public new void SetUp()
            _taxSettings = new TaxSettings
                DefaultTaxAddressId = 10

            _workContext  = null;
            _storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();
            _storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(new Store {
                Id = 1

            _addressService = new Mock <IAddressService>();
            //default tax address
            _addressService.Setup(x => x.GetAddressById(_taxSettings.DefaultTaxAddressId)).Returns(new Address {
                Id = _taxSettings.DefaultTaxAddressId

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            _geoLookupService     = new Mock <IGeoLookupService>();
            _countryService       = new Mock <ICountryService>();
            _stateProvinceService = new Mock <IStateProvinceService>();
            _logger    = new Mock <ILogger>();
            _webHelper = new Mock <IWebHelper>();
            _genericAttributeService = new Mock <IGenericAttributeService>();

            _customerSettings = new CustomerSettings();
            _shippingSettings = new ShippingSettings();
            _addressSettings  = new AddressSettings();

            var customerService = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var loger           = new Mock <ILogger>();

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var pluginService = new PluginService(_catalogSettings, customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, _webHelper.Object);

            _taxPluginManager = new TaxPluginManager(pluginService, _taxSettings);

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _taxService = new TaxService(_addressSettings,
        public new void SetUp()
            var discount1 = new Discount
                Id                 = 1,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToCategories,
                Name               = "Discount 1",
                UsePercentage      = true,
                DiscountPercentage = 10,
                DiscountAmount     = 0,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
                LimitationTimes    = 0
            var discount2 = new Discount
                Id                 = 2,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToSkus,
                Name               = "Discount 2",
                UsePercentage      = false,
                DiscountPercentage = 0,
                DiscountAmount     = 5,
                RequiresCouponCode = true,
                CouponCode         = "SecretCode",
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.NTimesPerCustomer,
                LimitationTimes    = 3

            _discountRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Discount> {
                discount1, discount2

            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));
            _categoryRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Category>().AsQueryable());
            _manufacturerRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Manufacturer>().AsQueryable());
            _productRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Product>().AsQueryable());

            var staticCacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _discountRequirementRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <DiscountRequirement>().AsQueryable());

            var pluginService = new FakePluginService();

            _discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(new FakeCacheKeyService(), new Mock <ICustomerService>().Object, pluginService);
            _discountService       = new DiscountService(
                new FakeCacheKeyService(),
Beispiel #3
        public static IDiscountService Init(IQueryable <Discount> discounts = default, IQueryable <DiscountProductMapping> productDiscountMapping = null)
            var staticCacheManager = new TestCacheManager();
            var discountRepo       = new Mock <IRepository <Discount> >();

            discountRepo.Setup(r => r.Table).Returns(discounts);

            var discountRequirementRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountRequirement> >();

            discountRequirementRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <DiscountRequirement>().AsQueryable());
            var discountUsageHistoryRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountUsageHistory> >();

            var discountMappingRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountMapping> >();

            discountMappingRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(productDiscountMapping);

            var customerService     = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var localizationService = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            var productService      = new Mock <IProductService>();

            var eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();

            var pluginService = new FakePluginService();

            var discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(customerService.Object, pluginService);
            var store = new Store {
                Id = 1
            var storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();

            storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(store);

            var orderRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Order> >();

            var discountService = new TestDiscountService(
                new FakeCacheKeyService(),

Beispiel #4
        public static IDiscountService Init()
            var cacheManager            = new TestCacheManager();
            var discountRepo            = new Mock <IRepository <Discount> >();
            var discountRequirementRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountRequirement> >();

            discountRequirementRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <DiscountRequirement>().AsQueryable());
            var discountUsageHistoryRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountUsageHistory> >();
            var categoryRepo             = new Mock <IRepository <Category> >();

            categoryRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Category>().AsQueryable());
            var manufacturerRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Manufacturer> >();

            manufacturerRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Manufacturer>().AsQueryable());
            var productRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Product> >();

            productRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Product>().AsQueryable());
            var customerService     = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var localizationService = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            var eventPublisher      = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            var loger     = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var webHelper = new Mock <IWebHelper>();

            var pluginService         = new PluginService(new CatalogSettings(), customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, webHelper.Object);
            var categoryService       = new Mock <ICategoryService>();
            var discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(pluginService);
            var store = new Store {
                Id = 1
            var storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();

            storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(store);

            var discountService = new TestDiscountService(categoryService.Object,

Beispiel #5
        public new void SetUp()
            var discount1 = new Discount
                Id                 = 1,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToCategories,
                Name               = "Discount 1",
                UsePercentage      = true,
                DiscountPercentage = 10,
                DiscountAmount     = 0,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
                LimitationTimes    = 0
            var discount2 = new Discount
                Id                 = 2,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToSkus,
                Name               = "Discount 2",
                UsePercentage      = false,
                DiscountPercentage = 0,
                DiscountAmount     = 5,
                RequiresCouponCode = true,
                CouponCode         = "SecretCode",
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.NTimesPerCustomer,
                LimitationTimes    = 3

