Beispiel #1
        public void ShimadzuFormatsTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc = InitShimadzuDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                const string replicateName = "ShimadzuTest";
                string       extRaw        = ExtensionTestContext.ExtShimadzuRaw;
                var          chromSets     = new[]
                    new ChromatogramSet(replicateName, new[]
                                        { new MsDataFilePath(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("BSA-digest__MRM_optimisation_SL_scheduled_001" + extRaw)), }),
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(chromSets));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                docResults = docContainer.Document;
                AssertResult.IsDocumentResultsState(docResults, replicateName,
                                                    doc.PeptideCount, doc.PeptideTransitionGroupCount, 0, doc.PeptideTransitionCount, 0);

Beispiel #2
        public void Wiff2ResultsTest()
            TestFilesDir testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("");
            SrmDocument doc     = ResultsUtil.DeserializeDocument(docPath);

            //AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc, 0, 1, 1, 4);

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                const string replicateName = "Wiff2Test";
                string       extRaw        = ExtensionTestContext.ExtAbWiff2;
                string       suffix        = ExtensionTestContext.CanImportAbWiff2 ? "" : "-sample-centroid";
                var          chromSets     = new[]
                    new ChromatogramSet(replicateName, new[]
                                        { new MsDataFilePath(TestFilesDir.GetVendorTestData(TestFilesDir.VendorDir.ABI, "swath.api" + suffix + extRaw)), }),
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(chromSets));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                docResults = docContainer.Document;
                //AssertResult.IsDocumentResultsState(docResults, replicateName,
                //    doc.MoleculeCount, doc.MoleculeTransitionGroupCount, 0, doc.MoleculeTransitionCount, 0);

Beispiel #3
        public void AgilentFormatsTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc = InitAgilentDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                const string replicateName = "AgilentTest";
                string       extRaw        = ExtensionTestContext.ExtAgilentRaw;
                var          chromSets     = new[]
                    new ChromatogramSet(replicateName, new[]
                                        { new MsDataFilePath(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("081809_100fmol-MichromMix-05" + extRaw)), }),
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(chromSets));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                docResults = docContainer.Document;
                AssertResult.IsDocumentResultsState(docResults, replicateName,
                                                    doc.PeptideCount, doc.PeptideTransitionGroupCount, 0, doc.PeptideTransitionCount, 0);

Beispiel #4
        public void DoAgilentMseChromatogramTest(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode asSmallMolecules)
            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none && !RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions)

            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            TestSmallMolecules = false; // We have an explicit test for that here

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument document = InitAgilentMseDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
                var refine = new RefinementSettings();
                document = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(document, asSmallMolecules);
            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(document, docPath))
                var doc = docContainer.Document;
                var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>();
                var path = MsDataFileUri.Parse(@"AgilentMse\BSA-AI-0-10-25-41_first_100_scans.mzML");
                listChromatograms.Add(AssertResult.FindChromatogramSet(doc, path) ??
                                      new ChromatogramSet(path.GetFileName().Replace('.', '_'), new[] { path }));
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                document = docContainer.Document;

                float tolerance = (float)document.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MzMatchTolerance;
                var   results   = document.Settings.MeasuredResults;
                foreach (var pair in document.MoleculePrecursorPairs)
                    ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromGroupInfo;
                    Assert.IsTrue(results.TryLoadChromatogram(0, pair.NodePep, pair.NodeGroup,
                                                              tolerance, true, out chromGroupInfo));
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, chromGroupInfo.Length);

                // now drill down for specific values
                int nPeptides = 0;
                foreach (var nodePep in document.Molecules.Where(nodePep => nodePep.Results[0] != null))
                    // expecting just one peptide result in this small data set
                    if (nodePep.Results[0].Sum(chromInfo => chromInfo.PeakCountRatio > 0 ? 1 : 0) > 0)
                        Assert.AreEqual(0.2462, (double)nodePep.GetMeasuredRetentionTime(0), .0001, "averaged retention time differs in node " + nodePep.RawTextId);
                        Assert.AreEqual(0.3333, (double)nodePep.GetPeakCountRatio(0), 0.0001);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, nPeptides);
Beispiel #5
        public void FullScanPrecursorTransitionsTest()
            TestFilesDir testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, @"Test\");

            string      docPath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("");
            SrmDocument doc     = ResultsUtil.DeserializeDocument(docPath);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc, 0, 1, 4, 5, 52);
            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                var mitoLibSpec = new BiblioSpecLiteSpec("mito2", testFilesDir.GetTestPath("mito2.blib"));
                doc = docContainer.ChangeLibSpecs(new[] { mitoLibSpec });

                // Switch to only precursor ions
                var docPrecOnly = doc.ChangeSettings(doc.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(filter =>
                                                                                         filter.ChangePeptideIonTypes(new[] { IonType.precursor })));
                // All precursors should have 3 precursor transitions (M, M+1 and M+2)
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docPrecOnly, 3, 1, 4, 5, 15);
                Assert.IsFalse(docPrecOnly.PeptideTransitions.Any(nodeTran => nodeTran.Transition.IonType != IonType.precursor));

                // Use low resolution MS1 filtering
                var docLowMs1 = docPrecOnly.ChangeSettings(docPrecOnly.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fs =>
                                                                                                         fs.ChangePrecursorIsotopes(FullScanPrecursorIsotopes.Count, 1, null)
                                                                                                         .ChangePrecursorResolution(FullScanMassAnalyzerType.qit, 0.5, null)));
                // All precursors should have one precursor transition
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docLowMs1, 4, 1, 4, 5, 5);

                // Add y-ions to low resolution filtering
                var docLowMs1Y = docLowMs1.ChangeSettings(docLowMs1.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(filter =>
                                                                                                    filter.ChangePeptideIonTypes(new[] { IonType.precursor, IonType.y })));
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docLowMs1Y, 5, 1, 4, 5, 33);

                // Turn off MS1 filtering
                var docNoMs1 = docPrecOnly.ChangeSettings(docPrecOnly.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fs =>
                                                                                                        fs.ChangePrecursorIsotopes(FullScanPrecursorIsotopes.None, null, null)));
                // One of the precursors should have no transitions, since its spectrum has no precursor match
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docNoMs1, 4, 1, 4, 5, 4);

                // Turn off MS/MS library matching
                var docNoLibMatch = docNoMs1.ChangeSettings(docNoMs1.Settings.ChangeTransitionLibraries(lib =>
                // All precursors should have a single precursor transition
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docNoLibMatch, 5, 1, 4, 5, 5);

                // Use library plus filter matching
                var docLibPlusMatch = docNoMs1.ChangeSettings(docNoMs1.Settings.ChangeTransitionLibraries(lib =>
                // All precursors should have a single precursor transition
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docLibPlusMatch, 5, 1, 4, 5, 5);

                // Release the library stream, and dispose of the directory
                docContainer.ChangeLibSpecs(new LibrarySpec[0]);
Beispiel #6
        protected override void DoTest()
            TestSmallMolecules = false; // This is small molecule data, no need for extra nodes

            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            var replicatePath   = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("090215_033.mzML");   // properly converted, with polarity sense
            var allNegativePath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("all_negative.mzML"); // Hacked to declare all chromatograms as negative
            var noPolarityPath  = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("no_polarity.mzML");  // Converted by older msconvert without any ion polarity sense, so all positive
            var replicateName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(replicatePath);

            var docProperPolarity = LoadDocWithReplicate(testFilesDir, replicateName, replicatePath, null); // Mixed polarity doc and data
            var docPosPolarity    = LoadDocWithReplicate(testFilesDir, replicateName, noPolarityPath, -1);  // All neg doc, all pos data
            var docNegPolarity    = LoadDocWithReplicate(testFilesDir, replicateName, allNegativePath, 1);  // All pos doc, all neg data

            var transProperPolarity = docProperPolarity.MoleculeTransitions.ToArray();
            var transNoPolarity     = docPosPolarity.MoleculeTransitions.ToArray();
            var transNegPolarity    = docNegPolarity.MoleculeTransitions.ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(transProperPolarity.Length, transNoPolarity.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(transNegPolarity.Length, transNoPolarity.Length);
            var countPeaksProperPolarity = 0;
            var countPeaksPosPolarity    = 0;
            var countPeaksNegPolarity    = 0;
            var properList = new List <string>();

            var  i            = 0;
            bool integrateAll = docPosPolarity.Settings.TransitionSettings.Integration.IsIntegrateAll;

            foreach (var nodeGroup in docProperPolarity.MoleculeTransitionGroups)
                foreach (var trans in nodeGroup.Transitions)
                    if ((transProperPolarity[i].GetPeakCountRatio(0, integrateAll) ?? 0) >= 1)
                        properList.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", nodeGroup, trans.Transition));
                    if ((transNoPolarity[i].GetPeakCountRatio(0, integrateAll) ?? 0) >= 1)
                    if ((transNegPolarity[i].GetPeakCountRatio(0, integrateAll) ?? 0) >= 1)
            // There are 236 total transitions, 186 of which have decent peaks
            Assert.AreEqual(186, countPeaksProperPolarity, "countPeaksProperPolarity: " + string.Join(", ", properList));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, countPeaksNegPolarity, "countPeaksNegPolarity"); //Should be total polarity mismatch
            Assert.AreEqual(0, countPeaksPosPolarity, "countPeaksNoPolarity");  //Should be total polarity mismatch
Beispiel #7
        private void RunMultiplePeptidesSameMz(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode asSmallMolecules)
            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
                TestDirectoryName = asSmallMolecules.ToString();

