private void DetermineHorizontalPopupOffset()
            double widthOffset = -9.0; //unknown why we need this offset
            var    words       = Text.Split(
                new[] { ' ' },
            string textBeforeLastWord = words.Length > 1 ? string.Join(" ", words.Take(words.Length - 1)) + " " : null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBeforeLastWord))
                HorizontalPopupOffset = widthOffset;
                var textBlock = new TextBlock {
                    Text = textBeforeLastWord
                textBlock.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
                double desiredWidth = textBlock.DesiredSize.Width;
                HorizontalPopupOffset = desiredWidth - 1 + widthOffset;
Beispiel #2
        public static WriteableBitmap GetTextWriteableBitmap(string text, Orientation orientation = Orientation.Horizontal)
            var txtBlock = new TextBlock();

            txtBlock.Text = text;

            // 1) get current dpi
            PresentationSource pSource = PresentationSource.FromVisual(Application.Current.MainWindow);
            Matrix             m       = pSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice;
            double             _dpiX   = m.M11 * 96;
            double             _dpiY   = m.M22 * 96;

            txtBlock.Measure(new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));
            txtBlock.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(0, 0), new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue)));
            var sz = txtBlock.DesiredSize;
            // 2) create RenderTargetBitmap
            var elementBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)sz.Width, (int)sz.Height, _dpiX, _dpiY, PixelFormats.Default);

            // 3) undo element transformation
            var drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();

            using (var dc = drawingVisual.RenderOpen())
                var visualBrush = new VisualBrush(txtBlock);
                dc.DrawRectangle(visualBrush, null, new Rect(new Point(0, 0), sz));
            // 4) draw element

            var wb = new WriteableBitmap(elementBitmap);

            if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
                wb = wb.Rotate(270);
Beispiel #3
        public static void UpdateInlines(this TextBlock textBlock, IFontManager fontManager, FormattedString formattedString, double defaultLineHeight = 0d, TextAlignment defaultHorizontalAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, Font?defaultFont = null, Color?defaultColor = null, TextTransform defaultTextTransform = TextTransform.Default)
            // Have to implement a measure here, otherwise inline.ContentStart and ContentEnd will be null, when used in RecalculatePositions
            textBlock.Measure(new global::Windows.Foundation.Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));

            var runAndColorTuples = formattedString.ToRunAndColorsTuples(fontManager, defaultLineHeight, defaultHorizontalAlignment, defaultFont, defaultColor, defaultTextTransform);

            var heights          = new List <double>();
            int currentTextIndex = 0;

            foreach (var runAndColorTuple in runAndColorTuples)
                Run   run        = runAndColorTuple.Item1;
                Color textColor  = runAndColorTuple.Item2;
                Color background = runAndColorTuple.Item3;
                int length = run.Text.Length;
                if (background != null || textColor != null)
                    TextHighlighter textHighlighter = new TextHighlighter {
                        Ranges = { new TextRange(currentTextIndex, length) }
                    if (background != null)
                        textHighlighter.Background = background.ToPlatform();
                    if (textColor != null)
                        textHighlighter.Foreground = textColor.ToPlatform();
                currentTextIndex += length;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 输出报表项内容
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DoOutput()
            RptText     item = _item as RptText;
            RptRootInst root = Inst;

            if (!item.AutoHeight || _region.RowSpan > 1)

            // 处理自动行高
            double height = 0;

            Kit.RunSync(() =>
                // 测量文本的实际高度
                TextBlock tb    = new TextBlock();
                tb.TextWrapping = item.WordWrap ? TextWrapping.Wrap : TextWrapping.NoWrap;
                tb.FontFamily   = new FontFamily(item.FontFamily);
                tb.FontSize     = item.FontSize;
                if (item.Bold)
                    tb.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
                if (item.Italic)
                    tb.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
                tb.Text  = Text;
                tb.Width = Width - 8 - item.Margin * 2;
                tb.Measure(new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));
                height = Math.Ceiling(tb.ActualHeight) + 4;
            root.SyncRowHeight(this, height);
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            Size returnedSize = new Size(0, 0); //we do not need space

            mainTextBlock.Measure(new Size(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue));

            if (double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height) || (availableSize.Height > mainTextBlock.DesiredSize.Height))
                // there is enough space, we return our minimum space
                returnedSize.Height = mainTextBlock.DesiredSize.Height;

            if (double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width) || (availableSize.Width > mainTextBlock.DesiredSize.Width))
                // there is enough space, we return our minimum space
                returnedSize.Width = mainTextBlock.DesiredSize.Width;


             * mainTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
             * if (availableSize.Height < initialheight)
             * {
             *  //if the is not enough height for the text,
             *  //return new Size(0, availableSize.Height);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  //return new Size(0, initialheight);
             * }
             * return new Size(0, 0);
             * // Size baseSize = base.MeasureOverride(availableSize);
             * // return baseSize;
             * */
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures the size of the specified text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">The font family.</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Size of the font (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).</param>
        /// <param name="fontWeight">The font weight.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The size of the text (in device independent units, 1/96 inch).
        /// </returns>
        public OxySize MeasureText(string text, string fontFamily, double fontSize, double fontWeight)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            if (this.TextMeasurementMethod == TextMeasurementMethod.GlyphTypeface)
                return(this.MeasureTextByGlyphTypeface(text, fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight));

            var tb = new TextBlock {
                Text = text

            TextOptions.SetTextFormattingMode(tb, this.TextFormattingMode);

            if (fontFamily != null)
                tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily(fontFamily);

            if (fontSize > 0)
                tb.FontSize = fontSize;

            if (fontWeight > 0)
                tb.FontWeight = GetFontWeight(fontWeight);

            tb.Measure(new Size(1000, 1000));

            return(new OxySize(tb.DesiredSize.Width, tb.DesiredSize.Height));
Beispiel #7
 void ReadStream(Stream file, Encoding enc)
     using (var reader = new StreamReader(file, enc, false, 0x400, true))
         var para  = new Paragraph();
         var block = new TextBlock();
         block.FontFamily = this.Document.FontFamily;
         block.FontSize   = this.Document.FontSize;
         block.Padding    = this.Document.PagePadding;
         double max_width = 0;
         var    max_size  = new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
         for (;;)
             var line = reader.ReadLine();
             if (null == line)
             if (line.Length > 0)
                 block.Text = line;
                 var width = block.DesiredSize.Width;
                 if (width > max_width)
                     max_width = width;
                 para.Inlines.Add(new Run(line));
             para.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
         MaxLineWidth = max_width;
Beispiel #8
        void UpdateText()
            if (Text == null || FontFamily == null || FontWeight == null || FontStyle == null)