            _discountRepo = new FakeRepository <Discount>(new List <Discount> {
                discount1, discount2

            var staticCacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            var pluginService = new FakePluginService();

            _discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(new Mock <ICustomerService>().Object, pluginService);
            _discountService       = new DiscountService(
        public static IDiscountService Init(IQueryable <Discount> discounts = default, IQueryable <DiscountProductMapping> productDiscountMapping = null)
            var staticCacheManager = new TestCacheManager();
            var discountRepo       = new FakeRepository <Discount>(discounts.ToList());

            var discountRequirementRepo  = new FakeRepository <DiscountRequirement>();
            var discountUsageHistoryRepo = new FakeRepository <DiscountUsageHistory>();

            var customerService     = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var localizationService = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            var productService      = new Mock <IProductService>();

            var pluginService = new FakePluginService();

            var discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(customerService.Object, pluginService);
            var store = new Store {
                Id = 1
            var storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();

            storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(store);

            var orderRepo = new FakeRepository <Order>();

            var discountService = new TestDiscountService(

        public new void SetUp()
            _languageRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Language> >();
            var lang1 = new Language
                Name              = "English",
                LanguageCulture   = "en-Us",
                FlagImageFileName = "us.png",
                Published         = true,
                DisplayOrder      = 1
            var lang2 = new Language
                Name              = "Russian",
                LanguageCulture   = "ru-Ru",
                FlagImageFileName = "ru.png",
                Published         = true,
                DisplayOrder      = 2

            _languageRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Language> {
                lang1, lang2

            _storeMappingService = new Mock <IStoreMappingService>();

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _settingService = new Mock <ISettingService>();

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            _localizationSettings = new LocalizationSettings();
            _languageService      = new LanguageService(_eventPublisher.Object, _languageRepo.Object, _settingService.Object, cacheManager, _storeMappingService.Object, _localizationSettings);
Beispiel #8
        public new void SetUp()
            #region Test data

            //color (dropdownlist)
            pa1 = new ProductAttribute
                Id   = 1,
                Name = "Color"
            pam1_1 = new ProductAttributeMapping
                Id                   = 11,
                ProductId            = 1,
                TextPrompt           = "Select color:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.DropdownList,
                DisplayOrder         = 1,
                ProductAttribute     = pa1,
                ProductAttributeId   = pa1.Id
            pav1_1 = new ProductAttributeValue
                Id                        = 11,
                Name                      = "Green",
                DisplayOrder              = 1,
                ProductAttributeMapping   = pam1_1,
                ProductAttributeMappingId = pam1_1.Id
            pav1_2 = new ProductAttributeValue
                Id                        = 12,
                Name                      = "Red",
                DisplayOrder              = 2,
                ProductAttributeMapping   = pam1_1,
                ProductAttributeMappingId = pam1_1.Id

            //custom option (checkboxes)
            pa2 = new ProductAttribute
                Id   = 2,
                Name = "Some custom option"
            pam2_1 = new ProductAttributeMapping
                Id                   = 21,
                ProductId            = 1,
                TextPrompt           = "Select at least one option:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.Checkboxes,
                DisplayOrder         = 2,
                ProductAttribute     = pa2,
                ProductAttributeId   = pa2.Id
            pav2_1 = new ProductAttributeValue
                Id                        = 21,
                Name                      = "Option 1",
                DisplayOrder              = 1,
                ProductAttributeMapping   = pam2_1,
                ProductAttributeMappingId = pam2_1.Id
            pav2_2 = new ProductAttributeValue
                Id                        = 22,
                Name                      = "Option 2",
                DisplayOrder              = 2,
                ProductAttributeMapping   = pam2_1,
                ProductAttributeMappingId = pam2_1.Id

