public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            Point position = textArea.Caret.Position;
            List<FoldMarker> foldings = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldedFoldingsWithEnd(position.Y);
            FoldMarker justBeforeCaret = null;
            foreach (FoldMarker fm in foldings) {
                if (fm.EndColumn == position.X) {
                    justBeforeCaret = fm;
                    break; // the first folding found is the folding with the smallest Startposition

            if (justBeforeCaret != null) {
                position.Y = justBeforeCaret.StartLine;
                position.X = justBeforeCaret.StartColumn;
            } else {
                if (position.X > 0) {
                } else if (position.Y  > 0) {
                    LineSegment lineAbove = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(position.Y - 1);
                    position = new Point(lineAbove.Length, position.Y - 1);

            textArea.Caret.Position = position;
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
     foreach (FoldMarker fm in  textArea.Document.FoldingManager.FoldMarker) {
         fm.IsFolded = fm.FoldType == FoldType.MemberBody || fm.FoldType == FoldType.Region;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the action on a certain <see cref="TextArea"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textArea">The text area on which to execute the action.</param>
        public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            foreach (Fold fold in textArea.Document.FoldingManager.Folds)
            fold.IsFolded = _predicate(fold);

        public override void Initialize()

            TextArea loveletter = new TextArea("Hello, World!", 1, 20);
            AddComponent(loveletter, 20, 200);
Beispiel #5
        /// <remarks>
        /// Executes this edit action
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="textArea">The <see cref="ItextArea"/> which is used for callback purposes</param>
        public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            if (textArea.SelectionManager.HasSomethingSelected) {
            } else {
                if (textArea.Caret.Offset > 0 && !textArea.IsReadOnly(textArea.Caret.Offset - 1)) {
                    int curLineNr     = textArea.Document.GetLineNumberForOffset(textArea.Caret.Offset);
                    int curLineOffset = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(curLineNr).Offset;

                    if (curLineOffset == textArea.Caret.Offset) {
                        LineSegment line = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(curLineNr - 1);
                        int lineEndOffset = line.Offset + line.Length;
                        int lineLength = line.Length;
                        textArea.Document.Remove(lineEndOffset, curLineOffset - lineEndOffset);
                        textArea.Caret.Position = new TextLocation(lineLength, curLineNr - 1);
                        textArea.Document.RequestUpdate(new TextAreaUpdate(TextAreaUpdateType.PositionToEnd, new TextLocation(0, curLineNr - 1)));
                    } else {
                        int caretOffset = textArea.Caret.Offset - 1;
                        textArea.Caret.Position = textArea.Document.OffsetToPosition(caretOffset);
                        textArea.Document.Remove(caretOffset, 1);

                        textArea.Document.RequestUpdate(new TextAreaUpdate(TextAreaUpdateType.PositionToLineEnd, new TextLocation(textArea.Caret.Offset - textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(curLineNr).Offset, curLineNr)));
Beispiel #6
		public static string GenerateRtf(TextArea textArea)
			try {
				colors = new Hashtable();
				colorNum = 0;
				colorString = new StringBuilder();
				StringBuilder rtf = new StringBuilder();
				BuildFontTable(textArea.Document, rtf);
				string fileContent = BuildFileContent(textArea);
				BuildColorTable(textArea.Document, rtf);
				return rtf.ToString();
			} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
     LineSegment curLine = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(textArea.Caret.Line);
     Point position = textArea.Caret.Position;
     List<FoldMarker> foldings = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldedFoldingsWithStart(position.Y);
     FoldMarker justBehindCaret = null;
     foreach (FoldMarker fm in foldings) {
         if (fm.StartColumn == position.X) {
             justBehindCaret = fm;
     if (justBehindCaret != null) {
         position.Y = justBehindCaret.EndLine;
         position.X = justBehindCaret.EndColumn;
     } else { // no folding is interesting
         if (position.X < curLine.Length || textArea.TextEditorProperties.AllowCaretBeyondEOL) {
         } else if (position.Y + 1 < textArea.Document.TotalNumberOfLines) {
             position.X = 0;
     textArea.Caret.Position = position;
		/// <summary>
		/// Description
		/// </summary>
		private string GetIndentationSmart(TextArea textArea, int lineNumber) {
			if (lineNumber < 0 || lineNumber > textArea.Document.TotalNumberOfLines) {
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lineNumber");

