public void Generate100KLocations()
            var tp = _testkit.CreateTestProbe("genTest");

            _locationGenerator.Tell(new Observe(), tp);
            _locationGenerator.Tell(new LocationNameGeneratorActor.GenerateLocationNames(10000), tp);

            var msg = tp.ExpectMsg <LocationNameGeneratorActor.LocationNamesAdded>(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10));

            Assert.That(msg.AddedLocations.Length == 10000);

            var rnd = _testkit.CreateTestProbe("rnd");
            var lg  = _testkit.CreateTestProbe("lg");



            rnd.ExpectMsg <Terminated>();
            lg.ExpectMsg <Terminated>();

            _testkit.Shutdown(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), true);
        public static ActorPaths CreateActorPaths(TestKit testKit, IActorRef simContext)
            var simSystem  = testKit.CreateTestProbe();
            var inbox      = Inbox.Create(system: testKit.Sys);
            var agentPaths = new ActorPaths(simulationContext: simContext, systemMailBox: inbox.Receiver);

            agentPaths.SetSupervisorAgent(systemAgent: simSystem);
            agentPaths.Guardians.Add(GuardianType.Contract, testKit.CreateTestProbe());
            agentPaths.Guardians.Add(GuardianType.Dispo, testKit.CreateTestProbe());
            agentPaths.Guardians.Add(GuardianType.Production, testKit.CreateTestProbe());
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestKit     testKit     = new TestKit();
            ActorSystem actorSystem = testKit.Sys;

            using (actorSystem)
                TestProbe probe = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");
                Action    test1 = new Action(() =>
                    // TestKit-based probe which allows sending, reception and reply.
                    IActorRef deviceActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(Device.Props("group", "device"));
                    IActorRef probeRef    = probe.Ref;
                    deviceActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device"), probeRef);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 1 passed.");
                Action test2 = new Action(() =>
                    // TestKit-based probe which allows sending, reception and reply.
                    var deviceActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(Device.Props("group", "device"));
                    deviceActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("wrongGroup", "device"), probe.Ref);
                    deviceActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "Wrongdevice"), probe.Ref);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 2 passed.");
                Console.WriteLine("UserMessage: App is finished.");
                // Exit the system after ENTER is pressed
Beispiel #4
        public void FixtureArrangerWithSnapshot_CanBeLoaded()
            using (var testKit = new TestKit(_config, "fixture-tests-4"))
                var fixture           = new AggregateFixture <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId>(testKit);
                var aggregateIdentity = TestAggregateId.New;
                var snapshot          = new TestAggregateSnapshot(Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                                                                  .Select(x => new TestAggregateSnapshot.TestModel(Guid.NewGuid())).ToList());
                var snapshotStore          = Persistence.Instance.Apply(testKit.Sys).SnapshotStoreFor(null);
                var receiverProbe          = testKit.CreateTestProbe("snapshot-probe");
                var snapshotSequenceNumber = 1L;
                .Given(snapshot, snapshotSequenceNumber);

                snapshotStore.Tell(new LoadSnapshot(aggregateIdentity.Value, new SnapshotSelectionCriteria(long.MaxValue, DateTime.MaxValue), long.MaxValue), receiverProbe.Ref);

                receiverProbe.ExpectMsg <LoadSnapshotResult>(x =>
                                                             x.Snapshot.Snapshot is ComittedSnapshot <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId, IAggregateSnapshot <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId> > &&
                                                             x.Snapshot.Metadata.SequenceNr == snapshotSequenceNumber &&
                                                             x.Snapshot.Metadata.PersistenceId == aggregateIdentity.Value &&
                                                             .As <ComittedSnapshot <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId, IAggregateSnapshot <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId> > >().AggregateSnapshot
                                                             .As <TestAggregateSnapshot>().Tests.Count == snapshot.Tests.Count &&
                                                             x.ToSequenceNr == long.MaxValue);
Beispiel #5
        public void FixtureArrangerWithEvents_CanBeReplayed()
            using (var testKit = new TestKit(_config, "fixture-tests-3"))
                var fixture           = new AggregateFixture <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId>(testKit);
                var aggregateIdentity = TestAggregateId.New;
                var events            = new List <IAggregateEvent <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId> >();
                events.Add(new TestCreatedEvent(aggregateIdentity));
                events.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => new TestAddedEvent(new Test(TestId.New))));
                var journal       = Persistence.Instance.Apply(testKit.Sys).JournalFor(null);
                var receiverProbe = testKit.CreateTestProbe("journal-probe");

