)
                lock (l)
                    _bitmap = BitmapSource.Create(

            // Render the text bitmap with scaling
            DrawingGroup drawingGroup = new DrawingGroup();

            RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(drawingGroup, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);              //Options, Fant?
            ImageDrawing image      = new ImageDrawing();
            double       textHeight = Math.Min(Height, _progressiveScroll.DrawHeight);

            image.Rect        = new Rect(0.0, 0.0, _progressiveScroll.ActualWidth, textHeight);
            image.ImageSource = _bitmap;

            using (DrawingContext drawingContext = TextVisual.RenderOpen())

            if (_invalidateAgain)
Beispiel #17
        public void TextVisualBackground()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualBackground START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            PropertyMap backgroundMapSet = new PropertyMap();

            backgroundMapSet.Add("enable", new PropertyValue(true));
            backgroundMapSet.Add("color", new PropertyValue(new Color(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f)));
            testingTarget.Background = backgroundMapSet;

            PropertyMap backgroundMapGet = new PropertyMap();

            backgroundMapGet = testingTarget.Background;
            Assert.IsNotNull(backgroundMapGet, "Should not be null");

            bool enable = false;

            backgroundMapGet["enable"].Get(out enable);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, enable, "Retrieved enable should equals to the set value");

            using (Color color = new Color())
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, color.R, "Retrieved color.R should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.1f, color.G, "Retrieved color.G should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.3f, color.B, "Retrieved color.B should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, color.A, "Retrieved color.A should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualBackground END (OK)");
Beispiel #18
        public void TextVisualOutline()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualOutline START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            PropertyMap outlineMapSet = new PropertyMap();

            outlineMapSet.Add("color", new PropertyValue(new Color(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.5f)));
            outlineMapSet.Add("width", new PropertyValue("1"));
            testingTarget.Outline = outlineMapSet;

            PropertyMap outlineMapGet = new PropertyMap();

            outlineMapGet = testingTarget.Outline;
            Assert.IsNotNull(outlineMapGet, "Should not be null");

            using (Color color = new Color())
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, color.R, "Retrieved color.R should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.1f, color.G, "Retrieved color.G should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.3f, color.B, "Retrieved color.B should be equal to set value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, color.A, "Retrieved color.A should be equal to set value");

            string str = "";

            outlineMapGet["width"].Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", str, "Retrieved width should equals to the set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualOutline END (OK)");
Beispiel #19
        public void TextVisualVerticalAlignment()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualVerticalAlignment START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            Assert.AreEqual(VerticalAlignment.Top, testingTarget.VerticalAlignment, "Retrieved VerticalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            testingTarget.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            Assert.AreEqual(VerticalAlignment.Center, testingTarget.VerticalAlignment, "Retrieved VerticalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            testingTarget.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            Assert.AreEqual(VerticalAlignment.Bottom, testingTarget.VerticalAlignment, "Retrieved VerticalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            testingTarget.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            Assert.AreEqual(VerticalAlignment.Top, testingTarget.VerticalAlignment, "Retrieved VerticalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualVerticalAlignment END (OK)");
Beispiel #20
        public void TextVisualHorizontalAlignment()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualHorizontalAlignment START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            Assert.AreEqual(HorizontalAlignment.Begin, testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment, "Retrieved HorizontalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            Assert.AreEqual(HorizontalAlignment.Center, testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment, "Retrieved HorizontalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.End;
            Assert.AreEqual(HorizontalAlignment.End, testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment, "Retrieved HorizontalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Begin;
            Assert.AreEqual(HorizontalAlignment.Begin, testingTarget.HorizontalAlignment, "Retrieved HorizontalAlignment should be equal to set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualHorizontalAlignment END (OK)");
Beispiel #21
        public void TextVisualFontStyle()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualFontStyle START");

            var testingTarget = new TextVisual();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object TextVisual");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <TextVisual>(testingTarget, "Should be an instance of TextVisual type.");

            PropertyMap fontStyleMapSet = new PropertyMap();

            fontStyleMapSet.Add("weight", new PropertyValue("bold"));
            fontStyleMapSet.Add("width", new PropertyValue("condensed"));
            fontStyleMapSet.Add("slant", new PropertyValue("italic"));

            testingTarget.FontStyle = fontStyleMapSet;

            PropertyMap fontStyleMapGet = new PropertyMap();

            fontStyleMapGet = testingTarget.FontStyle;
            Assert.IsNotNull(fontStyleMapGet, "Should not be null");

            string str = "";

            fontStyleMapGet.Find(0, "weight").Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("bold", str, "fontStyleMapGet.Find(\"weight\") should equals to the set value");
            fontStyleMapGet.Find(1, "width").Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("condensed", str, "fontStyleMapGet.Find(\"width\") should equals to the set value");
            fontStyleMapGet.Find(2, "slant").Get(out str);
            Assert.AreEqual("italic", str, "fontStyleMapGet.Find(\"slant\") should equals to the set value");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"TextVisualFontStyle END (OK)");
        protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, INode node)
            Color borderColor, backgroundColor1, backgroundColor2;

            if (((GraphControl)context.CanvasControl).CurrentItem == node)
                borderColor      = Color.Orange;
                backgroundColor1 = Color.White;
                backgroundColor2 = Color.Orange;
                borderColor      = Color.FromArgb(255, 24, 154, 231);
                backgroundColor1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 255, 255);
                backgroundColor2 = Color.FromArgb(255, 24, 154, 231);