            TestSmallMolecules = false;  // Don't need the magic test node, we have an explicit test

            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument document = InitMultiplePeptidesSameMzDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            document = (new RefinementSettings()).ConvertToSmallMolecules(document, asSmallMolecules);
            var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(document, docPath);

            var doc = docContainer.Document;
            var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>();
            var path = MsDataFileUri.Parse(@"AMultiplePeptidesSameMz\ljz_20131201k_Newvariant_standards_braf.mzML");

            listChromatograms.Add(AssertResult.FindChromatogramSet(doc, path) ??
                                  new ChromatogramSet(path.GetFileName().Replace('.', '_'), new[] { path }));
            var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));

            Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
            document = docContainer.Document;

            float tolerance = (float)document.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MzMatchTolerance;
            var   results   = document.Settings.MeasuredResults;

            foreach (var pair in document.MoleculePrecursorPairs)
                ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromGroupInfo;
                Assert.IsTrue(results.TryLoadChromatogram(0, pair.NodePep, pair.NodeGroup,
                                                          tolerance, true, out chromGroupInfo));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, chromGroupInfo.Length);  // without the fix, only the first pair will have a chromatogram
            // now drill down for specific values
            int nPeptides = 0;

            foreach (var nodePep in document.Molecules.Where(nodePep => nodePep.Results[0] != null))
                // expecting three peptide result in this small data set
                if (nodePep.Results[0].Sum(chromInfo => chromInfo.PeakCountRatio > 0 ? 1 : 0) > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(34.2441024780273, (double)nodePep.GetMeasuredRetentionTime(0), .0001);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, nPeptides); // without the fix this will give just one result
            // Release file handles
Beispiel #8
        public void RefineDocumentTest()
            TestFilesDir testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, @"TestA\");

            var document = InitRefineDocument(testFilesDir);

            AssertEx.Serializable(document);  // This checks a longstanding schema error

            // First check a few refinements which should not change the document
            var refineSettings = new RefinementSettings();

            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));
            refineSettings.MinPeptidesPerProtein = (TestSmallMolecules ? 1 : 3); // That magic small molecule node has just one child
            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));
            refineSettings.MinTransitionsPepPrecursor = (TestSmallMolecules ? 1 : 2);
            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));

            // Remove the protein with only 3 peptides
            refineSettings.MinPeptidesPerProtein = 4;
            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideGroupCount - 1, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideGroupCount);
            refineSettings.MinPeptidesPerProtein = 1;
            // Remove the precursor with only 2 transitions
            refineSettings.MinTransitionsPepPrecursor = 3;
            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount - 1, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideTransitionGroupCount);
            refineSettings.MinTransitionsPepPrecursor = null;
            // Remove the heavy precursor
            refineSettings.RefineLabelType = IsotopeLabelType.heavy;
            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideTransitionGroupCount - 1, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideTransitionGroupCount);
            // Remove everything but the heavy precursor
            refineSettings.RefineLabelType = IsotopeLabelType.light;
            var docRefined = refineSettings.Refine(document);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docRefined, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4);
            // Perform the operation again without protein removal
            refineSettings.MinPeptidesPerProtein = null;
            docRefined = refineSettings.Refine(document);
            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(docRefined, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4);
            refineSettings.RefineLabelType = null;
            // Remove repeated peptides
            refineSettings.RemoveRepeatedPeptides = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideCount - 2, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideCount);
            // Remove duplicate peptides
            refineSettings.RemoveDuplicatePeptides = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideCount - 3, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideCount);

            // Try settings that remove everything from the document
            refineSettings = new RefinementSettings {
                MinPeptidesPerProtein = 20
            Assert.AreEqual(0, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideGroupCount);
            refineSettings.MinPeptidesPerProtein      = 1;
            refineSettings.MinTransitionsPepPrecursor = 20;
            Assert.AreEqual(0, refineSettings.Refine(document).PeptideGroupCount);

Beispiel #9
        public void DoAsymmetricIsolationTest(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode asSmallMolecules)
            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none && !RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions)

            TestSmallMolecules = false;      // We test small molecules explicitly in this test

            LocalizationHelper.InitThread(); // TODO: All unit tests should be correctly initialized

            var    testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);
            string docPath      = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("");
            string cachePath    = ChromatogramCache.FinalPathForName(docPath, null);

            SrmDocument doc    = ResultsUtil.DeserializeDocument(docPath);
            var         refine = new RefinementSettings();

            doc = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(doc, testFilesDir.FullPath, asSmallMolecules);
            const int expectedMoleculeCount = 1;   // At first small molecules did not support multiple label types

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc, null, 1, expectedMoleculeCount, 2, 6);

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                // Import the first RAW file (or mzML for international)
                string rawPath         = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Rush_p3_96_21May16_Smeagol.mzML");
                var    measuredResults = new MeasuredResults(new[] { new ChromatogramSet("Single", new[] { rawPath }) });

                    // Import with symmetric isolation window
                    var docResults =
                        docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, expectedMoleculeCount, 1, 1, 3, 3);
                    var    nodeGroup = docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups.First();
                    double ratio     = nodeGroup.Results[0][0].Ratio ?? 0;
                    // The expected ratio is 1.0, but the symmetric isolation window should produce poor results
                    if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only) // Can't use labels without a formula
                        Assert.AreEqual(0.008, ratio, 0.001);

Beispiel #10
        public void WatersMzXmlTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                // Verify mzXML and mzML contained same results
                // TODO: Figure out why these don't match well enough to use strict compare
                                                -1, 0);
        public void ThermoFormatsTest()
            var         testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);
            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc          = InitThermoDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            var         docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath);
            // Verify mzML and RAW contain same results
            string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtThermoRaw;

                                            testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" + extRaw),
                                            0, 0);
            // Verify mzXML and RAW contain same results (some small peaks are different)
                                            testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" + extRaw),
                                            2, 0);
            // Release file handles
Beispiel #12
        // Verify proper peak selection when polarity information is present
        protected override void DoTest()
            // CONSIDER: in this zip file is a tiny data set "" and "134.mzml" that demonstrate how we still don't
            //           do a perfect job of handling chromatograms with same Q1Q3 and overlapping RT ranges.  There
            //           are two chromatograms in the mzml with Q1=134Q3=134 and similar time ranges.  We don't pick the best
            //           of the two so a would-be peak match gets missed.

            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            var replicatePath   = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("090215_033.mzML");   // properly converted, with polarity sense
            var allNegativePath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("all_negative.mzML"); // Hacked to declare all chromatograms as negative
            var noPolarityPath  = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("no_polarity.mzML");  // Converted by older msconvert without any ion polarity sense, so all positive
            var replicateName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(replicatePath);

            var docProperPolarity = LoadDocWithReplicate(testFilesDir, replicateName, replicatePath);
            var docNoPolarity     = LoadDocWithReplicate(testFilesDir, replicateName, noPolarityPath);
            var docNegPolarity    = LoadDocWithReplicate(testFilesDir, replicateName, allNegativePath);

            var transProperPolarity = docProperPolarity.MoleculeTransitions.ToArray();
            var transNoPolarity     = docNoPolarity.MoleculeTransitions.ToArray();
            var transNegPolarity    = docNegPolarity.MoleculeTransitions.ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(transProperPolarity.Length, transNoPolarity.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(transNegPolarity.Length, transNoPolarity.Length);
            var countPeaksProperPolarity = 0;
            var countPeaksNoPolarity     = 0;
            var countPeaksNegPolarity    = 0;
            var properList = new List <string>();

            var  i            = 0;
            bool integrateAll = docProperPolarity.Settings.TransitionSettings.Integration.IsIntegrateAll;

            foreach (var nodeGroup in docProperPolarity.MoleculeTransitionGroups)
                foreach (var trans in nodeGroup.Transitions)
                    if ((transProperPolarity[i].GetPeakCountRatio(0, integrateAll) ?? 0) >= 1)
                        properList.Add(string.Format("{0} {1}", nodeGroup, trans.Transition));
                    if ((transNoPolarity[i].GetPeakCountRatio(0, integrateAll) ?? 0) >= 1)
                    if ((transNegPolarity[i].GetPeakCountRatio(0, integrateAll) ?? 0) >= 1)
            // There are 236 total transitions, 186 of which have decent peaks
            Assert.AreEqual(186, countPeaksProperPolarity, "countPeaksProperPolarity: " + string.Join(", ", properList));
            // 135 of them are positive, so will not match chromatograms artificially marked negative in the mzML
            Assert.AreEqual(91, countPeaksNegPolarity, "countPeaksNegPolarity"); // Should probably be 93, see CONSIDER note above
            // 131 are negative, so will not match chromatograms artificially marked positive in the mzML
            Assert.AreEqual(94, countPeaksNoPolarity, "countPeaksNoPolarity");
            // Note that 91+94 != 186 : as it happens there is a negative transition 136,136 that matches when it's faked up as postive
Beispiel #13
        public void DoAgilentMseChromatogramTest(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode asSmallMolecules, small_mol_mode smallMolMode = small_mol_mode.simple, string expectedError = null)
            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none && !RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions && smallMolMode == small_mol_mode.simple)

