Beispiel #1
        protected override void OnCreateDeviceIndependentResources(Direct2DFactory factory)
            this._textFormat = DirectWriteFactory.CreateTextFormat("Gabriola", 72);
            this._textFormat.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
            this._textFormat.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            float width = ClientSize.Width / dpiScaleX;
            float height = ClientSize.Height / dpiScaleY;
            this._textLayout = DirectWriteFactory.CreateTextLayout("Click on this text Click on this text", this._textFormat, width, height);
            this._textAnalyzer = DirectWriteFactory.CreateTextAnalyzer();
            this._source = new MyTextSource("Click on this text Click on this text");
            using (FontCollection coll = this._textFormat.FontCollection)
                int count = coll.Count;
                for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index)
                    using (FontFamily ff = coll[index])
                        using (Font font = ff.GetFirstMatchingFont(FontWeight.Normal, FontStretch.Normal, FontStyle.Normal))
                            LocalizedStrings ls = font.FaceNames;
                            LocalizedStrings desc = font.GetInformationalStrings(InformationalStringId.Designer);

                            int cultureIndex = ls.FindCulture(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            string faceName = ls[cultureIndex];
                            FontMetrics metrics = font.Metrics;
            this._textAnalyzer.AnalyzeLineBreakpoints(_source, 0, (uint)_source.Text.Length);
            this._textAnalyzer.AnalyzeScript(_source, 0, (uint)_source.Text.Length);
Beispiel #2
        public unsafe void Append(TextAnalyzer analyzer, FontFace font, string text)
            var layout = new TextLayout();
            var format = new TextFormat {
                Font = font,
                Size = 32.0f

            analyzer.AppendText(text, format);
            analyzer.PerformLayout(0, 32, 1000, 1000, layout);

            var memBlock = new MemoryBlock(text.Length * 6 * PosColorTexture.Layout.Stride);
            var mem = (PosColorTexture*)memBlock.Data;
            foreach (var thing in layout.Stuff) {
                var width = thing.Width;
                var height = thing.Height;
                var region = new Vector4(thing.SourceX, thing.SourceY, width, height) / 4096;
                var origin = new Vector2(thing.DestX, thing.DestY);
                *mem++ = new PosColorTexture(origin + new Vector2(0, height), new Vector2(region.X, region.Y + region.W), unchecked((int)0xff000000));
                *mem++ = new PosColorTexture(origin + new Vector2(width, height), new Vector2(region.X + region.Z, region.Y + region.W), unchecked((int)0xff000000));
                *mem++ = new PosColorTexture(origin + new Vector2(width, 0), new Vector2(region.X + region.Z, region.Y), unchecked((int)0xff000000));
                *mem++ = new PosColorTexture(origin, new Vector2(region.X, region.Y), unchecked((int)0xff000000));

            vertexBuffer = new DynamicVertexBuffer(memBlock, PosColorTexture.Layout);
        protected string Lemmatize(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer, string text)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(textAnalyzer != null);

            string trimText = LexerUtils.TrimText(text);
            string[] words = trimText.Split(' ');
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(1024);

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                LemmatizeResult lemmatizeResult = textAnalyzer.Lemmatize(words[i]).FirstOrDefault();

                if (lemmatizeResult != null)
                    string lemma = lemmatizeResult.GetTextByFormId(0).ToLower();

                    if (i != words.Length - 1)
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0} ", lemma);

            return stringBuilder.ToString();
        public TextGenerator(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer)
            if (textAnalyzer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("textAnalyzer");

            _textAnalyzer = textAnalyzer;
            _textParser = new TextParser(_textAnalyzer);
            _templateParser = new TemplateParser(_textAnalyzer);
        public TemplateParser(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer)
            if (textAnalyzer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("textAnalyzer");

            _textAnalyzer = textAnalyzer;