            var layout = node.Layout;

            var employee = (Employee)node.Tag;

            var text = new TextVisual {
                Text     = GetShortName(employee.Name),
                Font     = new Font("Arial", 37, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
                Brush    = Brushes.Black,
                Location = new PointD(5, 5)
            double locationX = layout.Width / 2 - text.GetBounds(context).Width / 2;
            double locationY = layout.Height / 2 - text.GetBounds(context).Height / 2;
            string s1        = GetShortName(employee.Name);
            Font   font1     = new Font("Arial", 37, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            Brush  brush1    = Brushes.Black;
            IPoint location1 = new PointD(locationX, locationY);

            text = new TextVisual {
                Text = s1, Font = font1, Brush = brush1, Location = location1

            var ribbonColor = Color.Green;

            if (employee.Status == EmployeeStatus.Travel)
                ribbonColor = Color.Purple;
            if (employee.Status == EmployeeStatus.Unavailable)
                ribbonColor = Color.Red;

            var border = new RectangleVisual(0, 0, layout.Width, layout.Height)
                Pen = new Pen(borderColor)
            var background = new RectangleVisual(0, 0, layout.Width, layout.Height)
                Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF((float)layout.Width, (float)layout.Height), backgroundColor1, backgroundColor2)
            var ribbonPath = new GeneralPath();

            ribbonPath.MoveTo(0, 20);
            ribbonPath.LineTo(25, 0);
            ribbonPath.LineTo(40, 0);
            ribbonPath.LineTo(0, 35);
            var ribbon = new GeneralPathVisual(ribbonPath)
                Brush = new SolidBrush(ribbonColor)

            // Set a transform on the group, matching the node's location.
            // That way only the transform has to be updated instead of every single child visual.
            var transform = new Matrix();

            transform.Translate((float)layout.X, (float)layout.Y);

            var group = new VisualGroup
                Transform = transform,
                Children  =
                    border, background, text, ribbon

Beispiel #23
        protected override void OnCreate()

            view = new VisualView[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                view[i]                 = new VisualView();
                view[i].Size2D          = new Size2D(600, 600);
                view[i].BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
                view[i].Position        = new Position(400 + i * 800, 600, 0);
                view[i].Focusable       = true;
                view[i].Name            = "MyView" + i;
                view[i].FocusGained += VisualSample_FocusGained;
                view[i].FocusLost   += VisualSample_FocusLost;
                view[i].KeyEvent    += VisualSample_KeyEvent;

            view[0].RightFocusableView = view[1];
            view[1].LeftFocusableView  = view[0];

            imageMap                = new ImageVisual();
            imageMap.URL            = resourcePath + "gallery-" + imgIndex++ + ".jpg";
            imageMap.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageMap.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageMap.Position       = new Vector2(0, 0);
            imageMap.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageMap.Size           = new Size2D(500, 500);
            imageMap.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageMap.DepthIndex     = 0;
            view[0].AddVisual("bgVisual", imageMap);

            highlightImageMap                = new ImageVisual();
            highlightImageMap.URL            = resourcePath + "star-highlight.png";
            highlightImageMap.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            highlightImageMap.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            highlightImageMap.Size           = new Vector2(40, 40);
            highlightImageMap.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            highlightImageMap.Position       = new Vector2(10, 10);
            highlightImageMap.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            highlightImageMap.DepthIndex     = 1;
            view[0].AddVisual("iconVisual", highlightImageMap);

            textMap1                = new TextVisual();
            textMap1.Text           = "Hello";
            textMap1.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textMap1.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textMap1.PointSize      = 20;
            textMap1.Position       = new Vector2(60, 210);
            textMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textMap1.Size           = new Vector2(600, 200);
            textMap1.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textMap1.TextColor      = Color.Red;
            textMap1.DepthIndex     = 5;
            view[0].AddVisual("textVisual", textMap1);

            imageMap2                = new ImageVisual();
            imageMap2.URL            = resourcePath + "gallery-" + imgIndex + ".jpg";
            imageMap2.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageMap2.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageMap2.Position       = new Vector2(0, 0);
            imageMap2.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageMap2.Size           = new Vector2(500, 500);
            imageMap2.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageMap2.DepthIndex     = 0;
            view[1].AddVisual("bgVisual", imageMap2);

            dimImageMap                = new ImageVisual();
            dimImageMap.URL            = resourcePath + "star-dim.png";
            dimImageMap.Size           = new Vector2(40, 40);
            dimImageMap.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            dimImageMap.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            dimImageMap.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            dimImageMap.Position       = new Vector2(10, 10);
            dimImageMap.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            dimImageMap.DepthIndex     = 1;
            view[1].AddVisual("iconVisual", dimImageMap);

            textMap2                = new TextVisual();
            textMap2.Text           = "I'm";
            textMap2.PointSize      = 20;
            textMap2.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textMap2.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textMap2.Position       = new Vector2(60, 210);
            textMap2.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textMap2.Size           = new Vector2(600, 200);
            textMap2.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textMap2.TextColor      = Color.Black;
            textMap2.DepthIndex     = 5;
            view[1].AddVisual("textVisual", textMap2);

            guide                 = new TextLabel();
            guide.PivotPoint      = PivotPoint.TopLeft;
            guide.Size2D          = new Size2D(800, 200);
            guide.Padding         = new Vector4(50, 50, 50, 50);
            guide.MultiLine       = true;
            guide.BackgroundColor = Color.Magenta;
            guide.PointSize       = 10;
            guide.TextColor       = Color.Black;
            guide.Text            = "Left/Right - Move focus\n" +
                                    "Up/Down - Change Text\n" +
                                    "Enter - Change BG image\n";