            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument document = InitAgilentMseDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
                var refine = new RefinementSettings();
                document = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(document, testFilesDir.FullPath, asSmallMolecules, smallMolMode == small_mol_mode.simple ? RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesChargesMode.none : RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesChargesMode.invert);
            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(document, docPath))
                var doc = docContainer.Document;
                var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>();
                var path = MsDataFileUri.Parse(smallMolMode == small_mol_mode.invert_charges_and_data ? @"AgilentMse\BSA-AI-0-10-25-41_first_100_scans_neg.mzML" : @"AgilentMse\BSA-AI-0-10-25-41_first_100_scans.mzML");
                listChromatograms.Add(AssertResult.FindChromatogramSet(doc, path) ??
                                      new ChromatogramSet(path.GetFileName().Replace('.', '_'), new[] { path }));
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                if (expectedError != null)
                    document = docContainer.Document;

                    float tolerance = (float)document.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MzMatchTolerance;
                    var   results   = document.Settings.MeasuredResults;
                    foreach (var pair in document.MoleculePrecursorPairs)
                        ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromGroupInfo;
                        Assert.IsTrue(results.TryLoadChromatogram(0, pair.NodePep, pair.NodeGroup,
                                                                  tolerance, true, out chromGroupInfo));
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, chromGroupInfo.Length);

                    // now drill down for specific values
                    int nPeptides = 0;
                    foreach (var nodePep in document.Molecules.Where(nodePep => !nodePep.Results[0].IsEmpty))
                        // expecting just one peptide result in this small data set
                        if (nodePep.Results[0].Any(chromInfo => chromInfo.PeakCountRatio > 0))
                                            (double)nodePep.GetMeasuredRetentionTime(0), .0001, "averaged retention time differs in node " + nodePep.ModifiedTarget);
                            Assert.AreEqual(0.3333, (double)nodePep.GetPeakCountRatio(0), 0.0001);
                    Assert.AreEqual(smallMolMode == small_mol_mode.invert_charges ? 0 : 1, nPeptides); // If we switched document polarity, we'd expect no chromatograms extracted
Beispiel #14
        public void WatersMultiReplicateTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument docOriginal    = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            SrmDocument doc            = docOriginal;
            var         listCachePaths = new List <string>();

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtWatersRaw;

                string[] replicatePaths =
                    testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_075" + extRaw),
                // Count peaks where higher concentration replicates show less area
                int outOfOrder = 0;
                foreach (string path in replicatePaths)
                    var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>();
                    if (doc.Settings.HasResults)

                    string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
                    if (name != null)
                        name = name.Substring(name.Length - 12);
                    listChromatograms.Add(new ChromatogramSet(name, new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(path) }));
                    int len = listChromatograms.Count;

                    var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(doc.Settings.MeasuredResults != null
                        ? doc.Settings.MeasuredResults.ChangeChromatograms(listChromatograms)
                        : new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));
                    // Adding unloaded results should add a new null result.
                    foreach (var nodeTran in docResults.PeptideTransitions)
                        Assert.AreEqual(listChromatograms.Count, nodeTran.Results.Count);
                        Assert.IsTrue(nodeTran.Results[len - 1].IsEmpty);

                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true),
                                  string.Format("Failed adding results for {0}.", path));
                    docResults = docContainer.Document;


                    var transOld = doc.PeptideTransitions.ToArray();
                    var transNew = docResults.PeptideTransitions.ToArray();
                    Assert.AreEqual(transOld.Length, transNew.Length);
                    int countPeaks = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < transNew.Length; i++)
                        // Make sure new peak was added to each transition
                        var nodeTranNew = transNew[i];
                        Assert.AreEqual(len, nodeTranNew.Results.Count);
                        var chromInfo = nodeTranNew.Results[len - 1][0];

                        if (!chromInfo.IsEmpty)

                        // Make sure previously loaded peaks did not change
                        for (int j = 0; j < len - 1; j++)
                            var chromInfoPrevious = transOld[i].Results[j][0];
                            Assert.AreSame(chromInfoPrevious, nodeTranNew.Results[j][0]);
                            if ((chromInfo.IsEmpty && !chromInfoPrevious.IsEmpty) ||
                                (!chromInfo.IsEmpty && chromInfoPrevious.Area >= chromInfo.Area))
                    // Allow 2 missed peaks
                    Assert.IsTrue(countPeaks >= transNew.Length - (TestSmallMolecules ? 1 : 0) - 2);

                    // Check results calculations for peptides and groups
                    foreach (var nodePep in docResults.Peptides)
                        Assert.AreEqual(len, nodePep.Results.Count);
                        var chromInfo = nodePep.Results[len - 1][0];
                        Assert.AreEqual(1, nodePep.Children.Count);
                        var nodeGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0];
                        Assert.AreEqual(len, nodeGroup.Results.Count);
                        var chromInfoGroup = nodeGroup.Results[len - 1][0];
                        Assert.IsTrue(chromInfoGroup.PeakCountRatio >= 0.5);
                        Assert.IsTrue(chromInfoGroup.Area.HasValue && chromInfoGroup.Area > 290);

                        Assert.AreEqual(chromInfo.RetentionTime, chromInfoGroup.RetentionTime);
                        Assert.AreEqual(chromInfo.PeakCountRatio, chromInfoGroup.PeakCountRatio);

                    doc = docResults;

                Assert.AreEqual(13, outOfOrder, 1);

                // Remove the original data
                foreach (string path in replicatePaths)
                    if (File.Exists(path))

                // Save the document
                string xmlSaved     = null;
                var    docPersisted = AssertEx.RoundTrip(doc, ref xmlSaved);
                // Make sure the persisted document round-trips.
                // The orginal doesn't because of changing precision in the results info.
                AssertEx.Serializable(docPersisted, AssertEx.DocumentCloned);

                // Make sure the loaded document has reasonable results info
                // before the cache files are loaded
                for (int i = 0; i < doc.Children.Count; i++)
                    PeptideGroupDocNode nodePepGroup1 = (PeptideGroupDocNode)doc.Children[i];
                    if (TestSmallMolecules && nodePepGroup1.Name.Equals(SrmDocument.TestingNonProteomicMoleculeGroupName))
                    PeptideGroupDocNode nodePepGroup2 = (PeptideGroupDocNode)docPersisted.Children[i];
                    Assert.AreNotSame(nodePepGroup1, nodePepGroup2);
                    for (int j = 0; j < nodePepGroup1.Children.Count; j++)
                        PeptideDocNode nodePep1 = (PeptideDocNode)nodePepGroup1.Children[j];
                        PeptideDocNode nodePep2 = (PeptideDocNode)nodePepGroup2.Children[j];
                        Assert.AreNotSame(nodePep1, nodePep2);
                        Assert.AreEqual(nodePep1.Results.Count, nodePep2.Results.Count);
                        for (int k = 0; k < nodePep1.Results.Count; k++)
                            Assert.AreEqual(nodePep1.Results[k][0].PeakCountRatio, nodePep2.Results[k][0].PeakCountRatio);
                        for (int k = 0; k < nodePep1.Children.Count; k++)
                            TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup1 = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep1.Children[k];
                            TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup2 = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep2.Children[k];
                            Assert.AreNotSame(nodeGroup1, nodeGroup2);
                            Assert.AreEqual(nodeGroup1.Results.Count, nodeGroup2.Results.Count);
                            for (int l = 0; l < nodeGroup1.Results.Count; l++)
                            for (int l = 0; l < nodeGroup1.Children.Count; l++)
                                TransitionDocNode nodeTran1 = (TransitionDocNode)nodeGroup1.Children[l];
                                TransitionDocNode nodeTran2 = (TransitionDocNode)nodeGroup2.Children[l];
                                Assert.AreNotSame(nodeTran1, nodeTran2);
                                Assert.AreEqual(nodeTran1.Results.Count, nodeTran2.Results.Count);
                                for (int m = 0; m < nodeTran1.Results.Count; m++)
                                    if (!nodeTran1.Results[m].IsEmpty && !nodeTran2.Results[m].IsEmpty)
                                        Assert.AreEqual(nodeTran1.Results[m][0].IsEmpty, nodeTran2.Results[m][0].IsEmpty);
                                        Assert.AreEqual(nodeTran1.Results[m], nodeTran2.Results[m]); // both null