			//! TODO:
			//			- search backward the last symbol
			//			- on { or ), indend by \t
			//			- think about more indentation style
			//			- remember last ) and set next indentation -1

			LineSegment lastLine = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(lineNumber);
			if (lastLine == null || lastLine.Words.Count == 0) {
				// No text in the last line
				return "";

			// Fetch leading space of last line
			string lastLeading = GetIndentation(textArea, lineNumber);
			TextWord lastWord = lastLine.Words[lastLine.Words.Count - 1];
			if (lastWord.Type != TextWordType.Word) {
				return lastLeading;
			if (mIndentationChars.Contains(lastWord.Word.Trim()) == false) {
				return lastLeading;

			return lastLeading + "\t";
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
     if (textArea.Caret.Line != 0 || textArea.Caret.Column != 0) {
         textArea.Caret.Position = new Point(0, 0);
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			textArea.Document.RequestUpdate(new TextAreaUpdate(TextAreaUpdateType.SingleLine, textArea.Caret.Line));
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the action on a certain <see cref="TextArea"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textArea">The text area on which to execute the action.</param>
        public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            LineSegment curLine;
              TextLocation newPos = textArea.Caret.Position;
              bool jumpedIntoFolding;
            curLine = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(newPos.Y);
            newPos.X = curLine.Length;

            List<Fold> foldings = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldsFromPosition(newPos.Y, newPos.X);
            jumpedIntoFolding = false;
            foreach (Fold fold in foldings)
              if (fold.IsFolded)
            newPos = new TextLocation(fold.EndColumn, fold.EndLine);
            jumpedIntoFolding = true;
              } while (jumpedIntoFolding);

              if (newPos != textArea.Caret.Position)
            textArea.Caret.Position = newPos;
        /// <remarks>
        /// Executes this edit action
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="textArea">The <see cref="ItextArea"/> which is used for callback purposes</param>
        public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            if (textArea.Document.ReadOnly) {
            if (textArea.SelectionManager.HasSomethingSelected) {
                textArea.Caret.Position = textArea.SelectionManager.SelectionCollection[0].StartPosition;
            } else {

                if (textArea.Caret.Offset < textArea.Document.TextLength) {
                    int curLineNr   = textArea.Document.GetLineNumberForOffset(textArea.Caret.Offset);
                    LineSegment curLine = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(curLineNr);

                    if (curLine.Offset + curLine.Length == textArea.Caret.Offset) {
                        if (curLineNr + 1 < textArea.Document.TotalNumberOfLines) {
                            LineSegment nextLine = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(curLineNr + 1);

                            textArea.Document.Remove(textArea.Caret.Offset, nextLine.Offset - textArea.Caret.Offset);
                            textArea.Document.RequestUpdate(new TextAreaUpdate(TextAreaUpdateType.PositionToEnd, new Point(0, curLineNr)));
                    } else {
                        textArea.Document.Remove(textArea.Caret.Offset, 1);
            //						textArea.Document.RequestUpdate(new TextAreaUpdate(TextAreaUpdateType.PositionToLineEnd, new Point(textArea.Caret.Offset - textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(curLineNr).Offset, curLineNr)));
Beispiel #13
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			TextLocation oldCaretPos  = textArea.Caret.Position;
			textArea.AutoClearSelection = false;
			textArea.SelectionManager.ExtendSelection(oldCaretPos, textArea.Caret.Position);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the completion data. This method is called by the text editor control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">the name of the file.</param>
 /// <param name="textArea">The text area.</param>
 /// <param name="charTyped">The character typed.</param>
 /// <returns>The completion data.</returns>
 public override ICompletionData[] GenerateCompletionData(string fileName, TextArea textArea, char charTyped)
   ICompletionData[] completionData = new ICompletionData[_texts.Length];
   for (int i = 0; i < completionData.Length; i++)
     completionData[i] = new DefaultCompletionData(_texts[i], null, _imageIndex);
   return completionData;
		/// <summary>
		/// This function formats a specific line after <code>ch</code> is pressed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// the caret delta position the caret will be moved this number
		/// of bytes (e.g. the number of bytes inserted before the caret, or
		/// removed, if this number is negative)
		/// </returns>
		public virtual int FormatLine(TextArea textArea, int line, int cursorOffset, char ch)
			if (ch == '\n') {
				return IndentLine(textArea, line);
			return 0;
Beispiel #16
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			foreach (FoldMarker fm in  textArea.Document.FoldingManager.FoldMarker) {
				fm.IsFolded = fm.FoldType == FoldType.MemberBody || fm.FoldType == FoldType.Region;
Beispiel #17
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			if (textArea.Document.ReadOnly) {
			textArea.ClipboardHandler.Cut(null, null);
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
     int lineNumber = textArea.Document.BookmarkManager.GetPrevMark(textArea.Caret.Line);
     if (lineNumber >= 0 && lineNumber < textArea.Document.TotalNumberOfLines) {
         textArea.Caret.Line = lineNumber;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the action on a certain <see cref="TextArea"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textArea">The text area on which to execute the action.</param>
        public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            if (textArea.Document.ReadOnly)