            _textBlocks     = new TextBlock[Text.Length];
            _segmentLengths = new double[Text.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++)
                TextBlock t = new TextBlock();
                t.FontSize    = this.FontSize;
                t.FontFamily  = this.FontFamily;
                t.FontStretch = this.FontStretch;
                t.FontWeight  = this.FontWeight;
                t.FontStyle   = this.FontStyle;

                if (Inverted)
                    t.Text            = new String(Text[i], 1);
                    t.LayoutTransform = new RotateTransform(angle: 0);
                    t.Text            = new String(Text[(Text.Length - 1) - i], 1);
                    t.LayoutTransform = new RotateTransform(angle: 180);

                t.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.0, 1.0);
                t.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));

                _textBlocks[i]     = t;
                _segmentLengths[i] = t.DesiredSize.Width;
Beispiel #9
 private void genSizeYLabel()
     if (SizeYName != null)
         Point pb1, pb2, po1, po2, pomid, pomid2, pend;
         GeneralTransform3DTo2D gtransform = owner.modelMain.TransformToAncestor(owner.grdMain);
         Model3D lModel = model.model;
         pb1    = gtransform.Transform(new Point3D(lModel.Bounds.X, lModel.Bounds.Y + lModel.Bounds.SizeY, (lModel.Bounds.Z + lModel.Bounds.SizeZ) / 2));
         pb2    = gtransform.Transform(new Point3D(lModel.Bounds.X, lModel.Bounds.Y, (lModel.Bounds.Z + lModel.Bounds.SizeZ) / 2));
         po1    = pb1; po1.Offset(-10, 0);
         po2    = pb2; po2.Offset(-10, 0);
         pomid  = new Point((po1.X + po2.X) / 2, (po1.Y + po2.Y) / 2);
         pomid2 = pomid; pomid2.Offset(-20, 0);
         pend   = pomid2; pend.Offset(-10, -10);
         Path path;
         path = new Path()
             StrokeThickness = 1, Stroke = Brushes.White
         path.Data = getPathGeo(pb1, pb2, po1, po2, pomid, pomid2, pend);
         path = new Path()
             StrokeThickness = 1, Fill = Brushes.Blue
         path.Data = new EllipseGeometry(pend, 5, 5);
         TextBlock txt = new TextBlock()
             Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x66, 0xFF, 0xCC)), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
         txt.Text = SizeYName;
         txt.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
         txt.Margin = new Thickness(pend.X - txt.DesiredSize.Width / 2, pend.Y - txt.DesiredSize.Height - 5, 0, 0);
Beispiel #10
        public NodeNameAdornernment(UIElement adornedElement, Node adornedNode) : base(adornedElement)
            if (adornedNode == null)

            AdornedNode    = adornedNode;
            visualChildren = new VisualCollection(this);
            var text = AdornedNode.Name + " Node";

            label = new TextBlock
                IsHitTestVisible     = false,
                Text                 = text,
                Margin               = new Thickness(0),
                FontSize             = 12,
                FontWeight           = FontWeights.Bold,
                LineStackingStrategy = LineStackingStrategy.MaxHeight,
                HorizontalAlignment  = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment    = VerticalAlignment.Center
            label.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
            border = new Border
                IsHitTestVisible = false,
                Background       = Brushes.AliceBlue,
                BorderThickness  = new Thickness(1),
                BorderBrush      = Brushes.Gray,
                Padding          = new Thickness(0),
                MaxWidth         = 200,
                Child            = label,
                Width            = label.DesiredSize.Width + MarginAroundLabel * 2,
                Height           = label.DesiredSize.Height + MarginAroundLabel * 2
Beispiel #11
        private void Button_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog();

            if (printDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                // Create the text.
                Run run = new Run("This is a test of the printing functionality " +
                                  "in the Windows Presentation Foundation.");

                // Wrap it in a TextBlock.
                TextBlock visual = new TextBlock();

                // Use margin to get a page border.
                visual.Margin = new Thickness(15);

                // Allow wrapping to fit the page width.
                visual.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;

                // Scale the TextBlock up in both dimensions by a factor of 5.
                // (In this case, increasing the font would have the same effect,
                // because the TextBlock is the only element.)
                visual.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(5, 5);

                // Size the element.
                Size pageSize = new Size(printDialog.PrintableAreaWidth,


                visual.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));

                // Print the element.
                printDialog.PrintVisual(visual, "A Scaled Drawing");
Beispiel #12
        public static void GenerateXLabels(this ICanvasRange range, double leftOffset)
            for (double dx = range.Xmin; dx <= range.Xmax; dx += range.XTick)
                Point pt   = range.NormalizePoint(new Point(dx, range.Ymin));
                Line  tick = new Line
                    Stroke = Brushes.Black,
                    X1     = pt.X,
                    Y1     = pt.Y,
                    X2     = pt.X,
                    Y2     = pt.Y - 5

                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock {
                    Text = dx.ToString()
                tb.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                Canvas.SetLeft(tb, leftOffset + pt.X - tb.DesiredSize.Width / 2);
                Canvas.SetTop(tb, pt.Y + 2 + tb.DesiredSize.Height / 2);
Beispiel #13
        public static void GenerateYLabels(this ICanvasRange range)
            for (double dy = range.Ymin; dy <= range.Ymax; dy += range.YTick)
                Point pt   = range.NormalizePoint(new Point(range.Xmin, dy));
                Line  tick = new Line
                    Stroke = Brushes.Black,
                    X1     = pt.X,
                    Y1     = pt.Y,
                    X2     = pt.X + 5,
                    Y2     = pt.Y