                // Reload data from .skyd files
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docPersisted, doc, true));
                doc = docContainer.Document;

                var         results   = doc.Settings.MeasuredResults;
                const float tolerance = (float)TransitionInstrument.DEFAULT_MZ_MATCH_TOLERANCE;
                foreach (var pair in doc.PeptidePrecursorPairs)
                    foreach (var chromSet in results.Chromatograms)
                        ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromGroupInfo;
                        Assert.IsTrue(results.TryLoadChromatogram(chromSet, pair.NodePep, pair.NodeGroup,
                                                                  tolerance, true, out chromGroupInfo));

                // The single final cache path should be open now
                // Should only have one cache file at this point
                Assert.AreEqual(1, listCachePaths.Count);
                foreach (var cachePath in listCachePaths)
                    // Attempting to delete should throw
                    string path = cachePath;
                    AssertEx.ThrowsException <IOException>(() => FileEx.SafeDelete(path));

            foreach (var cachePath in listCachePaths)
                // Cache files should be closed now, and delete successfully.
Beispiel #15
        public void WatersCacheTest()
            // First test transition from per-replicate caching strategy to
            // single cache per document strategy.
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            // Open the replicate document, and let it reload the data from mzML
            // showing the document can find data files by name in its own directory,
            // since the document paths will not match those on disk.
            string docPath;
            var    doc       = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            var    docReload = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, "", out docPath);

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                var streamManager = docContainer.ChromatogramManager.StreamManager;
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docReload, doc, true));
                docReload = docContainer.Document;
                // Release file handles to cache files created during load
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docReload));
                // Delete the cache
                string cachePath = Path.ChangeExtension(docPath, ".skyd");

                // Then try using cached replicate files
                // Move per-replicate cache files into place
                var replicateCacheNames = new[]
                GetCacheFiles(testFilesDir, replicateCacheNames);
                // Delete the files these cache
                var docCached = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, "", out docPath);
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docCached, doc, true));
                docCached = docContainer.Document;

                // The document with data from the .mzML files should be the same as
                // the one loaded from the .skyd files.
                // Unfortunately, this is to hard to maintain when cache changes are made.
                // AssertEx.Cloned(docCached, docReload);

                // The one cache should be present
                // And the replicate cache files should have been removed
                foreach (var cacheName in replicateCacheNames)
                    var path = testFilesDir.GetTestPath(cacheName);

                // Save the cache file time stamp
                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                var  cacheInfo = new FileInfo(cachePath);
                long cacheSize = cacheInfo.Length;

                // Adding files already in the document should have no impact on the cache.
                string extRaw            = ExtensionTestContext.ExtWatersRaw;
                var    listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>(docCached.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms)
                    new ChromatogramSet("extra1",
                                        new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_075" + extRaw)) }),
                    new ChromatogramSet("extra2",
                                        new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_078.mzML")) })

                // Adding a new file should cause the cache to grow.
                var settings = docCached.Settings.MeasuredResults.ChangeChromatograms(listChromatograms);
                var docGrow  = docCached.ChangeMeasuredResults(settings);
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docGrow, docCached, true));
                docGrow = docContainer.Document;

                cacheInfo = new FileInfo(cachePath);
                Assert.IsTrue(cacheSize < cacheInfo.Length);

                cacheSize = cacheInfo.Length;
                var writeTime = cacheInfo.LastWriteTime;

                    new ChromatogramSet("double",
                    testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_075" + extRaw),

                settings = docGrow.Settings.MeasuredResults.ChangeChromatograms(listChromatograms);
                var docNoCacheChange1 = docGrow.ChangeMeasuredResults(settings);
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docNoCacheChange1, docGrow, true));
                docNoCacheChange1 = docContainer.Document;

                Assert.AreEqual(writeTime, File.GetLastWriteTime(cachePath));

                // Removing files should have no impact, until optimized
                listChromatograms.RemoveRange(listChromatograms.Count - 2, 2);

                settings = docNoCacheChange1.Settings.MeasuredResults.ChangeChromatograms(listChromatograms);
                var docNoCacheChange2 = docNoCacheChange1.ChangeMeasuredResults(settings);
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docNoCacheChange2, docNoCacheChange1, true));
                docNoCacheChange2 = docContainer.Document;

                Assert.AreEqual(writeTime, File.GetLastWriteTime(cachePath));

                // Optimizing should shrink the cache
                var results      = docNoCacheChange2.Settings.MeasuredResults.OptimizeCache(docPath, streamManager);
                var docOptimized = docNoCacheChange2.ChangeSettings(docNoCacheChange2.Settings.ChangeMeasuredResults(results));
                // This should not cause a reload
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docOptimized, docNoCacheChange2, false));

                cacheInfo = new FileInfo(cachePath);
                Assert.IsTrue(cacheSize > cacheInfo.Length);

                // Test file caches
                // First reload the files from .mzML
                docReload = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, "", out docPath);
                // Change the path to use the right .skyd file
                docContainer.DocumentFilePath = docPath;
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docReload, docOptimized, true));
                docReload = docContainer.Document;
                // Release file handles to cache files created during load
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docReload));
                // Delete the cache
                cachePath = Path.ChangeExtension(docPath, ".skyd");

                // Then try using cached files
                // Move per-file cache files into place
                var fileCacheNames = new[]
                GetCacheFiles(testFilesDir, fileCacheNames);
                // Swap the mzML files, so the test will fail, if not reading from the cache
                // CONSIDER: Should this really work, since they have different time stamps?
                string file075  = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_075.mzML");
                string file078  = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_078.mzML");
                string fileTemp = file075 + ".tmp";
                File.Move(file075, fileTemp);
                File.Move(file078, file075);
                File.Move(fileTemp, file078);

                docCached = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, "", out docPath);
                // Make sure cache files exactly match the names the loader will look for
                var listResultsFiles = new List <MsDataFileUri>();
                foreach (var chromatogram in docCached.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms)
                for (int i = 0; i < fileCacheNames.Length; i++)
                    string partPath = ChromatogramCache.PartPathForName(docPath, listResultsFiles[i]);
                    File.Move(testFilesDir.GetTestPath(fileCacheNames[i]), partPath);

                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docCached, doc, true));
                // docCached = docContainer.Document;

                // The document with data from the .mzML files should be the same as
                // the one loaded from the .skyd files.
                // Unfortunately, this is to hard to maintain when cache changes are made.
                // AssertEx.Cloned(docCached, docReload);

                // The one cache should be present
                Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(docPath, ".skyd")));
                // And the replicate cache files should have been removed
                foreach (var cacheName in fileCacheNames)

        /* TODO bspratt drift time libs for small molecules
         * [TestMethod]
         * public void WatersImsMsePredictedDriftTimesChromatogramTestAsSmallMolecules()
         * {
         *  WatersImsMseChromatogramTest(DriftFilterType.predictor, true);
         * }
         * [TestMethod]
         * public void WatersImsMseLibraryDriftTimesChromatogramTestAsSmallMolecules()
         * {
         *  WatersImsMseChromatogramTest(DriftFilterType.library, true);
         * }

        private void WatersImsMseChromatogramTest(DriftFilterType mode,
                                                  RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode asSmallMolecules = RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
            string subdir       = (asSmallMolecules == RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none) ? null : asSmallMolecules.ToString();
            var    testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE, subdir);

            TestSmallMolecules = false;                                               // Don't need that extra magic node

            bool        withDriftTimePredictor = (mode == DriftFilterType.predictor); // Load the doc that has a drift time predictor?
            bool        withDriftTimeFilter    = (mode != DriftFilterType.none);      // Perform drift time filtering?  (either with predictor, or with bare times in blib file)
            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument document = InitWatersImsMseDocument(testFilesDir, withDriftTimePredictor ? "" : "", asSmallMolecules, out docPath);