            // TODO: Необходимо продумать логику загрузки плагинов для TemplateParser.
            // Необходимо убедиться, в каком порядке загружаются плагины,
            // т.к. это влияет на порядок их применения.
Beispiel #6
        private static void AnalyzeText(string path, Network network)
            TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(AdapterKind.RussianCp1251Adapter);
                Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Dictionaries", "Russian", ""),
                Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Dictionaries", "Russian", "Paradigms.bin"),
                Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Dictionaries", "Russian", ""));

            List<NetworkNode> context = new List<NetworkNode>();
            List<NetworkNode> context2 = new List<NetworkNode>();

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open))
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    string currentLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] words = currentLine.Split(' ');

                    foreach (string word in words)
                        var foundNodes = network.Nodes.Where(node => string.Equals(node.Name, word, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        context2.AddRange(network.Nodes.Where(node => node.Name.Contains(word)));

                        if (foundNodes.Count() > 0)
                            var results = textAnalyzer.Lemmatize(word, true);
                            LemmatizeResult result = results.FirstOrDefault();

                            if (result != null)
                                PartOfSpeech partOfSpeech = result.GetPartOfSpeech();

                                //if (partOfSpeech == PartOfSpeech.NOUN)
                                    string lemma = result.GetTextByFormId(0);

                                    context.AddRange(network.Nodes.Where(node => string.Equals(node.Name, lemma, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)));
                                    context2.AddRange(network.Nodes.Where(node => node.Name.Contains(lemma)));
Beispiel #7
        public unsafe void Append(TextAnalyzer analyzer, FontFace font, string text, float fontSize, int atlasWidth, RectangleF drawRect, RgbaByte color)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            _textFormat.Font = font;
            _textFormat.Size = fontSize;

            analyzer.AppendText(text, _textFormat);
            analyzer.PerformLayout(drawRect.X, drawRect.Y, drawRect.Width, drawRect.Height, _textLayout);
            PerformLayoutAndUpdateDeviceBuffers(atlasWidth, color);
Beispiel #8
        public unsafe void Append(TextAnalyzer analyzer, FontFace font, CharBuffer charBuffer, float fontSize, int atlasWidth, RectangleF drawRect, RgbaByte color)
            if (charBuffer.Count == 0)

            _textFormat.Font = font;
            _textFormat.Size = fontSize;

            analyzer.AppendText(charBuffer.Buffer, 0, (int)charBuffer.Count, _textFormat);
            analyzer.PerformLayout(drawRect.X, drawRect.Y, drawRect.Width, drawRect.Height, _textLayout);
            PerformLayoutAndUpdateDeviceBuffers(atlasWidth, color);
Beispiel #9
        public void Setup()
            stemmingServiceMock = new Mock <IStemmingService>();

            textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(stemmingServiceMock.Object);

            compareLogic = new CompareLogic
                Config = new ComparisonConfig
                    IgnoreCollectionOrder = true
Beispiel #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostDeleteAsync(int id)
            using (var db = new BloggingContext())
                var p = db.Posts.Find(id);
                if (p != null)
                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();


        public ConsultWindow(TalesNetwork talesNetwork)
            : this()
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(talesNetwork != null);

            _talesNetwork = talesNetwork;

            TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(AdapterKind.RussianCp1251Adapter);

            _textGenerator = new TextGenerator(textAnalyzer);

        public void Setup()
            var input        = @"
                            <w:t> ok jim, ok</w:t>
            var textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer();

            var node = TestHelper.ParseString(input, true);

            result = textAnalyzer.Analyze(node);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task ReturnsCommentIntactIfNotAnalyzed()
            var config = Options.Create(new WebConfiguration
                TextAnalyticsSubscriptionKey = _invalidSubscriptionKey

            var textAnalyticsClientFactoryMock = new Mock <ITextAnalyticsClientFactory>
                DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock
            ITextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(config, textAnalyticsClientFactoryMock.Object);

            var comment = new Comment("test-post-id", new string('*', 555), "John Doe");
            var result  = await textAnalyzer.AnalyzeAsync(comment).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.Equal(comment.Score, result.Comment.Score);
        public ConsultWindow2(TalesNetwork network)