            //custom text
            pa3 = new ProductAttribute
                Id   = 3,
                Name = "Custom text"
            pam3_1 = new ProductAttributeMapping
                Id                   = 31,
                ProductId            = 1,
                TextPrompt           = "Enter custom text:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.TextBox,
                DisplayOrder         = 1,
                ProductAttribute     = pa1,
                ProductAttributeId   = pa3.Id

            //option radio
            pa4 = new ProductAttribute
                Id   = 4,
                Name = "Radio list"
            pam4_1 = new ProductAttributeMapping
                Id                   = 41,
                ProductId            = 1,
                TextPrompt           = "Select option and enter the quantity:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.RadioList,
                DisplayOrder         = 2,
                ProductAttribute     = pa4,
                ProductAttributeId   = pa4.Id
            pav4_1 = new ProductAttributeValue
                Id                        = 41,
                Name                      = "Option with quantity",
                DisplayOrder              = 1,
                ProductAttributeMapping   = pam4_1,
                ProductAttributeMappingId = pam4_1.Id


            _productAttributeRepo = new Mock <IRepository <ProductAttribute> >();
            _productAttributeRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <ProductAttribute> {
                pa1, pa2, pa3, pa4
            _productAttributeRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pa1.Id)).Returns(pa1);
            _productAttributeRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pa2.Id)).Returns(pa2);
            _productAttributeRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pa3.Id)).Returns(pa3);
            _productAttributeRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pa4.Id)).Returns(pa4);

            _productAttributeMappingRepo = new Mock <IRepository <ProductAttributeMapping> >();
            _productAttributeMappingRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <ProductAttributeMapping> {
                pam1_1, pam2_1, pam3_1, pam4_1
            _productAttributeMappingRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pam1_1.Id)).Returns(pam1_1);
            _productAttributeMappingRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pam2_1.Id)).Returns(pam2_1);
            _productAttributeMappingRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pam3_1.Id)).Returns(pam3_1);
            _productAttributeMappingRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pam4_1.Id)).Returns(pam4_1);

            _productAttributeCombinationRepo = new Mock <IRepository <ProductAttributeCombination> >();
            _productAttributeCombinationRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <ProductAttributeCombination>().AsQueryable());

            _productAttributeValueRepo = new Mock <IRepository <ProductAttributeValue> >();
            _productAttributeValueRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <ProductAttributeValue> {
                pav1_1, pav1_2, pav2_1, pav2_2, pav4_1
            _productAttributeValueRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pav1_1.Id)).Returns(pav1_1);
            _productAttributeValueRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pav1_2.Id)).Returns(pav1_2);
            _productAttributeValueRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pav2_1.Id)).Returns(pav2_1);
            _productAttributeValueRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pav2_2.Id)).Returns(pav2_2);
            _productAttributeValueRepo.Setup(x => x.GetById(pav4_1.Id)).Returns(pav4_1);

            _predefinedProductAttributeValueRepo = new Mock <IRepository <PredefinedProductAttributeValue> >();

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _productAttributeService = new ProductAttributeService(cacheManager,
                                                                   new TestCacheManager());

            _context = new Mock <IDbContext>();

            _productAttributeParser = new ProductAttributeParser(_context.Object, _productAttributeService);

            _priceCalculationService = new Mock <IPriceCalculationService>();

            var workingLanguage = new Language();
            _workContext = new Mock <IWorkContext>();
            _workContext.Setup(x => x.WorkingLanguage).Returns(workingLanguage);
            _currencyService     = new Mock <ICurrencyService>();
            _localizationService = TestLocalizationService.Init();

            _taxService           = new Mock <ITaxService>();
            _priceFormatter       = new Mock <IPriceFormatter>();
            _downloadService      = new Mock <IDownloadService>();
            _webHelper            = new Mock <IWebHelper>();
            _shoppingCartSettings = new ShoppingCartSettings();

            _productAttributeFormatter = new ProductAttributeFormatter(_currencyService.Object,
Beispiel #9
        public new void SetUp()
            _productService = new Mock <IProductService>();