                journal.Tell(new ReplayMessages(1, long.MaxValue, long.MaxValue, aggregateIdentity.ToString(), receiverProbe.Ref));

                var from = 1;
                foreach (var _ in events)
                    var index = from;
                    receiverProbe.ExpectMsg <ReplayedMessage>(x =>
                                                              x.Persistent.SequenceNr == index &&
                                                              x.Persistent.Payload is ICommittedEvent <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId, IAggregateEvent <TestAggregate, TestAggregateId> >);


                receiverProbe.ExpectMsg <RecoverySuccess>();
Beispiel #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestKit     testKit     = new TestKit();
            ActorSystem actorSystem = testKit.Sys;

            using (actorSystem)
                // TestKit-based probe which allows sending, reception and reply.
                TestProbe probe       = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");
                IActorRef deviceActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(Device.Props("group", "device"));

                deviceActor.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 1, value: 24.0), probe.Ref);
                probe.ExpectMsg <TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 1);

                deviceActor.Tell(new ReadTemperature(requestId: 2), probe.Ref);
                RespondTemperature response1 = probe.ExpectMsg <RespondTemperature>();

                deviceActor.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 3, value: 55.0), probe.Ref);
                probe.ExpectMsg <TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 3);

                deviceActor.Tell(new ReadTemperature(requestId: 4), probe.Ref);
                RespondTemperature response2 = probe.ExpectMsg <RespondTemperature>();
                Console.WriteLine("UserMessage: App is finished.");
                // Exit the system after ENTER is pressed
Beispiel #7
 public static void Init(TestKit testKit)
     _testProbe       = testKit.CreateTestProbe("event-probe");
     _serviceProvider = testKit.Sys.GetExtension <ServiceProviderHolder>().ServiceProvider;
     _commandBus      = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ICommandBus>();
     _eventStream     = testKit.Sys.EventStream;
Beispiel #8
        private static TestProbe CreateTestProbe()
            TestKit   testKit = new TestKit();
            TestProbe probe   = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");

Beispiel #9
        public void TearDown()
            var tp = _testkit.CreateTestProbe("tp");

            tp.ExpectMsg <Terminated>();
Beispiel #10
        public void SqlEventSnapShotJournal()
            var testSystem = new TestKit(Config, "sql");

            var persistor =
                testSystem.ActorOfAsTestActorRef <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor>(Props.Create(() => new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor("SomeTest")));
            var probe = testSystem.CreateTestProbe("testies");

            persistor.Tell(new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.Incrementor(10), probe);
            persistor.Tell(new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.RequestCurrentValue(), probe);

            var result = probe.ExpectMsg <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.IncrementorResult>();

            Assert.AreEqual(10, result.Value);

            testSystem.Shutdown(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), true);

            testSystem = new TestKit(Config, "sql");
            persistor  = testSystem.ActorOfAsTestActorRef <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor>(Props.Create(() => new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor("SomeTest")));
            probe      = testSystem.CreateTestProbe("testies2");
            persistor.Tell(new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.RequestCurrentValue(), probe);

            result = probe.ExpectMsg <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.IncrementorResult>();
            Assert.AreEqual(10, result.Value);

            persistor.Tell("snap", probe);
            persistor.Tell(new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.Incrementor(10), probe);
            persistor.Tell(new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.RequestCurrentValue(), probe);

            result = probe.ExpectMsg <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.IncrementorResult>();
            Assert.AreEqual(20, result.Value);
            testSystem.Shutdown(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), true);

            testSystem = new TestKit(Config, "sql");
            persistor  = testSystem.ActorOfAsTestActorRef <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor>(Props.Create(() => new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor("SomeTest")));
            probe      = testSystem.CreateTestProbe("testies3");
            persistor.Tell(new SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.RequestCurrentValue(), probe);

            result = probe.ExpectMsg <SqlPersistenceTests.SqlTestActor.IncrementorResult>();
            Assert.AreEqual(20, result.Value);
Beispiel #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestKit     testKit     = new TestKit();
            ActorSystem actorSystem = testKit.Sys;

            using (actorSystem)
                // TestKit-based probe which allows sending, reception and reply.
                TestProbe probe       = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");
                IActorRef deviceActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(Device.Props("group", "device"));
                IActorRef probeRef    = probe.Ref;
                deviceActor.Tell(new MainDevice.ReadTemperature(requestId: 42), probeRef);
                RespondTemperature response = probe.ExpectMsg <RespondTemperature>();
                Console.WriteLine("UserMessage: App is finished.");
                // Exit the system after ENTER is pressed
        public static IEnumerable <object[]> GetProposalTestData()
            var testKit           = new TestKit();
            var operatorTestProbe = testKit.CreateTestProbe();
            var machineTestProbe  = testKit.CreateTestProbe();
            var workerTestProbe   = testKit.CreateTestProbe();
            var machine2TestProbe = testKit.CreateTestProbe();