            Window.Instance.KeyEvent += Instance_Key;
            Window.Instance.TouchEvent += Instance_Touch;
            _window = Window.Instance;
            _window.FocusChanged += _window_WindowFocusChanged;
Beispiel #24
        public void Initialize()
            Window window = Window.Instance;

            /* Create a visual view. */
            _visualView = new VisualView();
            _visualView.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.TopLeft;
            _visualView.PivotPoint   = PivotPoint.TopLeft;
            _visualView.Size2D       = new Size2D((int)window.Size.Width, (int)window.Size.Height);

            /* color visual */
            ColorVisual colorVisualMap1 = new ColorVisual();

            colorVisualMap1.Color  = Color.Green;
            _visualView.Background = colorVisualMap1.OutputVisualMap;


            /* image visual 1. */
            imageVisualMap1                = new ImageVisual();
            imageVisualMap1.URL            = resources + "/images/image-1.jpg";
            imageVisualMap1.Size           = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            imageVisualMap1.Position       = new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f);
            imageVisualMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            Console.WriteLine("PositionPolicy:{0}", imageVisualMap1.PositionPolicy);
            imageVisualMap1.SizePolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            Console.WriteLine("SizePolicy:{0}", imageVisualMap1.SizePolicy);
            imageVisualMap1.Origin      = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageVisualMap1.AnchorPoint = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("imageVisual1", imageVisualMap1);
            imageVisualMap1.URL = resources + "/images/image-3.jpg";

            /* image visual 2. */
            ImageVisual imageVisualMap2 = new ImageVisual();

            imageVisualMap2.URL            = resources + "/images/image-2.jpg";
            imageVisualMap2.Size           = new Vector2(250.0f, 200.0f);
            imageVisualMap2.Position       = new Vector2(220.0f, 10.0f);
            imageVisualMap2.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageVisualMap2.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageVisualMap2.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageVisualMap2.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("imageVisual2", imageVisualMap2);

            /* text visual. */
            textVisualMap1           = new TextVisual();
            textVisualMap1.Text      = "Hello Goodbye";
            textVisualMap1.PointSize = 20.0f;

            textVisualMap1.Size           = new Vector2(900.0f, 250.0f);
            textVisualMap1.Position       = new Vector2(10.0f, 220.0f);
            textVisualMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textVisualMap1.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textVisualMap1.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textVisualMap1.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("textVisual1", textVisualMap1);

            /* border visual */
            borderVisualMap1            = new BorderVisual();
            borderVisualMap1.Color      = Color.Red;
            borderVisualMap1.BorderSize = 5.0f;

            borderVisualMap1.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            borderVisualMap1.Position       = new Vector2(10.0f, 380.0f);
            borderVisualMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            borderVisualMap1.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            borderVisualMap1.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            borderVisualMap1.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("borderVisual1", borderVisualMap1);

            /* gradient visual */
            GradientVisual gradientVisualMap1 = new GradientVisual();
            PropertyArray  stopPosition       = new PropertyArray();

            stopPosition.Add(new PropertyValue(0.0f));
            stopPosition.Add(new PropertyValue(0.3f));
            stopPosition.Add(new PropertyValue(0.6f));
            stopPosition.Add(new PropertyValue(0.8f));
            stopPosition.Add(new PropertyValue(1.0f));
            gradientVisualMap1.StopOffset = stopPosition;
            PropertyArray stopColor = new PropertyArray();

            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(129.0f, 198.0f, 193.0f, 255.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(196.0f, 198.0f, 71.0f, 122.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(214.0f, 37.0f, 139.0f, 191.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(129.0f, 198.0f, 193.0f, 150.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(Color.Yellow));
            gradientVisualMap1.StopColor     = stopColor;
            gradientVisualMap1.StartPosition = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            gradientVisualMap1.EndPosition   = new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f);
            gradientVisualMap1.Center        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            gradientVisualMap1.Radius        = 1.414f;

            gradientVisualMap1.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            gradientVisualMap1.Position       = new Vector2(120.0f, 380.0f);
            gradientVisualMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            gradientVisualMap1.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            gradientVisualMap1.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            gradientVisualMap1.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("gradientVisual1", gradientVisualMap1);

            /* primitive visual: Cone */
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisualMap1 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisualMap1.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cone;
            primitiveVisualMap1.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisualMap1.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisualMap1.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisualMap1.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);

            primitiveVisualMap1.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap1.Position       = new Vector2(230.0f, 380.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap1.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap1.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisualMap1.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual1", primitiveVisualMap1);

            /* primitive visual: Sphere */
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisualMap2 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisualMap2.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Sphere;
            primitiveVisualMap2.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisualMap2.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisualMap2.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisualMap2.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);

            primitiveVisualMap2.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap2.Position       = new Vector2(340.0f, 380.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap2.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap2.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap2.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisualMap2.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual2", primitiveVisualMap2);