    /// <summary>
    /// This function sets the indentation level in a range of lines.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="textArea">The text area.</param>
    /// <param name="begin">The begin.</param>
    /// <param name="end">The end.</param>
    public override void IndentLines(TextArea textArea, int begin, int end)
      if (textArea.Document.TextEditorProperties.IndentStyle != IndentStyle.Smart)
        base.IndentLines(textArea, begin, end);
      int cursorPos = textArea.Caret.Position.Y;
      int oldIndentLength = 0;

      if (cursorPos >= begin && cursorPos <= end)
        oldIndentLength = GetIndentation(textArea, cursorPos).Length;

      IndentationSettings set = new IndentationSettings();
      set.IndentString = Tab.GetIndentationString(textArea.Document);
      CSharpIndentationReformatter r = new CSharpIndentationReformatter();
      DocumentAccessor acc = new DocumentAccessor(textArea.Document, begin, end);
      r.Reformat(acc, set);

      if (cursorPos >= begin && cursorPos <= end)
        int newIndentLength = GetIndentation(textArea, cursorPos).Length;
        if (oldIndentLength != newIndentLength)
          // fix cursor position if indentation was changed
          int newX = textArea.Caret.Position.X - oldIndentLength + newIndentLength;
          textArea.Caret.Position = new TextLocation(Math.Max(newX, 0), cursorPos);
Beispiel #21
		/// <remarks>
		/// Executes this edit action
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="textArea">The <see cref="ItextArea"/> which is used for callback purposes</param>
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			if (textArea.Document.ReadOnly) {
			if (textArea.SelectionManager.HasSomethingSelected) {
				foreach (ISelection selection in textArea.SelectionManager.SelectionCollection) {
					int startLine = selection.StartPosition.Y;
					int endLine   = selection.EndPosition.Y;
					if (startLine != endLine) {
						InsertTabs(textArea.Document, selection, startLine, endLine);
						textArea.Document.RequestUpdate(new TextAreaUpdate(TextAreaUpdateType.LinesBetween, startLine, endLine));
					} else {
				textArea.AutoClearSelection = false;
			} else {
		public ICompletionData[] GenerateCompletionData(string fileName, TextArea textArea, char charTyped) {
			List<ICompletionData> completionData = new List<ICompletionData>();

			int column = Math.Max(0, textArea.Caret.Column - 1);
			LineSegment line = textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(textArea.Caret.Line);
			TextWord word = line.GetWord(column);

			string itemText = (word != null ? word.Word : "") + char.ToLower(charTyped);

			if (mScriptContent.CommandsFlat.ContainsKey(itemText) != false) {
				foreach (string key in mScriptContent.CommandsFlat[itemText]) {
					completionData.Add(new ScriptCompletionData(mScriptContent.Commands[key].Name, mScriptContent.Commands[key].Description, 0));
			if (mScriptContent.ConstantsFlat.ContainsKey(itemText) != false) {
				foreach (string key in mScriptContent.ConstantsFlat[itemText]) {
					completionData.Add(new ScriptCompletionData(mScriptContent.Constants[key].Name, mScriptContent.Constants[key].Description, 0));
			if (mScriptContent.Maps.ContainsKey(itemText) != false) {
				foreach (string key in mScriptContent.Maps[itemText]) {
					completionData.Add(new ScriptCompletionData(key, key, 0));