            _network = network;

            cmbTale.ItemsSource = _network.Tales;
            if (cmbTale.HasItems)
                cmbTale.SelectedIndex = 0;

            TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(AdapterKind.RussianCp1251Adapter);

            _textGenerator = new TextGenerator(textAnalyzer);
Beispiel #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer();

            //var text = string.Join(" ", Texts.SimpleSentences.Take(20));
            var text = Texts.ComplexSentences.ElementAt(3);

            foreach (var sentence in new[] { text })
                var taggingReport  = textAnalyzer.AnalyzeText(sentence);
                var sentenceReport = new SentenceAnalyzer().Analyze(taggingReport);

Beispiel #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            using (var db = new BloggingContext())
                await db.Posts.AddAsync(Post);

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();


Beispiel #17
        public void SetUp()
            imageSettings = new ImageSettings();
            var imageHolder = new PictureBoxImageHolder();

            var colorSettingsProvider = new ColorSettingsProvider();
            var filesSettings         = new FilesSettings();

            filesSettings.TextFilePath        = "..\\..\\testTextAnalyzer.txt";
            filesSettings.BoringWordsFilePath = "..\\..\\boring words.txt";
            var textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(filesSettings);

            fontSettings = new FontSettings();
            var tagCreator = new TagCreator(fontSettings, new SpiralCloudLayouter(imageSettings), textAnalyzer,

            painter = new Painter(colorSettingsProvider, imageHolder, tagCreator);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the text using each of the analyzers and returns
        /// their results as a series of runs.
        /// </summary>
        public void GenerateResults(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer, out Run[] runs, out LineBreakpoint[] breakpoints)
            // Initially start out with one result that covers the entire range.
            // This result will be subdivided by the analysis processes.
            LinkedRun initialRun = new LinkedRun()
                nextRunIndex = 0,
                textStart    = 0,
                textLength   = text_.Length,
                bidiLevel    = (readingDirection_ == ReadingDirection.RightToLeft) ? 1 : 0

            runs_ = new List <LinkedRun>();

            breakpoints_ = new List <LineBreakpoint>();

            //Call each of the analyzers in sequence, recording their results.
            if ((textAnalyzer.AnalyzeLineBreakpoints(this, 0, text_.Length, this) == Result.Ok) &&
                (textAnalyzer.AnalyzeBidi(this, 0, text_.Length, this) == Result.Ok) &&
                (textAnalyzer.AnalyzeScript(this, 0, text_.Length, this) == Result.Ok) &&
                (textAnalyzer.AnalyzeNumberSubstitution(this, 0, text_.Length, this) == Result.Ok))
                breakpoints = new LineBreakpoint[breakpoints_.Count];

                // Resequence the resulting runs in order before returning to caller.
                runs = new Run[runs_.Count];
                int nextRunIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < runs_.Count; i++)
                    runs[i]      = runs_[nextRunIndex].AsRun;
                    nextRunIndex = runs_[nextRunIndex].nextRunIndex;
                runs        = new Run[0];
                breakpoints = new LineBreakpoint[0];
Beispiel #19
        public async Task AnalyzesSentimentScore(string message, double?score)
            var config = Options.Create(new WebConfiguration
                TextAnalyticsSubscriptionKey = _validSubscriptionKey