            _discountService          = new Mock <IDiscountService>();
            _categoryService          = new Mock <ICategoryService>();
            _manufacturerService      = new Mock <IManufacturerService>();
            _productAttributeParser   = new Mock <IProductAttributeParser>();
            _eventPublisher           = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _localizationService      = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            _shippingMethodRepository = new Mock <IRepository <ShippingMethod> >();
            _warehouseRepository      = new Mock <IRepository <Warehouse> >();
            _shipmentService          = new Mock <IShipmentService>();
            _paymentService           = new Mock <IPaymentService>();
            _checkoutAttributeParser  = new Mock <ICheckoutAttributeParser>();
            _giftCardService          = new Mock <IGiftCardService>();
            _genericAttributeService  = new Mock <IGenericAttributeService>();
            _geoLookupService         = new Mock <IGeoLookupService>();
            _countryService           = new Mock <ICountryService>();
            _stateProvinceService     = new Mock <IStateProvinceService>();
            _eventPublisher           = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _addressService           = new Mock <IAddressService>();
            _rewardPointService       = new Mock <IRewardPointService>();
            _webHelper                  = new Mock <IWebHelper>();
            _languageService            = new Mock <ILanguageService>();
            _priceFormatter             = new Mock <IPriceFormatter>();
            _productAttributeFormatter  = new Mock <IProductAttributeFormatter>();
            _shoppingCartService        = new Mock <IShoppingCartService>();
            _checkoutAttributeFormatter = new Mock <ICheckoutAttributeFormatter>();
            _customerService            = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            _encryptionService          = new Mock <IEncryptionService>();
            _workflowMessageService     = new Mock <IWorkflowMessageService>();
            _customerActivityService    = new Mock <ICustomerActivityService>();
            _currencyService            = new Mock <ICurrencyService>();
            _affiliateService           = new Mock <IAffiliateService>();
            _vendorService              = new Mock <IVendorService>();
            _pdfService                 = new Mock <IPdfService>();
            _customNumberFormatter      = new Mock <ICustomNumberFormatter>();
            _rewardPointService         = new Mock <IRewardPointService>();

            _workContext = null;


            _storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();
            _store        = new Store {
                Id = 1
            _storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(_store);

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _currencySettings = new CurrencySettings();

            //price calculation service
            _priceCalcService = new PriceCalculationService(_catalogSettings, _currencySettings, _categoryService.Object,
                                                            _currencyService.Object, _customerService.Object, _discountService.Object, _manufacturerService.Object, _productAttributeParser.Object,
                                                            _productService.Object, cacheManager, _storeContext.Object, _workContext);

            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            var pluginService = new FakePluginService(_catalogSettings);

            _paymentPluginManager  = new PaymentPluginManager(pluginService, null, _paymentSettings);
            _pickupPluginManager   = new PickupPluginManager(pluginService, _shippingSettings);
            _shippingPluginManager = new ShippingPluginManager(pluginService, _shippingSettings);
            _taxPluginManager      = new TaxPluginManager(pluginService, _taxSettings);

            _shoppingCartSettings = new ShoppingCartSettings();
            _shippingSettings = new ShippingSettings
                ActiveShippingRateComputationMethodSystemNames = new List <string>()

            _logger           = new NullLogger();
            _customerSettings = new CustomerSettings();
            _addressSettings  = new AddressSettings();

            var shippingMethodCountryMappingRepository = new Mock <IRepository <ShippingMethodCountryMapping> >();

            _shippingService = new ShippingService(_addressService.Object,

            _taxSettings = new TaxSettings
                ShippingIsTaxable = true,
                PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeIsTaxable = true,
                DefaultTaxAddressId = 10

            _addressService.Setup(x => x.GetAddressById(_taxSettings.DefaultTaxAddressId)).Returns(new Address {
                Id = _taxSettings.DefaultTaxAddressId

            _taxService = new TaxService(_addressSettings,

            _rewardPointsSettings = new RewardPointsSettings();

            _recurringPaymentRepository = new Mock <IRepository <RecurringPayment> >();
            var recurringPayments = new List <RecurringPayment>();

            _recurringPaymentRepository.Setup(r => r.Insert(It.IsAny <RecurringPayment>())).Callback((RecurringPayment rph) => recurringPayments.Add(rph));
            _recurringPaymentRepository.Setup(r => r.Table).Returns(recurringPayments.AsQueryable());

            _recurringPaymentHistoryRepository = new Mock <IRepository <RecurringPaymentHistory> >();
            var recurringPaymentHistory = new List <RecurringPaymentHistory>();

            _recurringPaymentHistoryRepository.Setup(r => r.Insert(It.IsAny <RecurringPaymentHistory>())).Callback((RecurringPaymentHistory rph) => recurringPaymentHistory.Add(rph));
            _recurringPaymentHistoryRepository.Setup(r => r.Table).Returns(recurringPaymentHistory.AsQueryable());