			return completionData.ToArray();
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
     List<FoldMarker> foldMarkers = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldingsWithStart(textArea.Caret.Line);
     if (foldMarkers.Count != 0)
         foreach (FoldMarker fm in foldMarkers)
             fm.IsFolded = !fm.IsFolded;
         foldMarkers = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldingsContainsLineNumber(textArea.Caret.Line);
         if (foldMarkers.Count != 0)
             FoldMarker innerMost = foldMarkers[0];
             for (int i = 1; i < foldMarkers.Count; i++)
                 if (new TextLocation(foldMarkers[i].StartColumn, foldMarkers[i].StartLine) >
                         new TextLocation(innerMost.StartColumn, innerMost.StartLine))
                     innerMost = foldMarkers[i];
             innerMost.IsFolded = !innerMost.IsFolded;
    /// <summary>
    /// Indents the specified line.
    /// </summary>
    protected override int SmartIndentLine(TextArea textArea, int lineNr)
      if (lineNr <= 0)
        return AutoIndentLine(textArea, lineNr);

      string oldText = textArea.Document.GetText(textArea.Document.GetLineSegment(lineNr));

      DocumentAccessor acc = new DocumentAccessor(textArea.Document, lineNr, lineNr);

      IndentationSettings set = new IndentationSettings();
      set.IndentString = Tab.GetIndentationString(textArea.Document);
      set.LeaveEmptyLines = false;
      CSharpIndentationReformatter r = new CSharpIndentationReformatter();

      r.Reformat(acc, set);

      string t = acc.Text;
      if (t.Length == 0)
        // use AutoIndentation for new lines in comments / verbatim strings.
        return AutoIndentLine(textArea, lineNr);
        int newIndentLength = t.Length - t.TrimStart().Length;
        int oldIndentLength = oldText.Length - oldText.TrimStart().Length;
        if (oldIndentLength != newIndentLength && lineNr == textArea.Caret.Position.Y)
          // fix cursor position if indentation was changed
          int newX = textArea.Caret.Position.X - oldIndentLength + newIndentLength;
          textArea.Caret.Position = new TextLocation(Math.Max(newX, 0), lineNr);
        return newIndentLength;
 /// <summary>
 /// This function sets the indentlevel in a range of lines.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void IndentLines(TextArea textArea, int begin, int end)
     for (int i = begin; i <= end; ++i) {
         IndentLine(textArea, i);
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
     ArrayList foldMarkers = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldingsWithStart(textArea.Caret.Line);
     foreach (FoldMarker fm in foldMarkers) {
         fm.IsFolded = !fm.IsFolded;
Beispiel #27
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			List<FoldMarker> foldMarkers = textArea.Document.FoldingManager.GetFoldingsWithStart(textArea.Caret.Line);
			foreach (FoldMarker fm in foldMarkers) {
				fm.IsFolded = !fm.IsFolded;
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			Bookmark mark = textArea.Document.BookmarkManager.GetNextMark(textArea.Caret.Line, predicate);
			if (mark != null) {
				textArea.Caret.Line = mark.LineNumber;
		public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
			int lineNumber = textArea.Document.BookmarkManager.GetNextMark(textArea.Caret.Line);
			if (lineNumber >= 0 && lineNumber < textArea.Document.TotalNumberOfLines) {
				textArea.Caret.Line = lineNumber;
Beispiel #30
        public void textarea_renders_with_correct_tag_id_and_name()
            var element = new TextArea("foo.Bar").ToString()

 public virtual void Execute(TextCompletionEngine textCompletionEngine, TextArea textArea)
Beispiel #32
 FormattedTextArea GetFormattedTextArea(TextArea area)
     return(GetFormattedTextArea(area, double.NaN));
        /// <summary>
        /// 载入考核表
        /// </summary>
        private void loadEvaluateTable(string id)
            string evaluatedID = "";

            if (id == "" || id == "0")
                evaluatedID = Request.QueryString["id"];
                evaluatedID = id;
            Panel1.Title = Request.QueryString["name"] + "的考核表";
            EvaluateTable evaluateTable = new EvaluateTable();
            string        exception     = "";

            if (EvaluateTableManagementCtrl.GetEvaluateTable(evaluatedID, ref evaluateTable, ref exception))
                Label_Comment.Text = evaluateTable.Comment;