            /* primitive visual: Cylinder */
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisualMap3 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisualMap3.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cylinder;
            primitiveVisualMap3.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisualMap3.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisualMap3.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisualMap3.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);

            primitiveVisualMap3.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap3.Position       = new Vector2(10.0f, 490.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap3.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap3.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap3.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisualMap3.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual3", primitiveVisualMap3);

            /* primitive visual: ConicalFrustrum */
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisualMap4 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisualMap4.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.ConicalFrustrum;
            primitiveVisualMap4.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisualMap4.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisualMap4.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisualMap4.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);

            primitiveVisualMap4.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap4.Position       = new Vector2(120.0f, 490.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap4.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap4.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap4.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisualMap4.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual4", primitiveVisualMap4);

            /* primitive visual: Cube */
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisualMap5 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisualMap5.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cube;
            primitiveVisualMap5.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisualMap5.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisualMap5.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisualMap5.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);

            primitiveVisualMap5.Size           = new Vector2(100.0f, 100.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap5.Position       = new Vector2(230.0f, 490.0f);
            primitiveVisualMap5.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap5.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisualMap5.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisualMap5.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual5", primitiveVisualMap5);

            /* mesh visual nothing show. */
            MeshVisual meshVisualMap1 = new MeshVisual();

            meshVisualMap1.ObjectURL    = resources + "/models/Dino.obj";
            meshVisualMap1.MaterialtURL = resources + "/models/Dino.mtl";
            meshVisualMap1.TexturesPath = resources + "/images/";
            meshVisualMap1.ShadingMode  = MeshVisualShadingModeValue.TexturedWithSpecularLighting;

            meshVisualMap1.Size           = new Size2D(400, 400);
            meshVisualMap1.Position       = new Position2D(-50, 600);
            meshVisualMap1.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            meshVisualMap1.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            meshVisualMap1.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            meshVisualMap1.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("meshVisual1", meshVisualMap1);

            /* n-patch image visual 1. */
            npatchImageVisualMap1                  = new NPatchVisual();
            npatchImageVisualMap1.URL              = resources + "/images/gallery-4.jpg";
            npatchImageVisualMap1.Size             = new Size2D(400, 400);
            npatchImageVisualMap1.Position         = new Position2D(300, 600);
            npatchImageVisualMap1.PositionPolicyX  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            npatchImageVisualMap1.PositionPolicyY  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            npatchImageVisualMap1.SizePolicyWidth  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            npatchImageVisualMap1.SizePolicyHeight = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            npatchImageVisualMap1.Origin           = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            npatchImageVisualMap1.AnchorPoint      = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            npatchImageVisualMap1.Border           = new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100);
            _visualView.AddVisual("npatchImageVisual1", npatchImageVisualMap1);

            _window = Window.Instance;
            _window.FocusChanged += (sender, ee) =>
                Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "[WindowFocusTest] WindowFocusChanged event comes! focus gained=" + ee.FocusGained);
                imageVisualMap1.Size     += new Size2D(50, 50);
                imageVisualMap1.Position += new Vector2(20.0f, 20.0f);

                textVisualMap1.Text      = "Hello Goodbye" + cnt;
                textVisualMap1.PointSize = 10.0f + (float)(cnt);

                npatchImageVisualMap1.URL = resources + "/images/gallery-" + (cnt % 5) + ".jpg";

                borderVisualMap1.BorderSize = 1.0f + (float)cnt;

            Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "[WindowFocusTest] is focus acceptable=" + _window.IsFocusAcceptable());
            Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "[WindowFocusTest] set focus acceptable=false!!!");
            Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "[WindowFocusTest] is focus acceptable=" + _window.IsFocusAcceptable());
            Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "[WindowFocusTest] set focus acceptable=true!!!");
            Tizen.Log.Debug("NUI", "[WindowFocusTest] is focus acceptable=" + _window.IsFocusAcceptable());
Beispiel #25
        public void OnConnectClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            text.Text = "Connecting...";
            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to server: {0} ...", input.Input);
            Int32 port = 13000;

            client = new TcpClient(input.Input, port);

            stream = client.GetStream();
            stream.Read(playerIndexBuffer, 0, playerIndexBuffer.Length);
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
            playerIndex = BitConverter.ToInt32(playerIndexBuffer, 0);
            Console.WriteLine("Player index: {0}", playerIndex);

            if (playerIndex == 0)
                isMyTurn = true;
            stream.Read(attributesBuffer, 0, attributesBuffer.Length);
            mainView         = new Container(Orientation.Vertical);
            window.Container = mainView;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                window.Container.Add(new Container(Orientation.Horizontal));
            Container dummy;

            dummy = (Container)window.Container.Visuals[0];
            dummy.Add(new TextVisual("Player: " + (playerIndex + 1).ToString()));
            turnVisual = new TextVisual("Turn: " + turn);
            indication = new TextVisual("Indications");
            lastPlay = new TextVisual("Last plays: none, none");
            dummy = (Container)window.Container.Visuals[1];
            for (int i = 0; i < Player.AttributesCount * Game.PlayersCount; i++)
                dummy.Add(new Bar(1.0));
            dummy = (Container)window.Container.Visuals[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < Player.AttributesCount * Game.PlayersCount; i++)
                dummy.Add(new TextVisual(32.ToString()));
            dummy = (Container)window.Container.Visuals[3];

