Beispiel #1
        public void ParallelForEachWithWorkflowInvoker()
            TestSequence innerSequence    = new TestSequence("innerSeq");
            DelegateInArgument <string> i = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "i"

            string[] strArray = new string[] { "var1", "var2", "var3" };

            TestParallelForEach <string> foreachAct = new TestParallelForEach <string>("foreach")
                HintValues         = strArray,
                ValuesExpression   = (context => new string[] { "var1", "var2", "var3" }),
                CurrentVariable    = i,
                HintIterationCount = 3

            TestWriteLine writeLine = new TestWriteLine("write hello")
                MessageExpression = ((env) => string.Format("WriteLine Argument: {0}", i.Get(env)))

            for (int counter = strArray.Length - 1; counter > -1; counter--)
                writeLine.HintMessageList.Add("WriteLine Argument: " + strArray[counter]);

            foreachAct.Body = innerSequence;


            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateUsingWorkflowInvoker(foreachAct, null, null, null);
Beispiel #2
        public void CancelParallelForEach()
            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>()
                HintValues = new List <string>()
                    "Hi", "There"
                ValuesExpression = (context => new List <string>()
                    "Hi", "There"
                Body             = new TestBlockingActivityUnique("Blocking activity")
                    ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Canceled

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(parallelForEach))
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForActivityStatusChange("Blocking activity", TestActivityInstanceState.Executing);
Beispiel #3
        public void CheckForDispose()
            //TestCase.Current.Parameters.Add("DisableXamlRoundTrip", "true");
            MyRange range = new MyRange(5);
            DelegateInArgument <int>  x          = new DelegateInArgument <int>("x");
            TestParallelForEach <int> foreachAct = new TestParallelForEach <int>
                CurrentVariable  = x,
                ValuesExpression = context => range,
                HintValues       = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                Body             = new TestWriteLine()
                    MessageExpression = (env) => x.Get(env).ToString(),
                    HintMessageList   = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" }
                HintIterationCount = 5


            // the below code will dispose it
            int c = Enumerable.Count(new MyRange(2));

            if (!range.disposeIsCalled)
                throw new TestCaseException("dispose is not called on Range!");
Beispiel #4
        public void VariableScopingTest()
            DelegateInArgument <string> _currentVariable = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "_currentVariable"

            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("ParallelForEach")
                CurrentVariable  = _currentVariable,
                HintValues       = new string[] { "Hello", "How", "Are", "You" },
                ValuesExpression = (context => new string[] { "Hello", "How", "Are", "You" }),
                Body             = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Inner Parallel For Each")
                    HintValues       = new string[] { "Take" },
                    ValuesExpression = (context => new string[] { "Take" }),
                    Body             = new TestWriteLine("Writeline")
                        MessageExpression = (env) => (string)_currentVariable.Get(env),
                        HintMessageList   = { "You", "Are", "How", "Hello" }

            ExpectedTrace tr = parallelForEach.GetExpectedTrace();

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(parallelForEach, tr);
Beispiel #5
        public void ParallelForEachWithAChildThatThrowsInCancelWhileCompletionConditionIsTrue()
            Variable <bool> cancelIt = new Variable <bool> {
                Name = "cancelIt", Default = false
            DelegateInArgument <bool> arg = new DelegateInArgument <bool>("arg");

            TestParallelForEach <bool> pfeAct = new TestParallelForEach <bool>
                HintIterationCount          = 2,
                HintValues                  = new bool[] { true, false },
                ValuesExpression            = (e => new bool[] { true, false }),
                CurrentVariable             = arg,
                CompletionConditionVariable = cancelIt,
                Body = new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then, HintThenOrElse.Else)
                    ConditionExpression = e => arg.Get(e),
                    ThenActivity        = new TestBlockingActivityWithWriteLineInCancel("writeLineInCancel", OutcomeState.Faulted)
                        ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.UncaughtException(typeof(TestCaseException)),
                    ElseActivity = new TestSequence
                        Activities =
                            new TestDelay("d1", new TimeSpan(1)),
                            new TestAssign <bool> {
                                Value = true,   ToVariable = cancelIt

            TestSequence root = new TestSequence
                Activities = { pfeAct },
                Variables  = { cancelIt },