            _orderService = new OrderService(_eventPublisher.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, _recurringPaymentRepository.Object, _recurringPaymentHistoryRepository.Object, _shipmentService.Object);

            _orderTotalCalcService = new OrderTotalCalculationService(_catalogSettings,

            _paymentSettings = new PaymentSettings
                ActivePaymentMethodSystemNames = new List <string>
            _orderSettings = new OrderSettings();

            _localizationSettings = new LocalizationSettings();

            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            _orderProcessingService = new OrderProcessingService(_currencySettings,
Beispiel #10
        public new void SetUp()
            #region Test data

            //color (dropdownlist)
            ca1 = new CheckoutAttribute
                Id                   = 1,
                Name                 = "Color",
                TextPrompt           = "Select color:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.DropdownList,
                DisplayOrder         = 1

            cav1_1 = new CheckoutAttributeValue
                Id                  = 11,
                Name                = "Green",
                DisplayOrder        = 1,
                CheckoutAttributeId = ca1.Id
            cav1_2 = new CheckoutAttributeValue
                Id                  = 12,
                Name                = "Red",
                DisplayOrder        = 2,
                CheckoutAttributeId = ca1.Id

            //custom option (checkboxes)
            ca2 = new CheckoutAttribute
                Id                   = 2,
                Name                 = "Custom option",
                TextPrompt           = "Select custom option:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.Checkboxes,
                DisplayOrder         = 2
            cav2_1 = new CheckoutAttributeValue
                Id                  = 21,
                Name                = "Option 1",
                DisplayOrder        = 1,
                CheckoutAttributeId = ca2.Id
            cav2_2 = new CheckoutAttributeValue
                Id                  = 22,
                Name                = "Option 2",
                DisplayOrder        = 2,
                CheckoutAttributeId = ca2.Id

            //custom text
            ca3 = new CheckoutAttribute
                Id                   = 3,
                Name                 = "Custom text",
                TextPrompt           = "Enter custom text:",
                IsRequired           = true,
                AttributeControlType = AttributeControlType.MultilineTextbox,
                DisplayOrder         = 3


            _checkoutAttributeRepo = new FakeRepository <CheckoutAttribute>(new List <CheckoutAttribute> {
                ca1, ca2, ca3

            _checkoutAttributeValueRepo = new FakeRepository <CheckoutAttributeValue>(new List <CheckoutAttributeValue> {
                cav1_1, cav1_2, cav2_1, cav2_2

            var staticCacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _storeMappingService = new Mock <IStoreMappingService>();

            _checkoutAttributeService = new CheckoutAttributeService(staticCacheManager,
                                                                     _checkoutAttributeRepo, _checkoutAttributeValueRepo, _storeMappingService.Object);

            _checkoutAttributeParser = new CheckoutAttributeParser(_checkoutAttributeService);

            var workingLanguage = new Language();
            _workContext = new Mock <IWorkContext>();
            _workContext.Setup(x => x.WorkingLanguage).Returns(workingLanguage);
            _currencyService     = new Mock <ICurrencyService>();
            _taxService          = new Mock <ITaxService>();
            _priceFormatter      = new Mock <IPriceFormatter>();
            _downloadService     = new Mock <IDownloadService>();
            _webHelper           = new Mock <IWebHelper>();
            _localizationService = TestLocalizationService.Init();

            //_localizationService.Setup(ls=>ls.GetLocalized(It.IsAny<CheckoutAttribute>(), attribute => attribute.Name, It.IsAny<int?>(), true, true)).Returns()

            _checkoutAttributeFormatter = new CheckoutAttributeFormatter(_checkoutAttributeParser,
                                                                         _checkoutAttributeService, _currencyService.Object, _downloadService.Object, _localizationService,
                                                                         _priceFormatter.Object, _taxService.Object, _webHelper.Object, _workContext.Object);
Beispiel #11
        public override void SetUp()
            var discount1 = new Discount
                Id                 = 1,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToCategories,
                Name               = "Discount 1",
                CouponCode         = "DiscoutCoupon",
                RequiresCouponCode = true,
                UsePercentage      = true,
                DiscountPercentage = 10,
                DiscountAmount     = 0,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
                LimitationTimes    = 0
            var discount2 = new Discount
                Id                 = 2,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToSkus,
                Name               = "Discount 2",
                UsePercentage      = false,
                DiscountPercentage = 0,
                DiscountAmount     = 5,
                RequiresCouponCode = true,
                CouponCode         = "SecretCode",
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.NTimesPerCustomer,
                LimitationTimes    = 3
            var discountList = new List <Discount> {
                discount1, discount2
            var discountRequirement = new List <DiscountRequirement>().AsQueryable();