            OperatorResource = new M_Resource {
                Name = "Operator", IResourceRef = operatorTestProbe.Ref
            MachineResource = new M_Resource {
                Name = "Machine", IResourceRef = machineTestProbe.Ref
            WorkerResource = new M_Resource {
                Name = "Worker", IResourceRef = workerTestProbe.Ref
            MachineResource2 = new M_Resource {
                Name = "Machine2", IResourceRef = machine2TestProbe.Ref

            _proposalForCapabilityProvider = new ProposalForCapabilityProvider(
                new M_ResourceCapabilityProvider
                Name           = "TestCapability",
                ResourceSetups = new List <M_ResourceSetup>
                    new M_ResourceSetup {
                        Name = "Operator", UsedInSetup = true, UsedInProcess = false, Resource = OperatorResource, SetupTime = 2
                    new M_ResourceSetup {
                        Name = "Machine", UsedInSetup = true, UsedInProcess = true, Resource = MachineResource
                    new M_ResourceSetup {
                        Name = "Worker", UsedInSetup = false, UsedInProcess = true, Resource = WorkerResource
                    new M_ResourceSetup {
                        Name = "Machine2", UsedInSetup = true, UsedInProcess = true, Resource = MachineResource2

            yield return(new object[] { // Test One with Setup
                new List <FProposal>()
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // operator
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(2, 6)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(9, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , OperatorResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef
                                  , jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // machine
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(3, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef
                                  , jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // worker
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(1, 1)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(4, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , WorkerResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // machine2
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(4, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource2.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                }, /* OperatorResource Start = */ 4L, /* MachineResource = */ 4L, /* Worker Start = */ 6L, "#1 Fit with setup"

            yield return(new object[] { // Test Two without setup
                new List <FProposal>()
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // operator
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(4, 6)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , OperatorResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // machine
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(4, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // worker
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(1, 1)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(4, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , WorkerResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey)
                }, /* Operator Start = */ 0L, /* Machine Start = */ 4L, /* Worker Start = */ 4, "#2 fit without setup"

            yield return(new object[] { // Test Three NoFit
                new List <FProposal>()
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // operator
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(5, 7)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , OperatorResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef
                                  , jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // machine
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(3, 6)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> {    // worker
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(1, 1)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(4, 6)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , WorkerResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey)
                }, /* Operator Start = */ 10L, /* Machine Start = */ 10L, /* Worker Start = */ 12, "#3 No fit"

            yield return(new object[] { // Fits with Setup but setup pushes scope
                new List <FProposal>()
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // operator
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(4, 7)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , OperatorResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // machine
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(3, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(11, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // worker
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(2, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(11, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , WorkerResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey)
                }, /* Operator Start = */ 4L, /* Machine Start = */ 4L, /* Worker Start = */ 6, "#4 Fit with Setup but setup pushes scope"

            yield return(new object[] { // Exact Fit
                new List <FProposal>()
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // operator
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(3, 5)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(9, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , OperatorResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // machine
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(3, 7)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // worker
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(5, 7)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , WorkerResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey)
                }, /* Operator Start = */ 3L, /* Machine Start = */ 3L, /* Worker Start = */ 5L, "#5 Exact Fit"

            yield return(new object[] { // Detached Setup
                new List <FProposal>()
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // operator
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(2, 3)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , OperatorResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // machine
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(3, 8)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, true, new FScope(11, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , MachineResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey),
                    new FProposal(new List <FQueueingScope> { // worker
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(5, 7)),
                        new FQueueingScope(true, false, new FScope(10, long.MaxValue))
                                  , new FPostponeds.FPostponed(0)
                                  , _proposalForCapabilityProvider.ProviderId
                                  , WorkerResource.IResourceRef as IActorRef, jobKey)
                }, /* Operator Start = */ 11L, /* Machine Start = */ 11L, /* Worker Start = */ 13L, "#6 Detached Setup"
Beispiel #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestKit     testKit     = new TestKit();
            ActorSystem actorSystem = testKit.Sys;

            using (actorSystem)
                TestProbe probe = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");
                Action    test1 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor1 = probe.LastSender;

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device2"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor2 = probe.LastSender;