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(root))
                Exception outException = null;
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForAborted(out outException, false);
                if (outException == null || outException.InnerException == null || !outException.InnerException.GetType().Equals(typeof(TestCaseException)))
                    throw new TestCaseException(String.Format("Workflow was suuposed to Abort with a TestCaseException, but this is the exception: {0}", outException.ToString()));
                    //Log.Info("Workflow aborted as excpected");
Beispiel #6
        public void ExecuteParallel()
            TestPick pick = new TestPick()
                DisplayName = "PickActivity",
                Branches    =
                    new TestPickBranch()
                        DisplayName = "TriggeredBranch1",
                        Trigger     = new TestDelay()
                            Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)
                        Action = new TestWriteLine("Action1")
                            Message = "Action1",
                    new TestPickBranch()
                        DisplayName = "NoTriggeredBranch2",
                        Trigger     = new TestDelay()
                            ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Canceled,
                            Duration        = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2)
                        Action = new TestWriteLine("Action2")
                            Message = "Action2",

            List <string> values = new List <string> {
                "a", "b"
            TestParallelForEach <string> testPFE = new TestParallelForEach <string>()
                Body                = pick,
                HintValues          = values,
                ValuesExpression    = (context => new List <string> {
                    "a", "b"
                CompletionCondition = false,

            ExpectedTrace expected = testPFE.GetExpectedTrace();


            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(testPFE, expected);
Beispiel #7
        public void BodyHandlerIsNull()
            TestParallelForEach <int> foreachAct = new TestParallelForEach <int>("foreach")
                ValuesExpression   = context => new int[] { 1, 2, 3 },
                HintIterationCount = 3

            foreachAct.ProductParallelForEach.Body = new ActivityAction <int>();
Beispiel #8
        public void DelayDoesNotBlockOtherExecution()
            // In this scenario, I use "delayed" variable to make sure the Delay activity was not a blocking one
            // This is verified, by setting the "delayed" variable after Delay activity is done.

            DelegateInArgument <string> currentVariable = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "currentVariable"
            Variable <bool> delayed = VariableHelper.CreateInitialized <bool>("delayed", false);
            TimeSpan        sec     = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);

            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("PFE")
                CurrentVariable = currentVariable,
                Body            = new TestSequence("BodyOfParallel")
                    Variables  = { delayed },
                    Activities =
                        new TestIf("If condition", HintThenOrElse.Then, HintThenOrElse.Then)
                            ConditionExpression = ((env) => !delayed.Get(env)),
                            ThenActivity        = new TestSequence("Body of If")
                                Activities =
                                    new TestDelay()
                                        Duration = sec
                                    new TestAssign <bool>
                                        Value      = true,
                                        ToVariable = delayed

                HintValues         = new string[] { "a", "b" },
                ValuesExpression   = (context => new string[] { "a", "b" }),
                HintIterationCount = 2

            ExpectedTrace trace = parallelForEach.GetExpectedTrace();

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(parallelForEach, trace);
Beispiel #9
        public void ThrowExceptionInValues()
            UnorderedTraces ordered = new UnorderedTraces()
                Steps =
                    new OrderedTraces()
                        Steps =
                            new ActivityTrace("w1", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                            new ActivityTrace("w1", ActivityInstanceState.Faulted),
                    new OrderedTraces()
                        Steps =
                            new ActivityTrace("w1", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                            new ActivityTrace("w1", ActivityInstanceState.Faulted),
                    new OrderedTraces()
                        Steps =
                            new ActivityTrace("w1", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                            new ActivityTrace("w1", ActivityInstanceState.Faulted),

            TestParallelForEach <int> foreachAct = new TestParallelForEach <int>("foreach")
                ValuesExpression = context => new IEnumerableWithException {
                    NumberOfIterations = 3
                Body = new TestWriteLine("w1")
                    Message = "w1"
                ExpectedOutcome        = Outcome.Faulted,
                ActivitySpecificTraces =

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateAbortedException(foreachAct, typeof(TestCaseException), new Dictionary <string, string>());
Beispiel #10
        public void CompletionConditionCancelsRestOfBranches()
            Variable <bool> cancelIt = new Variable <bool> {
                Name = "cancelIt", Default = false
            DelegateInArgument <int> i = new DelegateInArgument <int>()
                Name = "i"

            TestWriteLine w1 = new TestWriteLine("w1", "write1")
                HintMessageList = { "write1", "write1", "write1" }
            TestAssign <bool> a1 = new TestAssign <bool>
                Value      = true,
                ToVariable = cancelIt,

            TestIf decide = new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Else, HintThenOrElse.Else, HintThenOrElse.Then)
                ConditionExpression = ((ctx) => i.Get(ctx) < 5),
                ThenActivity        = a1,
                ElseActivity        = w1,

            TestParallelForEach <int> foreachAct = new TestParallelForEach <int>("foreach")
                HintValues         = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
                ValuesExpression   = (context => new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }),
                CurrentVariable    = i,
                HintIterationCount = 3,
                Body = decide,
                CompletionConditionVariable = cancelIt,