            _permissionService.Setup(x => x.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageDiscounts)).Returns(true);
            _discountRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(discountList);
            _discountRepo.Setup(c => c.GetById(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns((int i) => discountList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == i));
            _discountRequirementRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(discountRequirement);
            _discountRequirementRepo.Setup(dr => dr.Insert(It.IsAny <DiscountRequirement>())).Callback((DiscountRequirement i) =>
                i.Id = discountRequirement.Count() > 0 ? discountRequirement.Max(x => x.Id) + 1 : 1;

            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));
            var staticCacheManager = new TestCacheManager();
            var pluginService      = new FakePluginService();

            _discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(new Mock <ICustomerService>().Object, pluginService);
            _discountService       = new DiscountService(
                new FakeCacheKeyService(),
Beispiel #12
        public new void SetUp()
            _shippingSettings = new ShippingSettings
                ActiveShippingRateComputationMethodSystemNames = new List <string>()

            _shippingMethodRepository = new Mock <IRepository <ShippingMethod> >();
            _warehouseRepository      = new Mock <IRepository <Warehouse> >();
            _logger = new NullLogger();
            _productAttributeParser  = new Mock <IProductAttributeParser>();
            _checkoutAttributeParser = new Mock <ICheckoutAttributeParser>();

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _productService = new Mock <IProductService>();

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            var customerService = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var loger           = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var webHelper       = new Mock <IWebHelper>();

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var pluginService = new PluginService(_catalogSettings, customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, webHelper.Object);

            _pickupPluginManager   = new PickupPluginManager(pluginService, _shippingSettings);
            _shippingPluginManager = new ShippingPluginManager(pluginService, _shippingSettings);

            _localizationService     = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            _addressService          = new Mock <IAddressService>();
            _genericAttributeService = new Mock <IGenericAttributeService>();
            _priceCalcService        = new Mock <IPriceCalculationService>();

            _store = new Store {
                Id = 1
            _storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();
            _storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(_store);

            _shoppingCartSettings = new ShoppingCartSettings();

            _shippingService = new ShippingService(_addressService.Object,
        public new void SetUp()
            measureDimension1 = new MeasureDimension
                Id            = 1,
                Name          = "inch(es)",
                SystemKeyword = "inches",
                Ratio         = 1M,
                DisplayOrder  = 1
            measureDimension2 = new MeasureDimension
                Id            = 2,
                Name          = "feet",
                SystemKeyword = "feet",
                Ratio         = 0.08333333M,
                DisplayOrder  = 2
            measureDimension3 = new MeasureDimension
                Id            = 3,
                Name          = "meter(s)",
                SystemKeyword = "meters",
                Ratio         = 0.0254M,
                DisplayOrder  = 3
            measureDimension4 = new MeasureDimension
                Id            = 4,
                Name          = "millimetre(s)",
                SystemKeyword = "millimetres",
                Ratio         = 25.4M,
                DisplayOrder  = 4

            measureWeight1 = new MeasureWeight
                Id            = 1,
                Name          = "ounce(s)",
                SystemKeyword = "ounce",
                Ratio         = 16M,
                DisplayOrder  = 1
            measureWeight2 = new MeasureWeight
                Id            = 2,
                Name          = "lb(s)",
                SystemKeyword = "lb",
                Ratio         = 1M,
                DisplayOrder  = 2
            measureWeight3 = new MeasureWeight
                Id            = 3,
                Name          = "kg(s)",
                SystemKeyword = "kg",
                Ratio         = 0.45359237M,
                DisplayOrder  = 3
            measureWeight4 = new MeasureWeight
                Id            = 4,
                Name          = "gram(s)",
                SystemKeyword = "grams",
                Ratio         = 453.59237M,
                DisplayOrder  = 4

            _measureDimensionRepository = new Mock <IRepository <MeasureDimension> >();
            _measureDimensionRepository.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <MeasureDimension> {
                measureDimension1, measureDimension2, measureDimension3, measureDimension4
            _measureDimensionRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureDimension1.Id)).Returns(measureDimension1);
            _measureDimensionRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureDimension2.Id)).Returns(measureDimension2);
            _measureDimensionRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureDimension3.Id)).Returns(measureDimension3);
            _measureDimensionRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureDimension4.Id)).Returns(measureDimension4);