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(document, (withDriftTimePredictor || (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)) ? 1 : 0, 1, 1, 1, 8); // Drift time lib load bumps the doc version
            var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(document, docPath);
            var doc          = docContainer.Document;
            var docOriginal  = doc;

            string testModeStr = withDriftTimePredictor ? "with drift time predictor" : "without drift time info";

            if (withDriftTimeFilter && !withDriftTimePredictor)
                // Use the bare drift times in the spectral library
                var librarySpec = new BiblioSpecLiteSpec("drift test",
                doc = doc.ChangeSettings(
                    doc.Settings.ChangePeptideLibraries(lib => lib.ChangeLibrarySpecs(new[] { librarySpec })).
                    ChangePeptidePrediction(p => p.ChangeLibraryDriftTimesResolvingPower(100)).
                    ChangePeptidePrediction(p => p.ChangeUseLibraryDriftTimes(true))
                testModeStr = "with drift times from spectral library";

            var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>();
            // A small subset of the QC_HDMSE_02_UCA168_3495_082213 data set (RT 21.5-22.5) from Will Thompson
            const string path = @"waters-mobility.mz5";

            listChromatograms.Add(AssertResult.FindChromatogramSet(doc, new MsDataFilePath(path)) ??
                                  new ChromatogramSet(Path.GetFileName(path).Replace('.', '_'), new[] { path }));
            var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));

            Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, docOriginal, true));
            document = docContainer.Document;

            float  tolerance = (float)document.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MzMatchTolerance;
            double maxHeight = 0;
            var    results   = document.Settings.MeasuredResults;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, document.MoleculePrecursorPairs.Count());
            foreach (var pair in document.MoleculePrecursorPairs)
                ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromGroupInfo;
                Assert.IsTrue(results.TryLoadChromatogram(0, pair.NodePep, pair.NodeGroup,
                                                          tolerance, true, out chromGroupInfo));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, chromGroupInfo.Length, testModeStr);
                var chromGroup    = chromGroupInfo[0];
                var expectedPeaks = ((asSmallMolecules == RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only) ? 6 : 5);
                Assert.AreEqual(withDriftTimeFilter ? 3 : expectedPeaks, chromGroup.NumPeaks, testModeStr); // This will be higher if we don't filter on DT
                foreach (var tranInfo in chromGroup.TransitionPointSets)
                    maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, tranInfo.MaxIntensity);
            Assert.AreEqual(withDriftTimeFilter? 5226 : 20075, maxHeight, 1, testModeStr);   // Without DT filtering, this will be much greater

            // now drill down for specific values
            int nPeptides = 0;

            foreach (var nodePep in document.Molecules.Where(nodePep => nodePep.Results[0] != null))
                // expecting just one peptide result in this small data set
                if (nodePep.Results[0].Sum(chromInfo => chromInfo.PeakCountRatio > 0 ? 1 : 0) > 0)
                    Assert.AreEqual(21.94865, (double)nodePep.GetMeasuredRetentionTime(0), .0001, testModeStr);
                    Assert.AreEqual(1.0, (double)nodePep.GetPeakCountRatio(0), 0.0001, testModeStr);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, nPeptides);

            if (withDriftTimePredictor || withDriftTimeFilter)
                // Verify that the .imdb pr .blib file goes out in the share zipfile
                for (int complete = 0; complete <= 1; complete++)
                    var sharePath = testFilesDir.GetTestPath(complete == 1?"":"");
                    var share     = new SrmDocumentSharing(document, docPath, sharePath, complete == 1);
                    using (var longWaitDlg = new LongWaitDlg
                        // ReSharper disable once LocalizableElement
                        Text = "unit test WatersImsTest -- sharing document",
                        longWaitDlg.PerformWork(null, 1000, share.Share);

                    var files = share.ListEntries().ToArray();
                    Assert.IsTrue(files.Contains(withDriftTimePredictor ? "" : "mse-mobility.filtered-scaled.blib"));
                    // And round trip it to make sure we haven't left out any new features in minimized imdb or blib files
                    using (var longWaitDlg = new LongWaitDlg
                        // ReSharper disable once LocalizableElement
                        Text = "unit test WatersImsTest",
                        longWaitDlg.PerformWork(null, 1000, share.Extract);
                    using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(share.DocumentPath))
                        XmlSerializer documentSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SrmDocument));
                        var           document2          = (SrmDocument)documentSerializer.Deserialize(reader);
                        var im  = document.Settings.GetIonMobilities(new MsDataFilePath(path));
                        var pep = document2.Molecules.First();
                        foreach (TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup in pep.Children)
                            double windowDT;
                            var    centerDriftTime = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.GetDriftTime(
                                pep, nodeGroup, im, out windowDT);
                            Assert.AreEqual(3.86124, centerDriftTime.DriftTimeMsec(false) ?? 0, .0001, testModeStr);
                            Assert.AreEqual(0.077224865797235934, windowDT, .0001, testModeStr);

            // Release file handles
            string cachePath = ChromatogramCache.FinalPathForName(docPath, null);

Beispiel #17
        public void ThermoCancelImportTest()
            var    testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);
            string resultsPath  = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" +
            string      dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(resultsPath) ?? "";
            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc = InitThermoDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);

            // Give this two chances to succeed. It can succeed tens of thousands of times
            // in a row, but it still occasionally fails on nightly tests. Hopefully two
            // tries will make this extremely unlikely.
            for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++)
                using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                    // Remove any existing temp and cache files
                    foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(dirPath))
                        if (IsCacheOrTempFile(path))
                    string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(resultsPath);
                    var    listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet> {
                        new ChromatogramSet(name, new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(resultsPath) })
                    var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));
                    // Start cache load, but don't wait for completion
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc));

                    // Wait up to 10 second for the cache to start being written
                    bool cacheFound = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                        if (Directory.GetFiles(dirPath).IndexOf(IsCacheOrTempFile) != -1)
                            cacheFound = true;
                    if (!cacheFound)
                        Assert.Fail(TextUtil.LineSeparate("Failed to create cache file. Found files:", TextUtil.LineSeparate(Directory.GetFiles(dirPath))));

                    // Cancel by reverting to the original document
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults));
                    // Wait up to 10 seconds for cancel to occur
                    bool cancelOccurred = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                        if (docContainer.LastProgress != null && docContainer.LastProgress.IsCanceled)
                            cancelOccurred = true;
                    // Wait up to 20 seconds for the cache to be removed
                    bool cacheRemoved = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                        if (Directory.GetFiles(dirPath).IndexOf(IsCacheOrTempFile) == -1)
                            cacheRemoved = true;
                    if (!cacheRemoved)
                        if (tries == 0 && File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(docPath, ChromatogramCache.EXT)))
                            // Allow a single failure where we end up with the final cache instead of a cancelation
                            continue;   // Try again
                        if (!cancelOccurred)
                            Assert.Fail("Attempt to cancel results load failed on try {0}. {1}", tries + 1,
                                        docContainer.LastProgress != null && docContainer.LastProgress.ErrorException != null
                                    ? docContainer.LastProgress.ErrorException.Message : string.Empty);
                        Assert.Fail(TextUtil.LineSeparate("Failed to remove cache file. Found files:", TextUtil.LineSeparate(Directory.GetFiles(dirPath))));
                    break;  // If we make it here then, successful
            // Cache file has been removed
Beispiel #18
        public void RefineResultsTest()
            TestFilesDir testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, @"TestA\");

            Settings.Default.RTCalculatorName = Settings.Default.RTScoreCalculatorList.GetDefaults().First().Name;

            var document = InitRefineDocument(testFilesDir);

            // First check a few refinements which should not change the document
            var refineSettings = new RefinementSettings {
                RTRegressionThreshold = 0.3

            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));
            refineSettings.RTRegressionThreshold = null;
            refineSettings.DotProductThreshold   = Statistics.AngleToNormalizedContrastAngle(0.1);  // Convert form original cos(angle) dot-product
            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));
            refineSettings.DotProductThreshold = null;
            refineSettings.MinPeakFoundRatio   = 0;
            refineSettings.MaxPeakFoundRatio   = 1.0;
            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));
            refineSettings.MinPeakFoundRatio = refineSettings.MaxPeakFoundRatio = null;
            // refineSettings.MaxPeakRank = 15;  This will remove unmeasured transitions
            Assert.AreSame(document, refineSettings.Refine(document));

            // Remove nodes without results
            refineSettings.MinPeptidesPerProtein = 1;
            refineSettings.RemoveMissingResults  = true;
            var docRefined = refineSettings.Refine(document);

            Assert.AreEqual(document.PeptideGroupCount, docRefined.PeptideGroupCount);
            // First three children should be unchanged
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Assert.AreSame(document.Children[i], docRefined.Children[i]);
            var nodePepGroupRefined = (PeptideGroupDocNode)docRefined.Children[3];