            TestSequence sequence = new TestSequence
                Activities = { foreachAct },
                Variables  = { cancelIt },

Beispiel #11
        public void BodyNullAndCompletionConditionNotNull()
            Variable <bool>   temp   = new Variable <bool>("temp");
            Variable <string> strVar = new Variable <string>("strVar", "HI");

            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Parallel For Each")
                HintIterationCount     = 3,
                ProductParallelForEach =
                    Body                = null,
                    CompletionCondition = true,
                    Values              = new InArgument <IEnumerable <string> >(context => new string[] { "Hi","There",                                                      "Why" }),

Beispiel #12
        public void ChangeElementValueInBody()
            DelegateInArgument <string> _currentVariable = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "_currentVariable"

            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Parallel for each")
                Body = new TestSequence()
                    Activities =
                        new TestAssign <string>("Assign activity")
                            ToExpression = context => _currentVariable.Get(context),
                            Value        = "New changed variable"

                        new TestWriteLine("Writeline")
                            MessageExpression = context => _currentVariable.Get(context),
                            HintMessage       = "New changed variable"

                HintValues = new List <string>()
                    "str1", "str2", "str3"
                ValuesExpression   = (context => new List <string>()
                    "str1", "str2", "str3"
                HintIterationCount = 3,
                CurrentVariable    = _currentVariable

            ExpectedTrace tr = parallelForEach.GetExpectedTrace();

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(parallelForEach, tr);
Beispiel #13
        public void CompletionConditionTrue()
            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Parallel For Each")
                HintValues       = new string[] { "Hi", "There", "Why" },
                ValuesExpression = (context => new string[] { "Hi", "There", "Why" }),
                Body             = new TestSequence("Sequence")
                    Activities =
                        new TestWriteLine("Writeline", "Hello")

                CompletionCondition = true,
                HintIterationCount  = 1

            ExpectedTrace tr = parallelForEach.GetExpectedTrace();

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(parallelForEach, tr);
Beispiel #14
        public void NullAsValueOfElements()
            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Parallel For Each")
                Body = new TestWriteLine("Writeline")
                    Message = "I will  be displayed"
                HintValues = new List <string>()
                ValuesExpression   = (context => new List <string>()
                HintIterationCount = 1,

            ExpectedTrace tr = parallelForEach.GetExpectedTrace();

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(parallelForEach, tr);
Beispiel #15
        public void BasicParallelForEachTest()
            TestSequence outerSequence    = new TestSequence("sequence1");
            TestSequence innerSequence    = new TestSequence("innerSeq");
            DelegateInArgument <string> i = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "i"

            string[] strArray = new string[] { "var1", "var2", "var3" };

            TestParallelForEach <string> foreachAct = new TestParallelForEach <string>("foreach");

            foreachAct.HintValues         = new string[] { "var1", "var2", "var3" };
            foreachAct.ValuesExpression   = (context => new string[] { "var1", "var2", "var3" });
            foreachAct.CurrentVariable    = i;
            foreachAct.HintIterationCount = 3;

            TestWriteLine writeLine = new TestWriteLine("write hello");

            writeLine.MessageExpression = ((env) => string.Format("WriteLine Argument: {0}", i.Get(env)));

            for (int counter = strArray.Length - 1; counter > -1; counter--)
                writeLine.HintMessageList.Add("WriteLine Argument: " + strArray[counter]);

            foreachAct.Body = innerSequence;


            ExpectedTrace tr = outerSequence.GetExpectedTrace();

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(outerSequence, tr);
Beispiel #16
        public void ParallelForEachWithAChildThatOverridesCancelAndCompletionConditionIsTrue()
            Variable <bool> cancelIt = new Variable <bool> {
                Name = "cancelIt", Default = false
            DelegateInArgument <bool> arg = new DelegateInArgument <bool>("arg");

            TestParallelForEach <bool> pfeAct = new TestParallelForEach <bool>
                DisplayName                 = "ParallelForEach1",
                HintIterationCount          = 2,
                HintValues                  = new bool[] { true, false },
                ValuesExpression            = (e => new bool[] { true, false }),
                CurrentVariable             = arg,
                CompletionConditionVariable = cancelIt,
                Body = new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then, HintThenOrElse.Else)
                    DisplayName         = "If1",
                    ConditionExpression = e => arg.Get(e),
                    ThenActivity        = new TestBlockingActivityWithWriteLineInCancel("writeLineInCancel", OutcomeState.Completed)
                        ExpectedOutcome = new Outcome(OutcomeState.Completed, OutcomeState.Canceled),
                    ElseActivity = new TestSequence
                        DisplayName = "Sequence2",
                        Activities  =
                            new TestDelay("d1", new TimeSpan(1)),
                            new TestAssign <bool> {
                                DisplayName = "Assign1",Value = true,    ToVariable       = cancelIt