                TextBlock tb = new TextBlock {
                    Text = dy.ToString()
                tb.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                Canvas.SetRight(tb, range.ChartCanvas.Width + 10);
                Canvas.SetTop(tb, pt.Y);
Beispiel #14
        private void cmdPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog();

            if (printDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                // Create the text.
                Run run = new Run("This is a test of the printing functionality in the Windows Presentation Foundation.");

                // Wrap it in a TextBlock.
                TextBlock visual = new TextBlock(run);
                visual.Margin = new Thickness(15);
                // Allow wrapping to fit the page width.
                visual.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;

                // Scale the TextBlock in both dimensions.
                double zoom;
                if (Double.TryParse(txtScale.Text, out zoom))
                    visual.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(zoom / 100, zoom / 100);

                    // Get the size of the page.
                    Size pageSize = new Size(printDialog.PrintableAreaWidth, printDialog.PrintableAreaHeight);
                    // Trigger the sizing of the element.
                    visual.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, pageSize.Width, pageSize.Height));

                    // Print the element.
                    printDialog.PrintVisual(visual, "A Scaled Drawing");
                    MessageBox.Show("Invalid scale value.");
        private static YogaSize MeasureTextInput(ReactTextInputShadowNode textInputNode, YogaNode node, float width, YogaMeasureMode widthMode, float height, YogaMeasureMode heightMode)
            var normalizedWidth = Math.Max(0,
                                           (YogaConstants.IsUndefined(width) ? double.PositiveInfinity : width));

            var normalizedHeight = Math.Max(0,
                                            (YogaConstants.IsUndefined(height) ? double.PositiveInfinity : height));

            var normalizedText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(textInputNode._text) ? " " : textInputNode._text;

            var textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text         = normalizedText,
                TextWrapping = textInputNode._multiline ? TextWrapping.Wrap : TextWrapping.NoWrap,

            ApplyStyles(textInputNode, textBlock);

            textBlock.Measure(new Size(normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight));

Beispiel #16
        public int stringWidth(string s, TextBlock tb)
            if (width.ContainsKey(s))
            int response = 0;

            using (AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false))
                System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                    tb.Text = s;
                    tb.Measure(new Size(10000, 10000));
                    response = (int)System.Math.Round(tb.DesiredSize.Width);
                    width.Add(s, response);

Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据文字得到控件的宽度和高度
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txtValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Size GetSize(string txtValue)
            TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtValue))
                txtValue = "0";
            tb.Text = txtValue;
            tb.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity)); //可以得到tb.ActualWidth,tb.ActualHeight为文本的实际宽高

            double perLen      = tb.ActualWidth / tb.Text.Length;                   //每个字符的宽度
            double actualWidth = tb.ActualHeight;

            if (tb.Text.Length > 1)
                actualWidth = tb.ActualHeight + (tb.Text.Length - 1) * perLen;
            if (actualWidth < tb.ActualHeight)
                actualWidth = tb.ActualHeight;
            return(new Size(actualWidth, tb.ActualHeight));
Beispiel #18
        private void AdjustFontSizes()
            var buttons   = GetButtonList();
            var shortEdge = buttons[0].ActualHeight;

            if (shortEdge > buttons[0].ActualWidth)
                shortEdge = buttons[0].ActualWidth;

            var tb = new TextBlock();

            tb.FontFamily = buttons[0].FontFamily;
            tb.FontSize   = shortEdge * 0.8;
            tb.Text       = "g";

            tb.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
            var height = tb.DesiredSize.Height;

            foreach (Button button in buttons)
                button.FontSize = height;
Beispiel #19
        public void UpdateNode(EntityViewModel node)
            var drawingNode = this.Graph.FindNode(node.Model.Id.ToString());

            if (drawingNode is null)

            // update the underlying label
            drawingNode.Label.Text = node.Name;

            // remasure the node
            var tb = new TextBlock {
                Text = node.Name

            tb.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));

            drawingNode.GeometryNode.BoundingBox = new GeometryRectangle(0, 0, tb.DesiredSize.Width, tb.DesiredSize.Height)
                Center = drawingNode.GeometryNode.BoundingBox.Center
Beispiel #20
 private void Annotation_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.PropertyName.Equals("Mode"))
         LabelVM annotaiton = sender as LabelVM;
         if (annotaiton != null && annotaiton.Mode == ContentEditorMode.View)
             TextBlock textblock = new TextBlock();
             textblock.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
             textblock.Width               = this.UnitWidth;
             textblock.Text                = annotaiton.Content.ToString();
             textblock.TextWrapping        = annotaiton.WrapText;
             textblock.FontStyle           = annotaiton.FontStyle;
             textblock.FontSize            = annotaiton.FontSize;
             textblock.Foreground          = annotaiton.LabelForeground;
             textblock.FontWeight          = annotaiton.FontWeight;
             textblock.FontFamily          = annotaiton.Font;
             textblock.HorizontalAlignment = annotaiton.HorizontalAlignment;
             textblock.VerticalAlignment   = annotaiton.VerticalAlignment;
             textblock.TextAlignment       = annotaiton.TextHorizontalAlignment;
             textblock.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
        private static YogaSize MeasureText(ReactTextShadowNode textNode, YogaNode node, float width, YogaMeasureMode widthMode, float height, YogaMeasureMode heightMode)
            // This is not a terribly efficient way of projecting the height of
            // the text elements. It requires that we have access to the
            // dispatcher in order to do measurement, which, for obvious
            // reasons, can cause perceived performance issues as it will block
            // the UI thread from handling other work.
            // TODO: determine another way to measure text elements.
            var task = DispatcherHelpers.CallOnDispatcher(() =>
                var textBlock = new TextBlock
                    TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left,
                    TextWrapping  = TextWrapping.Wrap,
                    TextTrimming  = TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis,

                textNode.UpdateTextBlockCore(textBlock, true);

                for (var i = 0; i < textNode.ChildCount; ++i)
                    var child = textNode.GetChildAt(i);

                var normalizedWidth  = YogaConstants.IsUndefined(width) ? double.PositiveInfinity : width;
                var normalizedHeight = YogaConstants.IsUndefined(height) ? double.PositiveInfinity : height;
                textBlock.Measure(new Size(normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight));

Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the visual appearance of a label
        /// </summary>
        private void Render(IRenderContext context, ILabel label, VisualGroup container, IOrientedRectangle labelLayout, RenderDataCache cache)
            // store information with the visual on how we created it

            // background rectangle
            System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle rect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle
                Width           = labelLayout.Width,
                Height          = labelLayout.Height,
                RadiusX         = labelLayout.Width / 10,
                RadiusY         = labelLayout.Height / 10,
                Stroke          = Brushes.SkyBlue,
                Fill            = fillBrush,
                StrokeThickness = 1

            // TextBlock with label text
            TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock
                Text        = cache.LabelText,
                FontFamily  = cache.Typeface.FontFamily,
                FontStretch = cache.Typeface.Stretch,
                FontStyle   = cache.Typeface.Style,
                FontWeight  = cache.Typeface.Weight,
                Foreground  = Brushes.Black,

            textBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));

            // if edit button is visible align left, otherwise center
            double textPositionLeft = cache.ButtonVisibility == Visibility.Visible
                                  ? HorizontalInset
                                  : (labelLayout.Width - textBlock.DesiredSize.Width) / 2;

            textBlock.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(textPositionLeft,
                                                    (labelLayout.Height - textBlock.DesiredSize.Height) / 2,

            //////////////// New in this sample ////////////////

            if (cache.ButtonVisibility == Visibility.Visible)
                // get style for edit button from XAML resources

                // create edit button
                Button editLabelButton = new Button
                    Style = editButtonStyle
                editLabelButton.SetCanvasArrangeRect(new Rect(labelLayout.Width - HorizontalInset - ButtonSize, VerticalInset, ButtonSize, ButtonSize));

                // set button command
                editLabelButton.Command          = GraphCommands.EditLabel;
                editLabelButton.CommandParameter = label;
                editLabelButton.CommandTarget    = context.CanvasControl;


Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows the TextBlock to determine how big it wants to be.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constraint">A limiting size for the TextBlock.</param>
 protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct page with header and footer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">The current page to transform.</param>
        /// <returns>The document page.</returns>
        private DocumentPage ConstructPageWithHeaderAndFooter(int pageNumber)
            DocumentPage page0 = flowDocPaginator.GetPage(pageNumber);

            // Coming from WPFNotepad, the source document should always be a FlowDocument
            FlowDocument originalDocument = (FlowDocument)flowDocPaginator.Source;
            TextBlock    headerBlock      = null;
            TextBlock    footerBlock      = null;
            DocumentPage newPage          = null;

            if (originalPageSize == Size.Empty)
                originalPageSize = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)originalDocument).DocumentPaginator.PageSize;

            Size newPageSize = originalPageSize;

            // Decrease the top and/or bottom margins to account for headers/footers
            if ((headerText != null) && (headerText.Length > 0))
                string expandedHeaderText = GetExpandedText(headerText, originalDocument, pageNumber + 1);
                headerBlock                     = new TextBlock();
                headerBlock.Text                = expandedHeaderText;
                headerBlock.FontFamily          = SystemFonts.MenuFontFamily;
                headerBlock.FontSize            = 10;
                headerBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                headerBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                headerBlock.Arrange(new Rect(headerBlock.DesiredSize));
                if (headerBlock.DesiredSize.Width > 0 && headerBlock.DesiredSize.Height > 0)
                    newPageSize.Height -= headerBlock.DesiredSize.Height;

            if ((footerText != null) && (footerText.Length > 0))
                string expandedFooterText = GetExpandedText(footerText, originalDocument, pageNumber + 1);
                footerBlock                     = new TextBlock();
                footerBlock.Text                = expandedFooterText;
                footerBlock.FontFamily          = SystemFonts.MenuFontFamily;
                footerBlock.FontSize            = 10;
                footerBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                footerBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                footerBlock.Arrange(new Rect(footerBlock.DesiredSize));
                if (footerBlock.DesiredSize.Width > 0 && footerBlock.DesiredSize.Height > 0)
                    newPageSize.Height -= footerBlock.DesiredSize.Height;

            // Get the original page with its reduced size
            flowDocPaginator.PageSize = newPageSize;
            DocumentPage page = flowDocPaginator.GetPage(pageNumber);

            if (page != DocumentPage.Missing)
                // Create a Grid that will hold the header, the original page, and the footer
                Grid          grid   = new Grid();
                RowDefinition rowDef = new RowDefinition();
                rowDef.Height = new GridLength(0, GridUnitType.Auto);

                rowDef        = new RowDefinition();
                rowDef.Height = new GridLength(0, GridUnitType.Star);

                rowDef        = new RowDefinition();
                rowDef.Height = new GridLength(0, GridUnitType.Auto);

                ColumnDefinition columnDef = new ColumnDefinition();

                // The header and footer TextBlocks can be added to the grid
                // directly.  The Visual from the original DocumentPage needs
                // to be hosted in a container that derives from UIElement.
                if (headerBlock != null)
                    headerBlock.Margin = new Thickness(0, originalDocument.PagePadding.Top, 0, 0);
                    Grid.SetRow(headerBlock, 0);

                VisualContainer container = new VisualContainer();
                container.PageVisual = page.Visual;
                container.PageSize   = newPageSize;

                Grid.SetRow(container, 1);

                if (footerBlock != null)
                    footerBlock.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, originalDocument.PagePadding.Bottom);
                    Grid.SetRow(footerBlock, 2);

                // Recalculate the children inside the Grid
                grid.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                grid.Arrange(new Rect(grid.DesiredSize));

