Beispiel #1
            // Token: 0x060085BD RID: 34237 RVA: 0x0024AA08 File Offset: 0x00248C08
            private ITextPointer GetDropPosition(Visual target, Point point)
                Invariant.Assert(target != null);
                if (target != this._textEditor.TextView.RenderScope && target != null && this._textEditor.TextView.RenderScope.IsAncestorOf(target))
                    GeneralTransform generalTransform = target.TransformToAncestor(this._textEditor.TextView.RenderScope);
                    generalTransform.TryTransform(point, out point);
                ITextPointer textPointer = this.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point, true);

                if (textPointer != null)
                    textPointer = textPointer.GetInsertionPosition(textPointer.LogicalDirection);
                    if (this._textEditor.AcceptsRichContent)
                        TextSegment normalizedLineRange = TextEditorSelection.GetNormalizedLineRange(this.TextView, textPointer);
                        if (!normalizedLineRange.IsNull && textPointer.CompareTo(normalizedLineRange.End) < 0 && !TextPointerBase.IsAtWordBoundary(textPointer, LogicalDirection.Forward) && this._dragSourceTextRange != null && TextPointerBase.IsAtWordBoundary(this._dragSourceTextRange.Start, LogicalDirection.Forward) && TextPointerBase.IsAtWordBoundary(this._dragSourceTextRange.End, LogicalDirection.Forward))
                            TextSegment wordRange        = TextPointerBase.GetWordRange(textPointer);
                            string      textInternal     = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(wordRange.Start, wordRange.End);
                            int         offsetToPosition = wordRange.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(textPointer);
                            textPointer = ((offsetToPosition < textInternal.Length / 2) ? wordRange.Start : wordRange.End);
Beispiel #2
        // Token: 0x0600350D RID: 13581 RVA: 0x000F0444 File Offset: 0x000EE644
        private string GetText()
            double    top       = this._selectionRect.Top;
            double    bottom    = this._selectionRect.Bottom;
            double    left      = this._selectionRect.Left;
            double    right     = this._selectionRect.Right;
            double    num       = 0.0;
            double    num2      = 0.0;
            int       count     = this._page.Children.Count;
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();

            FixedNode[] array = this._panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.GetFirstLine(this._pageIndex);
            while (array != null && array.Length != 0)
                RubberbandSelector.TextPositionPair textPositionPair = null;
                foreach (FixedNode node in array)
                    Glyphs glyphsElement = this._page.GetGlyphsElement(node);
                    if (glyphsElement != null)
                        int  num3;
                        int  charIndex;
                        bool flag;
                        if (this.IntersectGlyphs(glyphsElement, top, left, bottom, right, out num3, out charIndex, out flag, out num, out num2))
                            if (textPositionPair == null || num3 > 0)
                                textPositionPair       = new RubberbandSelector.TextPositionPair();
                                textPositionPair.first = this._GetTextPosition(node, num3);
                            textPositionPair.second = this._GetTextPosition(node, charIndex);
                            if (!flag)
                                textPositionPair = null;
                            textPositionPair = null;
                int num4 = 1;
                array = this._panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.GetNextLine(array[0], true, ref num4);
            string text = "";

            foreach (object obj in arrayList)
                RubberbandSelector.TextPositionPair textPositionPair2 = (RubberbandSelector.TextPositionPair)obj;
                text = text + TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(textPositionPair2.first, textPositionPair2.second) + "\r\n";
        // Token: 0x06004A4F RID: 19023 RVA: 0x0014F910 File Offset: 0x0014DB10
        internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
            string  textInternal = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(this._textContainer.Start, this._textContainer.End);
            TextBox textBox      = this._textContainer.Parent as TextBox;

            if (textBox != null)
                textBox.OnDeferredTextReferenceResolved(this, textInternal);
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods

        // Does the real work to calculate the current TextProperty value.
        internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
            string s = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(_textContainer.Start, _textContainer.End);

            TextBox tb = _textContainer.Parent as TextBox;

            if (tb != null)
                tb.OnDeferredTextReferenceResolved(this, s);

            /// <summary>
            /// Calculates a TextPointer indended for dropping the text.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="target"></param>
            /// <param name="point"></param>
            /// <returns>
            /// ITextPointer intended for dropping the selected text.
            /// Adjusts the dropping point to a word boundary (beginning of word)
            /// in case if source range contains whole words.
            /// The position returned is oriented towards a character
            /// under the mouse pointer.
            /// </returns>
            private ITextPointer GetDropPosition(Visual target, Point point)
                Invariant.Assert(target != null);
                Invariant.Assert(_textEditor.TextView.IsValid); // caller must guarantee this.

