private static bool TryFixUpNearestVisibleSpan(
            TextManager.Interop.IVsContainedLanguageHost containedLanguageHost, TextManager.Interop.IVsTextBufferCoordinator bufferCoordinator,
            int originalLine, int originalColumn, out LinePosition adjustedPosition)
            // GetNearestVisibleToken gives us the position right at the end of visible span.
            // Move the position one position to the left so that squiggle can show up on last token.
            if (originalColumn > 1)
                adjustedPosition = new LinePosition(originalLine, originalColumn - 1);
                return true;

            if (originalLine > 1)
                TextManager.Interop.IVsTextLines secondaryBuffer;
                int length;
                if (VSConstants.S_OK == bufferCoordinator.GetSecondaryBuffer(out secondaryBuffer) &&
                    VSConstants.S_OK == secondaryBuffer.GetLengthOfLine(originalLine - 1, out length))
                    adjustedPosition = new LinePosition(originalLine - 1, length);
                    return true;

            adjustedPosition = LinePosition.Zero;
            return false;