                Label_EvaluatedName.Text = evaluateTable.EvaluatedName;
                Label_PostName.Text      = evaluateTable.PostName;
                Label_LaborDep.Text      = evaluateTable.LaborDep;
                Label_LaborUnit.Text     = evaluateTable.LaborUnit;
                Label_Period.Text        = evaluateTable.StartTime + " ~ " + evaluateTable.StopTime;

                for (int i = 0; i < evaluateTable.KeyResponse.Count; i++)
                    SimpleForm sf = Panel3.Items[i] as SimpleForm;
                    sf.Collapsed = false;
                    TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                    TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                    FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                    tb.Text = evaluateTable.KeyResponse[i].Title;
                    ta.Text = evaluateTable.KeyResponse[i].Content[0];
                    hf.Text = evaluateTable.KeyResponse[i].Title + "&" + evaluateTable.KeyResponse[i].Content[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < evaluateTable.KeyQualify.Count; i++)
                    SimpleForm sf = Panel4.Items[i] as SimpleForm;
                    sf.Collapsed = false;
                    TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                    TextArea   ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                    tb.Text = evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Title;
                    ta.Text = "优:" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[0]
                              + " 良:" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[1]
                              + " 中:" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[2]
                              + " 差:" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[3];

                    FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                    hf.Text = evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Title
                              + "&" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[0]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[1]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[2]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.KeyQualify[i].Content[3];

                for (int i = 0; i < evaluateTable.KeyAttitude.Count; i++)
                    SimpleForm sf = Panel5.Items[i] as SimpleForm;
                    sf.Collapsed = false;
                    TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                    TextArea   ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                    tb.Text = evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Title;
                    ta.Text = "优:" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[0]
                              + " 良:" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[1]
                              + " 中:" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[2]
                              + " 差:" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[3];

                    FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                    hf.Text = evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Title
                              + "&" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[0]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[1]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[2]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.KeyAttitude[i].Content[3];

                for (int i = 0; i < evaluateTable.Response.Count; i++)
                    SimpleForm sf = Panel6.Items[i] as SimpleForm;
                    sf.Collapsed = false;
                    TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                    TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                    FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                    tb.Text = evaluateTable.Response[i].Title;
                    ta.Text = evaluateTable.Response[i].Content[0];
                    hf.Text = evaluateTable.Response[i].Title + "&" + evaluateTable.Response[i].Content[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < evaluateTable.Qualify.Count; i++)
                    SimpleForm sf = Panel7.Items[i] as SimpleForm;
                    sf.Collapsed = false;
                    TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                    TextArea   ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                    tb.Text = evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Title;
                    ta.Text = "优:" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[0]
                              + " 良:" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[1]
                              + " 中:" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[2]
                              + " 差:" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[3];

                    FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                    hf.Text = evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Title
                              + "&" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[0]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[1]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[2]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.Qualify[i].Content[3];

                for (int i = 0; i < evaluateTable.Attitude.Count; i++)
                    SimpleForm sf = Panel8.Items[i] as SimpleForm;
                    sf.Collapsed = false;
                    TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                    TextArea   ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                    tb.Text = evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Title;
                    ta.Text = "优:" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[0]
                              + " 良:" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[1]
                              + " 中:" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[2]
                              + " 差:" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[3];

                    FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                    hf.Text = evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Title
                              + "&" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[0]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[1]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[2]
                              + "^" + evaluateTable.Attitude[i].Content[3];

                TextArea_Reject1.Text = "累计旷工3天以上的;\n严重失职,营私舞弊,给本单位造成3000元以上经济损失或者其它严重后果的;\n同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成本单位工作任务造成严重影响,或者经本单位提出,拒不改正的;\n违背职业道德,行贿、受贿价值超过3000元以上的;\n被依法追究刑事责任的;";
                TextArea_Reject2.Text = evaluateTable.Reject[0].Content[0];
            else    //如果该被考评人的岗位责任书尚未制定,则被考评人姓名、岗位名称、用工部门、用工单位和考核时间段从父网页获取
                Label_EvaluatedName.Text = Request.QueryString["name"];
                Label_PostName.Text      = Request.QueryString["postname"];
                Label_LaborDep.Text      = Request.QueryString["labordepart"];
                Label_LaborUnit.Text     = Request.QueryString["depart"];
                Label_Period.Text        = Request.QueryString["starttime"] + " ~ " + Request.QueryString["stoptime"];
                TextArea_Reject1.Text    = "累计旷工3天以上的;\n严重失职,营私舞弊,给本单位造成3000元以上经济损失或者其它严重后果的;\n同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成本单位工作任务造成严重影响,或者经本单位提出,拒不改正的;\n违背职业道德,行贿、受贿价值超过3000元以上的;\n被依法追究刑事责任的;";
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取当前页面中的考核表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private EvaluateTable getNewEvaluateTable()
            EvaluateTable evaluateTable = new EvaluateTable();