            // SentimentBatchAsync extension method uses SentimentWithHttpMessagesAsync internally and mocking
            // extension methods with Moq isn't currently possible. Extension methods are "hard dependencies" that
            // one could also break by introducing a wrapper class and an interface.
            // Let's mock SentimentWithHttpMessagesAsync method here instead.
            var httpOperationResponse = new HttpOperationResponse <SentimentBatchResult>
                Body = new SentimentBatchResult(new SentimentBatchResultItem[]
                    new SentimentBatchResultItem(score: score)
            var textAnalyticsClientMock = new Mock <ITextAnalyticsClient>();

            textAnalyticsClientMock.Setup(x => x.SentimentWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                                              It.IsAny <bool?>(),
                                              It.IsAny <MultiLanguageBatchInput>(),
                                              It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, List <string> > >(),
                                              It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))

            var textAnalyticsClientFactoryMock = new Mock <ITextAnalyticsClientFactory>();

            textAnalyticsClientFactoryMock.Setup(x => x.CreateClient(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>()))

            ITextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(config, textAnalyticsClientFactoryMock.Object);

            var comment         = new Comment("test-post-id", message, "John Doe");
            var analyzedComment = await textAnalyzer.AnalyzeAsync(comment).ConfigureAwait(false);


            Assert.Equal($"{score:0.00}", analyzedComment.Comment.Score);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary <char, int> charCounted = new Dictionary <char, int>();

            char[]       text         = new char[50];
            Random       rnd          = new Random();
            TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer();

            text = textAnalyzer.GeneratedText(text, rnd);
            Console.WriteLine("The initial string: \n");
            Console.WriteLine("String sorted by asc order: \n");
            Console.WriteLine("Count chars: \n");
            charCounted = CountChar(text);
            foreach (var key in charCounted.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + charCounted[key]);
Beispiel #21
        public ActionResult <List <WordStats> > GetByMonth(int month)
            var news = _db.NewsEntity
                       .Where(n => n.News.Date.Month == month)
                       .Select(n => n.News)

            TextAnalyzer text = new TextAnalyzer(news);

            var wc = text.SplitText()
                     .OrderByDescending(w => w.Value)
                     .Select(w => new WordStats()
                Word = w.Key, Frequency = w.Value

            return(wc.GetRange(0, RangeCeiling(wc.Count)));
Beispiel #22
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result)
            var    activity       = await result as IMessageActivity;
            double feedbackScore  = TextAnalyzer.MakeAnalysisRequest(activity.Text);
            String clientResponse = String.Format("Ваш отзыв был оценен как положительный на {0}%.\n{1}",
                                                  Math.Round(feedbackScore * 100),
                                                  (feedbackScore >= 0.5) ?
                                                  "Спасибо, мы будем работать для Вас еще лучше !" :
                                                  "Извините, мы постараемся работать для Вас лучше !");
            // (feedbackScore >= 0.5) ?
            // "Спасибо за отзыв, мы будем работать для Вас еще лучше !" :
            // "Извините, мы постараемся работать лучше для Вас !";

            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            // Save customer's reply to Azure Storage Tables
            // ---------------------------------------------------------------
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"]);
            // ("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=tevappstorage;AccountKey=NMr/WodMMGKGijaOBFV4xqVMKL8UlZbUDWB608W5XazIuYX4UMf4FHf3r2rZtNL7PdBEIWmoRsOLt8JiRW9YHw==;");

            CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
            CloudTable       table       = tableClient.GetTableReference("CustomerFeedback");


            CustomerFeedback custFeedback = new CustomerFeedback(activity.ChannelId, activity.Id);

            custFeedback.Locale = activity.Locale;
            custFeedback.Text   = activity.Text;
            custFeedback.Score  = feedbackScore;

            TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(custFeedback);
            await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation);

            await context.PostAsync(clientResponse);

            // context.Wait(MessageReceivedAsync);
Beispiel #23
        private List <Results> CalculateMetrics(string path)
            var         res     = new List <Results>();
            ITextReader reader1 = new TextFileReader(path);

            TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(reader1);

            textAnalyzer.AddMetrics(new MostCommonCharacter());
            textAnalyzer.AddMetrics(new Language());
            textAnalyzer.AddMetrics(new MostCommonWorld());
            textAnalyzer.AddMetrics(new MostCommonNotSimpleWord());
            textAnalyzer.AddMetrics(new CountSentence());

            foreach (MetricsBase metrics in textAnalyzer.Metrics)
                res.Add(new Results {
                    Name = metrics.Result().Keys.FirstOrDefault(), Value = metrics.Result().Values.FirstOrDefault()