            Button play1Button = new Button("Play 1");

            play1Button.Theme      = themeA;
            play1Button.OnPressed += OnPlay1Clicked;
            Button play2Button = new Button("Play 2");

            play2Button.OnPressed += OnPlay2Clicked;
            Button play3Button = new Button("Play 3");

            play3Button.Theme      = themeA;
            play3Button.OnPressed += OnPlay3Clicked;
            Button play4Button = new Button("Play 4");

            play4Button.OnPressed += OnPlay4Clicked;

            gameLogicThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GameLoop));
Beispiel #26
        public TextBlock()
            _textVisual = new TextVisual(Visual.Compositor, this);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create VisualMap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">A string that denote visual type</param>
        /// <param name="position">A position of the created visual</param>
        /// <returns>VisualView</returns>
        private VisualView CreateVisualMap(string type, Vector2 position)
            // Visual Map declaration
            VisualMap visualMap = null;
            // TextVisual declaration
            TextVisual textVisual = null;

            switch (type)
            // Image Visual
            case "Image":
                ImageVisual imageVisual = new ImageVisual();
                // Set Visual URL
                imageVisual.URL = mImageJpgUrl;
                visualMap       = imageVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "Color":
                ColorVisual colorVisual = new ColorVisual();
                // Set Visual Color
                colorVisual.Color = new Color(43.0f / 255.0f, 145.0f / 255.0f, 175.0f / 255.0f, 1.0f);
                visualMap         = colorVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "NPatch":
                NPatchVisual nPatchVisual = new NPatchVisual();
                // Set Visual URL
                nPatchVisual.URL = mImageNpatchUrl;
                visualMap        = nPatchVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "SVG":
                SVGVisual svgVisual = new SVGVisual();
                // Set Visual URL
                svgVisual.URL = mImageSvgUrl;
                visualMap     = svgVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "Animated":
                AnimatedImageVisual animatedImageVisual = new AnimatedImageVisual();
                // Set Visual URL
                animatedImageVisual.URL = mImageGifUrl;
                visualMap = animatedImageVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "Border":
                BorderVisual borderVisual = new BorderVisual();
                // Set Visual Color
                borderVisual.Color = Color.White;
                // Set Visual Size
                borderVisual.BorderSize = 5.0f;
                visualMap = borderVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "Gradient":
                // Set GradientVisual properties
                GradientVisual gradientVisual = new GradientVisual();
                PropertyArray  stopOffset     = new PropertyArray();
                stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.0f));
                stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.3f));
                stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.6f));
                stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.8f));
                stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(1.0f));
                gradientVisual.StopOffset = stopOffset;
                // Create the PropertyArray of stopColor.
                PropertyArray stopColor = new PropertyArray();
                stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(129.0f, 198.0f, 193.0f, 255.0f) / 255.0f));
                stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(196.0f, 198.0f, 71.0f, 122.0f) / 255.0f));
                stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(214.0f, 37.0f, 139.0f, 191.0f) / 255.0f));
                stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(129.0f, 198.0f, 193.0f, 150.0f) / 255.0f));
                stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(Color.Yellow));
                // Set the color at the stop offsets.
                // At least 2 values required to show a gradient.
                gradientVisual.StopColor = stopColor;
                // Set the start position of a linear gradient.
                gradientVisual.StartPosition = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                // Set the end position of a linear gradient.
                gradientVisual.EndPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f);
                // Set the center point of a radial gradient.
                gradientVisual.Center = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                // Set the size of the radius of a radial gradient.
                gradientVisual.Radius = 1.414f;
                visualMap             = gradientVisual;
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual(type + " Visual");

            case "Cone":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cone);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            case "Sphere":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Sphere);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            case "Cylinder":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cylinder);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            case "ConicalFrustrum":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.ConicalFrustrum);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            case "Cube":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cube);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            case "Octahedron":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Octahedron);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            case "BevelledCube":
                visualMap = CreatePrimitiveVisual(PrimitiveVisualShapeType.BevelledCube);
                // Create TextVisual
                textVisual = CreateTextVisual("PrimitiveVisual(" + type + ")");

            if (visualMap != null)
                // Set the common properties
                visualMap.Size           = mVisualSize;
                visualMap.Position       = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                visualMap.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
                visualMap.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
                visualMap.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.Center;
                visualMap.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.Center;
            if (textVisual != null)
                textVisual.Position = new Vector2(0.0f, mVisualSize.Height / 2 + 25);

            VisualView subVisualView = new VisualView();

            subVisualView.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true;
            subVisualView.ParentOrigin           = ParentOrigin.CenterLeft;
            subVisualView.PivotPoint             = PivotPoint.Center;
            subVisualView.Position2D             = position;
            subVisualView.Size2D = mVisualSize;

            subVisualView.AddVisual(type + "Visual", visualMap);
            subVisualView.AddVisual(type + "TextVisual", textVisual);

        protected override VisualGroup CreateVisual(IRenderContext context, INode node)
            // Fetch information for the child visuals
            var employee = (Employee)node.Tag;