                // Return the new DocumentPage constructed from the Grid's Visual
                newPage = new DocumentPage(grid);

            // Return the page.
Beispiel #25
        private void RefreshTicks()
            TicksCanvas.Children.RemoveRange(0, TicksCanvas.Children.Count);
            var deltaX = MaxX - MinX;
            var deltaY = MaxY - MinY;

            if (!(deltaX > 0 && deltaY > 0))

            var miniStepX = 10;
            var stepX     = 50;

            if (deltaX > 100)
                miniStepX = 20;
                stepX     = 100;

            var miniStepY = 2;
            var stepY     = 10;

            if (deltaY > 100)
                miniStepY = 10;
                stepY     = 50;
            if (deltaY > 500)
                miniStepY = 50;
                stepY     = 100;
            if (deltaY > 2000)
                miniStepY = 100;
                stepY     = 500;
            if (deltaY > 10000)
                miniStepY = 1000;
                stepY     = 5000;

            //foreach (var point in dataPoints)
            //    var x = deltaX > 0 ? Normalize(width * ((point.WaveLength - MinX) / deltaX), width, 1) : width / 2;
            //    var y = deltaY > 0 ? Normalize(height * (1 - (point.Intencity - MinY) / deltaY), height, 1) : height / 2;
            //    yield return new Tuple<Point, ISpectrometerDataPoint>(new Point(x, y), point);

            var startOffsetX = MinX % miniStepX;
            var endOffsetX   = MaxX % miniStepX;

            for (var currentX = (int)(MinX - MinX % miniStepX + miniStepX); currentX < MaxX; currentX += miniStepX)
                var x       = GraphCanvas.ActualWidth * (currentX - MinX) / deltaX;
                var isStepX = currentX % stepX == 0;
                if (isStepX)
                    var textBlock = new TextBlock
                        Text          = currentX.ToString(),
                        Foreground    = _blackBrush,
                        FontSize      = 12,
                        Background    = _whiteBrush,
                        TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
                    textBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                    var size = textBlock.DesiredSize;
                    Canvas.SetLeft(textBlock, x - size.Width / 2);
                    Canvas.SetTop(textBlock, GraphCanvas.ActualHeight + _tickHeight + 2);

                TicksCanvas.Children.Add(new Line
                    X1              = x,
                    X2              = x,
                    Y1              = GraphCanvas.ActualHeight,
                    Y2              = GraphCanvas.ActualHeight + _tickHeight,
                    Stroke          = _blackBrush,
                    StrokeThickness = isStepX ? 1 : .5

                //TicksCanvas.Children.Add(new Line
                //    X1 = x,
                //    X2 = x,
                //    Y1 = 0,
                //    Y2 = GraphCanvas.ActualHeight,
                //    Stroke = _greyBrush,
                //    StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 1, 1 },
                //    StrokeThickness = isStepX ? 2 : 1

            for (var currentY = (int)(MinY - MinY % miniStepY + miniStepY); currentY < MaxY; currentY += miniStepY)
                var y       = GraphCanvas.ActualHeight * (1 - (currentY - MinY) / deltaY);
                var isStepY = currentY % stepY == 0;
                if (isStepY)
                    var textBlock = new TextBlock
                        Text          = currentY.ToString(),
                        Foreground    = _blackBrush,
                        FontSize      = 12,
                        Background    = _whiteBrush,
                        TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right
                    textBlock.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
                    var size = textBlock.DesiredSize;
                    Canvas.SetLeft(textBlock, -size.Width - 2 - _tickHeight);
                    Canvas.SetTop(textBlock, y - size.Height / 2);
                TicksCanvas.Children.Add(new Line
                    Y1              = y,
                    Y2              = y,
                    X1              = 0,
                    X2              = -_tickHeight,
                    Stroke          = _blackBrush,
                    StrokeThickness = isStepY ? 1 : .5

                //TicksCanvas.Children.Add(new Line
                //    Y1 = y,
                //    Y2 = y,
                //    X1 = 0,
                //    X2 = GraphCanvas.ActualWidth,
                //    Stroke = _greyBrush,
                //    StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 1, 1 },
                //    StrokeThickness = isStepY ? 2 : 1
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The position.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">The font family.</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Size of the font.</param>
        /// <param name="fontWeight">The font weight.</param>
        /// <param name="rotate">The rotation angle.</param>
        /// <param name="halign">The horizontal alignment.</param>
        /// <param name="valign">The vertical alignment.</param>
        /// <param name="maxSize">The maximum size of the text.</param>
        public void DrawText(
            ScreenPoint p,
            string text,
            OxyColor fill,
            string fontFamily,
            double fontSize,
            double fontWeight,
            double rotate,
            OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment halign,
            OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment valign,
            var tb = new TextBlock {
                Text = text, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(fill.ToColor())

            // tb.SetValue(TextOptions.TextHintingModeProperty, TextHintingMode.Animated);
            if (fontFamily != null)
                tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily(fontFamily);

            if (fontSize > 0)
                tb.FontSize = fontSize;

            tb.FontWeight = GetFontWeight(fontWeight);

            tb.Measure(new Size(1000, 1000));
            var size = new Size(tb.ActualWidth, tb.ActualHeight);

            if (maxSize != null)
                if (size.Width > maxSize.Value.Width)
                    size.Width = maxSize.Value.Width;

                if (size.Height > maxSize.Value.Height)
                    size.Height = maxSize.Value.Height;

                tb.Clip = new RectangleGeometry {
                    Rect = new Rect(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height)

            double dx = 0;

            if (halign == OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                dx = -size.Width / 2;

            if (halign == OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                dx = -size.Width;

            double dy = 0;

            if (valign == OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment.Middle)
                dy = -size.Height / 2;

            if (valign == OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment.Bottom)
                dy = -size.Height;

            var transform = new TransformGroup();

            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform {
                X = (int)dx, Y = (int)dy
            if (!rotate.Equals(0))
                transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform {
                    Angle = rotate