Beispiel #24
        protected override void OnCreateDeviceIndependentResources(Direct2DFactory factory)
            _textFormat = DirectWriteFactory.CreateTextFormat("Gabriola", 72);
            _textFormat.TextAlignment      = TextAlignment.Center;
            _textFormat.ParagraphAlignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center;
            float width  = ClientSize.Width / dpiScaleX;
            float height = ClientSize.Height / dpiScaleY;

            _textLayout   = DirectWriteFactory.CreateTextLayout("Click on this text Click on this text", _textFormat, width, height);
            _textAnalyzer = DirectWriteFactory.CreateTextAnalyzer();
            _source       = new MyTextSource("Click on this text Click on this text");
            using (FontCollection coll = _textFormat.FontCollection)
                int count = coll.Count;
                for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index)
                    using (FontFamily ff = coll[index])
                        using (Font font = ff.GetFirstMatchingFont(FontWeight.Normal, FontStretch.Normal, FontStyle.Normal))
                            LocalizedStrings ls   = font.FaceNames;
                            LocalizedStrings desc = font.GetInformationalStrings(InformationalStringId.Designer);

                            int cultureIndex = ls.FindCulture(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                            if (cultureIndex >= 0)
                                string      faceName = ls[cultureIndex];
                                FontMetrics metrics  = font.Metrics;
            _textAnalyzer.AnalyzeLineBreakpoints(_source, 0, (uint)_source.Text.Length);
            _textAnalyzer.AnalyzeScript(_source, 0, (uint)_source.Text.Length);
Beispiel #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CmdExecutor cmdExecutor = new CmdExecutor();

            while (true)
                string filePath = "../../../commands/rebuildplugin.txt";

                TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer();
                var          headers      = textAnalyzer.AnalyzeFile(filePath);

                //var testingInput = headers[0].Content[0];
                var    testingArguments = "";
                string appName          = "cmd.exe";

                foreach (var header in headers)
                    foreach (var line in header.Content)
                        CommandResult commandResult = cmdExecutor.ExecuteCommand(appName, line, testingArguments, 5000);

                //var input = Console.ReadLine();
                //  //string appName = "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe";
                //  //string appName = "C:\\Program Files(x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Professional\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat";
                ////string appName = "cmd.exe";
                //  string appName = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe";
                //  string arguments = "/k \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Enterprise\\Common7\\Tools\\VsDevCmd.bat\"";
                //CommandResult commandResult = cmdExecutor.ExecuteCommand(appName, input, arguments, 5000);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var serpClient = new GoogleSerpClient();
            var serpResult = serpClient.Get("kuchen", 100);

            var websites = new List <HtmlPage>();

            foreach (var link in serpResult.Links)
                var webClient = new AdvancedWebClient();
                var content   = webClient.Get(link.UrlAsString);

                var htmlAnalyzer = new HtmlAnalyzer();
                var website      = htmlAnalyzer.AnalyzeHtmlPage(content.HtmlContent);

            var textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer();

            foreach (var website in websites)
                var words = textAnalyzer.GetWords(website.Paragraphs, true);
 public HomeController(ILogger <HomeController> logger, TextAnalyzer analyzer)
     _logger   = logger;
     _analyzer = analyzer;
Beispiel #28
 private static void TestcaseSplitAndMarge(IEnumerable <DepthText> splittedTexts, string margedText, string nest, string unnest)
     TextAnalyzer.SplitWithDepth(margedText, nest, unnest).IsCollection(splittedTexts);
     splittedTexts.Marge(nest, unnest).Is(margedText);
        public TextParser(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(textAnalyzer != null);