            Color borderColor, backgroundColor1, backgroundColor2, ribbonColor;

            if (((GraphControl)context.CanvasControl).CurrentItem == node)
                borderColor      = Color.Orange;
                backgroundColor1 = Color.White;
                backgroundColor2 = Color.Orange;
                borderColor      = Color.FromArgb(255, 24, 154, 231);
                backgroundColor1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 255, 255);
                backgroundColor2 = Color.FromArgb(255, 24, 154, 231);

            if (employee.Status == EmployeeStatus.Travel)
                ribbonColor = Color.Purple;
            else if (employee.Status == EmployeeStatus.Unavailable)
                ribbonColor = Color.Red;
                ribbonColor = Color.Green;

            var layout = node.Layout;

            var icon = GetIcon(employee.Icon);
            var iconScalingFactor = (layout.Height - 10d) / icon.Height;
            var iconWidth         = icon.Width * iconScalingFactor;

            var nameText = new TextVisual {
                Text     = employee.Name,
                Font     = new Font("Arial", 13, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
                Brush    = Brushes.Black,
                Location = new PointD(iconWidth + 10, 10)
            var positionText = new TextVisual {
                Text     = employee.Position,
                Font     = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
                Brush    = Brushes.Black,
                Location = new PointD(iconWidth + 10, 35)
            var emailText = new TextVisual {
                Text     = employee.Email,
                Font     = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
                Brush    = Brushes.Black,
                Location = new PointD(iconWidth + 10, 50)
            var phone1Text = new TextVisual {
                Text     = employee.Phone,
                Font     = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
                Brush    = Brushes.Black,
                Location = new PointD(iconWidth + 10, 65)
            var faxText = new TextVisual {
                Text     = employee.Fax,
                Font     = new Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel),
                Brush    = Brushes.Black,
                Location = new PointD(iconWidth + 10, 80)

            var border = new RectangleVisual(0, 0, layout.Width, layout.Height)
                Pen = new Pen(borderColor)
            var background = new RectangleVisual(0, 0, layout.Width, layout.Height)
                Brush = new LinearGradientBrush(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF((float)layout.Width, (float)layout.Height), backgroundColor1, backgroundColor2)
            var iconVisual = new ImageVisual {
                Image     = icon,
                Rectangle = new RectD(5, 5, icon.Width * iconScalingFactor, icon.Height * iconScalingFactor)

            IRectangle rect    = new RectD(layout.Width - 30, 5, 25, 25);
            var        circle1 = new EllipseVisual(rect)
                Brush = new SolidBrush(ribbonColor)
            IRectangle rect1   = new RectD(layout.Width - 25, 10, 15, 15);
            var        circle2 = new EllipseVisual(rect1)
                Brush = Brushes.White
            IRectangle rect2   = new RectD(layout.Width - 20, 15, 5, 5);
            var        circle3 = new EllipseVisual(rect2)
                Brush = circle1.Brush

            // Set a transform on the group, matching the node's location.
            // That way only the transform has to be updated instead of every single child visual.
            var transform = new Matrix();

            transform.Translate((float)layout.X, (float)layout.Y);

            var group = new VisualGroup {
                Transform = transform,
                Children  =

        /// <summary>
        /// Visual Sample Application initialisation.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            Window.Instance.BackgroundColor = Color.White;
            // Show Visuals Type.
            // There are 11 Visuals will be marked with text
            // Color visual will be used to _visualView's Background
            // TextVisual don't need use it.
            text = new TextLabel[11];

            // Create a visual view.
            // Make it fill to Window.
            // Visuals will put on it.
            _visualView = new VisualView();
            _visualView.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true;
            _visualView.ParentOrigin           = ParentOrigin.TopLeft;
            _visualView.PivotPoint             = PivotPoint.TopLeft;
            _visualView.Size2D = Window.Instance.Size;

            // color visual.
            // color.R/G/B/A range 0 - 1(contain 0 and 1)
            // Renders a color to the visual's quad geometry.
            ColorVisual colorVisual = new ColorVisual();

            colorVisual.Color      = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f);
            _visualView.Background = colorVisual.OutputVisualMap;

            // Create the text mark normal image visual.
            text[0] = CreateTextLabel("normal image visual", new Position2D(20, 20));
            // normal image visual.
            // Renders a raster image ( jpg, png etc.) into the visual's quad geometry.
            ImageVisual imageVisual = new ImageVisual();

            imageVisual.URL            = image_jpg;
            imageVisual.Size           = new Size2D(200, 200);
            imageVisual.Position       = new Vector2(20.0f, 120.0f);
            imageVisual.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageVisual.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            imageVisual.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            imageVisual.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("imageVisual", imageVisual);

            // Create the text mark normal image visual.
            text[1] = CreateTextLabel("svg image visual", new Position2D(340, 20));
            // svg image visual.
            // Renders a svg image into the visual's quad geometry
            _svgVisuallView        = new VisualView();
            _svgVisuallView.Size2D = new Vector2(200, 200);
            _svgVisuallView.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true;
            _svgVisuallView.ParentOrigin           = ParentOrigin.TopLeft;
            _svgVisuallView.PivotPoint             = PivotPoint.TopLeft;
            _svgVisuallView.Position = new Position(340, 120, 0);
            SVGVisual svgVisual = new SVGVisual();

            svgVisual.URL            = image_svg;
            svgVisual.Size           = new Vector2(200, 200);
            svgVisual.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            svgVisual.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            svgVisual.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.Center;
            svgVisual.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _svgVisuallView.AddVisual("svgVisual", svgVisual);