                // Convert point to RenderScope
                if (target != _textEditor.TextView.RenderScope && target != null && (_textEditor.TextView.RenderScope).IsAncestorOf(target))
                    GeneralTransform transform = target.TransformToAncestor(_textEditor.TextView.RenderScope);
                    transform.TryTransform(point, out point);

                ITextPointer dropPosition = this.TextView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point, /*snapToText:*/ true);

                // For rich text content we adjust drop position to word boundary
                if (dropPosition != null)
                    // Normalize drop position
                    dropPosition = dropPosition.GetInsertionPosition(dropPosition.LogicalDirection);

                    if (_textEditor.AcceptsRichContent)
                        TextSegment lineRange = TextEditorSelection.GetNormalizedLineRange(this.TextView, dropPosition);

                        if (!lineRange.IsNull &&
                            // The drop position must be before of end of line
                            dropPosition.CompareTo(lineRange.End) < 0 &&
                            // We check if we are not at word boundary already:
                            !TextPointerBase.IsAtWordBoundary(dropPosition, /*insideWordDirection:*/ LogicalDirection.Forward) &&
                            // We do not do it if the source range was not on word boundaries from both ends
                            _dragSourceTextRange != null &&                                                           //
                            TextPointerBase.IsAtWordBoundary(_dragSourceTextRange.Start, LogicalDirection.Forward) && //
                            TextPointerBase.IsAtWordBoundary(_dragSourceTextRange.End, LogicalDirection.Forward))
                            // Move to word boundary. Select closest one to a dropPosition.
                            TextSegment wordSegment = TextPointerBase.GetWordRange(dropPosition);
                            string      wordText    = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(wordSegment.Start, wordSegment.End);
                            int         indexInWord = wordSegment.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(dropPosition);
                            dropPosition = (indexInWord < (wordText.Length / 2)) ? wordSegment.Start : wordSegment.End;

 /// <summary>
 /// Instructs the control to ignore this error and any duplicates for
 /// the remainder of its lifetime.
 /// </summary>
 public void IgnoreAll()
     _speller.IgnoreAll(TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(_start, _end));
Beispiel #7
        //gets text within selected area
        private string GetText()
            double top    = _selectionRect.Top;
            double bottom = _selectionRect.Bottom;
            double left   = _selectionRect.Left;
            double right  = _selectionRect.Right;

            double lastBaseline = 0;
            double baseline     = 0;
            double lastHeight   = 0;
            double height       = 0;

            int       nChildren = _page.Children.Count;
            ArrayList ranges    = new ArrayList(); //text ranges in area

            FixedNode[] nodesInLine = _panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.GetFirstLine(_pageIndex);

            while (nodesInLine != null && nodesInLine.Length > 0)
                TextPositionPair textRange = null; //current text range

                foreach (FixedNode node in nodesInLine)
                    Glyphs g = _page.GetGlyphsElement(node);
                    if (g != null)
                        int  begin, end; //first and last index in range
                        bool includeEnd; //is the end of this glyphs included in selection?
                        if (IntersectGlyphs(g, top, left, bottom, right, out begin, out end, out includeEnd, out baseline, out height))
                            if (textRange == null || begin > 0)
                                //begin new text range
                                textRange       = new TextPositionPair();
                                textRange.first = _GetTextPosition(node, begin);

                            textRange.second = _GetTextPosition(node, end);

                            if (!includeEnd)
                                // so future textRanges aren't concatenated with this one
                                textRange = null;
                            //this Glyphs completely outside selected region
                            textRange = null;
                        lastBaseline = baseline;
                        lastHeight   = height;
                int count = 1;
                nodesInLine = _panel.FixedContainer.FixedTextBuilder.GetNextLine(nodesInLine[0], true, ref count);

            string text = "";

            foreach (TextPositionPair range in ranges)
                Debug.Assert(range.first != null && range.second != null);
                text = text + TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(range.first, range.second) + "\r\n"; //CRLF

 // Token: 0x06004A49 RID: 19017 RVA: 0x0014F8B4 File Offset: 0x0014DAB4
 internal override object GetValue(BaseValueSourceInternal valueSource)
     return(TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(this._run.ContentStart, this._run.ContentEnd));
 /// <summary>Instructs the control to ignore this error and any duplicates for the remainder of the lifetime of the control.</summary>
 // Token: 0x06005B57 RID: 23383 RVA: 0x0019C184 File Offset: 0x0019A384
 public void IgnoreAll()
     this._speller.IgnoreAll(TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(this._start, this._end));