            TestSequence root = new TestSequence
                DisplayName = "Sequence1",
                Activities  = { pfeAct },
                Variables   = { cancelIt },

            OrderedTraces ordered = new OrderedTraces()
                Steps =
                    new ActivityTrace("Sequence1",                              ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                    new ActivityTrace("ParallelForEach1",                       ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                    new UnorderedTraces
                        Steps =
                            new OrderedTraces()
                                Steps =
                                    new ActivityTrace("If1",               ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("writeLineInCancel", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("w1",                ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("w1",                ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("writeLineInCancel", ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("If1",               ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                            new OrderedTraces()
                                Steps =
                                    new ActivityTrace("If1",                    ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Sequence2",              ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("d1",                     ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("d1",                     ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Assign1",                ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Assign1",                ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Sequence2",              ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("If1",                    ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("VariableValue<Boolean>", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("VariableValue<Boolean>", ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                    new ActivityTrace("ParallelForEach1",                       ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                    new ActivityTrace("Sequence1",                              ActivityInstanceState.Closed),

            ExpectedTrace trace = new ExpectedTrace(ordered);

            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(root, trace);
Beispiel #17
        public void CancelChildOfParallelForEach()
            DelegateInArgument <string> _currentVariable = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "_currentVariable"

            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Parallel For Each Activity")
                HintValues = new List <string>()
                    "Hi", "There"
                ValuesExpression = (context => new List <string>()
                    "Hi", "There"
                CurrentVariable  = _currentVariable,
                Body             = new TestSequence("Body of parallel for each")
                    Activities =
                        new TestWriteLine("Writeline in parallel for each")
                            MessageExpression = (env) => (string)_currentVariable.Get(env),
                            HintMessageList   = { "There",     "Hi" }

                        new TestIf("Test If", HintThenOrElse.Else, HintThenOrElse.Then)
                            ConditionExpression = (env) => (bool)(_currentVariable.Get(env).Equals("Hi")),

                            ThenActivity = new TestBlockingActivityUnique("BlockingActivity", "Bookmark")
                                ExpectedOutcome = Outcome.Canceled

                            ElseActivity = new TestWriteLine("Writeline in Else")
                                MessageExpression = (env) => (string)_currentVariable.Get(env),
                                HintMessage       = "There"

                        new TestWriteLine()
                            Message = "Hello"

                HintIterationCount = 2

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(parallelForEach))
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForActivityStatusChange("BlockingActivity", TestActivityInstanceState.Executing);
Beispiel #18
        public void PersistParallelForEach()
            DelegateInArgument <string> _currentVariable = new DelegateInArgument <string>()
                Name = "_currentVariable"

            TestParallelForEach <string> parallelForEach = new TestParallelForEach <string>("Parallel for each")
                HintValues       = new string[] { "Hi", "There" },
                ValuesExpression = (context => new string[] { "Hi", "There" }),
                CurrentVariable  = _currentVariable,
                Body             = new TestSequence("Sequence")
                    Activities =
                        new TestWriteLine("Writeline")
                            Message = "Hi"

                        new TestSequence("inner seq")
                            Activities =
                                new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Else, HintThenOrElse.Then)
                                    DisplayName         = "Test if",
                                    ConditionExpression = (env) => (bool)(_currentVariable.Get(env).Equals("Hi")),
                                    ThenActivity        = new TestBlockingActivity("Block Hi"),
                                    ElseActivity        = new TestBlockingActivity("Block There")

                        new TestWriteLine("Writeline act")
                            Message = "After blocking activty"

            JsonFileInstanceStore.FileInstanceStore jsonStore = new JsonFileInstanceStore.FileInstanceStore(".\\~");

            using (TestWorkflowRuntime testWorkflowRuntime = TestRuntime.CreateTestWorkflowRuntime(parallelForEach, null, jsonStore, PersistableIdleAction.None))
                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForActivityStatusChange("Block Hi", TestActivityInstanceState.Executing);
                testWorkflowRuntime.ResumeBookMark("Block Hi", null);

                testWorkflowRuntime.WaitForActivityStatusChange("Block There", TestActivityInstanceState.Executing);
                testWorkflowRuntime.ResumeBookMark("Block There", null);