            evaluateTable.EvaluatedName = Label_EvaluatedName.Text.Trim();
            evaluateTable.PostName      = Label_PostName.Text.Trim();
            evaluateTable.LaborDep      = Label_LaborDep.Text.Trim();
            evaluateTable.LaborUnit     = Label_LaborUnit.Text.Trim();
            evaluateTable.StartTime     = Label_Period.Text.Split('~')[0].Trim();
            evaluateTable.StopTime      = Label_Period.Text.Split('~')[1].Trim();
            foreach (ControlBase item in Panel3.Items)
                SimpleForm sf = item as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                if (tb.Text == "")
                FineUI.HiddenField hf      = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                string             title   = hf.Text.Split('&')[0].Trim();
                string[]           content = new string[] { hf.Text.Split('&')[1] };
                evaluateTable.KeyResponse.Add(new Quota(title, content));

            foreach (ControlBase item in Panel4.Items)
                SimpleForm sf = item as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                if (tb.Text.Trim() == "")
                FineUI.HiddenField hf      = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                string             title   = hf.Text.Split('&')[0].Trim();
                string[]           content = hf.Text.Split('&')[1].Split('^');
                evaluateTable.KeyQualify.Add(new Quota(title, content));

            foreach (ControlBase item in Panel5.Items)
                SimpleForm sf = item as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                if (tb.Text.Trim() == "")
                FineUI.HiddenField hf      = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                string             title   = hf.Text.Split('&')[0].Trim();
                string[]           content = hf.Text.Split('&')[1].Split('^');
                evaluateTable.KeyAttitude.Add(new Quota(title, content));

            foreach (ControlBase item in Panel6.Items)
                SimpleForm sf = item as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                if (tb.Text == "")
                TextArea           ta      = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf      = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                string             title   = hf.Text.Split('&')[0].Trim();
                string[]           content = new string[] { hf.Text.Split('&')[1] };
                evaluateTable.Response.Add(new Quota(title, content));

            foreach (ControlBase item in Panel7.Items)
                SimpleForm sf = item as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                if (tb.Text.Trim() == "")
                FineUI.HiddenField hf      = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                string             title   = hf.Text.Split('&')[0].Trim();
                string[]           content = hf.Text.Split('&')[1].Split('^');
                evaluateTable.Qualify.Add(new Quota(title, content));

            foreach (ControlBase item in Panel8.Items)
                SimpleForm sf = item as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                if (tb.Text.Trim() == "")
                FineUI.HiddenField hf      = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                string             title   = hf.Text.Split('&')[0].Trim();
                string[]           content = hf.Text.Split('&')[1].Split('^');
                evaluateTable.Attitude.Add(new Quota(title, content));

            evaluateTable.Reject.Add(new Quota("其他", new string[] { TextArea_Reject2.Text.Trim() }));

Beispiel #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the Inser Closing Element action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textArea">The text area in which to perform the
        /// action</param>
        public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
            IDocument doc = textArea.Document;
            int       endTag = -1, open = -1, close = -1, offset = textArea.Caret.Offset;
            char      c;

            if (offset > 0 && doc.GetCharAt(offset - 1) == '>')

            // Find end of the element
            for (int i = offset; i < doc.TextLength; i++)
                c = doc.GetCharAt(i);

                if (c == '<' || c == '>')
                    if (c == '>')
                        endTag = close = i;

                        // Find start of tag
                        for (int j = close - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            c = doc.GetCharAt(j);

                            if (c == '<' || c == '>')
                                if (c == '<')
                                    open = j;


                            // On whitespace, assume we just moved past
                            // an attribute.
                            if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                                endTag = j;


            // Execute the default action if we couldn't find an element
            // or it's a comment.
            if (open < 0 || close < 0 || doc.GetText(open + 1, 3) == "!--")
                if (defaultAction != null)
                string tag = doc.GetText(open, endTag - open);

                doc.Insert(close, "</" + tag + ">");
                textArea.Caret.Position = doc.OffsetToPosition(close);
Beispiel #36
        #region Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Insert the element represented by the completion data into the text
        /// editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textArea">TextArea to insert the completion data in.</param>
        /// <param name="ch">Character that should be inserted after the completion data. \0 when no
        /// character should be inserted.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true when the insert action has processed the character
        /// <paramref name="ch"/>; false when the character was not processed.
        /// </returns>
        public bool InsertAction(TextArea textArea, char ch)
Beispiel #37
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the completion data. This method is called by the text editor control.
 /// This method may return null.
 /// </summary>
 public abstract ICompletionData[] GenerateCompletionData(string fileName, TextArea textArea, char charTyped);
 protected abstract void GenerateCompletionData(TextArea textArea, char charTyped);
        public ICompletionData[] GenerateCompletionData(string fileName, TextArea textArea, char charTyped)
            var res      = new List <ICompletionData>();
            int tblindex = m_imgCache.GetImageIndex(StdIcons.table);
            int vindex   = m_imgCache.GetImageIndex(StdIcons.view);