                    // Check that the device actors are working
                    deviceActor1.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 0, value: 1.0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 0);
                    deviceActor2.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 1, value: 2.0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 1 passed.");
                Action test2 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));
                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("wrongGroup", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 2 passed.");

                /*It might be, that a device actor already exists for the registration request.
                 * In this case, we would like to use the existing actor instead of a new one.
                 * We have not tested this yet, so we need to fix this:*/
                Action test3 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor1 = probe.LastSender;

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor2 = probe.LastSender;

                    Console.WriteLine("Test 3 passed.");

                /*In the first, we just test that we get back the list of
                 * proper IDs once we have added a few devices.*/
                Action test4 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device2"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestDeviceList(requestId: 0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <ReplyDeviceList>(s => s.RequestId == 0 &&
                                                      s.Ids.Contains("device1") &&
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 4 passed.");

                /*The second test case makes sure that the device ID
                 * is properly removed after the device actor has been stopped.*/
                Action test5 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef toShutDown = probe.LastSender;

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device2"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestDeviceList(requestId: 0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <ReplyDeviceList>(s => s.RequestId == 0 &&
                                                      s.Ids.Contains("device1") &&


                    // using awaitAssert to retry because it might take longer for the groupActor
                    // to see the Terminated, that order is undefined
                    probe.AwaitAssert(() =>
                        groupActor.Tell(new RequestDeviceList(requestId: 1), probe.Ref);
                        probe.ExpectMsg <ReplyDeviceList>(s => s.RequestId == 1 && s.Ids.Contains("device2"));

                    Console.WriteLine("Test 5 passed.");
                Console.WriteLine("UserMessage: App is finished.");
                // Exit the system after ENTER is pressed
Beispiel #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestKit     testKit     = new TestKit();
            ActorSystem actorSystem = testKit.Sys;

            using (actorSystem)
                TestProbe probe = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");
                Action    test1 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor1 = probe.LastSender;

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device2"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor2 = probe.LastSender;

                    // Check that the device actors are working
                    deviceActor1.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 0, value: 1.0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 0);
                    deviceActor2.Tell(new RecordTemperature(requestId: 1, value: 2.0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <TemperatureRecorded>(s => s.RequestId == 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 1 passed.");
                Action test2 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));
                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("wrongGroup", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 2 passed.");

                /*It might be, that a device actor already exists for the registration request.
                 * In this case, we would like to use the existing actor instead of a new one.
                 * We have not tested this yet, so we need to fix this:*/
                Action test3 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef groupActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceGroup.Props("group"));

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor1 = probe.LastSender;

                    groupActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef deviceActor2 = probe.LastSender;

                    Console.WriteLine("Test 3 passed.");
                Console.WriteLine("UserMessage: App is finished.");
                // Exit the system after ENTER is pressed
Beispiel #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestKit     testKit     = new TestKit();
            ActorSystem actorSystem = testKit.Sys;

            using (actorSystem)
                TestProbe probe = testKit.CreateTestProbe("test-probe");

                /*In the first, we just test that we get back the list of
                 * proper IDs once we have added a few devices.*/
                Action test1 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef deviceManagerActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceManager.Props("device-manager"));

                    deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();

                    deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device2"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();

                    deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestDeviceList(requestId: 0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <ReplyDeviceList>(s => s.RequestId == 0 &&
                                                      s.Ids.Contains("device1") &&
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 1 passed.");

                /*The second test case makes sure that the device ID
                 * is properly removed after the device actor has been stopped.*/
                Action test2 = new Action(() =>
                    IActorRef deviceManagerActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(DeviceManager.Props("device-manager"));

                    deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device1"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();
                    IActorRef toShutDown = probe.LastSender;

                    deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestTrackDevice("group", "device2"), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <DeviceRegistered>();

                    deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestDeviceList(requestId: 0), probe.Ref);
                    probe.ExpectMsg <ReplyDeviceList>(s => s.RequestId == 0 &&
                                                      s.Ids.Contains("device1") &&


                    // using awaitAssert to retry because it might take longer for the groupActor
                    // to see the Terminated, that order is undefined
                    probe.AwaitAssert(() =>
                        deviceManagerActor.Tell(new RequestDeviceList(requestId: 1), probe.Ref);
                        probe.ExpectMsg <ReplyDeviceList>(s => s.RequestId == 1 && s.Ids.Contains("device2"));

                    Console.WriteLine("Test 2 passed.");
                Console.WriteLine("UserMessage: App is finished.");
                // Exit the system after ENTER is pressed