            // Create the text mark npatch image visual.
            text[2] = CreateTextLabel("npatch image visual", new Position2D(680, 20));
            // n patch image visual.
            // Renders an npatch or a 9patch image. Uses nonquad
            // geometry. Both geometry and texture are cached to
            // reduce memory consumption if the same npatch image
            // is used elsewhere.
            NPatchVisual nPatchVisual = new NPatchVisual();

            nPatchVisual.URL            = image_9patch;
            nPatchVisual.Size           = new Vector2(200, 200);
            nPatchVisual.Position       = new Vector2(680, 120);
            nPatchVisual.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            nPatchVisual.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            nPatchVisual.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            nPatchVisual.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("nPatchVisual", nPatchVisual);

            // Create the text mark animated image visual.
            text[3] = CreateTextLabel("animated image visual", new Position2D(1000, 20));
            // animated image visual.
            // Renders an animated image into the visual's quad geometry.
            // Currently, only the GIF format is supported.
            AnimatedImageVisual animatedImageVisual = new AnimatedImageVisual();

            animatedImageVisual.URL            = image_gif;
            animatedImageVisual.Size           = new Size2D(200, 200);
            animatedImageVisual.Position       = new Vector2(1000.0f, 120.0f);
            animatedImageVisual.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            animatedImageVisual.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            animatedImageVisual.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            animatedImageVisual.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("animatedImageVisual", animatedImageVisual);

            // text visual.
            TextVisual textVisual = new TextVisual();

            textVisual.Text                = "This is a TextVisual";
            textVisual.PointSize           = 5.0f;
            textVisual.Size                = new Vector2(400.0f, 100.0f);
            textVisual.Position            = new Vector2(1150.0f, 60.0f);
            textVisual.PositionPolicy      = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textVisual.SizePolicy          = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            textVisual.Origin              = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textVisual.AnchorPoint         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            textVisual.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            _visualView.AddVisual("textVisual", textVisual);

            // Create the text mark border visual.
            text[4] = CreateTextLabel("border visual", new Position2D(20, 450));
            // borderVisual
            // Renders a color as an internal border to the visual's geometry.
            BorderVisual borderVisual = new BorderVisual();

            borderVisual.Color          = Color.Red;
            borderVisual.BorderSize     = 5.0f;
            borderVisual.Size           = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            borderVisual.Position       = new Vector2(20.0f, 550.0f);
            borderVisual.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            borderVisual.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            borderVisual.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            borderVisual.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("borderVisual", borderVisual);

            // Create the text mark gradient visual.
            text[5] = CreateTextLabel("gradient visual", new Position2D(240, 450));
            // gradient visual
            // Renders a smooth transition of colors to the visual's quad geometry.
            // Both Linear and Radial gradients are supported.
            GradientVisual gradientVisual = new GradientVisual();
            // Create the PropertyArray of stopOffset.
            PropertyArray stopOffset = new PropertyArray();

            stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.0f));
            stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.3f));
            stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.6f));
            stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(0.8f));
            stopOffset.Add(new PropertyValue(1.0f));
            gradientVisual.StopOffset = stopOffset;
            // Create the PropertyArray of stopColor.
            PropertyArray stopColor = new PropertyArray();

            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(129.0f, 198.0f, 193.0f, 255.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(196.0f, 198.0f, 71.0f, 122.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(214.0f, 37.0f, 139.0f, 191.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(new Vector4(129.0f, 198.0f, 193.0f, 150.0f) / 255.0f));
            stopColor.Add(new PropertyValue(Color.Yellow));
            // Set the color at the stop offsets.
            // At least 2 values required to show a gradient.
            gradientVisual.StopColor = stopColor;
            // Set the start position of a linear gradient.
            gradientVisual.StartPosition = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            // Set the end position of a linear gradient.
            gradientVisual.EndPosition = new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f);
            // Set the center point of a radial gradient.
            gradientVisual.Center = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            // Set the size of the radius of a radial gradient.
            gradientVisual.Radius         = 1.414f;
            gradientVisual.Size           = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            gradientVisual.Position       = new Vector2(240.0f, 550.0f);
            gradientVisual.PositionPolicy = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            gradientVisual.SizePolicy     = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            gradientVisual.Origin         = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            gradientVisual.AnchorPoint    = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("gradientVisual1", gradientVisual);

            // Create the text mark gradient visual.
            text[6] = CreateTextLabel("primitive visual: Cone", new Position2D(460, 450));
            // primitive visual: Cone
            // Renders a simple 3D shape, such as a cube or sphere. Scaled to fit the control.
            // The shapes are generated with clockwise winding and backface culling on by default.
            // Cone : Equivalent to a conical frustrum with top radius of zero.
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisual1 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisual1.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cone;
            primitiveVisual1.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisual1.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisual1.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisual1.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);
            primitiveVisual1.Size            = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            primitiveVisual1.Position        = new Vector2(460.0f, 550.0f);
            primitiveVisual1.PositionPolicy  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual1.SizePolicy      = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual1.Origin          = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisual1.AnchorPoint     = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual1", primitiveVisual1);