            _measureWeightRepository = new Mock <IRepository <MeasureWeight> >();
            _measureWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <MeasureWeight> {
                measureWeight1, measureWeight2, measureWeight3, measureWeight4
            _measureWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureWeight1.Id)).Returns(measureWeight1);
            _measureWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureWeight2.Id)).Returns(measureWeight2);
            _measureWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureWeight3.Id)).Returns(measureWeight3);
            _measureWeightRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(measureWeight4.Id)).Returns(measureWeight4);

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _measureSettings = new MeasureSettings
                BaseDimensionId = measureDimension1.Id, //inch(es)
                BaseWeightId    = measureWeight2.Id     //lb(s)

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            _measureService = new MeasureService(cacheManager,
Beispiel #14
        public new void SetUp()
            _discountRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Discount> >();
            var discount1 = new Discount
                Id                 = 1,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToCategories,
                Name               = "Discount 1",
                UsePercentage      = true,
                DiscountPercentage = 10,
                DiscountAmount     = 0,
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.Unlimited,
                LimitationTimes    = 0
            var discount2 = new Discount
                Id                 = 2,
                DiscountType       = DiscountType.AssignedToSkus,
                Name               = "Discount 2",
                UsePercentage      = false,
                DiscountPercentage = 0,
                DiscountAmount     = 5,
                RequiresCouponCode = true,
                CouponCode         = "SecretCode",
                DiscountLimitation = DiscountLimitationType.NTimesPerCustomer,
                LimitationTimes    = 3

            _discountRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Discount> {
                discount1, discount2

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            _storeContext    = new Mock <IStoreContext>();
            _customerService = new Mock <ICustomerService>();

            _categoryRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Category> >();
            _categoryRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Category>().AsQueryable());
            _manufacturerRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Manufacturer> >();
            _manufacturerRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Manufacturer>().AsQueryable());
            _productRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Product> >();
            _productRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Product>().AsQueryable());

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _discountRequirementRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountRequirement> >();
            _discountRequirementRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <DiscountRequirement>().AsQueryable());

            _discountUsageHistoryRepo = new Mock <IRepository <DiscountUsageHistory> >();

            var loger     = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var webHelper = new Mock <IWebHelper>();

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var pluginService = new PluginService(_catalogSettings, _customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, webHelper.Object);

            _localizationService = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            _categoryService     = new Mock <ICategoryService>();

            _discountPluginManager = new DiscountPluginManager(pluginService);
            _discountService       = new DiscountService(_categoryService.Object,
        public new void SetUp()
            currencyUSD = new Currency
                Id               = 1,
                Name             = "US Dollar",
                CurrencyCode     = "USD",
                Rate             = 1.2M,
                DisplayLocale    = "en-US",
                CustomFormatting = "",
                Published        = true,
                DisplayOrder     = 1,
                CreatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RoundingType     = RoundingType.Rounding001
            currencyEUR = new Currency
                Id               = 2,
                Name             = "Euro",
                CurrencyCode     = "EUR",
                Rate             = 1,
                DisplayLocale    = "",
                CustomFormatting = "€0.00",
                Published        = true,
                DisplayOrder     = 2,
                CreatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RoundingType     = RoundingType.Rounding001
            currencyRUR = new Currency
                Id               = 3,
                Name             = "Russian Rouble",
                CurrencyCode     = "RUB",
                Rate             = 34.5M,
                DisplayLocale    = "ru-RU",
                CustomFormatting = "",
                Published        = true,
                DisplayOrder     = 3,
                CreatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RoundingType     = RoundingType.Rounding001
            _currencyRepository = new Mock <IRepository <Currency> >();
            _currencyRepository.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Currency> {
                currencyUSD, currencyEUR, currencyRUR
            _currencyRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(currencyUSD.Id)).Returns(currencyUSD);
            _currencyRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(currencyEUR.Id)).Returns(currencyEUR);
            _currencyRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(currencyRUR.Id)).Returns(currencyRUR);

            _storeMappingService = new Mock <IStoreMappingService>();

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _currencySettings = new CurrencySettings
                PrimaryStoreCurrencyId        = currencyUSD.Id,
                PrimaryExchangeRateCurrencyId = currencyEUR.Id