            var context = m_anal.GetContext(textArea.Caret.Line, textArea.Caret.Column);

            switch (context)
            case SqlEditorAnalyser.CodeContext.Table:
                var prefixName = FindPrefix(textArea);
                if (prefixName == null)         // do not handle table prefixes
                    foreach (var tbl in m_anal.TableNames)
                        res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(tbl.Name, tbl.ToString(), tblindex, GetFullName(tbl)));
                    foreach (var tbl in m_anal.ViewNames)
                        res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(tbl.Name, tbl.ToString(), vindex, GetFullName(tbl)));

            case SqlEditorAnalyser.CodeContext.Column:
            case SqlEditorAnalyser.CodeContext.ColumnWithoutQualifier:
                var  prefixName = FindPrefix(textArea);
                int  colindex   = m_imgCache.GetImageIndex(StdIcons.column);
                int  starindex  = m_imgCache.GetImageIndex(StdIcons.star_blue);
                bool qual       = context == SqlEditorAnalyser.CodeContext.Column;

                if (prefixName != null)
                    var used = m_anal.FindUsedMatch(prefixName);
                    if (used != null)
                        string alltext = String.Format("all ({0})", used.FullName);
                        string allins  = "";
                        foreach (var col in used.Structure.Columns)
                            if (allins.Length > 0)
                                allins += ", ";
                                allins += (qual ? prefixName.ToString() + "." : "") + GetShortName(col.ColumnName);
                                allins += GetShortName(col.ColumnName);
                        res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(alltext, allins, starindex, allins));

                        foreach (var col in used.Structure.Columns)
                            string text = String.Format("{0} ({1})", col.ColumnName, used.FullName);
                            string ins  = GetShortName(col.ColumnName);
                            res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(text, text, colindex, ins));
                    foreach (var tbl in m_anal.UsedTables)
                        string alltext = String.Format("all ({0})", (tbl.Alias ?? tbl.FullName.ToString()));
                        string allins  = "";
                        foreach (var col in tbl.Structure.Columns)
                            if (allins.Length > 0)
                                allins += ", ";
                            string ins = (qual ? (tbl.Alias ?? GetFullName(tbl.FullName)) + "." : "") + GetShortName(col.ColumnName);
                            allins += ins;
                        res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(alltext, allins, starindex, allins));
                        if (qual)
                            int imgindex = m_anal.ViewNames.IndexOf(tbl.FullName) >= 0 ? vindex : tblindex;
                            res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(tbl.Alias ?? tbl.FullName.Name, tbl.Alias ?? tbl.FullName.ToString(), imgindex, tbl.Alias ?? GetFullName(tbl.FullName)));

                        foreach (var col in tbl.Structure.Columns)
                            string text = String.Format("{0} ({1}{2})", col.ColumnName, tbl.FullName, tbl.Alias != null ? ":" + tbl.Alias : "");
                            string ins  = (qual ? (tbl.Alias ?? GetFullName(tbl.FullName)) + "." : "") + GetShortName(col.ColumnName);
                            res.Add(new SqlCompletionData(text, text, colindex, ins));
Beispiel #41
    override protected void CreateChildren()

        #region Top label

        Label label = new TitleLabel {
            HorizontalCenter = 0, Top = 20, StyleName = "title"

        new TextRotator
            Delay = 5, // 5 seconds delay
            Lines = new[]
                "Form Demo 1",
                "Created with eDriven.Gui"/*,
                                           * "Author: Danko Kozar"*/
            Callback = delegate(string line) { label.Text = line; }


        Panel panel = new Panel
            Title     = "Form Demo",
            Icon      = Resources.Load <Texture>("Icons/star"),
            SkinClass = typeof(PanelSkin2),
            //SkinClass = typeof(WindowSkin),
            Width            = 350,
            MaxHeight        = 500,
            HorizontalCenter = 0, VerticalCenter = 0,
            //Top = 100, Bottom = 100 // additional constrains for screen resize

