[WorkItem(126)] // Exclude secrets from log data: http://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-126
        public void ProcRunner_DoNotLogSensitiveData()
            var testDir = TestUtils.CreateTestSpecificFolderWithSubPaths(TestContext);
            var logger  = new TestLogger();
            var runner  = new ProcessRunner(logger);
            // Public args - should appear in the log
            var publicArgs = new string[]
            var sensitiveArgs = new string[] {
                // Public args - should appear in the log
                "public1", "public2", "/dmy.key=value",

                // Sensitive args - should not appear in the log
                "/d:sonar.password=secret data password",
                "/d:sonar.login=secret data login",
                "/d:sonar.jdbc.password=secret data db password",
                "/d:sonar.jdbc.username=secret data db user name",

                // Sensitive args - different cases -> exclude to be on the safe side
                "/d:SONAR.jdbc.password=secret data db password upper",
                "/d:sonar.PASSWORD=secret data password upper",

                // Sensitive args - parameter format is slightly incorrect -> exclude to be on the safe side
                "/dsonar.login =secret data key typo",
                "sonar.password=secret data password typo"
            var allArgs    = sensitiveArgs.Union(publicArgs).ToArray();
            var runnerArgs = new ProcessRunnerArguments(LogArgsPath(), false)
                CmdLineArgs = allArgs, WorkingDirectory = testDir
            var success = runner.Execute(runnerArgs);

            success.Should().BeTrue("Expecting the process to have succeeded");
            runner.ExitCode.Should().Be(0, "Unexpected exit code");
            // Check public arguments are logged but private ones are not
            foreach (var arg in publicArgs)
            logger.AssertSingleDebugMessageExists("<sensitive data removed>");
            AssertTextDoesNotAppearInLog("secret", logger);
            // Check that the public and private arguments are passed to the child process
            AssertExpectedLogContents(testDir, allArgs);
        public void ProcRunner_PassesEnvVariables_OverrideExisting()
            // Tests that existing environment variables will be overwritten successfully

            // Arrange
            var logger = new TestLogger();
            var runner = new ProcessRunner(logger);

                // It's possible the user won't be have permissions to set machine level variables
                // (e.g. when running on a build agent). Carry on with testing the other variables.
                SafeSetEnvironmentVariable("proc.runner.test.machine", "existing machine value", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine, logger);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("proc.runner.test.process", "existing process value", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("proc.runner.test.user", "existing user value", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);

                var exeName = TestUtils.WriteBatchFileForTest(TestContext,
                                                              @"@echo file: %proc.runner.test.machine%
@echo file: %proc.runner.test.process%
@echo file: %proc.runner.test.user%

                var envVariables = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "proc.runner.test.machine", "machine override" },
                    { "proc.runner.test.process", "process override" },
                    { "proc.runner.test.user", "user override" }

                var args = new ProcessRunnerArguments(exeName, true)
                    EnvironmentVariables = envVariables

                // Act
                var success = runner.Execute(args);

                // Assert
                Assert.IsTrue(success, "Expecting the process to have succeeded");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, runner.ExitCode, "Unexpected exit code");
                SafeSetEnvironmentVariable("proc.runner.test.machine", null, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine, logger);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("proc.runner.test.process", null, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("proc.runner.test.user", null, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User);

            // Check the child process used expected values
            logger.AssertMessageLogged("file: machine override");
            logger.AssertMessageLogged("file: process override");
            logger.AssertMessageLogged("file: user override");

            // Check the runner reported it was overwriting existing variables
            // Note: the existing non-process values won't be visible to the child process
            // unless they were set *before* the test host launched, which won't be the case.
            logger.AssertSingleDebugMessageExists("proc.runner.test.process", "existing process value", "process override");
Beispiel #3
        public void FileGen_VSBootstrapperIsDisabled_OverrideUserSettings_SameValue()
            // Arrange
            TestLogger logger = new TestLogger();
            Property   bootstrapperProperty = new Property()
                Id = PropertiesFileGenerator.VSBootstrapperPropertyKey, Value = "false"

            // Act
            ProjectInfoAnalysisResult result = ExecuteAndCheckSucceeds("disableBootstrapperSame", logger, bootstrapperProperty);

            // Assert
            SQPropertiesFileReader provider = new SQPropertiesFileReader(result.FullPropertiesFilePath);

            provider.AssertSettingExists(PropertiesFileGenerator.VSBootstrapperPropertyKey, "false");
            logger.AssertWarningsLogged(0); // not expecting a warning if the user has supplied the value we want
Beispiel #4
        private void CheckInvalidUrlFails(string url)
            // Arrange
            TestLogger        logger  = new TestLogger();
            BuildAgentUpdater updater = new BuildAgentUpdater();

            string downloadDir    = this.TestContext.DeploymentDirectory;
            string nonExistentUrl = url;

            string expectedUrl          = nonExistentUrl + BootstrapperSettings.IntegrationUrlSuffix;
            string expectedDownloadPath = Path.Combine(downloadDir, BootstrapperSettings.SonarQubeIntegrationFilename);