            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform {
                X = (int)p.X, Y = (int)p.Y
            tb.RenderTransform = transform;

            if (this.clip)
                // add a clipping container that is not rotated
                var c = new Canvas();
        public override object createFont(int face, int style, int size)
            if (fontCache.ContainsKey(face | style | size))
                return fontCache[face | style | size];

            int a = 24;
            switch (size)
                case 8: //com.codename1.ui.Font._fSIZE_1SMALL:
                    a = 15;
                case 16: //com.codename1.ui.Font._fSIZE_1LARGE:
                    a = 56;
            NativeFont nf = new NativeFont();
            nf.height = a;
            nf.systemFace = face;
            nf.systemSize = size;
            nf.systemStyle = style;
            using (AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false))
                System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                    TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
                    tb.FontSize = nf.height;
                    tb.Text = "Xp";
                    tb.Measure(new Size(1000000, 1000000));
                    nf.actualHeight = (int)tb.ActualHeight;

            if ((style & com.codename1.ui.Font._fSTYLE_1BOLD) == com.codename1.ui.Font._fSTYLE_1BOLD)
                nf.bold = true;
            if ((style & com.codename1.ui.Font._fSTYLE_1ITALIC) == com.codename1.ui.Font._fSTYLE_1ITALIC)
                nf.italic = true;

            fontCache[face | style | size] = nf;
            return nf;
 public override int stringWidth(java.lang.Object n1, java.lang.String n2)
     NativeFont font = f(n1);
     string str = toCSharp(n2);
     StringFontPair sfp = new StringFontPair(str, font);
     if (stringWidthCache.ContainsKey(sfp))
         return stringWidthCache[sfp];
     int result = 0;
     using (AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false))
         System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
             TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();
             tb.FontSize = font.height;
             tb.Text = str;
             tb.Measure(new Size(1000000, 1000000));
             result = (int)tb.ActualWidth;
     stringWidthCache.Add(sfp, result);
     return result;
        // Lines that make the graph
        private void UpdateDividers()
            // Add the background lines dividers
            double divXSize = GraphCanvas.Width / (numDividersX + 1);

            if (horzDividersVisible)
                for (int i = 1; i < numDividersX + 1; i++)
                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
                    rect.Width  = dividerThickness;
                    rect.Height = GraphCanvas.Height;
                    rect.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(dividerColor);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(rect, i * divXSize);
                    Canvas.SetTop(rect, 0);
            double divYSize = GraphCanvas.Height / (numDividersY + 1);

            if (vertDividersVisible)
                for (int i = 1; i < numDividersY + 1; i++)
                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
                    rect.Width  = GraphCanvas.Width;
                    rect.Height = dividerThickness;
                    rect.Fill   = new SolidColorBrush(dividerColor);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(rect, 0);
                    Canvas.SetTop(rect, GraphCanvas.Height - i * divYSize);

            // Add text labels on divider positions
            double rangeY = (end.Y - start.Y) / (numDividersY + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < numDividersY + 2; i++)
                // Add a vertical axis label
                TextBlock label = new TextBlock();
                label.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(labelColor);
                label.FontSize   = vertLabelFontSize;
                string str = getVertLabelStr(i);
                if (str == "")
                    label.Text = (start.Y + i * rangeY).ToString() + vertLabelSuffix;
                    label.Text = str;
                label.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Assets/AGENCYB.TTF#Agency FB");
                label.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
                Canvas.SetLeft(label, -label.DesiredSize.Width - 3);
                Canvas.SetTop(label, GraphCanvas.Height - i * divYSize - label.DesiredSize.Height * 0.45);
            double rangeX = (end.X - start.X) / (numDividersX + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < numDividersX + 2; i++)
                // Add a horizontal axis label
                TextBlock label = new TextBlock();
                label.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(labelColor);
                label.FontSize   = horzLabelFontSize;
                string str = getHorzLabelStr(i);
                if (str == "")
                    label.Text = (start.X + i * rangeX).ToString() + horzLabelSuffix;
                    label.Text = str;
                label.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Assets/AGENCYB.TTF#Agency FB");
                label.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
                Canvas.SetLeft(label, i * divXSize - label.DesiredSize.Width * 0.45);
                Canvas.SetTop(label, WeatherGraphBorder.Height + label.DesiredSize.Height * 0.7);
Beispiel #30
        public void ExtTextOut(Canvas surface, double x, double y, ExtTextOutOptions options, Rect dimensions, string text, double[] dx)
            TextBlock block = null;
            Grid container = null;
            double deviceX = LtoDX(x);
            double deviceY = LtoDY(y);
            double textWidth;
            double textHeight;
            Geometry clipGeometry = null;

            if (dx == null)
                // No character placement
                block = new TextBlock
                        Inlines = {
                            new Run
                                    Text = text

                ApplyTextStyle(block, deviceY, true, options);

                //Canvas.SetLeft(block, deviceX);

                block.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
                textHeight = block.DesiredSize.Height;
                textWidth = block.DesiredSize.Width;
                // Place individual characters
                int stringLength = text.Length;
                double currentPos = 0; // LtoDX(x);
                container = new Grid();

                for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++)
                    block = new TextBlock
                            Inlines = {
                                new Run
                                    Text = text.Substring(i, 1)
                    //TextOptions.SetTextFormattingMode(block, TextFormattingMode.Display);
                    ApplyTextStyle(block, deviceY, false, null);

                    if (i > 0)
                        currentPos += ScaleWidth(dx[i - 1]);
                    block.Margin = new Thickness(currentPos, 0, 0, 0);
                    // TODO: Character width
                    //block.Width = dx[i];


                //Canvas.SetLeft(container, deviceX);
                ApplyTextContainerStyle(container, deviceY);

                container.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
                textHeight = container.DesiredSize.Height;
                textWidth = container.DesiredSize.Width;

            // Horizontal alignment
            if ((_currentState.TextAlign & (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_CENTER) == (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_CENTER)
                deviceX -= textWidth / 2.0;
            else if ((_currentState.TextAlign & (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_RIGHT) == (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_RIGHT)
                deviceX -= textWidth;