            Assert.AreEqual(1, nodePepGroupRefined.MoleculeCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, nodePepGroupRefined.TransitionGroupCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, nodePepGroupRefined.TransitionCount);

            // Filter for dot product, ignoring nodes without results
            refineSettings.RemoveMissingResults = false;
            double dotProductThreshold = Statistics.AngleToNormalizedContrastAngle(0.9);    // Convert form original cos(angle) dot-product

            refineSettings.DotProductThreshold = dotProductThreshold;
            docRefined = refineSettings.Refine(document);
            int missingResults = 0;

            foreach (var nodeGroup in docRefined.PeptideTransitionGroups)
                if (!nodeGroup.HasResults || nodeGroup.Results[0] == null)
                    Assert.IsTrue(nodeGroup.Results[0][0].LibraryDotProduct >= dotProductThreshold);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, missingResults);
            Assert.IsTrue(missingResults < docRefined.PeptideTransitionGroupCount);

            // Further refine with retention time refinement
            refineSettings.RTRegressionThreshold = 0.95;
            refineSettings.RTRegressionPrecision = 2;   // Backward compatibility
            var docRefinedRT = refineSettings.Refine(document);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(docRefined.PeptideCount, docRefinedRT.PeptideCount);
            // And peak count ratio
            refineSettings.MinPeakFoundRatio = 1.0;
            var docRefinedRatio = refineSettings.Refine(document);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(docRefinedRT.PeptideCount, docRefinedRatio.PeptideCount);
            foreach (var nodeGroup in docRefinedRatio.PeptideTransitionGroups)
                Assert.AreEqual(1.0, nodeGroup.Results[0][0].PeakCountRatio);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, docRefinedRatio.PeptideGroupCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, docRefinedRatio.PeptideTransitionGroupCount);

            // Pick only most intense transtions
            refineSettings.MaxPeakRank = 4;
            var docRefineMaxPeaks = refineSettings.Refine(document);

            Assert.AreEqual(28, docRefineMaxPeaks.PeptideTransitionCount);
            // Make sure the remaining peaks really started as the right rank,
            // and did not change.
            var dictIdTran = new Dictionary <int, TransitionDocNode>();

            foreach (var nodeTran in document.PeptideTransitions)
                dictIdTran.Add(nodeTran.Id.GlobalIndex, nodeTran);
            foreach (var nodeGroup in docRefineMaxPeaks.PeptideTransitionGroups)
                Assert.AreEqual(refineSettings.MaxPeakRank, nodeGroup.TransitionCount);
                foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodeGroup.Children)
                    int rank = nodeTran.Results[0][0].Rank;
                    Assert.IsTrue(rank <= refineSettings.MaxPeakRank);

                    var nodeTranOld = dictIdTran[nodeTran.Id.GlobalIndex];
                    Assert.AreEqual(nodeTranOld.Results[0][0].Rank, nodeTran.Results[0][0].Rank);

            // Pick only most intenst peptides
            refineSettings = new RefinementSettings {
                MaxPepPeakRank = 5
            var docRefinePepMaxPeaks = refineSettings.Refine(document);

            // 4 groups, one unmeasured and one with only 3 peptides
            Assert.AreEqual(13, docRefinePepMaxPeaks.PeptideCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(docRefinePepMaxPeaks.PeptideCount, docRefinePepMaxPeaks.PeptideTransitionGroupCount);

            // Add heavy labeled precursors for everything
            var settingsNew = docRefineMaxPeaks.Settings.ChangeTransitionFilter(f => f.ChangeAutoSelect(false));

            settingsNew = settingsNew.ChangePeptideModifications(m => m.ChangeHeavyModifications(new[]
                new StaticMod("13C K", "K", ModTerminus.C, null, LabelAtoms.C13, null, null),
                new StaticMod("13C R", "R", ModTerminus.C, null, LabelAtoms.C13, null, null),
            var docPrepareAdd = docRefineMaxPeaks.ChangeSettings(settingsNew);

            refineSettings = new RefinementSettings {
                RefineLabelType = IsotopeLabelType.heavy, AddLabelType = true
            var docHeavy = refineSettings.Refine(docPrepareAdd);

            Assert.AreEqual(docRefineMaxPeaks.PeptideTransitionCount * 2, docHeavy.PeptideTransitionCount);
            // Verify that the precursors were added with the right transitions
            foreach (var nodePep in docHeavy.Peptides)
                Assert.AreEqual(2, nodePep.Children.Count);
                var lightGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0];
                Assert.AreEqual(IsotopeLabelType.light, lightGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType);
                var heavyGroup = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[1];
                Assert.AreEqual(IsotopeLabelType.heavy, heavyGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType);
                Assert.AreEqual(lightGroup.Children.Count, heavyGroup.Children.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < lightGroup.Children.Count; i++)
                    var lightTran = (TransitionDocNode)lightGroup.Children[i];
                    var heavyTran = (TransitionDocNode)heavyGroup.Children[i];
                    Assert.AreEqual(lightTran.Transition.FragmentIonName, heavyTran.Transition.FragmentIonName);
Beispiel #19
        public void DoAsymmetricIsolationTest(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode asSmallMolecules)
            if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none && !RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions)

            LocalizationHelper.InitThread();    // TODO: All unit tests should be correctly initialized

            var    testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);
            string docPath      = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("");
            string cachePath    = ChromatogramCache.FinalPathForName(docPath, null);

            SrmDocument doc    = ResultsUtil.DeserializeDocument(docPath);
            var         refine = new RefinementSettings();

            doc = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(doc, testFilesDir.FullPath, asSmallMolecules);
            const int expectedMoleculeCount = 1;   // At first small molecules did not support multiple charge states, and this was 2 for that test mode

            AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc, null, 1, expectedMoleculeCount, 2, 4);
            var fullScanInitial = doc.Settings.TransitionSettings.FullScan;

            Assert.AreEqual(FullScanAcquisitionMethod.DIA, fullScanInitial.AcquisitionMethod);
            Assert.AreEqual(25, fullScanInitial.PrecursorFilter);
            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                // Import the first RAW file (or mzML for international)
                string rawPath         = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Asym_DIA_data.mzML");
                var    measuredResults = new MeasuredResults(new[] { new ChromatogramSet("Single", new[] { rawPath }) });
                TransitionGroupDocNode nodeGroup;
                double ratio;

                const double poorRatio  = 0.25;
                const double fixedRatio = 1.05;
                    // Import with symmetric isolation window
                    SrmDocument docResults = docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, expectedMoleculeCount, 1, 1, 2, 2);
                    nodeGroup = docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups.First();
                    ratio     = nodeGroup.Results[0][0].Ratio ?? 0;
                    // The expected ratio is 1.0, but the symmetric isolation window should produce poor results
                    if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only)  // Can't use labels without a formula
                        Assert.AreEqual(poorRatio, ratio, 0.05);

                    // Revert to original document, and get rid of results cache
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults, false));

                    // Import with asymmetric isolation window
                    SrmDocument docAsym = doc.ChangeSettings(doc.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fullScan =>
                                                                                                   fullScan.ChangeAcquisitionMethod(fullScan.AcquisitionMethod, new IsolationScheme("Test asym", 5, 20))));
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docAsym, doc, false));

                    SrmDocument docResults = docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, expectedMoleculeCount, 1, 1, 2, 2);
                    nodeGroup = docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups.First();
                    ratio     = nodeGroup.Results[0][0].Ratio ?? 0;
                    // Asymmetric should be a lot closer to 1.0
                    if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only)  // Can't use labels without a formula
                        Assert.AreEqual(fixedRatio, ratio, 0.05);

                    // Revert to original document, and get rid of results cache
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults, false));

                    // Import with prespecified isolation windows
                    var windowList = new List <IsolationWindow>
                        new IsolationWindow(999.2702214, 1024.270221),
                        new IsolationWindow(1024.27267, 1049.27267)
                    SrmDocument docPrespecified = doc.ChangeSettings(doc.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fullScan =>
                                                                                                           fullScan.ChangeAcquisitionMethod(fullScan.AcquisitionMethod, new IsolationScheme("Test prespecified", windowList))));
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docPrespecified, doc, false));

                    SrmDocument docResults = docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, expectedMoleculeCount, 1, 1, 2, 2);
                    nodeGroup = docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups.First();
                    ratio     = nodeGroup.Results[0][0].Ratio ?? 0;
                    // Asymmetric should be a lot closer to 1.0
                    if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only)  // Can't use labels without a formula
                        Assert.AreEqual(fixedRatio, ratio, 0.05);

                    // Revert to original document, and get rid of results cache
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults, false));