            _textAnalyzer = textAnalyzer;
 public CompositeAnalyzer(TextAnalyzer azure, PyBridge local)
     Azure = azure;
     Local = local;
Beispiel #31
        private static TextAnalyzer CreateTextAnalyzer()
            TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer = new TextAnalyzer(AdapterKind.RussianCp1251Adapter);

                Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Dictionaries", "Russian", ""),
                Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Dictionaries", "Russian", "Paradigms.bin"),
                Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Dictionaries", "Russian", ""));

            return textAnalyzer;
Beispiel #32
        private static void AnalyzeText(TalesNetwork taleNetwork, TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer, string path)
            string text = File.ReadAllText(path);

            //if (foundFunctionNodes.Count != 0)
            //    TaleNode taleNode = foundFunctionNodes.First().Tale;
            //    bool areMembersOfTheSameTale = foundFunctionNodes.All(node => node.Tale == taleNode);

            //    if (areMembersOfTheSameTale)
            //    {
            //        TaleNode baseTale = (TaleNode)taleNode.BaseNode;
            //        var scenario = baseTale.Scenario;
            //        //TODO Сценарий необходимо хранить в сети.
            //        //List<FunctionType> scenario = new List<FunctionType>
            //        //{
            //        //    FunctionType.InitialState,
            //        //    FunctionType.Interdiction,
            //        //    FunctionType.Absentation,
            //        //    FunctionType.ViolationOfInterdiction,
            //        //    FunctionType.Sabotage,
            //        //    FunctionType.WoesPost
            //        //};
            //        Dictionary<FunctionType, FunctionNode> scenarioFunctions = new Dictionary<FunctionType, FunctionNode>();

            //        foreach (FunctionType functionType in scenario)
            //        {
            //            FunctionNode foundNode = foundFunctionNodes.SingleOrDefault(node => node.FunctionType == functionType);

            //            if (foundNode != null)
            //            {
            //                scenarioFunctions[functionType] = foundNode;
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                // TODO Необходимо рассмотреть два случая:
            //                // 1) Вершина не смогла полностью разрезолвиться;
            //                // 2) Вершины нет в сети.
            //                // Хотя, наверное, возможно ограничиться только 2-ым вариантом.

            //                TaleNode baseTaleNode = (TaleNode)taleNode.BaseNode;
            //                FunctionNode baseFunctionNode = baseTaleNode.FunctionNodes.SingleOrDefault(node => node.FunctionType == functionType);

            //                if (baseFunctionNode != null)
            //                {
            //                    // В случае, когда в базовой сказке нашлась функциональная вершина с искомым типом, необходимо сделать следующее:
            //                    // 1) Необходимо определить недостающий контекст, т.е. найти те контекстные вершины (агент, реципиент и т.п.),
            //                    //    которых не хватает для успешной генерации текста.
            //                    // 2) Найти дочерние вершины найденных вершин, относящиеся к текущей сказке.

            //                    TemplateParserResult baseNodeParserResult = resolvedNodes[baseFunctionNode];
            //                    TemplateParserDictionaryContext parserContext = new TemplateParserDictionaryContext();

            //                    if (baseNodeParserResult.UnresolvedContext.Any())
            //                    {
            //                        foreach (NetworkEdgeType unresolvedEdgeType in baseNodeParserResult.UnresolvedContext)
            //                        {
            //                            var baseNodes = baseFunctionNode.OutgoingEdges.GetEdges(unresolvedEdgeType, false).Select(edge => edge.EndNode);

            //                            foreach (NetworkNode baseNode in baseNodes)
            //                            {
            //                                NetworkEdge isAEdge = baseNode.IncomingEdges.GetEdge(NetworkEdgeType.IsA);

            //                                if (isAEdge != null)
            //                                {
            //                                    NetworkNode childNode = isAEdge.StartNode;

            //                                    if (childNode != null)
            //                                    {

            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                    else
            //                    {