            // Vertical Alignment
            if ((_currentState.TextAlign & (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_BASELINE) == (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_BASELINE)
                double baseline;

            #if NETFX_CORE
                baseline = textHeight;
                if (block != null)
                    var formattedText = new FormattedText(
                         new Typeface(block.FontFamily, block.FontStyle, block.FontWeight, block.FontStretch, block.FontFamily),

                    baseline = formattedText.Baseline;
                    baseline = textHeight;

                deviceY -= baseline;
            else if ((_currentState.TextAlign & (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_BOTTOM) == (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_BOTTOM)
                deviceY -= textHeight;

            // Clip
            clipGeometry = GetClipGeometryAsChild(
                new Rect(

            if (container == null)
                Canvas.SetLeft(block, deviceX);
                Canvas.SetTop(block, deviceY);

            #if !NETFX_CORE
                if (clipGeometry != null)
                    block.Clip = clipGeometry;
                Canvas.SetLeft(container, deviceX);
                Canvas.SetTop(container, deviceY);

            #if !NETFX_CORE
                if (clipGeometry != null)
                    container.Clip = clipGeometry;

            if ((options & ExtTextOutOptions.ETO_OPAQUE) == ExtTextOutOptions.ETO_OPAQUE)
                block.Height = ScaleHeight(dimensions.Height);
                block.Width = ScaleWidth(dimensions.Width);

            //if ((currentState.TextAlign & (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_UPDATECP) == (ushort)TextAlignmentMode.TA_UPDATECP)
            //    // Update current pos
            //    Point pos = currentState.CurrentPosition;

            //    // TODO: Mapx and y
            //    pos.X = Canvas.GetLeft(block) + block.ActualWidth;
            //    pos.Y = Canvas.GetTop(block) + block.ActualHeight;

            //    currentState.CurrentPosition = pos;
Beispiel #31
 static System.Drawing.SizeF StringSize(string text, int fontSize, FontFamily fontFamily, bool bold)
     TextBlock txtMeasure = new TextBlock();
     txtMeasure.FontFamily = fontFamily;
     txtMeasure.FontSize = fontSize;
     txtMeasure.FontWeight = bold ? Windows.UI.Text.FontWeights.Bold : Windows.UI.Text.FontWeights.Normal;
     txtMeasure.Text = text;
     txtMeasure.Measure (new Size (1, 1));
     return new System.Drawing.SizeF((float)txtMeasure.ActualWidth, (float)txtMeasure.ActualHeight);
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The position.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">The font family.</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Size of the font.</param>
        /// <param name="fontWeight">The font weight.</param>
        /// <param name="rotate">The rotation angle.</param>
        /// <param name="halign">The horizontal alignment.</param>
        /// <param name="valign">The vertical alignment.</param>
        /// <param name="maxSize">The maximum size of the text.</param>
        public void DrawText(
            ScreenPoint p,
            string text,
            OxyColor fill,
            string fontFamily,
            double fontSize,
            double fontWeight,
            double rotate,
            OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment halign,
            OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment valign,
            OxySize? maxSize)
            var tb = new TextBlock { Text = text, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(fill.ToColor()) };

            // tb.SetValue(TextOptions.TextHintingModeProperty, TextHintingMode.Animated);
            if (fontFamily != null)
                tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily(fontFamily);

            if (fontSize > 0)
                tb.FontSize = fontSize;

            tb.FontWeight = GetFontWeight(fontWeight);

            tb.Measure(new Size(1000, 1000));
            var size = new Size(tb.ActualWidth, tb.ActualHeight);
            if (maxSize != null)
                if (size.Width > maxSize.Value.Width)
                    size.Width = maxSize.Value.Width;

                if (size.Height > maxSize.Value.Height)
                    size.Height = maxSize.Value.Height;

                tb.Clip = new RectangleGeometry { Rect = new Rect(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height) };

            double dx = 0;
            if (halign == OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                dx = -size.Width / 2;

            if (halign == OxyPlot.HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                dx = -size.Width;

            double dy = 0;
            if (valign == OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment.Middle)
                dy = -size.Height / 2;

            if (valign == OxyPlot.VerticalAlignment.Bottom)
                dy = -size.Height;

            var transform = new TransformGroup();
            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform { X = (int)dx, Y = (int)dy });
            if (!rotate.Equals(0))
                transform.Children.Add(new RotateTransform { Angle = rotate });

            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform { X = (int)p.X, Y = (int)p.Y });
            tb.RenderTransform = transform;

            if (this.clip)
                // add a clipping container that is not rotated
                var c = new Canvas();
Beispiel #33
        void SeriesAxis_AnnoCreated(object sender, AnnoCreatedEventArgs e)
            var        ax    = (Axis)sender;
            LegendItem li    = null;
            var        isFar = (Position & AxisPosition.Far) != 0;

            // find legend item
            if (_chart != null)
                foreach (var item in _chart.LegendItems)
                    if (item.Item == _series)
                        li = item;

            // label color
            if (li != null)
                var tb = e.Label as TextBlock;
                if (tb != null)
                    tb.Foreground = li.Symbol.Fill;

            if (e.Index == 0 && _series != null)
                var slbl = new TextBlock()
                    Text = _series.Label, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

                // display symbol
                if (li != null)
                    slbl.Foreground = li.Symbol.Fill;
                    Canvas.SetLeft(li.Symbol, -12);
                    Canvas.SetTop(li.Symbol, 6);

                // show label
                slbl.Measure(new Size(10000, 10000));
                Canvas.SetLeft(slbl, 0);
                Canvas.SetTop(slbl, 0);
                e.Canvas.Tag = GetPosition(slbl);

                if (!isFar)
                    slbl.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform()
                        Angle   = 180,
                        CenterX = 0.5 * slbl.ActualWidth,
                        CenterY = 0.5 * slbl.ActualHeight + 2

                slbl.MouseLeftButtonDown += (s, args) =>
                    args.Handled = true;
                    MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Clicked on axis label = {0}", _series.Label));