                    // Import with prespecified targets
                    var windowList = new List <IsolationWindow>
                        new IsolationWindow(999.2702214, 1024.270221, 1004.27),
                        new IsolationWindow(1024.27267, 1049.27267, 1029.27)
                    SrmDocument docPrespecified = doc.ChangeSettings(doc.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fullScan =>
                                                                                                           fullScan.ChangeAcquisitionMethod(fullScan.AcquisitionMethod, new IsolationScheme("Test target", windowList))));
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docPrespecified, doc, false));

                    SrmDocument docResults = docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, expectedMoleculeCount, 1, 1, 2, 2);
                    nodeGroup = docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups.First();
                    ratio     = nodeGroup.Results[0][0].Ratio ?? 0;
                    // Asymmetric should be a lot closer to 1.0
                    if (asSmallMolecules != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.masses_only)  // Can't use labels without a formula
                        Assert.AreEqual(fixedRatio, ratio, 0.05);

                    // Revert to original document, and get rid of results cache
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults, false));

                    // Import with ambiguous prespecified targets
                    var windowList = new List <IsolationWindow>
                        new IsolationWindow(999.2702214, 1024.270221, 1004.27),
                        new IsolationWindow(1000.0, 1049.27267, 1004.28)
                    SrmDocument docAmbiguous = doc.ChangeSettings(doc.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fullScan =>
                                                                                                        fullScan.ChangeAcquisitionMethod(fullScan.AcquisitionMethod, new IsolationScheme("Test ambiguous", windowList))));
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docAmbiguous, doc, false));

                        docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, expectedMoleculeCount, 1, 1, 2, 2);
                        Assert.Fail("Expected ambiguous isolation targets.");
                    catch (Exception x)
                        AssertEx.AreComparableStrings(Resources.SpectrumFilter_FindFilterPairs_Two_isolation_windows_contain_targets_which_match_the_isolation_target__0__, x.Message, 1);

                    // Revert to original document, and get rid of results cache
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docContainer.Document, false));

                    // Import with one isolation window, so one result is discarded.
                    var windowList = new List <IsolationWindow>
                        new IsolationWindow(999.2702214, 1024.270221),
                    SrmDocument docOneWindow = doc.ChangeSettings(doc.Settings.ChangeTransitionFullScan(fullScan =>
                                                                                                        fullScan.ChangeAcquisitionMethod(fullScan.AcquisitionMethod, new IsolationScheme("Test one window", windowList))));
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docOneWindow, doc, false));

                    SrmDocument docResults = docContainer.ChangeMeasuredResults(measuredResults, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0);
                    nodeGroup = docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups.First();

                    // Revert to original document, and get rid of results cache
                    Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults, false));

        public void DoThermoRatioTest(RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode smallMoleculesTestMode)
            TestSmallMolecules = false;  // We do this explicitly

            var         testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);
            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc      = InitThermoDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            SrmSettings settings = doc.Settings.ChangePeptideModifications(mods =>
                                                                           mods.ChangeInternalStandardTypes(new[] { IsotopeLabelType.light }));

            doc = doc.ChangeSettings(settings);
            if (smallMoleculesTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none)
                var docOrig = doc;
                var refine  = new RefinementSettings();
                doc = refine.ConvertToSmallMolecules(doc, smallMoleculesTestMode);
                // This is our first example of a converted label doc - check roundtripping
                AssertEx.ConvertedSmallMoleculeDocumentIsSimilar(docOrig, doc);
            var    docContainer      = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath);
            string extRaw            = ExtensionTestContext.ExtThermoRaw;
            var    listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>
                new ChromatogramSet("rep03", new[]
                                            "Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" + extRaw))
                new ChromatogramSet("rep05", new[]
                                            "Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_05" + extRaw))
            var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));

            Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
            docResults = docContainer.Document;
            // Make sure all groups have at least 5 transitions (of 6) with ratios
            int ratioGroupMissingCount = 0;

            foreach (var nodeGroup in docResults.MoleculeTransitionGroups)
                if (nodeGroup.TransitionGroup.LabelType.IsLight)
                    foreach (var result in nodeGroup.Results)
                        Assert.IsFalse(result[0].Ratio.HasValue, "Light group found with a ratio");
                    foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTran in nodeGroup.Children)
                        foreach (var resultTran in nodeTran.Results)
                            Assert.IsFalse(resultTran[0].Ratio.HasValue, "Light transition found with a ratio");
                    bool missingRatio = false;
                    foreach (ChromInfoList <TransitionGroupChromInfo> chromInfoList in nodeGroup.Results)
                        var ratioHeavy = chromInfoList[0].Ratio;
                        if (!ratioHeavy.HasValue)
                            missingRatio = true;
                    int ratioCount1 = 0;
                    int ratioCount2 = 0;
                    foreach (TransitionDocNode nodeTranHeavy in nodeGroup.Children)
                        float?ratioHeavy = nodeTranHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio;
                        if (ratioHeavy.HasValue)
                            Assert.IsFalse(float.IsNaN(ratioHeavy.Value) || float.IsInfinity(ratioHeavy.Value));
                        ratioHeavy = nodeTranHeavy.Results[1][0].Ratio;
                        if (ratioHeavy.HasValue)
                            Assert.IsFalse(float.IsNaN(ratioHeavy.Value) || float.IsInfinity(ratioHeavy.Value));
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, ratioCount1);
                    if (ratioCount2 < 2)
                        Assert.IsFalse(missingRatio, "Precursor missing ratio when transitions have ratios");
            // 3 groups with less than 2 transition ratios
            Assert.AreEqual(3, ratioGroupMissingCount);

            // Remove the first light transition, checking that this removes the ratio
            // from the corresponding heavy transition, but not the entire group, until
            // after all light transitions have been removed.
            IdentityPath pathFirstPep = docResults.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Molecules, 0);
            var          nodePep      = (PeptideDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathFirstPep);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, nodePep.Children.Count);
            var          nodeGroupLight = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[0];
            IdentityPath pathGroupLight = new IdentityPath(pathFirstPep, nodeGroupLight.TransitionGroup);

            Assert.IsNull(nodeGroupLight.Results[0][0].Ratio, "Light group has ratio");
            var          nodeGroupHeavy = (TransitionGroupDocNode)nodePep.Children[1];
            IdentityPath pathGroupHeavy = new IdentityPath(pathFirstPep, nodeGroupHeavy.TransitionGroup);
            float?       ratioStart     = nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio;

            Assert.IsTrue(ratioStart.HasValue, "No starting heavy group ratio");
            var expectedValues = new[] { 1.403414, 1.38697791, 1.34598482 };

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var pathLight = docResults.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 0);
                var pathHeavy = docResults.GetPathTo((int)SrmDocument.Level.Transitions, 3);
                TransitionDocNode nodeTran  = (TransitionDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathHeavy);
                float?            ratioTran = nodeTran.Results[0][0].Ratio;
                Assert.IsTrue(ratioTran.HasValue, "Expected transition ratio not found");
                Assert.AreEqual(ratioTran.Value, expectedValues[i], 1.0e-5);
                docResults = (SrmDocument)docResults.RemoveChild(pathLight.Parent, docResults.FindNode(pathLight));
                nodeTran   = (TransitionDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathHeavy);
                Assert.IsFalse(nodeTran.Results[0][0].Ratio.HasValue, "Unexpected transiton ratio found");
                Assert.AreEqual(pathGroupHeavy, pathHeavy.Parent, "Transition found outside expected group");
//                nodePep = (PeptideDocNode) docResults.FindNode(pathFirstPep);
                nodeGroupHeavy = (TransitionGroupDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathGroupHeavy);
//                Assert.AreEqual(nodePep.Results[0][0].RatioToStandard, nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio,
//                                "Peptide and group ratios not equal");
                if (i < 2)
                    float?ratioGroup = nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio;
                    Assert.IsTrue(ratioGroup.HasValue, "Group ratio removed with transition ratios");
                    Assert.AreEqual(ratioStart.Value, ratioGroup.Value, 0.1,
                                    "Unexpected group ratio change by more than 0.1");
                                   "Group ratio still present with no transition ratios");
            bool asSmallMolecules = (smallMoleculesTestMode != RefinementSettings.ConvertToSmallMoleculesMode.none);

            if (!asSmallMolecules) // GetTransitions() doesn't work the same way for small molecules - it only lists existing ones
                bool      firstAdd           = true;
                var       nodeGroupLightOrig = (TransitionGroupDocNode)doc.FindNode(pathGroupLight);
                DocNode[] lightChildrenOrig  = nodeGroupLightOrig.Children.ToArray();
                foreach (var nodeTran in nodeGroupLightOrig.GetTransitions(docResults.Settings,
                                                                           null, nodeGroupLightOrig.PrecursorMz, null, null, null, false))
                    var transition = nodeTran.Transition;
                    if (!firstAdd && lightChildrenOrig.IndexOf(node => Equals(node.Id, transition)) == -1)
                    // Add the first transition, and then the original transitions
                    docResults     = (SrmDocument)docResults.Add(pathGroupLight, nodeTran);
                    nodeGroupHeavy = (TransitionGroupDocNode)docResults.FindNode(pathGroupHeavy);
                    if (firstAdd)
                        Assert.IsNull(nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio, "Unexpected heavy ratio found");
                                         "Heavy ratio null after adding light children");
                    firstAdd = false;
                Assert.AreEqual(ratioStart, nodeGroupHeavy.Results[0][0].Ratio);
            // Release file handles
Beispiel #21
        public void WatersMultiFileTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument docOriginal = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            SrmDocument doc         = docOriginal;