        Group container = new Group {
            Left = 10, Right = 10, Top = 10, Bottom = 10

        Form form = new Form {
            PercentWidth = 100

        #region Text Fields

        TextField txtSubject = new TextField
            FocusEnabled = true,
            PercentWidth = 100,
            Text         = "Input text",
            //Optimized = true
            //AlowedCharacters = "a1"
        form.AddField("subject", "Subject:", txtSubject);

        TextArea txtMessage = new TextArea
            FocusEnabled = true,
            PercentWidth = 100,
            Height       = 200,
            Text         = LoremIpsum,
            //Optimized = true
        form.AddField("message", "Message:", txtMessage);


        #region Buttons

        panel.ControlBarGroup.AddChild(new Spacer {
            PercentWidth = 100

        Button btnSet = new Button
            Text      = "Set data",
            Icon      = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_up"),
            SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin)
        btnSet.Press += delegate
            form.Data = new Hashtable
                { "subject", "The subject" },
                { "message", "This is the message..." }

        Button btnGet = new Button
            Text      = "Get data",
            SkinClass = typeof(ImageButtonSkin),
            Icon      = ImageLoader.Instance.Load("Icons/arrow_down")
        btnGet.Press += delegate
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in form.Data)
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format(@"""{0}"": {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value));

            Alert.Show("This is the form data", sb.ToString(), AlertButtonFlag.Ok,
                       new AlertOption(AlertOptionType.HeaderIcon, Resources.Load <Texture>("Icons/information")));


        panel.Plugins.Add(new TabManager
            TabChildren = new List <DisplayListMember> {
                txtSubject, txtMessage, btnSet, btnGet
Beispiel #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute the Find Text action
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textArea">The text area in which to perform the
 /// action</param>
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
 /// <summary>
 /// Does nothing: indenting multiple lines is useless without a smart indentation strategy.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void IndentLines(TextArea textArea, int beginLine, int endLine)
Beispiel #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Execute the Spell Check action
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textArea">The text area in which to perform the action</param>
 public override void Execute(TextArea textArea)
 public virtual void Insert(TextArea textArea)
        /// <summary>
        /// 清空所有项目
        /// </summary>
        private void clearAll()
            Label_Period.Text = "";

            foreach (ControlBase cb in Panel3.Items)
                SimpleForm         sf = cb as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                tb.Text = "";
                ta.Text = "";
                hf.Text = "";

            foreach (ControlBase cb in Panel4.Items)
                SimpleForm         sf = cb as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                tb.Text = "";
                ta.Text = "";
                hf.Text = "";

            foreach (ControlBase cb in Panel5.Items)
                SimpleForm         sf = cb as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                tb.Text = "";
                ta.Text = "";
                hf.Text = "";

            foreach (ControlBase cb in Panel6.Items)
                SimpleForm         sf = cb as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                tb.Text = "";
                ta.Text = "";
                hf.Text = "";

            foreach (ControlBase cb in Panel7.Items)
                SimpleForm         sf = cb as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                tb.Text = "";
                ta.Text = "";
                hf.Text = "";

            foreach (ControlBase cb in Panel8.Items)
                SimpleForm         sf = cb as SimpleForm;
                TriggerBox         tb = sf.Items[0] as TriggerBox;
                TextArea           ta = sf.Items[1] as TextArea;
                FineUI.HiddenField hf = sf.Items[2] as FineUI.HiddenField;
                tb.Text = "";
                ta.Text = "";
                hf.Text = "";

            TextArea_Reject1.Text = "累计旷工3天以上的;\n严重失职,营私舞弊,给本单位造成3000元以上经济损失或者其它严重后果的;\n同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成本单位工作任务造成严重影响,或者经本单位提出,拒不改正的;\n违背职业道德,行贿、受贿价值超过3000元以上的;\n被依法追究刑事责任的;";
            TextArea_Reject2.Text = "";
Beispiel #47
 private void TextArea_RegularNewLine(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
 public void Complete(TextArea textArea, ISegment completionSegment, EventArgs insertionRequestEventArgs)
     textArea.Document.Replace(completionSegment, text);
 public static void CopySelected(TextArea ta)
     _buffer = ta.Selection.GetText(ta.Document);
 public static void Paste(TextArea ta)
     ta.Selection.ReplaceSelectionWithText(ta, _buffer);
 public PasteCommand(TextArea textArea, Clipboard clipboard) : base(textArea, clipboard)