            // Act
            bool success = updater.TryUpdate(nonExistentUrl, downloadDir, logger);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(success, "Not expecting the update to succeed");
            logger.AssertSingleDebugMessageExists(expectedUrl, expectedDownloadPath);
        [WorkItem(126)] // Exclude secrets from log data: http://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-126
        public void ProcRunner_DoNotLogSensitiveData()
            // Arrange
            var testDir = TestUtils.CreateTestSpecificFolder(TestContext);
            // Create a dummy exe that will produce a log file showing any input args
            var exeName = DummyExeHelper.CreateDummyPostProcessor(testDir, 0);

            var logger = new TestLogger();

            // Public args - should appear in the log
            var publicArgs = new string[]

            var sensitiveArgs = new string[] {
                // Public args - should appear in the log
                "public1", "public2", "/dmy.key=value",

                // Sensitive args - should not appear in the log
                "/d:sonar.password=secret data password",
                "/d:sonar.login=secret data login",
                "/d:sonar.jdbc.password=secret data db password",
                "/d:sonar.jdbc.username=secret data db user name",

                // Sensitive args - different cases -> exclude to be on the safe side
                "/d:SONAR.jdbc.password=secret data db password upper",
                "/d:sonar.PASSWORD=secret data password upper",

                // Sensitive args - parameter format is slightly incorrect -> exclude to be on the safe side
                "/dsonar.login =secret data key typo",
                "sonar.password=secret data password typo"

            var allArgs = sensitiveArgs.Union(publicArgs).ToArray();

            var runnerArgs = new ProcessRunnerArguments(exeName, false)
                CmdLineArgs = allArgs
            var runner = new ProcessRunner(logger);

            // Act
            var success = runner.Execute(runnerArgs);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(success, "Expecting the process to have succeeded");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, runner.ExitCode, "Unexpected exit code");

            // Check public arguments are logged but private ones are not
            foreach (var arg in publicArgs)

            logger.AssertSingleDebugMessageExists("<sensitive data removed>");
            AssertTextDoesNotAppearInLog("secret", logger);

            // Check that the public and private arguments are passed to the child process
            var exeLogFile = DummyExeHelper.AssertDummyPostProcLogExists(testDir, TestContext);

            DummyExeHelper.AssertExpectedLogContents(exeLogFile, allArgs);
Beispiel #6
 private static void AssertRetryAttempted(TestLogger logger)
     // We'll assume retry has been attempted if there is a message containing
     // both of the timeout values
     logger.AssertSingleDebugMessageExists(TaskUtilities.MaxConfigRetryPeriodInMilliseconds.ToString(), TaskUtilities.DelayBetweenRetriesInMilliseconds.ToString());
        [WorkItem(126)] // Exclude secrets from log data: http://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-126
        public void ProcRunner_DoNotLogSensitiveData()
            // Arrange
            var testDir = CreateTestSpecificFolder(TestContext);
            // Create a dummy exe that will produce a log file showing any input args
            var exeName = DummyExeHelper.CreateDummyExe(testDir, 0);

            var logger = new TestLogger();

            // Public args - should appear in the log
            var publicArgs = new string[]

            var sensitiveArgs = new string[] {
                // Public args - should appear in the log
                "public1", "public2", "/dmy.key=value",

                // Sensitive args - should not appear in the log
                "/d:sonar.password=secret data password",
                "/d:sonar.login=secret data login",
                "/d:sonar.jdbc.password=secret data db password",
                "/d:sonar.jdbc.username=secret data db user name",

                // Sensitive args - different cases -> exclude to be on the safe side
                "/d:SONAR.jdbc.password=secret data db password upper",
                "/d:sonar.PASSWORD=secret data password upper",

                // Sensitive args - parameter format is slightly incorrect -> exclude to be on the safe side
                "/dsonar.login =secret data key typo",
                "sonar.password=secret data password typo"

            var allArgs = sensitiveArgs.Union(publicArgs).ToArray();

            var runnerArgs = new ProcessRunnerArguments(exeName, false)
                CmdLineArgs = allArgs,

                // Specify the arguments we consider to be sensitive.
                // Note: this is a change from the S4MSB which has a hard-coded set of sensitive keys.
                SensitivePropertyKeys = new string[]
                    "sonar.password", "sonar.login", "sonar.jdbc.password", "sonar.jdbc.username"

            var runner = CreateProcessRunner(logger);

            // Act

            // Assert
            runner.ExitCode.Should().Be(0, "Unexpected exit code");

            // Check public arguments are logged but private ones are not
            foreach (var arg in publicArgs)

            logger.AssertSingleDebugMessageExists("<sensitive data removed>");
            AssertTextDoesNotAppearInLog("secret", logger);

            // Check that the public and private arguments are passed to the child process
            var exeLogFile = DummyExeHelper.AssertDummyExeLogExists(testDir, TestContext);

            DummyExeHelper.AssertExpectedLogContents(exeLogFile, allArgs);