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtWatersRaw;

                var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>
                    new ChromatogramSet("double", new[]
                    new ChromatogramSet("trouble", new[]
                        MsDataFileUri.Parse(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_075" + extRaw)),
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                docResults = docContainer.Document;
                var measuredResults = docResults.Settings.MeasuredResults;
                var chromatograms   = measuredResults.Chromatograms;
                Assert.AreEqual(2, chromatograms.Count);

                const float tolerance = (float)TransitionInstrument.DEFAULT_MZ_MATCH_TOLERANCE;

                foreach (var pair in docResults.PeptidePrecursorPairs)
                    var nodePep   = pair.NodePep;
                    var nodeGroup = pair.NodeGroup;
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, nodeGroup.Results.Count);
                    foreach (var result in nodeGroup.Results)
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromInfos;
                        Assert.IsTrue(measuredResults.TryLoadChromatogram(i, nodePep, nodeGroup, tolerance, true, out chromInfos));
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, chromInfos.Length);
                        double[] peakAreas = new double[2];
                        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                            var chromInfo = chromInfos[j];
                            Assert.IsTrue(chromInfo.BestPeakIndex != -1);
                            foreach (var tranInfo in chromInfo.TransitionPointSets)
                                var peakInfo = tranInfo.GetPeak(chromInfo.BestPeakIndex);
                                if (peakInfo.IsEmpty || peakInfo.IsForcedIntegration)

                                // Check times
                                var times  = tranInfo.Times;
                                int iStart = CollectionUtil.BinarySearch(times, peakInfo.StartTime);
                                Assert.IsTrue(iStart >= 0);
                                int iEnd = CollectionUtil.BinarySearch(times, peakInfo.EndTime);
                                Assert.IsTrue(iEnd >= 0);
                                int iPeak = CollectionUtil.BinarySearch(times, peakInfo.RetentionTime);
                                // Check intensities at times
                                var intensities = tranInfo.Intensities;
                                Assert.IsTrue(intensities[iStart] < intensities[iPeak]);
                                Assert.IsTrue(intensities[iEnd] < intensities[iPeak]);
                                // Sum peak area
                                peakAreas[j] += peakInfo.Area;
                        Assert.IsTrue(peakAreas[0] < peakAreas[1]);
        public void ThermoCancelImportTest()
            var         testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);
            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument doc          = InitThermoDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            var         docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath);
            string      resultsPath  = testFilesDir.GetTestPath("Site20_STUDY9P_PHASEII_QC_03" +
            string dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(resultsPath) ?? "";

            // Remove any existing temp and cache files
            foreach (var path in Directory.GetFiles(dirPath))
                if (IsCacheOrTempFile(path))
            string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(resultsPath);
            var    listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet> {
                new ChromatogramSet(name, new[] { MsDataFileUri.Parse(resultsPath) })
            var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));

            // Start cache load, but don't wait for completion
            Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc));

            // Wait up to 1 second for the cache to start being written
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                if (Directory.GetFiles(dirPath).IndexOf(IsCacheOrTempFile) != -1)

            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.GetFiles(dirPath).IndexOf(IsCacheOrTempFile) != -1, "Failed to create cache file");

            // Cancel by reverting to the original document
            Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(doc, docResults));
            // Wait up to 5 seconds for cancel to occur
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                if (docContainer.LastProgress.IsCanceled)
            if (!docContainer.LastProgress.IsCanceled)
                Assert.Fail("Attempt to cancel results load failed. {0}", docContainer.LastProgress.ErrorException != null
                    ? docContainer.LastProgress.ErrorException.Message : string.Empty);

            // Wait up to 20 seconds for the cache to be removed
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                if (Directory.GetFiles(dirPath).IndexOf(IsCacheOrTempFile) == -1)
            // Cache file has been removed
            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.GetFiles(dirPath).IndexOf(IsCacheOrTempFile) == -1, "Failed to remove cache file");
Beispiel #23
        public void WatersMultiFileTest()
            var testFilesDir = new TestFilesDir(TestContext, ZIP_FILE);

            string      docPath;
            SrmDocument docOriginal = InitWatersDocument(testFilesDir, out docPath);
            SrmDocument doc         = docOriginal;

            using (var docContainer = new ResultsTestDocumentContainer(doc, docPath))
                string extRaw = ExtensionTestContext.ExtWatersRaw;

                var listChromatograms = new List <ChromatogramSet>
                    new ChromatogramSet("double", new[]
                    new ChromatogramSet("trouble", new[]
                        MsDataFileUri.Parse(testFilesDir.GetTestPath("160109_Mix1_calcurve_075" + extRaw)),
                var docResults = doc.ChangeMeasuredResults(new MeasuredResults(listChromatograms));
                Assert.IsTrue(docContainer.SetDocument(docResults, doc, true));
                docResults = docContainer.Document;
                var measuredResults = docResults.Settings.MeasuredResults;
                var chromatograms   = measuredResults.Chromatograms;
                Assert.AreEqual(2, chromatograms.Count);
                var dictPathToIndex = new Dictionary <MsDataFileUri, int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(listChromatograms[i].BatchName, chromatograms[i].BatchName);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(listChromatograms[i].MSDataFileInfos[j].FilePath, chromatograms[i].MSDataFileInfos[j].FilePath);
                        dictPathToIndex.Add(listChromatograms[i].MSDataFileInfos[j].FilePath, j);

                const float tolerance = (float)TransitionInstrument.DEFAULT_MZ_MATCH_TOLERANCE;

                foreach (var pair in docResults.PeptidePrecursorPairs)
                    var nodePep   = pair.NodePep;
                    var nodeGroup = pair.NodeGroup;
                    Assert.IsTrue(nodeGroup.HasResults, string.Format("Missing results on {0}", nodeGroup));
                    Assert.AreEqual(2, nodeGroup.Results.Count);
                    foreach (var result in nodeGroup.Results)
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromInfos;
                        Assert.IsTrue(measuredResults.TryLoadChromatogram(i, nodePep, nodeGroup, tolerance, true, out chromInfos),
                                      string.Format("Missing chromatogram {0} - {1}", nodeGroup, i));
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, chromInfos.Length);
                        double[] peakAreas = new double[2];
                        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                            var chromInfo = chromInfos[j];
                            // No guarantee that chromInfos will be in the same order as the ChromatogramSet.MsDataFileInfos
                            int peakAreaIndex = dictPathToIndex[chromInfo.FilePath];
                            Assert.IsTrue(chromInfo.BestPeakIndex != -1, string.Format("Missing peak {0} - {1}:{2}", nodeGroup, i, j));
                            foreach (var tranInfo in chromInfo.TransitionPointSets)
                                var peakInfo = tranInfo.GetPeak(chromInfo.BestPeakIndex);
                                if (peakInfo.IsEmpty || peakInfo.IsForcedIntegration)

                                // Check times
                                var times  = tranInfo.Times;
                                int iStart = CollectionUtil.BinarySearch(times, peakInfo.StartTime);
                                Assert.IsTrue(iStart >= 0, string.Format("Start time not {0}", iStart));
                                int iEnd = CollectionUtil.BinarySearch(times, peakInfo.EndTime);
                                Assert.IsTrue(iEnd >= 0, string.Format("End time not found {0}", iEnd));
                                int iPeak = CollectionUtil.BinarySearch(times, peakInfo.RetentionTime);
                                // Check intensities at times
                                var intensities = tranInfo.Intensities;
                                Assert.IsTrue(intensities[iStart] < intensities[iPeak],
                                              string.Format("Start intensity {0} >= peak intensity {1}", intensities[iStart], intensities[iPeak]));
                                Assert.IsTrue(intensities[iEnd] < intensities[iPeak],
                                              string.Format("End intensity {0} >= peak intensity {1}", intensities[iEnd], intensities[iPeak]));
                                // Sum peak area
                                peakAreas[peakAreaIndex] += peakInfo.Area;

                        Assert.IsTrue(peakAreas[0] < peakAreas[1],
                                      string.Format("{0} analyte area >= {1} standard area", peakAreas[0], peakAreas[1]));