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            var customerService = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var loger           = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var webHelper       = new Mock <IWebHelper>();

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var pluginService = new PluginService(_catalogSettings, customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, webHelper.Object);

            _exchangeRatePluginManager = new ExchangeRatePluginManager(_currencySettings, pluginService);
            _currencyService           = new CurrencyService(_currencySettings,
Beispiel #16
        public new void SetUp()
            _shippingSettings = new ShippingSettings
                UseCubeRootMethod = true,
                ConsiderAssociatedProductsDimensions = true,
                ShipSeparatelyOneItemEach            = false

            _shippingMethodRepository = new Mock <IRepository <ShippingMethod> >();
            _warehouseRepository      = new Mock <IRepository <Warehouse> >();
            _logger = new NullLogger();
            _productAttributeParser  = new Mock <IProductAttributeParser>();
            _checkoutAttributeParser = new Mock <ICheckoutAttributeParser>();

            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _productService = new Mock <IProductService>();

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            var customerService = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var loger           = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var webHelper       = new Mock <IWebHelper>();

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var pluginService = new PluginService(_catalogSettings, customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, webHelper.Object);

            _pickupPluginManager   = new PickupPluginManager(pluginService, _shippingSettings);
            _shippingPluginManager = new ShippingPluginManager(pluginService, _shippingSettings);

            _localizationService     = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            _addressService          = new Mock <IAddressService>();
            _genericAttributeService = new Mock <IGenericAttributeService>();
            _priceCalcService        = new Mock <IPriceCalculationService>();

            _store = new Store {
                Id = 1
            _storeContext = new Mock <IStoreContext>();
            _storeContext.Setup(x => x.CurrentStore).Returns(_store);

            _shoppingCartSettings = new ShoppingCartSettings();

            _shippingService = new ShippingService(_addressService.Object,
Beispiel #17
        public new void SetUp()
            var cacheManager = new TestCacheManager();

            _workContext = new Mock <IWorkContext>();
            _workContext.Setup(w => w.WorkingCurrency).Returns(new Currency {
                RoundingType = RoundingType.Rounding001

            _currencySettings = new CurrencySettings();
            var currency1 = new Currency
                Id               = 1,
                Name             = "Euro",
                CurrencyCode     = "EUR",
                DisplayLocale    = "",
                CustomFormatting = "€0.00",
                DisplayOrder     = 1,
                Published        = true,
                CreatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow
            var currency2 = new Currency
                Id               = 1,
                Name             = "US Dollar",
                CurrencyCode     = "USD",
                DisplayLocale    = "en-US",
                CustomFormatting = "",
                DisplayOrder     = 2,
                Published        = true,
                CreatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                UpdatedOnUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow

            _currencyRepo = new Mock <IRepository <Currency> >();
            _currencyRepo.Setup(x => x.Table).Returns(new List <Currency> {
                currency1, currency2

            _storeMappingService = new Mock <IStoreMappingService>();
            _measureService      = new Mock <IMeasureService>();

            _eventPublisher = new Mock <IEventPublisher>();
            _eventPublisher.Setup(x => x.Publish(It.IsAny <object>()));

            var customerService = new Mock <ICustomerService>();
            var loger           = new Mock <ILogger>();
            var webHelper       = new Mock <IWebHelper>();

            _catalogSettings = new CatalogSettings();
            var pluginService = new PluginService(_catalogSettings, customerService.Object, loger.Object, CommonHelper.DefaultFileProvider, webHelper.Object);

            _exchangeRatePluginManager = new ExchangeRatePluginManager(_currencySettings, pluginService);
            _currencyService           = new CurrencyService(_currencySettings,

            _taxSettings = new TaxSettings();

            _localizationService = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();
            _localizationService.Setup(x => x.GetResource("Products.InclTaxSuffix", 1, false, string.Empty, false)).Returns("{0} incl tax");
            _localizationService.Setup(x => x.GetResource("Products.ExclTaxSuffix", 1, false, string.Empty, false)).Returns("{0} excl tax");

            _priceFormatter = new PriceFormatter(_currencySettings, _currencyService, _localizationService.Object,
                                                 _measureService.Object, _workContext.Object, _taxSettings);

            var nopEngine = new Mock <QNetEngine>();

            nopEngine.Setup(x => x.ServiceProvider).Returns(new TestServiceProvider());