            // hide label if it is overlapped with series label
            if (e.Canvas.Tag is Rect)
                var tb   = e.Label as FrameworkElement;
                var rect = (Rect)e.Canvas.Tag;
                e.Cancel = !rect.IsEmpty;

            // e.Canvas.ClipToBounds = false;

            // handle clicking of label
            if (!e.Cancel)
                e.Label.MouseLeftButtonDown += (s, args) =>
                    if (e.Label is TextBlock)
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Clicked on axis = {0} at label = {1}", _series.Label, ((TextBlock)e.Label).Text));
                    args.Handled = true;
        public void AddColorBar(ChartStyle cs, DataSeriesSurface ds, double zmin, double zmax)
            TextBlock tb;

            tb            = new TextBlock();
            tb.Text       = "A";
            tb.FontFamily = cs.TickFont;
            tb.FontSize   = cs.TickFontSize;
            tb.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity, Double.PositiveInfinity));
            Size tickSize = tb.DesiredSize;

            double x      = 6 * cs.ChartCanvas.Width / 7;
            double y      = cs.ChartCanvas.Height / 10;
            double width  = cs.ChartCanvas.Width / 25;
            double height = 8 * cs.ChartCanvas.Height / 10;

            Point3D[] pts = new Point3D[64];
            double    dz  = (zmax - zmin) / 63;

            // Create the color bar:
            Polygon plg;

            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                pts[i] = new Point3D(x, y, zmin + i * dz);
            for (int i = 0; i < 63; i++)
                SolidColorBrush brush = GetBrush(pts[i].Z, zmin, zmax);
                double          y1    = y + height - (pts[i].Z - zmin) * height / (zmax - zmin);
                double          y2    = y + height - (pts[i + 1].Z - zmin) * height / (zmax - zmin);
                plg = new Polygon();
                plg.Points.Add(new Point(x, y2));
                plg.Points.Add(new Point(x + width, y2));
                plg.Points.Add(new Point(x + width, y1));
                plg.Points.Add(new Point(x, y1));
                plg.Fill   = brush;
                plg.Stroke = brush;
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

            rect.Width  = width + 2;
            rect.Height = height + 2;
            rect.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            Canvas.SetLeft(rect, x - 1);
            Canvas.SetTop(rect, y - 1);

            // Add ticks and labels to the color bar:
            double tickLength = 0.15 * width;

            for (double z = zmin; z <= zmax; z = z + (zmax - zmin) / 6)
                double yy = y + height - (z - zmin) * height / (zmax - zmin);
                AddTickLine(cs, new Point(x, yy), new Point(x + tickLength, yy));
                AddTickLine(cs, new Point(x + width, yy), new Point(x + width - tickLength, yy));
                tb            = new TextBlock();
                tb.Text       = (Math.Round(z, 2)).ToString();
                tb.FontFamily = cs.TickFont;
                tb.FontSize   = cs.TickFontSize;
                Canvas.SetLeft(tb, x + width + 5);
                Canvas.SetTop(tb, yy - tickSize.Height / 2);
Beispiel #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text.</param>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">The font family.</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Size of the font.</param>
        /// <param name="fontWeight">The font weight.</param>
        /// <returns>The text size.</returns>
        public OxySize MeasureText(string text, string fontFamily, double fontSize, double fontWeight)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return OxySize.Empty;

            var tb = new TextBlock { Text = text };

            if (fontFamily != null)
                tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily(fontFamily);

            if (fontSize > 0)
                tb.FontSize = fontSize;

            tb.FontWeight = GetFontWeight(fontWeight);

            tb.Measure(new Size(1000, 1000));

            return new OxySize(tb.ActualWidth, tb.ActualHeight);
Beispiel #36
        public void DrawLegend(Canvas canvas)
            TextBlock tb = new TextBlock();

            if (this.lines.Count < 1)

            double legendWidth = 0.0d;
            Size   size        = new Size(0.0d, 0.0d);

            foreach (LineData l in this.lines)
                tb      = new TextBlock();
                tb.Text = l.Name;
                tb.Measure(new Size(Double.PositiveInfinity,
                size = tb.DesiredSize;
                if (legendWidth < size.Width)
                    legendWidth = size.Width;

            legendWidth += 20.0d;
            canvas.Width = legendWidth + 5.0d;
            double    legendHeight = 25.0d * this.lines.Count;
            double    sx           = 5.0d;
            double    sy           = 0.0d;
            double    textHeight   = size.Height;
            double    lineLength   = 34.0d;
            Rectangle legendRect   = new Rectangle();

            legendRect.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            legendRect.Fill   = Brushes.White;
            legendRect.Width  = legendWidth + 18.0d;
            legendRect.Height = legendHeight;


            Rectangle rect;
            int       n = 1;

            foreach (LineData l in this.lines)
                double xText = 2.0d * sx + lineLength;
                double yText = n * sy + (2.0d * n - 1.0d) * textHeight / 2.0d;

                rect                 = new Rectangle();
                rect.Stroke          = Brushes.Black;
                rect.StrokeThickness = this.strokeThickness;
                rect.Fill            = l.Color;
                rect.Width           = 10.0d;
                rect.Height          = 10.0d;
                Canvas.SetLeft(rect, sx + lineLength / 2.0d - 15.0d);
                Canvas.SetTop(rect, yText - 2.0d);

                tb      = new TextBlock();
                tb.Text = l.Name;
                Canvas.SetTop(tb, yText - size.Height / 2.0d + 3.0d);
                Canvas.SetLeft(tb, xText - 20.0d);

            canvas.Width  = legendRect.Width;
            canvas.Height = legendRect.Height;
 static System.Drawing.SizeF StringSize(string text, int fontSize)
     TextBlock txtMeasure = new TextBlock();
     txtMeasure.FontSize = fontSize;
     txtMeasure.Text = text;
     txtMeasure.Measure (new Size (1, 1));
     return new System.Drawing.SizeF((float)txtMeasure.ActualWidth, (float)txtMeasure.ActualHeight);