            //                        NetworkNode agentNode = baseFunctionNode.Agents.First();
            //                        //bool found = false;

            //                        NetworkEdge isAEdge = agentNode.IncomingEdges.GetEdge(NetworkEdgeType.IsA);
            //                        //NetworkEdge

            //                        if (isAEdge != null)
            //                        {
            //                            NetworkNode childNode = isAEdge.StartNode;

            //                            if (taleAgents.Any(node => node.BaseNode == childNode))
            //                            {
            //                                parserContext.Add(NetworkEdgeType.Agent, childNode);
            //                            }

            //                            //parserContext.Add(NetworkEdgeType.Agent
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    throw new NotImplementedException();
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        throw new NotImplementedException();
            //    }
 public void Initialize()
     _analyzer        = new PrivateKeyAnalyzer();
     _vulnerabilities = new List <Vulnerability>();
     _analyzer.VulnerabilityDiscovered += OnVulnerabilityDiscovered;
        protected void ShapeGlyphRun(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer, int runIndex, ref int glyphStart)
            // Shapes a single run of text into glyphs.
            // Alternately, you could iteratively interleave shaping and line
            // breaking to reduce the number glyphs held onto at once. It's simpler
            // for this demostration to just do shaping and line breaking as two
            // separate processes, but realize that this does have the consequence that
            // certain advanced fonts containing line specific features (like Gabriola)
            // will shape as if the line is not broken.

            Run run              = runs_[runIndex];
            int textStart        = run.textStart;
            int textLength       = run.textLength;
            int maxGlyphCount    = glyphIndices_.Length - glyphStart;
            int actualGlyphCount = 0;

            run.glyphStart = glyphStart;
            run.glyphCount = 0;

            if (textLength == 0)
                return;// Nothing to do..
            // Allocate space for shaping to fill with glyphs and other information,
            // with about as many glyphs as there are text characters. We'll actually
            // need more glyphs than codepoints if they are decomposed into separate
            // glyphs, or fewer glyphs than codepoints if multiple are substituted
            // into a single glyph. In any case, the shaping process will need some
            // room to apply those rules to even make that determintation.

            if (textLength > maxGlyphCount)
                maxGlyphCount = EstimateGlyphCount(textLength);
                int     totalGlyphsArrayCount = glyphStart + maxGlyphCount;
                short[] Resized_glyphIndices_ = new short[totalGlyphsArrayCount];
                glyphIndices_.CopyTo(Resized_glyphIndices_, 0);
                glyphIndices_ = Resized_glyphIndices_;

            ShapingTextProperties[]  textProps  = new ShapingTextProperties[textLength];
            ShapingGlyphProperties[] glyphProps = new ShapingGlyphProperties[maxGlyphCount];

            // Get the glyphs from the text, retrying if needed.
            int tries = 0;

                short[] call_glyphClusters_ = new short[glyphClusters_.Length - textStart];
                short[] call_glyphIndices_  = new short[glyphIndices_.Length - glyphStart];

                var result = textAnalyzer.GetGlyphs(
                    text_.Substring(textStart, textLength),
                    (run.bidiLevel % 2 == 1),
                    run.isNumberSubstituted ? numberSubstitution_ : null,
                    out actualGlyphCount);
                Array.Copy(call_glyphClusters_, 0, glyphClusters_, textStart, call_glyphClusters_.Length);
                Array.Copy(call_glyphIndices_, 0, glyphIndices_, glyphStart, call_glyphIndices_.Length);
                //if (result!=SharpDX.Result.OutOfMemory)
                if (result != SharpDX.Result.Ok)
                    // Try again using a larger buffer.
                    maxGlyphCount = EstimateGlyphCount(maxGlyphCount);
                    int totalGlyphsArrayCount = glyphStart + maxGlyphCount;

                    glyphProps    = new ShapingGlyphProperties[maxGlyphCount];
                    glyphIndices_ = new short[totalGlyphsArrayCount];
            }while (tries < 2);// We'll give it two chances.