            // Create the text mark primitive visual: Sphere.
            text[7] = CreateTextLabel("primitive visual: Sphere", new Position2D(680, 450));
            // primitive visual: Sphere
            // Sphere : Default.
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisual2 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisual2.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Sphere;
            primitiveVisual2.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisual2.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisual2.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisual2.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);
            primitiveVisual2.Size            = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            primitiveVisual2.Position        = new Vector2(680.0f, 550.0f);
            primitiveVisual2.PositionPolicy  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual2.SizePolicy      = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual2.Origin          = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisual2.AnchorPoint     = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual2", primitiveVisual2);

            // Create the text mark primitive visual: Cylinder.
            text[8] = CreateTextLabel("primitive visual: Cylinder", new Position2D(1000, 450));
            // primitive visual: Cylinder
            // Cylinder : Equivalent to a conical frustrum with
            // equal radii for the top and bottom circles.
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisual3 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisual3.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cylinder;
            primitiveVisual3.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisual3.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisual3.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisual3.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);
            primitiveVisual3.Size            = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            primitiveVisual3.Position        = new Vector2(1000.0f, 550.0f);
            primitiveVisual3.PositionPolicy  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual3.SizePolicy      = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual3.Origin          = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisual3.AnchorPoint     = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual3", primitiveVisual3);

            // Create the text mark primitive visual: ConicalFrustrum.
            text[9] = CreateTextLabel("primitive visual: ConicalFrustrum", new Position2D(1220, 450));
            // primitive visual: ConicalFrustrum
            // ConicalFrustrum : The area bound between two circles,
            // i.e. a cone with the tip removed.
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisual4 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisual4.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.ConicalFrustrum;
            primitiveVisual4.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisual4.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisual4.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisual4.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);
            primitiveVisual4.Size            = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            primitiveVisual4.Position        = new Vector2(1220.0f, 550.0f);
            primitiveVisual4.PositionPolicy  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual4.SizePolicy      = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual4.Origin          = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisual4.AnchorPoint     = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual4", primitiveVisual4);

            // Create the text mark primitive visual: ConicalFrustrum.
            text[10] = CreateTextLabel("primitive visual: Cube", new Position2D(1460, 450));
            // primitive visual: Cube
            // Cube : Equivalent to a bevelled cube with a
            // bevel percentage of zero.
            PrimitiveVisual primitiveVisual5 = new PrimitiveVisual();

            primitiveVisual5.Shape           = PrimitiveVisualShapeType.Cube;
            primitiveVisual5.BevelPercentage = 0.3f;
            primitiveVisual5.BevelSmoothness = 0.0f;
            primitiveVisual5.ScaleDimensions = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f);
            primitiveVisual5.MixColor        = new Vector4((245.0f / 255.0f), (188.0f / 255.0f), (73.0f / 255.0f), 1.0f);
            primitiveVisual5.Size            = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);
            primitiveVisual5.Position        = new Vector2(1460.0f, 550.0f);
            primitiveVisual5.PositionPolicy  = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual5.SizePolicy      = VisualTransformPolicyType.Absolute;
            primitiveVisual5.Origin          = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            primitiveVisual5.AnchorPoint     = Visual.AlignType.TopBegin;
            _visualView.AddVisual("primitiveVisual5", primitiveVisual5);

            Window.Instance.KeyEvent += AppBack;
Beispiel #30
        public void Initialize()
            Window window = Window.Instance;

            window.BackgroundColor = Color.White;

            ImageVisual image = new ImageVisual()
                URL               = resourcePath + "/images/gallery-5.jpg",
                FittingMode       = FittingModeType.ShrinkToFit,
                DesiredWidth      = 400,
                DesiredHeight     = 300,
                VisualFittingMode = VisualFittingModeType.FitKeepAspectRatio,

            ImageView imageV = new ImageView()
                Size2D                 = new Size2D(500, 400),
                BackgroundColor        = Color.Cyan,
                Image                  = image.OutputVisualMap,
                ParentOrigin           = ParentOrigin.Center,
                PivotPoint             = PivotPoint.Center,
                Position2D             = new Position2D(-300, 0),
                PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,


            PropertyMap outline = new PropertyMap();

            outline.Add("color", new PropertyValue(Color.Red));
            outline.Add("width", new PropertyValue(2.0f));

            PropertyMap underline = new PropertyMap();

            underline.Add("enable", new PropertyValue(true));
            underline.Add("color", new PropertyValue("blue"));
            underline.Add("height", new PropertyValue(2));

            PropertyMap shadow = new PropertyMap();

            shadow.Add("offset", new PropertyValue(new Vector2(2.0f, 2.0f)));
            shadow.Add("color", new PropertyValue(Color.Green));
            shadow.Add("blurRadius", new PropertyValue(5.0f));

            PropertyMap bg = new PropertyMap();

            bg.Add("enable", new PropertyValue(true));
            bg.Add("color", new PropertyValue(Color.Cyan));

            TextVisual text = new TextVisual()
                Text       = "I'm a text visual",
                PointSize  = 52,
                Outline    = outline,
                Underline  = underline,
                Shadow     = shadow,
                Background = bg,

            View view = new View()
                Size2D                 = new Size2D(500, 400),
                ParentOrigin           = ParentOrigin.Center,
                PivotPoint             = PivotPoint.Center,
                PositionUsesPivotPoint = true,
                Background             = text.OutputVisualMap,
                Position2D             = new Position2D(300, 0),