            // Get the placement of the all the glyphs.
            if (glyphAdvances_.Length < glyphStart + actualGlyphCount)
                float[] Resized_glyphAdvances_ = new float[glyphStart + actualGlyphCount];
                glyphAdvances_.CopyTo(Resized_glyphAdvances_, 0);
                glyphAdvances_ = Resized_glyphAdvances_;
            if (glyphOffsets_.Length < glyphStart + actualGlyphCount)
                GlyphOffset[] Resized_glyphOffsets_ = new GlyphOffset[glyphStart + actualGlyphCount];
                glyphOffsets_.CopyTo(Resized_glyphOffsets_, 0);
                glyphOffsets_ = Resized_glyphOffsets_;

            short[] call2_glyphClusters_ = new short[glyphClusters_.Length - textStart];
            Array.Copy(glyphClusters_, textStart, call2_glyphClusters_, 0, call2_glyphClusters_.Length);
            short[] call2_glyphIndices_ = new short[glyphIndices_.Length - glyphStart];
            Array.Copy(glyphIndices_, glyphStart, call2_glyphIndices_, 0, call2_glyphIndices_.Length);
            float[] call2_glyphAdvances_ = new float[glyphAdvances_.Length - glyphStart];
            Array.Copy(glyphAdvances_, glyphStart, call2_glyphAdvances_, 0, call2_glyphAdvances_.Length);
            GlyphOffset[] call2_glyphOffsets_ = new GlyphOffset[glyphOffsets_.Length - glyphStart];
            Array.Copy(glyphOffsets_, glyphStart, call2_glyphOffsets_, 0, call2_glyphOffsets_.Length);

            var result2 = textAnalyzer.GetGlyphPlacements(
                text_.Substring(textStart, textLength),
                run.bidiLevel % 2 == 1,

            //call2_glyphClusters_.CopyTo(glyphClusters_, textStart);
            call2_glyphAdvances_.CopyTo(glyphAdvances_, glyphStart);
            call2_glyphOffsets_.CopyTo(glyphOffsets_, glyphStart);

            // Certain fonts, like Batang, contain glyphs for hidden control
            // and formatting characters. So we'll want to explicitly force their
            // advance to zero.
            if (run.script.Shapes == ScriptShapes.NoVisual)
                for (int i = glyphStart; i < glyphStart + actualGlyphCount; i++)
                    glyphAdvances_[i] = 0;

            // Set the final glyph count of this run and advance the starting glyph.
            run.glyphCount  = actualGlyphCount;
            runs_[runIndex] = run;
            glyphStart     += actualGlyphCount;
 public void WhenTextAnalyzerIsRunWithNullSentence()
         var ta = new TextAnalyzer();
         _wordCounts = ta.CountDistinctWords(_sentence);
     catch (Exception e)
         ScenarioContext.Current.Add("Exception_NullSentence", e);
 public void WhenTextAnalyzerIsRun()
     var ta = new TextAnalyzer();
     _wordCounts = ta.CountDistinctWords(_sentence);
        private Grammem FindObjectGrammem(TextAnalyzer textAnalyzer, string predicate)
            Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(textAnalyzer != null);

            Grammem grammem = Grammem.None;
            string[] words = predicate.Split(' ');
            string verb = words.Length > 1 ? words[1] : words[0];
            LemmatizeResult result = textAnalyzer.Lemmatize(verb).FirstOrDefault();

            if (result != null)
                _objectCasesDictionary.TryGetValue(result.GetTextByFormId(0).ToLower(), out grammem);

            return grammem;
Beispiel #38
 public unsafe void Append(TextAnalyzer analyzer, FontFace font, CharBuffer charBuffer, float fontSize, int atlasWidth, RectangleF drawRect)
     Append(analyzer, font, charBuffer, fontSize, atlasWidth, drawRect, RgbaByte.White);